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Hc vin Cng ngh Bu chnh Vin thng B mn Mng Vin Thng

OMNET++ Tutorial
Nhm NCKH Wireless Sensor Network


Nguyn Th Thu Hng

SVTH: Nguyn Hong Sn

Nguyn nh Quang

Phan L Hi

L Minh Ngc Lu Vn Huy

Omnetpp tutorial

Step 1: Getting started

Txc1 Getting started
File Topo: *.ned
tic v toc: thuc cng mt kiu module gi l Txc1. Txc1 l mt loi module n gin (n l thnh phn mc nguyn t trong NED, v c coding bng C++).
#include <string.h> #include <omnetpp.h>

class Txc1 : public cSimpleModule { protected: // The following redefined virtual function holds the algorithm. virtual void initialize(); virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg); }; // The module class needs to be registered with OMNeT++ Define_Module(Txc1); void Txc1::initialize() { // Initialize is called at the beginning of the simulation. // Khi to: bt u qu trnh tic-toc-tic-toc, // mt trong cc m-un cn gi message u tin. GS l 'tic'. // Ti l tic hay toc? if (strcmp("tic", getName()) == 0) { // To v gi message u tin trn cng "out". // "tictocMsg" l mt chui ty v s l tn ca i tng message. cMessage *msg = new cMessage("tictocMsg"); send(msg, "out"); } } void Txc1::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) { // Quy trnh handleMessage() c gi ra bt c khi no mt message n module. // y, chng ti ch cn gi ra n cc module khc, thng qua cng out. // V c tic v toc u khng gi ra ng thi, // nn message s gi qua gi li gia hai thc th. send(msg, "out"); }

Simple module Txc1 c i din bi class Txc1 trong C++, c phn lp t cSimpleModule, v ng k trong OMNeT++ vi macro Define_Module(). Page 2

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Ta nh ngha li 2 methods t cSimpleModule: initialize() gi ra khi khi to ra bn tin handleMessage() c gi khi bn tin n module. initialize() to mt i tng bn tin (cMessage), v gi n i ra cng out. Cng ny c kt ni vi cng input ca cc module khc, sau 100ms delay do truyn bn tin (tham s ca link trong file NED), nhn m phng s chuyn bn tin ny n cc module khc bng i s ti hm handleMessage (). Cc module khc ch cn gi n tr li (delay 100ms na), ping-pong! Messages (packets, frames, jobs, etc) v cc events (timers, timeouts) tt c c i din bi cc i tng cMessage (hoc cc lp con ca n) trong OMNeT + +.

Sau khi bn gi hoc schedule cc bn tin, chng s c t chc bi nhn m phng trong danh sch "scheduled events" hay "future events" cho n thi im thi hnh bn tin v chng c giao cho cc module thng qua handleMessage (). To file cu hnh omnetpp.ini Run: gp li cha lin kt vi file Sa bng chut phi vo Project > Clean Project Nhm NCKH- B mn mng Hc vin CN Bu Chnh Vin Thng PTIT 2011 Page 3

Omnetpp tutorial
Sources: tictoc1.ned,, omnetpp.ini


Step 2: Refining the graphics, and adding debugging output

Tang cuong mo hinh Tic-Toc 2 node
// "block/routing" icon to the simple module. All submodules of type // Txc2 will use this icon by default simple Txc2 { parameters: @display("i=block/routing"); // chn kiu icon mc nh gates: input in; output out; } // Make the two module look a bit different with colorization effect. // Use cyan for `tic', and yellow for `toc'. // network Tictoc2 { submodules: tic: Txc2 { parameters: @display("i=,cyan"); // khng thay i hnh dng icon (i s u tin // ca i=) m ch dnh mu cho n } toc: Txc2 { parameters: @display("i=,gold"); // here too } connections:

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Ta cng c th thay i file C++ thm cc debug messages vo Txc1 bng cch vit OMNeT++ object EV nh sau:
EV << "Sending initial message\n";

EV << "Received message `" << msg->getName() << "', sending it out again\n";

#include <string.h> #include <omnetpp.h> class Txc2 : public cSimpleModule { protected: virtual void initialize(); virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg); }; Define_Module(Txc2); void Txc2::initialize() { if (strcmp("tic", getName()) == 0) { // ev object hot ng nh hm 'cout' trong C++. EV << "Sending initial message\n"; cMessage *msg = new cMessage("tictocMsg"); send(msg, "out"); } } void Txc2::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {

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// msg->getName() l tn ca msg object, trng hp ny l "tictocMsg". EV << "Received message '" << msg->getName() << "', sending it out again\n"; send(msg, "out"); }

Sources: tictoc2.ned,, omnetpp.ini


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Step 3: Adding state variables
chuc nang huy ban tin
Mc ch: thm 1 b m (nh mt class member) vo module, xa bn tin sau 10 ln trao i. Ta thm bin 10 vo hm initialize() v gim dn trong hm handleMessage() khi cc bn tin ti module. Sau khi gim ti 0, simulation s kt thc events v hy n. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <omnetpp.h> class Txc3 : public cSimpleModule { private: int counter; // Note the counter here protected: virtual void initialize(); virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg); }; Define_Module(Txc3); void Txc3::initialize() { counter = 10; WATCH(counter); // WATCH()cho php quan st gi tr ca counter trong Tkenv. //(Double-click on tic's icon > Contents). if (strcmp("tic", getName()) == 0) { EV << "Sending initial message\n"; cMessage *msg = new cMessage("tictocMsg"); send(msg, "out"); } } void Txc3::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) { // Increment counter and check value. counter--; if (counter==0) { // If counter is zero, delete message. If you run the model, you'll // find that the simulation will stop at this point with the message // "no more events". EV << getName() << "'s counter reached zero, deleting message\n"; delete msg; } else { EV << getName() << "'s counter is " << counter << ", sending back message\n"; send(msg, "out");

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} }

Sources: tictoc3.ned,, omnetpp.ini


Step 4: Adding parameters

dem bien ra ngoai de config dc o omnetpp.ini, ko can strcmp
Mc ch: thm tham s vo trnh m phng: + Chuyn "magic number" 10 vo tham s no + Thm 1 tham s kiu boolean quyt nh xem khi no cc module nn gi message u tin trong m khi to ca n (d y l module tic hay toc). Tham bin ca module phi c khai bo trong file NED. Kiu dl c th l numeric, string, bool, hay xml. simple Txc4 { parameters: bool sendMsgOnInit = default(false); // whether the module should send out a // message on initialization int limit = default(2); // another parameter with a default value @display("i=block/routing"); gates: Ta thay i code C++ trong Txc1.ned n c tham s trong initialize() v gn n vo counter. counter = par("limit"); Ta dng tham s cn li quyt nh xem khi no cc module no c php gi message u tin:

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if (par("sendMsgOnInit").boolValue() == true)

M t ca Txc4 trong nh sau Define_Module(Txc4); void Txc4::initialize() { // counter c gn tham s module "limit", // c khai bo trong file NED (tictoc4.ned). counter = par("limit"); // chng ta khng cn da vo tn ca module quyt nh // khi no cho php n gi bn u tin ra na if (par("sendMsgOnInit").boolValue() == true) { EV << "Sending initial message\n"; cMessage *msg = new cMessage("tictocMsg"); send(msg, "out"); } } By gi ta c 2 cch s dng cc tham s, l gn chng vo trong file NED hoc t omnetpp.ini. u tin cch gn trc tip vo file NED. C th t gi tr mc nh cho cc tham s bng cch dng c php default(...)trong file NED. V y l cch gn cc tham s trong file NED: network Tictoc4 { submodules: tic: Txc4 { parameters: sendMsgOnInit = true; @display("i=,cyan"); } toc: Txc4 { parameters: sendMsgOnInit = false; @display("i=,gold"); } connections: v trong omnetpp.ini:

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Tictoc4.toc.limit = 5 S dng wildcards thay th: Tictoc4.t*c.limit=5 or Tictoc4.*.limit=5 or even **.limit=5 Trong Tkenv, c th kim tra cc thng s module hoc trong object tree pha bn tay tri ca ca s chnh, hoc trong trang Parameters ca module inspector (m bng cch nhn i vo biu tng module). Sources: tictoc4.ned,, omnetpp.ini


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Step 5: Using inheritance
khai bao tic va toc theo 2 kieu mo rong cua simple module txc5
Nu ta quan st k cc file NED ta s nhn ra rng tic v toc v ch khc gi tr tham s v tn hin th ca chng . Chng ta c th to ra mt loi module n gin bng cch tha k t mt module khc v ch r hoc thay th cc thng s ca n. y l module c bn: simple Txc5 { parameters: bool sendMsgOnInit = default(false); int limit = default(2); @display("i=block/routing"); gates: input in; output out; } V y l module tic c dn xut t Txc5. Chng ta ch n gin l xc nh gi tr tham s v thm mt s thuc tnh hin th. simple Tic5 extends Txc5 { parameters: @display("i=,cyan"); sendMsgOnInit = true; // Tic modules should send a message on init } Module toc tng t nhng vi vi tham s khc. simple Toc5 extends Txc5 { parameters: @display("i=,gold"); sendMsgOnInit = false; // Toc modules should NOT send a message on init } Note: Code C++ trong file Txc5 gi nguyn nh trong base simple module (Txc4). Khi to ra simple modules mi, ta phi s dng chng nh kiu submodule trong network: network Tictoc5 { submodules: tic: Tic5; // Tham s limit vn cha c lin kt y. // Ta s gn gi tr cho n trong file ini toc: Toc5; connections: Nh bn thy, phn nh ngha mng by gi ngn v n gin hn nhiu. Cch tha k cho php bn s dng mt kiu no ph bin trong network v trnh s nh ngha cng nh thit lp thng s d tha

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Step 6: Modeling processing delay khi nhan ban tin thi giu lai tuong duong voi viec gui ban tin cho chinh minh
Trong cc m hnh trc, tic v toc ngay lp tc gi tr li bn tin nhn c. y chng ta s thm vo thi gian tr: tic v toc s gi bn tin trong 1s trc khi gi n tr li. Trong OMNeT + + thi gian tr nh vy t c bng cch cho cc module gi bn tin n chnh n. Nhng bn tin ny c gi l self-messages (theo cch chng c s dng, cn khng chng vn l l i tng bn tin thng thng). Ta thm hai bin cMessage *, event v tictocMsg vo class, phn bit bn tin chng ta s dng lm tr thi gian v bn tin b tr do c x l trong m phng. class Txc6 : public cSimpleModule { private: cMessage *event; // pointer to the event object which we'll use for timing cMessage *tictocMsg; // variable to remember the message until we send it back public: Ta "gi" self-messages vi hm scheduleAt(),c quy nh c th khi n gi tr li module. scheduleAt(simTime()+1.0, event); Trong handleMessage() now we have to differentiate whether a new message has arrived via the input gate or the self-message came back (timer expired). Here we are using gi chng ta phi phn bit xem mt tin nhn mi n thng qua input gate hay l self-message tr li (gi ht hn). Ta ang s dng if (msg==event) Nhng chng ta cng c th vit nh sau vn c if (msg->isSelfMessage()) Ta b li li counter, gi cho kch thc ca m ngun nh. Kt qu cc m phng:

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Sources: tictoc6.ned,, omnetpp.ini


Step 7: Random numbers and parameters delay la bien cua ham xac suat, hien tuong mat goi
Trong bc ny, ta s dng n cc s ngu nhin. Ta thay i delay t 1 giy thnh mt gi tr ngu nhin no m c th c thit lp t file NED hoc t omnetpp.ini. Thng s module c th tr v cc bin ngu nhin, tuy nhin, s dng tnh nng ny chng ta phi c cc tham s trong handleMessage()mi khi chng ta s dng n. // Tham s module "delayTime" c th c thit lp gi tr nh // "exponential(5)" (tictoc7.ned, omnetpp.ini), v do y // chng ta s nhn c gi tr delay khc nhau mi ln. simtime_t delay = par("delayTime"); EV << "Message arrived, starting to wait " << delay << " secs...\n"; tictocMsg = msg; scheduleAt(simTime()+delay, event); Ngoi ra, ta s "lose" (delete) cc gi tin vi mt xc sut (hardcoded) nh. if (uniform(0,1) < 0.1) { EV << "\"Losing\" message\n";

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delete msg; } Ta gn tham bin trong omnetpp.ini: Tictoc7.tic.delayTime = exponential(3s) Tictoc7.toc.delayTime = truncnormal(3s,1s) Bn c th th m khng cn quan tm l chy li m phng bao nhiu ln (hoc khi ng li, Simulate|Rebuild network menu item), bn s c c kt qu chnh xc tng t. iu ny l do OMNeT++ s dng mt thut ton tt nh (theo mc nh l Mersenne Twister RNG) to ra cc s ngu nhin, v khi to n vi cng khi u. iu ny quan trng cho vic m phng lp li. Bn c th th nghim vi cc iu kin u khc nhau nu bn thm nhng dng sau vo omnetpp.ini: [General] seed-0-mt=532569 # or any other 32-bit value T c php, ta c th on rng OMNeT++ h tr nhiu hn mt RNG. iu l chnh xc, tuy nhin, tt c cc m hnh trong hng dn s dng RNG 0. Exercise: Try other distributions as well. Sources: tictoc8.ned,, omnetpp.ini

Step 8: Timeout, cancelling timers stop-and-wait. Doi Timeout het han, sau do truyen lai va restarting timer
c c mt bc gn hn vi cc mu giao thc mng, ta hy chuyn i m hnh ca mnh vo m phng stop-and-wait. By gi ta s c cc class ring cho tic v toc. Kch bn v c bn l ging nh nhng phn trc: tic v toc s truyn bn tin qua li vi nhau. Tuy nhin, toc s " lose" bn tin vi mt xc sut khc khng, v trong trng hp ny tic s phi gi li n. Di y l code ca toc: void Toc8::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) { if (uniform(0,1) < 0.1) { EV << "\"Losing\" message.\n"; bubble("message lost"); // making animation more informative... delete msg; } else Nh c hm bubble() gi trong m, toc s hin th thng bo bt c khi no n mt bn tin.

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V vy, tic s khi ng b nh thi bt c khi no n gi ra bn tin. Khi b nh thi ht hn, ta s cho rng bn tin b mt v s gi li bn tin khc. Nu nhn c reply ca toc, b nh thi s c hy b. Cc b nh thi s l mt self-message. scheduleAt(simTime()+timeout, timeoutEvent); Vic hy b b nh thi c thc hin bng cch gi hm cancelEvent(). Lu rng iu ny khng ngn cn chng ta ti s dng bn tin c cng thi gian timeout lp i lp li. cancelEvent(timeoutEvent); You can read Tic's full source in Sources: tictoc8.ned,, omnetpp.ini


Step 9: Retransmitting the same message cac ban tin co ten khac nhau, khi mat goi se truyen lai ban sao cua ban tin
Trong bc ny, ta thay i cc m hnh trc. Hin ta ch to ra gi tin khc khi cn phi truyn li. iu ny l chp nhn c v cc gi tin khng cha nhiu thng tin, nhng trong thc t, thng l thit thc hn khi gi mt bn sao ca gi ban u c th truyn li m khng cn phi to li n mt ln na. Nhng g chng ta lm y l gi li gi d liu gc v ch gi i bn sao ca n. Chng ta xa gi tin gc khi nhn c bn tin acknowledgement t toc. d dng hn khi kim tra trc quan m hnh, ta s a sequence number vo tn bn tin. trnh handleMessage() pht trin qu ln, chng ta s a code tng ng vo hai chc nng mi, generateNewMessage() v sendCopyOf() v gi chng t handleMessage(). The functions:

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cMessage *Tic9::generateNewMessage() { // Generate a message with a different name every time. char msgname[20]; sprintf(msgname, "tic-%d", ++seq); cMessage *msg = new cMessage(msgname); return msg; } void Tic9::sendCopyOf(cMessage *msg) { // Duplicate message and send the copy. cMessage *copy = (cMessage *) msg->dup(); send(copy, "out"); } Sources: tictoc9.ned,, omnetpp.ini

================================================================================= y ch l ti liu nhm NCKH t son tho trong qu trnh lm vic. Mong cc bn i sau s c nhiu ng gp ti liu hon thin hn. Cm n cc bn quan tm!

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