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ARGUMENTS FOR Forestry Employment Trees are a sustainable resourcethey can be replaced Trees colourful Trees protect soil

from erosion Woodland walks Mountain bike trails Picnics Attract birds

ARGUMENTS AGAINST Enough forestry already May only have one/two speciesmonotonous Forests enclose the landscape, cant see the loch Lack of open space for some species of birds Risk of forest fires Cutting down trees creates ugly gaps in the forest Heavy timber trucks cause congestion Encourages too many visitors Risk of traffic jams at busy times Water sports are noisy, and the waves can erode loch side, damaging tree roots Enough provision elsewhere along the loch- no need for any more

Water Sports

Employment Meet growing demand from large urban population who want outdoor education Olympics knock on effect means more people want to sail, canoe etc Logical use of a loch side location Accessible for cars, and room for parking Military need to train Landscape is rugged; lots of varietylow lying hills, mountains, cliffs, scree Fairly remote-not too many people disturbed by military activity

Military Base

Military training is noisy and dangerous People cannot get access to land during training Military vehicles clog up roads


Least visual impact Farming is vital part of rural economy- we need to support farming Good potential to attract tourists through farm shop and other non farm activities. Need to maintain food production

Farming does not make money-not good economic use of land Limits access?

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