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Is Obamacare the Answer?
Is Obamacare the Answer?
Is Obamacare the Answer?
Ebook116 pages1 hour

Is Obamacare the Answer?

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Is Obamacare the Answer lists the promises made by President Obama for his namesake reform of healthcare and then compares those promises to evidence-of-effect––documented with proof not opinion. The book then asks the reader to "score" Obamacare for himself or herself: Is it your answer or not?
Release dateAug 16, 2016
Is Obamacare the Answer?

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    Book preview

    Is Obamacare the Answer? - Dr. Deane Waldman

    Restoring Care to American Healthcare

    Book 4

    Is Obamacare the Answer?


    Dr. Deane Waldman, MD, MBA

    Albuquerque, New Mexico

    Restoring Care to American Healthcare

    Book 4

    Is Obamacare the Answer?

    Copyright © 2016 Dr. Deane Waldman MD, MBA

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval, without written permission from the author.

    ISBN: 978-0-9847686-5-3

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016907483

    Cover Design: Len Williams,

    Graphics: Dr. Deane Waldman,

    Editorial Guidance: Priscilla Mullins Duckworth (

    A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to Wounded Veterans Initiative of Canine Companions for Independence®.

    PO Box 37396

    Albuquerque, New Mexico 87176-7396

    Praise for The Cancer in the American Healthcare System

    Read what reviewers wrote about The Cancer in the American Healthcare System—the book that inspired the e-series, Restoring Care to American Healthcare.

    Once I started reading this book, I could not put it down.… Have our government leaders kept their promise to the American people? Is Obamacare our saving grace or will it be the demise of us and our future generations?… In order to answer these and other questions completely, confidently, and with a derived education, you will have to read this book for yourself.

    If I could give this book 10 stars, I would! This is by far one of the best books that I have ever read! … every member of the US Congress should read this book, understand the problem, repeal Obamacare (ACA), and set into motion the solution found in this book.

    The healthcare industry is acting like a cancer. Revolt!… Author Deane Waldman has impressive credentials … [and shares] in this accessibly written book the flaws and corruption of the American healthcare delivery system. Read the book, get angry, share your feelings, and work for change.

    "The Cancer in the American Healthcare System … is not just some talking head attempting to sound intelligent while discussing healthcare issues. No, this is a highly personal perspective. Even though Waldman has stopped practicing [clinical] medicine, he's never stopped caring about the health of his fellow citizens. This book finds this doctor operating on [patient] Healthcare’s cancer with a surgeon's precision."

    You have got to read this book! … I was surprised at how easy and interesting this book was … Intermingled are many stories of other doctors and the issues they have had with the system. There are many, many references listed in the back of the book to prove Dr. Waldman's writings.

    I was sucked into this book by the end of the introduction—which is incredible for me to say about a social policy book! … rarely have I come across something this accessible and easy to read.

    I had a strong sense of enlightenment after I finished. It's a real eye opener about where your money goes, and what you can do to make sure you get the most of it. Absolutely incredible read from an absolutely intelligent doctor. Awesome!

    This quote … sums up perfectly what Dr. Deane is telling us—‘A cancer of unrestrained greed and uncontrolled power within a government bureaucracy is the root cause for progressive deterioration of the American healthcare system.’

    Let’s get our Congressmen reading this book!


    This series is dedicated to giants, the ones on whose shoulders we stand. Of course, I quote the great seventeenth-century genius, Sir Isaac Newton, who wrote in 1676, If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

    The giants to whom I dedicate this series were giants of courage—the ones with the fortitude to think different, be different, and stand against the accepted wisdom or ethos of their time.

    Giants courageously traversed this land in covered wagons without roads, cell phones, weather reports, or GPS tracking. Other giants were abolitionists and suffragettes who bucked the mores of their times. More recently, there are unnamed giants in Poland, Denmark, and even Germany who risked their lives being different: they took in Jews during the Holocaust. Today, amidst the conflagration of the Middle East, there are both giant Arabs and giant Jews who choose to break bread rather than heads.

    Other giants of courage have recognizable names. Some gave their lives for being different. Anwar Sadat and Martin Luther King, Jr. immediately come to mind along with Galileo Galilei and Socrates with his hemlock cocktail.

    I choose to be different, to swim upstream, and not to be politically correct. (I never saw myself as a giant salmon, but maybe I am.) It is generally accepted—even the Pope says it—that health care is a basic human right. I say,

    Health care as a right … is wrong!

    Health care is an act of personal service provided by one person to another. If one person is entitled to service as a right, then that person can demand what he or she wants, when it is wanted and for free. You don’t pay for your rights to free speech or assembly, do you?

    Health care as a right rejects a provider’s personal freedom. There is a word for that. It is called slavery. Slavery is wrong in any form, anywhere, anytime.

    The United States of America was founded on a concept of personal independence and responsibility. Freedom is our most basic right, and no other right supersedes freedom or can take it away.

    Reread the Bill of Rights. Your right to speak freely protects your ability to speak your mind about a government that might wish to muzzle you. Having religious freedom means the government cannot tell you how or even if you must pray. Your right to be secure in your home says the government cannot simply enter your home and search your property.

    Personal freedom and self-determination was so important to the Founding Fathers that their first act after approving the Constitution was to amend it. Amendments One through Ten, called the Bill of Rights, are really multiple ways of protecting individual independence from government control.

    Want to join the giants? Stand up and proudly announce:

         I am a free person.

         My doctor is a free person.

         One free person has no right to demand the personal service of another free person.

         Therefore, health care cannot be a right.

    Are giants entitled?

    Entitlement means the opposite of Freedom.

    Are you entitled? Does someone else choose for you, making you dependent?

    Are you independent? Do you make your own decisions? Are you free?

    Which are you?

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