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Annexure I Cost of Organic Cultivation of Basmati Rice (1 ha)

I S. No A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Operations Land Preparation by tractor Preparation of nursery Transplanting Application of Organic manures & biofertilisers Irrigation Weeding and other operations Plant protection Harvesting, threshing and bagging Total operational costs B 1 2 i ii 3 i i ii Material Seed Manures & Vermi compost Farmyard Manure Vermicompost Bio fertilizers Azatobactor Plant protection 12 traps 1.2 litres 600 120 20170 LS Rs./ha 100 5000 40160 40200 4000 36200 Pheromone traps Neem oil Total material costs C D Soil testing cost Certification charges Total of A+B+C+D Rounded off to Margin money Bank loan 8 kg 1200 40 kg 5 tonnes 5 tonnes 2000 3750 12500 3 hours 25 ld 25 ld 10 ld LS 20 ld 3 ld 50 ld 2250 2000 2000 800 2000 1600 240 4000 14890 Cost Item of development Quantity Amount (Rs.)

Annexure I Contd.. II Assumptions A. Technical Parameters 1 Variety 2 Spacing 3 Seed rate 4 Plant population 5 Quantity of Compost application 6 Quantity of Vermi Compost application 7 Yield Year I Year II Year III Year IV B. Financial Parameter 1 Cost of seeds 2 Labour Wage 3 Hire charges of tractor for ploughing 4 Cost of compost 5 Cost of Vermi Compost 6 Sale price of Paddy 7 Margin Money 8 Bank loan 9 Interest rate III Economics A. Income Year I Year II Year III Year IV B. Expenditure (cost of cultivation & interest on bank loan @12% Rs./ha Year I Year II Year III Year IV C. Net Income (A-B) Year I Rs./ha 12650 Rs./ha 57200 66000 74800 79200 (Rs./kg) (Rs./labour day) (Rs./ha) (Rs./t) (Rs./t) (Rs./q) % of cost of cultivation % of cost of cultivation % 25 80 625 1,000 2,500 2200 10 90 12 cm kg/ha plants/ha tonnes tonnes q/ha 26 30 34 36 CSR - 30 25 x 30 40 133,000 5 5 Unit Quantity

44550 44550 44550 44550

Year II Year III Year IV

21450 30250 34650

Note : Dairy unit consisting of atleast one milch animal should be an integral part of any organic farm. It is presumed in the model that the farmer is having atleast one milch cattle in his farm. In its absence, banks may extend financial assistance for one or two animal dairy unit depending upon the requirement.

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