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Learn French

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Alphabet & Pronunciation 3





French-English Dictionary


English French Dictionary


French e-book
Published and distributed by Discs Direct. You can print the book for academic reasons. All rights reserved. Copyright 2004 Discs Direct.

Alphabet and Pronunciation


a ah b beh c seh d deh e uh f eff g zheh h ahsh i ee

j zhee k kah l ell m em n en o oh p peh q koo r air

s ess t teh u ooh v veh w doo-blah-veh x eeks y ee-grek z zed

French uses the 26 letters of the alphabet plus a few accents on vowels (, , etc...) or cedilla (). The letters within the French Alphabet are the same as they are in the English one. The difference lies in the pronunciation.

There are common accents for vowels. Examples of Accents (using e): The acute accent The grave accent The circumflex accent The diaeresis accent

The cedilla

Prononciation franaise - la lettre A

The letter A in French is fairly straightforward. It is usually pronounced more or less like the A in father, but with the lips wider than in English. Listen. A with the accent grave is pronounced the same way. The A is sometimes pronounced further back in the mouth and with the lips more rounded than the A above. Listen. This sound is becoming obsolete, but technically should be pronounced when the letter A is followed by a z sound - base, gaz is followed by a silent s - bas, cas (exception: bras) has an accent circonflexe - ptes, ne Practice words: quatre four ami friend ptes pasta bas stockings A in letter combinations: AI/AIS AN AU EAU

Prononciation franaise - EAU The letters EAU are pronounced like the 'closed' French O. Practice words: eau water beau beautiful agneau lamb cadeau gift

Final consonant
Most of the time, do not pronounce final d, s, t or x in French words. As an example, red letters are not pronounced in the following words:

un rebond (a bounce) franais (French) un saut (a jump) heureux (happy)

Way to pronounce:
on - sound The following letters make the "on" sound:

une maison a house un garon a boy comprendre to understand un combat a fight note that "on" before "p" or "b" is written "om". Exception: un bonbon (a candy/sweet).

ou - sound The letters"ou" sound like English "oo". la tour Eiffel - the Eiffel tower mourir - to die un mouvement - a movement vous - you oi - sound The letters"oi" sound like English ua sound in "aquarium"

une fois once un toit a roof un poisson a fish croire to believe oin - sound You will hear "oin" in the following words: moins - minus un point - point loin - far away un soin - care

ai / ais - sound You will hear "ai" in the following examples. une maison - house un balai - broom une caisse - cash register une naissance - birth

The letters in French can be pronounced in one of three ways. 1. ai is usually pronounced like (like the E in "bed"), including when it is followed by S. 2. When a verb ends in ai, it is pronounced like (more or less like the A in "gave"). It is important to distinguish between these two sounds, because they can change the meaning. Je parlai (pass simple) is not pronounced like je parlais (imparfait). 3. When ai is followed by a double L, the ai is pronounced like the normal French A (like the A in "father") Examples: frais (fresh, cool) lait (milk) je parlerai (I will talk) je parlerais (I would talk) je t'aime (I love you) tailleur (tailor)

en / an - sound

"en" and "an" are pronounced the same way.

encore - again comprendre - to understand les parents - parents un enfant - child un croissant - croissant le gagnant - winner un tambour - drum un camembert - camembert (type of French cheese) note that before p or b "em" and "am" make the same sound en

eu - sound

l'heure - time la peur - fear une fleur - flower un auto-stoppeur - hitchhiker

in / ain / ein sound "in", "ain" and "ein" are pronounced the same way.

un magasin - shop malin - clever un timbre - stamp note that before "p" or "b" "im" makes the same sound -in

un pain - bread un copain - friend un train - train demain - tomorrow

la peinture - paint la ceinture - belt un frein - brake plein - full sound You will hear "" in the following examples. Note that "-er" at the end of a word is pronounced the same way as "". Many French verbs in the infinitive end with -er.

l'ducation - education rvler - to reveal aimer to love

Lettres muettes - Silent Letters in French

One of the difficulties with French pronunciation is that it is not a phonetic language. A phonetic language (e.g., Spanish, Arabic) is one in which each letter has a single corresponding sound; in other words, spelling matches pronunciation. Other languages, like French and English, are not phonetic: they have letters that can be pronounced in different ways or sometimes not at all. There are three categories of silent letters in French. E muet / Elision H muet and aspir Final consonants E muet (elision) H (muet + aspir)

The basic rule of French pronunciation is that the final consonant is not pronounced, but there are many exceptions

The letters B, C, F, K, L, Q, and R are usually pronounced at the end of a word. Tip: Since B, K, and Q are rare as final consonants, some people find it helpful to use the word CaReFuL to remember the most common of the usually pronounced final consonants.

B le Maghreb, un snob, un club le plomb C un truc, un flic, avec un estomac, un tabac, le porc nasal vowel + c: un banc, blanc F actif, un chef, un oeuf un nerf, un clef, oeufs K un anorak, un mark, le bifteck L il, avril, un htel, un bol gentil, outil vowel + -il: l'appareil, un oeil Q le coq, cinq

R un four, hiver, abrutir { boulanger, boucher -er -er infinitives: abonner, causer -ier suffix: premier, cahier The other French consonants are usually silent at the end of a word, with some exceptions. many exceptions are proper names or words borrowed from other languages. Usually silent Some exceptions D froid, chaud, d'accord sud Proper names: David, Alfred G le sang, long le grog M, N The letters M and N are usually silent, but remember that they cause the vowel preceding them to be nasal. un, balcon, parfum Latin words: amen, forum P un drap, beaucoup, un champ un slip, un cap Note The words plus and tout have their own pronunciation rules. Plus Tout / Tous

S exprs, trois, vous, bas un fils, un autobus, le tennis

T et, abricot, salut, vingt brut, ouest, huit -ct ending: direct, strict -pt ending: concept, sept X deux, un prix, un poux six, index, Aix Z chez, le riz le gaz

Part of the reason that French pronunciation and aural comprehension are so difficult is due to liaisons. A liaison is the phenomenon whereby a normally silent consonant at the end of a word is pronounced at the beginning of the word that follows it. Compare... vous [vu] vous avez [vu za vay] ont [o(n)] ont-ils [o(n) teel] un [uh(n)] un homme [uh(n) nuhm] les [lay] les amis [lay za mee]

In addition, consonants in liaisons sometimes change pronunciation. For example, an S is pronounced like a Z when it is in a liaison (see chart). The basic requirement of a liaison is a word that ends in a normally silent consonant and that precedes a word that begins with a vowel or mute H. This does not mean, however, that all possible liaisons are necessarily pronounced. In fact, the pronunciation (or not) of liaisons is subject to very specific rules, and liaisons are thus divided into three categories: 1. Required liaisons (Liaisons obligatoires) 2. Forbidden liaisons (Liaisons interdites) 3. Optional liaisons (Liaisons facultatives)

Liaisons obligatoires - Required Liaisons

Required liaisons are (as the name suggests) required - they must be pronounced. The guidelines below will give you an idea about the kinds of grammatical situations where liaisons are required, but there are some exceptions. I. Nominal group Article, number, or adjective + noun or adjective un homme [uh(n) nuhm]* les amis [lay za mee] deux enfants [deu za(n) fa(n)] mes lves [may zay lev] petit ami [peu tee ta mee] les anciens lves [lay za(n) sye(n) zay lev] II. Verbal group

Pronoun + pronoun, pronoun + verb Vous avez [vu za vay] Nous en avons [nu za(n) na vo(n)] Ont-ils [o(n) teel] III. Single syllable adverbs, conjunctions, and prepositions** tout entier [tu ta(n) tyay] chez elle [shay zel] trs utile [tre zu teel] bien trange [bye(n) ay tra(n)zh] quand on dcidera [ka(n) to(n)] IV. Quand + est-ce que *** Quand est-ce que [ka(n) te skeu] V. Many fixed expressions - here are just a few examples c'est--dire [say ta deer] avant hier [a va(n) tyer] plus ou moins [plu zu mwa(n)] comment allez-vous ? [ko ma(n) ta lay vu]

Liaisons interdites - Forbidden Liaisons

Forbidden liaisons are those which cannot be pronounced. Forbidden liaisons sometimes occur when their pronunciation would otherwise cause confusion due to a similarity with another expression. I. After a singular noun l'tudiant est prt [lay tu dya(n) ay]* un garon intelligent [gar so(n) e(n) te lee zha(n)] II. After et (and) en haut et en bas [e(n) o ay a(n) ba] un garon et une fille [u(n) gar so(n) ay un feey] III. In front of an h aspir les hros [lay ay ro] en haut [a(n) o] IV. In front of onze and oui les onze lves [lay o(n) zay lev]** un oui et un non [u(n) wee ay u(n) no(n)] V. After interrogative adverbs*** and toujours Combien en avez-vous ? [ko(n) bye(n) a(n) na vay vu] Comment est-il ? [ko(n) ma(n) ay teel] Quand as-tu mang ? [ka(n) a tu ma(n) zhay] toujours ici [tu zhu ree see] VI. After inversion Sont-ils arrivs ? [so(n) tee a ree vay] Vont-elles assister ? [vo(n) teh la see stay] A-t-on tudi ? [a to(n) ay tu dyay]


Parlez-vous anglais ? [par lay vu a(n) gleh]

First phrases
Hello! - Bonjour! Goodbye! - Au revoir! Please - S'il vous plat Thank you - Merci Yes - Oui No - Non I'm sorry! - Je m'excuse ! I'm sorry! (about something) - Je suis dsol(e)!

In French nouns have a gender (male or female). In English gender isn't important.

How you write and speak French about yourself is also effected by whether you are male or female. See the above example. If you are male then you would write Je suis dsol! and if you are female then Je suis dsole! (Notice the additional e)

OTHER COMMON PHRASES! Good evening! Bonsoir! Today aujourd'hui Tomorrow demain Yesterday hier I would like .. Je voudrais.. It is how much? C'est combien? How are you doing? Comment allez-vous? Excuse me! Excusez-moi! Pardon ! Excuse ! Excuse-moi ! forgive me! Excusez-moi... Auriez-vous l'heure s'il vous plait ? Excuse me, can you tell me the time, please? Je suis vraiment dsol(e)... veuillez m'excuser. I am really sorry... please forgive me.

Numbers - NOMBRES


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

zro un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf dix onze douze treize quatorze quinze seize dix-sept dix-huit dix-neuf vingt

Some notes to help you remember these numbers Numbers 11 to 16 all end with 'ze'. Numbers 17, 18 and 19 are directly translated to be 'ten-seven','ten-eight' and 'ten-nine'. Remember to use a hyphen!

21 22 30 40 50 60 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88

vingt et un vingt-deux trente quarante cinquante soixante soixante-dix soixante-onze soixante-douze soxiante-trieze soixante-quatorze soixante-quinze soixante-seize soixante-dix-sept soixante-dix-huit soixante-dix-neuf quatre-vingt quatre-vingt-un quatre-vingt-deux quatre-vingt-trois quatre-vingt-quatre quatre-vingt-cinq quatre-vingt-six quatre-vingt-sept quatre-vingt-huit


89 quatre-vingt-neuf 90 quatre-vingt-dix 91 quatre-vingt-onze 92 quatre-vingt-douze 93 quatre-vingt-treize 94 quatre-vingt-quatorze 95 quatre-vingt-quinze 96 quatre-vingt-seize 97 quatre-vingt-dix-sept 98 quatre-vingt-dix-huit 99 quatre-vingt-dix-neuf 100 cent 80 is refered to as four twenties. 80 - 99 are all refered to as 80 + another number ie. 83 = quatre-vingt-trois and 93 = 80 + 13 = quatre-vingt-treize. Notice that 81 is not written like 41,51 etc.. 100 is written cent. It takes an s when it is not in the middle of a number.

100 cent 200 deux cents 300 trois cents 400 quatre cents 500 cinq cents 600 six cents 700 sept cents 800 huit cents 900 neuf cents

103 cent trois 240 deux cent quarante 561 cinq cent soixante-et-un 796 sept cent quatre-vingt-seize

First of all, you may have noticed that numbers higher than 999 are written with dots (or spaces) and not with commas. In French 1,123,241 is written 1.123.241 or 1 123 241 . 1.000 is written mille. It is invariable. So, no "s" for mille. Numbers Spelling 1.000 mille 2.000 deux mille 3.000 trois mille 4.000 quatre mille 5.000 cinq mille 6.000 six mille


7.000 sept mille 8.000 huit mille 9.000 neuf mille Some examples: Numbers Spelling 2.200 deux mille deux cents 3.450 trois mille quatre cent cinquante 7.272 sept mille deux cent soixante-douze 1.000.000 is written million . Million takes an s in the plural. Numbers Spelling 1.000.000 un million 2.000.000 deux millions 1billion is 1 milliard . Add an "s" for plural. un milliard

French in English
Over the years, the English language has borrowed a great number of words and expressions from French. The following is a list of French terms which are commonly used in English.

adieu - farewell agent provocateur - a person who provokes people into committing unlawful acts) aide-de-camp - camp assistant (a personal assistant to a higher-ranking officer) aide-mmoire - memory aid la carte - on the menu la mode - in fashion, style amour-propre - self love apritif - cocktail aprs-ski - after skiing propos (de) - on the subject of art dco decorative art (short for art dcoratif) attach (lit. attached) - a person assigned to a diplomatic post au fait - conversant, informed au gratin - topped with grated cheese au jus - in the juice (served with the meat's natural juices). au naturel - unseasoned, natural au pair - lit. at par (a person who works for a family in exchange for room and board) avant-garde - lit. before guard (innovative, especially in the arts) bte noire - black sheep, bad apple billet-doux - sweet note (love letter)


blond - blonde - fair-haired bon apptit (lit. good appetite) - enjoy your meal bon vivant - a person who lives well, who knows how to enjoy life. bon voyage - have a good trip brunette - a woman with dark hair carte blanche - lit. blank card (free hand, ability to do whatever you want/need) c'est la vie - that's life chaise longue - long chair chic - stylish coup de grce - mercy blow (deathblow, final blow, decisive stroke) coup d'tat - coup, overthrow of the government crme caramel - caramel cream crme de la crme - cream of the crop (the best of the best) crme frache - fresh cream critique - critical, judgment cuisine - kitchen, food style (e.g. French cuisine, Italian cuisine, etc.) cul-de-sac - dead-end street debutante - beginner dcolletage - low neckline dgustation - tasting (e.g. wine or cheese tasting) dj vu - already seen (feeling like you have already seen or done something in the past) demimonde - lit. half world (a marginal or disrespectful group) demitasse lit. half cup (a small cup of espresso or other strong coffee). dmod - out of fashion, outmoded de rigueur - lit. of rigueur (socially or culturally obligatory) dernier cri last cry The newest fashion or trend de trop of too much Excessive, superfluous double entendre double hearing A word play or pun. du jour of the day "Soup du jour"-soup of the day or mot du jour word of the day eau de toilette lit.toilet water - very weak perfume. en banc on the bench Legal: indicates that the entire membership of a court is in session. en bloc in a block In a group, all together encore again - an additional performance, usually requested with audience applause. enfant terrible lit. terrible child - a troublesome or embarrassing person within a group en garde on guard Warning that one should be on his/her guard, ready for an attack en masse in mass In a group, all together en route on route On the way en suite in sequence Part of a set, together esprit de corps group spirit Similar to team spirit or morale fait accompli done deed faux - false, fake faux pas false step, trip Something that should not be done, a foolish mistake. femme fatale deadly woman An alluring, mysterious woman who seduces men fianc, fiance - engaged person film noir - black movie Black is used here in the sense of morbid as in black humor. finale - finale of a play fin de sicle end of the century, also end of the 19th century. fleur-de-lis pl fleur-de-lys - flower of lily A type of iris or an emblem in the shape of an iris folie deux - craziness for two (mental disorder which occurs simultaneously in two people) force majeure greater force (superior/greater force, or an unexpected event) gamine lit playful, little girl (an impish or playful girl/woman). gauche lit. left, awkward, tactless, lacking social skills genre type Used mostly in art and film - "I really like this genre..." haute couture lit. high sewing High-class, fancy (and expensive) clothing styles haute cuisine lit. high cooking High-class, fancy (and expensive) cooking or food hors de combat out of combat Out of action


hors d'oeuvre lit outside of main course, an appetizer ide fixe set idea Fixation, obsession je ne sais quoi I don't know what joie de vivre joy of living The quality in people who live life to the fullest laissez-faire let it be A policy of non-interference matre d'htel - master of hotel mal de mer - seasickness matine lit. morning - the day's first showing of a movie or play. mot juste lit. right word Exactly the right word or expression. nom de plume pen name No longer used in French. ne born Used in genealogy to refer to a woman's maiden name nouveau riche new rich Disparaging term for someone who has recently come into money. papier mch mashed paper Used for art par excellence by excellence Quintessential, preeminent, the best of the best peau de soie skin of silk Soft, silky fabric with a dull finish petite small, short petit-four lit. little oven Small dessert, especially cake pied--terre foot on ground A temporary or secondary place of residence. protg protected Someone whose training is sponsored by an influential person. raison d'tre reason for being Purpose, justification for existing rendez-vous go to date repartee quick, accurate response risqu lit. risked Suggestive, overly provocative roman-fleuve lit. novel river A long, multi-volume novel, saga RSVP - respond please This abbreviation stands for Rpondez, s'il vous plat sang-froid - cold blood The ability to maintain one's composure. sans without e.g. font style "sans serif without ornaments savoir-faire knowing how to do Synonymous with tact or social grace. soi-disant self saying What one claims about oneself; so-called, alleged soign taken care of, sophisticated, elegant, fashionablle, well-groomed, polished, refined soire - evening In English, refers to an elegant party. soupon suspicion Used figuratively like hint: There's just a soupon of garlic in the soup. souvenir memory, keepsake A memento tableau vivant living picture A scene made up of silent, motionless actors table d'hte host table 1. A table for all guests to sit together tte--tte head to head A private talk or visit with another person toilette toilet ,toiletries; e.g. in the expression "to do one's toilette" tour de force turn of strength Something which takes great strength or skill to accomplish. trompe l'oeil trick the eye A painting style which uses perspective to trick the eye vis--vis (de) face to face "compared to" or "in relation with" vol-au-vent flight of the wind a light pastry shell filled with meat or fish with sauce. French has also given English lots of words in the domains of ballet and cooking e.g.: Ballet terms: barre (bar), chan (chained), chass (chased), dvelopp (developed), effac (shaded), pas de deux (two step), pirouette (turn), pli (bent), relev (lifted).... Cooking terms: blanch (from blanchir => to bleach), saut (fried over high heat), fondue (melted), pure (crushed), flambe (burned)....

Days of the Week / Les jours de la semaine


Monday - lundi lahn-dee Tuesday - mardi mahr-dee Wednesday - mercredi mare-kruh-dee Thursday - jeudi zhuh-dee Friday - vendredi vahn-druh-dee Saturday - samedi sahm-dee Sunday - dimanche dee-mahnsh day - le jour luh zhoor week - la semaine lah suh-men today - aujourd'hui oh-zhoor-dwee yesterday - hier ee-air tomorrow - demain duh-mahn Note: In French names of the days do not begin with capital letter (unlike English). Gender: All the days are masculine. Articles are not used before days, except to express something that happens habitually on a certain day, such as "on Monday." (you would use le before the day, as in "le lundi")

LES MOIS DE L'ANNE - The months of the year

January February March April May June July August September October November December

janvier fvrier mars avril mai juin juillet aot septembre octobre novembre dcembre

Please note: Like days of the week, month names are also NOT written with Capitals.

LES SAISONS DE L'ANNE - The seasons of the year

spring printemps summer t autumn automne




Colours - Les couleurs

Red - rouge roozh Orange - orange oh-rahnzh Yellow - jaune zhohn Green - vert/e vehr/t Blue - bleu/e bluh Purple - pourpre poo-pruh Violet - violet/te vee-oh-leh/lett White - blanc/he blawn/sh Brown - brun/e brahn/brewn Brown - marron mah-rohn Black - noir/e nwahr Pink - rose roze Gold - dor/e doh-ray Silver - argent/e ahr-zhawn-tay Gray - gris/e gree/z

Note: In French, nouns and adjectives have a gender. Ex: vert/e = vert is the masculine form of green, verte is the feminine form. Almost all adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun they modify (except marron and orange, as well as colors that are modified with the words clair-light and fonc-dark) and most are placed after the noun. Un carr brun would be a brown square and une bote noire would be a black box.

Shapes - les formes

square - le carr kah-ray circle - le cercle sair-kluh triangle - le triangle tree-awn-gluh rectangle - le rectangle ruhk-tawn-gluh oval - l'ovale loh-vahl cube - le cube kewb sphere - la sphre sfair cylinder - le cylindre see-lahn-druh cone - le cne kohn octagon - l'octogone ok-toh-gohn box - une bote bwaht


Directions - Les directions

North le nord luh nor South le sud luh sewd East l'est lest West l'ouest lwest

Time - Le temps
What time is it? Quelle heure est-il? kell urr ay-teel It is... Il est... eel ay one o'clock une heure oon urr two o'clock deux heures duh zurr noon midi mee-dee midnight minuit meen-wee a quarter after three trois heures et quart twa zurr ay car one o'clock sharp une heure prcise oon urr pray-sees four o'clock sharp quatre heures prcises ka-truh urr pray-sees twelve thirty midi (minuit) et demi meee-dee (meen-wee) ay duh-mee six thirty six heures et demie see zurr ay duh-mee a quarter to seven sept heures moins le quart set urr mwahn luh car five twenty cinq heures vingt sank urr vahn ten fifty onze heures moins dix ohnz urr mwan dees in the morning/AM du matin doo mah-tahn in the afternoon/PM de l'aprs-midi duh lah-pray mih-dee in the evening/PM du soir doo swahr

Weather - Le temps
What's the weather like? Quel temps fait-il? kell tawn fay-teel It's nice. Il fait bon. eel fay bohn bad Il fait mauvais moh-vay cool Il fait frais fray cold Il fait froid fwah warm, hot Il fait chaud shoh cloudy Il fait nuageux noo-ah-zhuh beautiful Il fait beau boh mild Il fait doux dooh stormy Il fait orageux oh-rah-zhuh sunny Il fait (du) soleil eel fay (dew) so-lay windy Il fait du vent vawn foggy Il fait du brouillard broo-ee-yar snowing Il neige eel nezh


raining Il pleut pluh freezing Il gle zhell Note: The du in "il fait (du) soleil" is optional. In Canada, du is often not said, but in France it is common.

Family - La famille
Family - la famille fah-mee Relatives - des parents pahr-awn Grand-parents - les grands-parents grawn-pahr-awn Parents - les parents pahr-awn Mom - la mre, maman mehr, ma-ma Stepmother/Mother-in-Law - la belle-mre bell-mehr Dad - le pre, papa pehr, pa-pa Stepfather/Father-in-Law - le beau-pre boh-pehr Daughter - la fille fee Son - le fils feess Sister - la sur sir Half/Step Sister - la demi-sur duh-mee-sir Sister-in-Law - la belle-sur bell-sir Stepdaughter/Daughter-in-Law - la belle-fille bell-fee Brother - le frre frehr Half/Step Brother - le demi-frre duh-mee-frehr Brother-in-Law - le beau-frre boh-frair Stepson/Son-in-Law - le beau-fils boh-feess Twins (m) - les jumeaux zhoo-moh Twins (f) - les jumelles zhoo-mell Uncle - l'oncle ohnk-luh Aunt - la tante tawnt Grandmother - la grand-mre grawn-mehr Grandfather - le grand-pre grawn-pehr Cousin(f) - la cousine koo-zeen Cousin(m) - le cousin koo-zahn Wife - la femme fawn Husband - le mari mah-ree Woman - la femme fawn Man - l'homme ohm Girl - la fille fee Boy - le garon gar-sohn Niece - la nice nee-ess Nephew - le neveu nuh-vuh Grandchildren - les petits-enfants puh-tee-zawn-fawn Granddaughter - la petite-fille puh-teet fee


Grandson - le petit-fils puh-tee feez Distant Relatives - des parents loigns pahr-awn zay-lwawn-yay Single - clibataire say-lee-bah-tair Married - mari(e) mah-ree-ay Separated - spar(e) say-pah-ray Divorced - divorc(e) dee-vor-say Widower / Widow - veuf / veuve vuhf / vuhv

People and Places

connatre-to know people (koh-net-truh) savoir-to know facts (sahv-wahr) connais koh-neh connaissons koh-nezz-ohn sais say savons sah-vohn connais koh-neh connaissez koh-nezz-ay sais say savez sav-ay connat koh-neh connaissent koh-nezz sait say savent sahv Note: Connatre is used when you know people or places, savoir is used when you know facts. When savoir is followed by an infinitive it means to know how. Je connais ton frre. I know your brother. Je sais que ton frre s'appelle Jean. I know that your brother is named John. Connaissez-vous Grenoble? Do you know (Are you familiar with) Grenoble? Oui, nous connaissons Grenoble. Yes, we know (are familiar with) Grenoble. Tu sais o Grenoble se trouve. You know where Grenoble is located. Ils savent nager. They know how to swim.

Work and School

architect l'architecte lar-shee-tekt l'architecte lar-shee-tekt accountant le comptable kohn-tahbl la comptable kohn-tabl judge le juge zhoozh la juge zhoozh business peron l'homme d'affaires lohn dah-fehr la femme d'affaires fahn dah-fehr baker le boulanger boo-lawn-zhay la boulangre boo-lawn-zhay hair dresser le coiffeur kwah-fur la coiffeuse kwah-fur computer programmer le programmeur proh-grah-mur la programmeuse proh-grah-mur secretary le secrtaire suk-ray-tehr la secrtaire suk-ray-tehr electrician l'lectricien ay-lehk-tree-see-ahn l'lectricien ay-lehk-tree-see-ahn mechanic le mcanicien may-kah-nee-syahn la mcanicienne may-kah-nee-syenn cook le cuisinier kwee-zee-nyay la cuisinire kwee-zee-nyay salesperson le vendeur vawn-dur la vendeuse vawn-dur fire fighter le pompier pohn-pyay le pompier pohn-pyay plumber le plombier plohn-byay le plombier plohn-byay librarian le bibliothcaire bee-blee-oh-teh-kehr la bibliothcaire bee-blee-oh-teh-kehr police officer l'agent de police lah-zhawnd poh-leess l'agent de police lah-zhawnd poh-leess reporter le journaliste zhoor-nah-leest la journaliste zhoor-nah-leest


factory worker l'ouvrier loov-ree-ay l'ouvrire loov-ree-ay banker le banquier bahn-kee-ay la banquire bahn-kee-ay lawyer l'avocat lah-voh-kah l'avocate lah-voh-kah postal worker le facteur fah-tur la factrice fah-tur carpenter le charpentier shar-pawn-tyay le charpentier shar-pawn-tyay engineer l'ingnieur lahn-zhay-nyur l'ingnieure lahn-zhay-nyur doctor le mdecin mayd-sawn la mdecine mayd-sawn nurse l'infirmier lahn-feer-myay l'infirmire lahn-feer-myay pharmacist le pharmacien fahr-mah-see-ahn le pharmacienne fahr-mah-see-ahn psychologist le psychologue psee-koh-lohg la psychologue psee-koh-lohg dentist le dentiste dawn-teest la dentiste dawn-teest veterinarian le vtrinaire vay-tay-ree-nehr la vtrinaire vay-tay-ree-nehr taxi driver le chauffeur de taxi shoh-furd tahk-see le chauffeur de taxi shoh-furd tahk-see writer l'crivain lay-kree-vahn l'crivaine lay-kree-vahn teacher l'instituteur lahn-stee-tew-tur l'institutrice lahn-stee-tew-tur professor le professeur proh-fuh-sur le professeur proh-fuh-sur student l'tudiant lay-tew-dee-awn l'tudiante lay-tew-dee-awnt Note: Notice that some professions are always masculine, even if the person is a woman. There are also words that are always feminine (such as la victime) even if the person is a man.

Math les mathmatiques maht-ee-mah-teek Algebra l'algbre lal-zheb Calculus le calcul kahl-kool Geometry la gomtrie zhay-oh-may-tree Economics les sciences conomiques see-awns ay-kon-oh-meek Foreign Languages les langues trangres lawn zay-trawn-zhair Linguistics la linguistique lahn-gee-steek Literature la littrature lee-tay-rah-tur Philosophy la philosophie fee-loh-soh-fee Psychology la psychologie p-see-kol-oh-zhee Political Science les sciences politiques see-awns poh-lee-teek History l'histoire (f) ees-twahr Geography la gographie zhay-oh-grahf-ee Physics la physique fees-eek Biology la biologie bee-ol-oh-zhee Chemistry la chimie shee-mee Zoology la zoologie zoh-ol-oh-zhee Botany la botanique boh-tah-neek Art les arts zahr Music la musique mew-zeek Dance la danse dahns Drawing le dessin duh-sahn Painting la peinture pahn-tur Computer Science l'informatique ahn-for-mah-teek Technology la technologie teck-no-loh-zhee Physical Education l'ducation physique (f) lay-dew-kah-see-ohn fee-zeek Notice that you do not use an indefinite article before professions, unless they are preceded by an adjective. Qu'est-ce que vous faites dans la vie? What do you do for a living? Je suis avocate. I am a lawyer. (fem.) Je suis professeur. I am a professor.


Je suis tudiant. I am a student (masc.) O est-ce que vous faites les tudes? Where do you study? Je vais l'universit de Michigan. I go to the university of Michigan. Je fais mes tudes l'universit de Toronto. I study at the University of Toronto. Qu'est-ce que vous tudiez? What do you study? Quelles matires tudiez-vous? What subjects do you study? J'tudie les langues trangres et la linguistique. I study foreign languages and linguistics. Je fais des mathmatiques. I study/do math. Ma spcialization est la biologie. My major is biology.

Animals - les animaux

Dog le chien / la chienne shee-ahn / shee-enn Cat le chat / la chatte shah / shaht Puppy le chiot shee-oh Kitten le chaton shah-tohn Pig le cochon koh-shohn Rooster le coq kohk Rabbit le lapin lah-pahn Cow la vache vahsh Horse le cheval chuh-val Duck le canard kah-nahr Goat la chvre shev-ruh Goose l'oie lwah Sheep le mouton moo-tohn Lamb l'agneau lon-yoh Donkey l'ne lon Mouse la souris soo-ree

Food and Meals - La Nourriture et Les Repas

Breakfast le petit djeuner puh-tee day-zhew-nay Lunch le djeuner day-zhew-nay Dinner le dner dee-nay Cup la tasse tahss Slice la tranche trawnsh Bowl le bol bohl Glass le verre verr


Salt and Pepper le sel et le poivre luh sell ay luh pwahv-ruh Fork la fourchette foor-shett Spoon la cuillre kwee-yehr Knife le couteau koo-toh Plate l'assiette (f) ah-syett Napkin la serviette ser-vyett Ice cream la glace glahss Juice le jus zhew Fruit le fruit fwee Cheese le fromage froh-mawzh Chicken le poulet poo-lay Egg l'uf (m) luff Cake le gteau gah-toh Pie la tarte tart Milk le lait leh Coffee le caf kah-fay Butter le beurre burr Water l'eau loh Ham le jambon zham-bohn Fish le poisson pwah-sohn Tea le th tay Salad la salade sah-lahd Jam la confiture kon-fee-chur Meat la viande vee-awnd French fries les frites (f) freet Beer la bire bee-ehr Wine le vin vahn Sugar le sucre soo-kruh Soup le potage poh-tawzh

Countries and Nationalities / Les pays and les nationalits

Africa l'Afrique lah-freek africain/e ah-free-kahn/kenn Australia l'Australie loh-strah-lee australien/ne oh-strahl-ee-awn/enn Austria l'Autriche loh-treesh autrichien/ne oh-trees-ee-awn/enn Belgium la Belgique bell-zheek belge belzh Brazil le Brsil bray-zeel brsilien/ne bray-zeel-ee-awn/enn Canada le Canada kah-nah-dah canadien/ne kah-nah-dee-awn/enn China la Chine sheen chinois/e sheen-wah/wez Denmark le Danemark dahn-mark danois/e dahn-wah/wez England l'Angleterre lawn-gluh-tair anglais/e an-glay/ez Finland la Finlande feen-lahnd finlandais/e feen-lan-day/dez France la France frahns franais/e frawn-say/sez Germany l'Allemagne lahl-mawn-yuh allemand/e ahl-mawn/d Great Britain - la Grande-Bretagne grahnd bruh-tawn-yuh britannique bree-tahn-eek Greece la Grce grehs grec/grecque grek


India l'Inde lahnd Ireland l'Irlande leer-lawnd Italy l'Italie lee-tah-lee Japan le Japon zhap-ohn Mexico le Mexique meks-eek Netherlands - les Pays-Bas pay-ee-bah Norway la Norvge nor-vehzh Poland la Pologne poh-lohn-yuh Portugal le Portugal pore-tew-gahl Russia la Russie roo-see Spain l'Espagne leh-spawn-yuh Sweden la Sude soo-ed Switzerland - la Suisse sweess United States - les tats-Unis ay-tah-zew-nee

indien/ne ahn-dee-ahn/enn irlandais/e eer-lahn-day/dez italien/ne ee-tahl-ee-awn/enn japonais/e zhah-poh-nay/nez mexicain/e mek-see-kahn/enn hollandais/e oh-lawn-day/dehz norvgien/ne nor-vehzh-ee-awn/enn polonais/e poh-lon-ay/ez portugais/e por-tew-gay/gez russe rewss espagnol/e es-pan-yohl sudois/e soo-ed-wah/wez suisse sweess amricain/e ah-may-ree-kahn/kenn

Note: When the nationalities are used as adjectives, they must agree with the subject of the verb (masculine vs. feminine, and singular vs. plural.) The extra ending shown above is added to signify a feminine subject. To make them plural, just add an -s (unless it already ends in an -s, then add nothing.) The masculine forms of the nationalities are also used to signify the language. And the definite article is not used before a language when it follows the verb parler (to speak.)

Plural Nouns
To make a noun plural, you usually add an -s. But there are some exceptions: Sing. Plural If a noun already ends in an -s, add nothing. bus le bus les bus If a noun ends in -eu or -eau, add an x. boat le bateau les bateaux If a masculine noun ends in -al or -ail, change it to -aux. horse le cheval les chevaux Some nouns ending in -ou add an -x instead of -s. knee le genou les genoux There are, of course, some weird exceptions: un il (eye) - des yeux (eyes); le ciel (sky) les cieux (skies); and un jeune homme (a young man) - des jeunes gens (young men).


Possessive Adjectives
Masc. Fem. Plural My mon (mohn) ma (mah) mes (may) Your ton ta tes His/Her/Its son sa ses Our notre (noh-truh) notre nos (noh) Your votre votre vos Their leur (luhr) leur leurs (luhr) Note: Possessive pronouns go before the noun. When a feminine noun begins with a vowel, you must use the masculine form of the pronoun for ease of pronunciation. Ma amie is incorrect and must be mon amie, even though amie is feminine. C'est ma mre et mon pre. This is my mother and my father. Ce sont vos petits-enfants? These are your grandchildren? Mes parents sont divorcs. My parents are divorced. Sa grand-mre est veuve. His grandmother is a widow. Notre frre est mari, mais notre sur est clibataire. Our brother is married, but our sister is single. Ton oncle est architecte, n'est-ce pas? Your uncle is an architect, isn't he? Leurs cousines sont hollandaises. Their cousins are Dutch.

Prepositions and Contractions

among parmi par-mee at / to / in ah at the house of chez shay between entre on-truh for pour poohr from / of / about de duh in dans dawn on sur sir with avec ah-veck without sans sawn

Prepositional Contractions + le = au oh at / to / in the + les = aux oh at / to / in the (pl.) de + le = du dew of / from / about the de + les = des day of / from / about the (pl.)

In: Dans vs. En Dans is used to show the time when an action will begin, while en shows the length of time an action takes.


Je pars dans quinze minutes. I'm leaving in 15 minutes. Il peut lire ce livre en une demi-heure. He can read this book in a half hour. With: Avec vs. De vs. A vs. Chez Avec implies doing something or going along with someone; de is used in phrases of manner and in many idiomatic expressions; is used when referring to someone's attributes; and chez is used to mean "as far as (person) is concerned." To describe the way a person carries him/herself, no extra word is used. Je vais en France avec ma sur. I'm going to France with my sister. Elle me remercie d'un sourire. She thanks me with a smile. L'homme aux cheveux roux est trs grand. The man with the red hair is very tall. Chez cet enfant, tout est simple. With this child, everything is simple. Il marche, les mains dans les poches. He walks with his hands in his pockets.

Prepositions + places, cities, and coutries

Masc. au du de au du Fem. la de la de en de Vowel l' de l' d' en d' Plural aux des aux des aux des If the name of a country, continent, island, state or province ends with an e, the gender is feminine. If it ends in anything else, it is masculine. The exceptions are le Cambodge, le Maine, le Mexique, le Zare and le Mozambique. Some cities have an article as well, such as La Nouvelle-Orlans (New Orleans).

Prepositions with American States To / In From Feminine en de Islands de / d' Masc. w/ Vowel en / dans l' d' / de l' Masc. w/ Consonant dans le du

Californie, Caroline du Nord / Sud, Floride, Gorgie, Louisiane, Pennsylvanie, and Virginie are the feminine states. The exception to the masculine beginning with a consonant rule is Texas: in / to Texas is au Texas.


Negative Sentences

To make sentences negative, simply put ne and pas around the verb. In spoken French, however, the ne is frequently omitted, but it cannot be omitted in written French. And when you are replying "yes" to a negative question, you use si and not oui. Je suis du Canada. I am from Canada. Je ne suis pas du Mexique. I am not from Mexico. Je suis franaise. I am French (feminine.) Je ne suis pas suisse. I am not Swiss. (masculine or feminine) Il est australien. He is Australian. Elle n'est pas danoise. She is not Danish. Elles sont des Etats-Unis. They are from the United States. Ils ne sont pas du Portugal. They are not from Portugal. Je parle chinois et japonais. I speak Chinese and Japanese. Je ne parle pas sudois. I don't speak Swedish. Vous n'tes pas du Brsil? You aren't from Brazil? Si, nous sommes du Brsil. Yes, we are from Brazil.

Faire-to do, make (fair) fais fay faisons fezz-ohn fais fay faites fett fait fay font fohnt Faire is used in expressions of weather (il fait beau) and many other idiomatic expressions: faire de (a sport) - to play (a sport) faire le sourd / l'innocent - to act deaf / innocent faire le (subject in school) - to do / study (subject) faire le mnage - to do the housework faire la cuisine - to do the cooking faire la lessive - to do laundry faire la vaisselle - to do the dishes faire une promenade - to take a walk faire une voyage - to take a trip faire les courses - to run errands faire des achats - to go shopping faire de l'exercice - to exercise


faire attention - to pay attention faire la queue - to stand in line

Venir and aller

Venir-to come (vuh-neer) Aller-to go (ah-lay) viens vee-ahn venons vuh-nohn vais vay allons ah-lohn viens vee-ahn venez vuh-nay vas vah allez ah-lay vient vee-ahn viennent vee-enn va vah vont vohn Other verbs that are conjugated like venir: tenir - to hold, devenir - to become, obtenir - to get, revenir - to come back. Je viens des Etats-Unis. I come from the United States. Il tient un crayon. He's holding a pencil. Nous allons en Espagne. We're going to Spain. Tu ne vas pas au Brsil cet t. You're not going to Brazil this summer. Aller + an infinitive means "going to do something." Ils vont aller en Angleterre. They are going to go to England. Elle va parler russe. She's going to speak Russian. Je vais devenir professeur. I'm going to become a professor. Aller is also used idiomatically when talking about health. Comment vas-tu? How are you? Je vais bien. I'm fine. Venir de + an infinitive means "to have just done something." Il vient d'aller la Finlande. He just went to Finland. Vous venez de manger une pomme. You just ate an apple.

Regular Verbs
Verbs in French end in -er, -re, or -ir. The verb before it is conjugated is called the infinitive. Removing the last two letters leaves you with the stem (aimer is the infinitive, aim- is the stem.) The present indicative tense indicates an ongoing action, general state, or habitual activity. Besides the simple present tense (I write, I run, I see); there are two other forms of the present tense in English: the progressive (I am writing, I am running, etc.) and the emphatic (I do write, I do run, etc.) However, these three English present tenses are all translated by the present indicative tense in French. To conjugate verbs in the present tense, use the stem and add the following endings.

-er -re 1st -ir 2nd -ir* -e -ons -s -ons -is -issons -es -ez -s -ez -is -issez -s -ez -e -ent - -ent -it -issent -t -ent

-s -ons


Sample Regular Verbs aimer -to like, love vendre - to sell j'aime zhem aimons em-ohn vends vawn vendons vawn-dohn aimes em aimez em-ay vends vawn vendez vawn-day aime em aiment em vend vawn vendent vawn finir - to finish partir - to leave finis fee-nee finissons fee-nee-sohn pars pahr partons pahr-tohn finis fee-nee finissez fee-nee-say pars pahr partez pahr-tay finit fee-nee finissent fee-neess part pahr partent pahrt

Regular verbs -er -re aimer em-ay to like, love vendre vawn-druh to sell chanter shahn-tay to sing attendre ah-tawn-druh to wait for chercher share-shay to look for entendre awn-tawn-druh to listen commencer koh-mawn-say to begin perdre pair-druh to lose donner dohn-nay to give rpondre () ray-pohn-druh (ah) to answer tudier ay-too-dee-ay to study descendre deh-sawn-druh to go down fermer fehr-may to close 1st -ir habiter ah-bee-tay to live btir bah-teer to build jouer zhoo-ay to play finir fee-neer to finish manger mawn-zhay to eat choisir shwa-zeer to choose montrer mohn-tray to show punir poo-neer to punish parler par-lay to speak remplir rawn-pleer to fill penser pawn-say to think obir () oh-bay-eer (ah) to obey travailler trah-vy-yay to work russir ray-oo-seer to succeed trouver troo-vay to find gurir gay-reer to cure, heal Note: If a verb is followed by (like rpondre) you have to use the and any contractions after the conjugated verb. Ex: Je rponds au tlphone. * The 2nd -ir verbs are considered irregular sometimes because there are only a few verbs which follow that pattern. Other verbs like partir are sortir (to go out), dormir (to sleep), mentir (to lie), sentir (to smell, feel) and servir (to serve.)

Pronominal (Reflexive) Verbs

These verbs are conjugated like normal verbs, but they require an extra pronoun before the verb. Most indicate a reflexive action but some are idiomatic and can't be translated literally. The pronouns are:

me te se

nous vous se

Some Pronominal Verbs s'amuser to have fun se reposer to rest se lever to get up se souvenir de to remember


se laver to wash (oneself) s'entendre bien to get along well se dpcher to hurry se coucher to go to bed se peigner to comb se brosser to brush s'habiller to get dressed se maquiller to put on makeup se marier to get married se casser to break (arm, leg, etc.) Note: When used in the infinitive, such as after another verb, the reflexive pronoun agrees with the subject of the sentence. Je vais me coucher maintenant. I'm going to go to bed.

Sample Irregular Pronominal Verb s'asseoir - to sit down je m'assieds mah-see-ay nous nous asseyons noo-zah-say-ohn tu t'assieds tah-see-ay vous vous asseyez vous-zah-say-yay il s'assied sah-see-ay ils s'asseyent sah-say-ee

Irregularities in Regular Verbs

1. Verbs that end in -ger and -cer: The nous form of manger isn't mangons, but mangeons. The e has to stay so the g can retain the soft sound. The nous form of commencer isn't commencons, but commenons. The c must have the accent (called a cedilla) under it to make the c sound soft.

manger-to eat commencer-to begin mange mawnzh mangeons mawn-zhohn commence koh-mawnz commenons koh-mawnsohn manges mawnzh mangez mawn-zhay commences koh-mawnz commencez koh-mawn-say mange mawnzh mangent mawnzh commence koh-mawnz commencent koh-mawnz 2. Verbs that add or change to an accent grave: Some verbs add or change to an accent grave () in all the forms except the nous and vous.

acheter-to buy esprer-to hope j'achte zhah-shet achetons ahsh-tohn j'espre zhess-pehr esprons ess-pay-rohn achtes ah-shet achetez ahsh-tay espres ess-pehr esprez ess-pay-ray achte ah-shet achtent ah-shet espre ess-pehr esprent ess-pehr 3. Verbs that are conjugated as -er verbs: Some -ir verbs are conjugated with -er endings. For example: offrir-to offer, give, ouvrir-to open, couvrir-to cover, dcouvrir-to discover and souffrir-to suffer.

offrir-to offer j'offre zhaw-fruh offrons aw-frohn offres aw-fruh offrez aw-fray offre aw-fruh offrent aw-fruh 4. Verbs that end in -yer: Change the y to an i in all forms except the nous and vous. Examples: envoyer-to send (awn-vwah-yay), nettoyer-to clean (nuh-twah-yay), essayer-to try (ess-ah-yay)


envoyer-to send j'envoie zhawn-vwah envoyons awn-vwah-yohn envoies awn-vwah envoyez awn-vwah-yay envoie awn-vwah envoient awn-vwah 5. Verbs that double the consonant: Some verbs, such as appeler-to call (ahp-lay), and jeter-to throw (zheh-tay) double the consonant in all forms except the nous and vous.

appeler-to call j'appelle zhah-pell appelons ahp-lohn appelles ah-pell appelez ahp-lay appelle ah-pell appellent ah-pell

The Past Indefinite Tense or Pass Compos

You have learned the present indicative so far, which expresses what happens, is happening, or does happen now; but if you want to say something happened, or has happened, you have to use the pass compos. The pass compos is used for actions that happened only once, a specified number of times or during a specified period of time, and as a result or consequence of another action. All you need to learn are the past participles of the verbs. Regular Verbs: Formation of the Past Participle -er - -re -u -ir -i Then conjugate avoir and add the past participle: J'ai aim le concert. I liked the concert. Tu as habit ici? You lived here? Il a rpondu au tlphone. He answered (or has answered) the telephone. Nous avons fini le projet. We finished (or have finished) the project. Elles ont rempli les tasses. They filled (or have filled) the cups. To make it negative, put the ne and pas around the conjugated form of avoir. Je n'ai pas aim le concert. I didn't like the concert. Il n'a pas rpondu. He didn't answer (or hasn't answered) . Elles n'ont pas rempli les tasses. They didn't fill (or haven't filled) the glasses.


Irregular Past Participles

avoir to have eu (ew) had ouvrir to open ouvert (oo-vehr) opened connatre to know connu known offrir to offer offert offered croire to believe cru believed pouvoir to be able to pu was able to devoir to have to d had to prendre to take pris (pree) taken dire to tell dit said apprendre to learn appris learned crire to write crit written comprendre to understand compris understood tre to be t been surprendre to surprise surpris surprised faire to do, make fait made recevoir to receive reu (reh-sew) received lire to read lu read rire to laugh ri laughed mettre to put mis (me) put savoir to know su known permettre to permit permis permitted voir to see vu seen promettre to promise promis promised vouloir to want voulu (voo-lew) wanted

Etre Verbs
Sixteen "house" verbs and all pronominal verbs are conjugated with tre, and they must agree in gender and number with the subject. The house verbs are: aller-to go sortir-to go out venir-to come mourir-to die arriver-to arrive partir-to leave devenir-to become monter-to go up entrer-to enter tomber-to fall revenir-to come back rester-to stay rentrer-to return home natre-to be born passer-to go by (pass) descendre-to go down Most have regular past participles, except venir-venu, devenir-devenu, revenir-revenu, mourir-mort, and natre-n. And five of these verbs, monter, descendre, sortir, rentrer, and passer can sometimes be conjugated with avoir if they are used with a direct object. Elle a rentr le livre la bibliothque. She returned the book to the library.

Conjugation of an tre verb Je suis rest(e) Nous sommes rest(e)s Tu es rest(e) Vous tes rest(e)(s) Il est rest Ils sont rests Elle est reste Elles sont restes You add the e for feminine and s for plural. Vous can have any of the endings.

Conjugation of a Pronominal Verb Je me suis amus(e) Nous nous sommes amus(e)s Tu t'es amus(e) Vous vous tes amus(e)(s) Il s'est amus Ils se sont amuss Elle s'est amuse Elles se sont amuses There are only two cases with pronominal verbs where the past participle does not agree: 1. When the pronominal verb is followed by a direct object. Compare: Elles se sont laves, but elles se sont lav les mains. 2. With verbs where the reflexive pronoun is an indirect object, such as se parler, se demander, se dire, s'crire, se sourire, and se tlphoner. Ils se sont tlphon.


French English Dictionary

Here is the key to abbreviations used in the French Dictionary: (adj) (conj) (fam) (fig) (inter) (n) (pl) adjective conjunction familiar figurative interjection noun plural (adv) adverb (f) feminine (m) masculine (inf) informal (pej) pejorative (prep) preposition (v) verb

bientt - See you soon ct de - next to demain - See you tomorrow droite - right gauche - left la carte - side order (not part of le menu) la prochaine - Until next time la rigueur (adv) - or even, if need be peine (adv) - hardly, barely ta sant - cheers temps partiel (adv, adj) - part-time tes souhaits - bless you (after a sneeze)

tout l'heure - See you soon, see you later. vos souhaits - bless you (after a sneeze) votre sant - cheers abaisser (v) - to pull, push down, to lower abandonn (adj) - abandoned, disused; relaxed abattre (v) - to pull down; to slaughter; to weaken abeille (nf) - bee abonner: s'abonner (v) - to subscribe, to buy a season ticket aborder (v) - to reach; approach; start up, take on aboutir (v) - to succeed; to end up abri (nm) - shelter, refuge abricot (nm) - apricot abrutir (v) - to exhaust, to deaden one's mind absent (adj) - absent, lacking, missing


accablant (adj) - exhausting, oppressive, overwhelming acclrateur (nm) - gas pedal accessoires (nm pl) - accessories accord: d'accord - ok, okay accro (adj) - (inf) hooked, addicted accroche (nf) - lead-in, catch phrase, headline acharnement (nm) - fierceness, fury, determination achats (nm pl) - shopping acteur (nm) - actor actif (adj) - active actif (nm) - assets, credits actrice (nf) - actress actualit (nf) - current events, news addition (nf) - addition,sum, check, bill additionner (v) - add Adieu - Good bye, Farewell ado (nf) - (inf) teenager (f) ado (nm) - (inf) teenager (m) adresse (n) - address adulte (n) - adult aeroport (nm) - airport aerostat (n) - hot air balloon affadir (v) - to make tasteless, dull, uninteresting, colorless affiche (nf) - poster afficher (v) - to post, display, flaunt affubler (v) - to wear something bizarre (as if to disguise) Africain (nm) - African (m) Africaine (nf) - African (f) Afrique (n) - Africa agenouiller: s'agenouiller (v) - kneel agent de police (nm) - police, policeman agneau (nm) - lamb agrafe (nf) - staple agrafeuse (nf) - stapler agrave - upside down agrger (v) - to aggregate, incorporate ah bon (interj) - oh really? (not "oh good") Aidez-moi! - Help! Help me! aigle (n) - eagle aiguille (n) -needle aile (n) - wing aileron (n) - aileron (bird) aimant (n) - magnet alambiqu (adj) - convoluted, involved, obsure Albertosaure (n) - Albertosaurus alne (n) - awl Algrien(ne) (nm, nf) - Algerian algue marine (n) - kelp allchant (adj) - mouth-watering, tempting, enticing

Allemand, l'allemand (nm) - German (m) Allemande (nf) - German (f) aller (v) - go allrgique ... - allergic to... alliance (nf) - wedding ring alligator (n) - alligator All? - Hello? (when you answer the phone) alourdir (v) - to weigh/load down, to make heavy alphabet (n) - alphabet, letters alto (n) - viola amant (nm) - lover (m) amante (nf) - lover (f) amateur (nm) - amateur, lover of ambre (n) - amber ambulance (n) - ambulance amliorer (v) - to improve Amricain (nm) - American (m) Amricaine (nf) - American (f) ami (nm) - friend (m) amical (adj) - friendly amie (nf) - friend (f) amis (npl) - friends amiti (nf) - friendship, liking, kindness amour (n) - love ampleur (nf) - fullness, liberalness, opulence; scale, extent ampoule (n) - bulb, lightbulb anatomie (nf) - anatomy anchois (n pl) - anchovies anciens lves (n pl) - former students ancre (n) - anchor ne (n) - donkey anantir (v) - to annihilate, destroy; to overwhelm, overcome ange (n) - angel ange de mer (n) - angelfish Anglais, l'anglais (nm) - English (m) Anglaise (nf) - English (f) anglo-saxon (adj) - of or relating to British civilization anguille (n) - eel anicroche (nf) - hitch, snag, problem animal familier (n) - pet animaux (n pl) - animals animaux sont interdits - no pets allowed anim (adj) - busy, lively, animated animer (v) - to lead, conduct; drive, encourage; liven up Ankylosaure (n) - Ankylosaurus anne (n) - year anniversaire (n) - birthday anniversaire de mariage (n) - wedding anniversary annuaire (nm) - phone book anonymat (nm) - anonymity


anorak (nm) - anorak, ski jacket Antarctique (nf) - Antarctica antilope (n) - antelope antilope impala (n) - impala aot (n) - August Apatosaure (n) - Apatosaurus apritif (nm) - cocktail appareil photographique (n) - camera appart (nm) - (fam) apartment, flat appel P.C.V (nm) - collect call appeler (v) - to call, ring someone apprendre (v) - learn apprivoiser (v) - to tame, domesticate, make more sociable appui (nm) - support aprs (prep) - after aprs tre venu - after having come aquarium (n) - aquarium, fish bowl arabe (adj) - Arabic araigne (n) - spider arbre (n) - tree arc (n) - arch arc-en-ciel (n) - rainbow archer (n) - archer archet (n) - bow archipel (n) - archipelago argent (n) - money argenterie (nf) - silverware argile (n) - clay arithmtique (n) - arithmetic armadille (n) - armadillo armoire (nf) - closet, cupboard arnaquer (v) - (fam) to swindle, rip off; to nab, arrest arracher (v) - to lift, tear out/off, pull up/out; to snatch arrt (nm) - stop arrter (v) - stop arrire (nm) - back, stern arrire (nm) - behind, backwards arrire-cour (n) - yard arrondissement (nm) - district; rounding, swelling arroser (v) - to water, spray, (inf) - to drink arrosoir (n) - watering can art (n) - art artichaut (nm) - artichoke artiste (nf) - artist (f) artiste (nm) - artist (m) ascenseur (n) - elevator Asiatique - Asian Asie (n) - Asia asperges (f) - asparagus aspirateur (n) - vacuum cleaner asseoir (v) - sit assez utile - fairly useful

assiette (nf) - plate assoupir (v) - to make drowsy, s'assoupir (v) - to doze off assur (adj) - confident astrode (n) - asteroid astreindre (v) - to compel, force astronomie (n) - astronomy atavique (adj) - atavistic, hereditary athlte (n) - athlete atome (n) - atom atout (nm) - asset, trump card attacher (v) - to tie attentat (nm) - murder attempt, attack attention! (interj) - Warning! Watch out! au fait - by the way; informed of; Get to the point! au pif - as a rough guess, at random Au revoir - Good-bye Au secours! - Help! au tlphone - on the phone aubergine (nf) - eggplant au-dessus de (prep) - above aujourd'hui - today auparavant (adv) - beforehand, previously auprs de (prep) - next to, compared with, in the view of aurore (n) - aurora Australie (nf) - Australia Australien (nm) - Australian (m) Australienne (nf) - Australian (f) autant (adv) - as much/many, so much/many auto (nf) - car autobus (n) - bus automne (n) - autumn, fall automobile (n) - automobile autoroute (nf) - highway auto-stop (nm) - hitchhiking autour de (prep) - around autruche (n) - ostrich avant hier - the day before yesterday avec elle - with her avenant (adj) - pleasant, welcoming aventurier (nm) - adventurer avenue (n) - avenue avr (adj) - known, recognized avrer: s'avrer (v) - to turn out (that) avion (n) - aeroplane, plane avion reaction (n) - jet aviron (n) - oar avocat (nm) - avocado avocat (nm) - lawyer, barrister (m) avocate (nf) - lawyer, barrister (f) avoir (v) - to have avoir faim - to be hungry avoir soif - to be thirsty avouer (n) - to avow, confess, admit


avril (n) - April

baba cool (nm) - (inf) hippy babeurre (nm) - buttermilk bac (nm), baccalaurat (nm) - ferry, tub, trough, vat bcler (v) - to botch, scamp, throw together bagarrer (v) - (inf) to fight, clash, argue bagnole (nf) - (inf) car bague (nf) - ring bague de fianailles (nf) - engagement ring bahut (nm) - sideboard; (inf) - school, taxi, truck baie (nf) - bay baignoire (nf) - bathtub bain (nm) - bath, bathtub bain moussant (nm) - bubble bath baiser (v) - to kiss; (slang) to have sex balader (v) - (inf) to trail around, to take for a walk balai (nm) - broom balai laveur (nm) - mop balance (nf) - scales balcon (nm) - balcony baleine (nf) - whale balise (nf) - beacon, buoy, sign balivernes (nf pl) - nonsense balle (nf) ball, bullet balle de golf (nf) - golf ball ballerine (nf) - ballerina balles (nf pl) - (inf) money, euros, bucks ballon (nm) - balloon ballon de football (nm) - soccer ball banane (nf) - banana banc (nm) - bench, seat; shoal/school (of fish) bandant (fam adj) - sexy, interesting bande (nf) - band, strip, bandage, line, group; (inf) - bunch of, pack of banjo (nm) - banjo banlieue (nf) - suburbs, outskirts banque (nf) - bank baraque (nf) - shed, hut, stand, stall; (inf) shack, digs, dump baratin (nm) - (inf) sweet talk, chatter barbe papa (n) - cotton candy barrer (v) - to bar, block, close, cross out barrette (nf) - barrette bas (nm pl) stockings en bas - down

bascule (nf) - seesaw base (de maquillage) (nf) - foundation base-ball (nm) - baseball basket (nm) - basketball bateau (nf) - boat bateau voile (nf) - sailboat btiment (nm) - building bton (nm) - stick bton de baseball, la batte (nm) - baseball bat baume dmlant (nm) - conditioner bavarder (v) - to chat, chatter; (inf) - to blab baver (v) - to dribble, to leak; (fam) - to have a hard time baveux (adj) - dribbly, slobbery, runny, blurry bavure (nf) - smudge, smear, hitch, flaw beau (adj) - beautiful (m), handsome, nice out beaucoup de - many beauf (nm) - (fam) brother-in-law; smallminded person bb (nm) - baby bgayer (v) - to stammer, stutter bguin (nm) - (inf) crush, fancy, also a bonnet beignet (nm) - doughnut belette (nm) - weasel Belge (n, adj) - Belgian belle (adj) - beautiful (f) belle (adj) pretty, beautiful (f) bnvole (nm adj) - volunteer, unpaid bnir (v) - to bless, to thank God for Benjamin - Benjamin French name benjamin (nm) - youngest child, youngest son Benot - Benedict French name bquille (nf) - crutch, kick-stand, (nautical) prop, shore bercer (v) - to rock, cradle berk (inf exclamation) - yuck! Bernadette - French name Bernard - Bernard French name Bertrand - Bertrand, Bertram French name besogne (nf) - work, task, job bestiole (nf) - bug, creepy crawler bte (adj) - stupid, silly, foolish bte (nf) - animal, insect, creature btise (nf) - stupidity, mistake, blunder, silly thing, nonsense bton (nm) - concrete beurre (nm) - butter bvue (nf) - blunder biberon (nm) - baby bottle bibliothque (nf) - library bicher (inf) - to be pleased with oneself bicyclette (nf) - bicycle


bien (adj) - good, well bien cuit - well done bien trange - quite strange bientt: bientt. - See you later. bire (nf) - beer bifteck (nm) - steak bifteck (nm) - steak bijou (nm) - jewel bijouterie (nf) - jewelery bijoux (nm pl) - jewelry bikini (nm) - bikini bilan (nm) - assessment, results, balance sheet billet (nm) bill, ticket, note (money) billet aller-retour (nm) - round trip ticket billet simple (nm) - one-way ticket binette (nf) - hoe biologique (adj) - biological, organic bis (adj) - grayish-brown (adv) - (music) repeat, encore; biscuit (nf) - cookie, biscuit bissextile: (anne) bissextile - leap (year) blafard (adj) - pale, pallid, wan blague (nf) - joke, trick, blunder blanc (adj) - white blanchisserie (nf) - laundromat blason (nm) - coat of arms, heraldry bled (nm) - (inf, slang) - village, dump, godforsaken place bleu (adj) blue, rare bleu ciel (adj) - sky blue, azure bleu clair (adj) - light blue bleu fonc (adj) - dark blue blond (adj) - blond blouson (nm) - jacket bluffer (inf) - to bluff, try it on, fool bobine (nf) - spool bobo (nm) - (inf) boo boo, owie, wound (baby talk) bobonne (nf) - (inf and somewhat archaic used in jest) - missus, dearie boire (v) - drink bois (nm) wood, woodwind instrument boisson (nf) - drink bote (nf) - box, can; (inf) - nightclub; job, office; school bote goter (nf) - lunch box bote outils (nf) - toolbox bote surprise (nf) - jack-in-the-box bote aux lettres (nf) - mailbox bote de conserve (nf) - can, tin bol (nm) - bowl bombe (nf) - spray can bon (adj) good, ah bon (interj) - oh really? (not "oh good") bon apptit! - enjoy your meal

bonbon (nm) - candy bonhomme de neige (nm) - snowman bonjour - Good day, hello Bonne anne! - Happy New Year! bonne nuit - Good night bonsoir - Good evening bordel (nm) - (fam) mess, chaos; (literal) brothel born (adj) - narrow-minded, limited bosser (inf) - to work, slog, slave away bottes (nf pl) - boots bottin (nm) - directory, phonebook, Yellow Pages bouche (nf) - mouth bouche incendie (nf) - fire hydrant, hydrant bouche (nf) - mouthful boucher (nm) - butcher boucher (v) - to cork, plug, block boucherie (nf) - butcher shop boucl (adj) - curly boucle d'oreille (nf) - earring bouclier (nm) - shield bouder (v) - to sulk, keep away from boudin (adj) - bursting out of bouffer (v) - to be full, have volume, (fam) to wolf, gobble bougie (nf) - candle bouilloire (nf) - kettle boulanger (nm), boulangre (nf) - baker boulangerie (nf) - bakery boulot (adj) - chubby, tubby boulot (nm) - (informal) work, the daily grind boum (interj) - Boom!, Bang! boum (nf) - party boum (nm) - bang, tremendous success bouquin (nm) - (inf) book bourr (adj) - stuffed, packed; (fam) - drunk, plastered bourrique (nf) - donkey; (inf) blockhead, pigheaded person bousculer (v) - to jostle, bump into; to hurry, pressure; to liven up boustifaille (nf) - (fam) grub, nosh, chow bouteille (nf) - bottle bouteille d'eau (nf) - water bottle bouteur (nm) - bulldozer bouton (nm) button, bud bouton de manchette (nm) - cufflink boxer-short (nm) - boxer shorts bracelet (nm) - bracelet bracelet breloques (nm) - charm bracelet Brachiosaure (n) - Brachiosaurus brancher (v) - to plug in, connect, link up branler (v) - to shake, waggle; to be shaky, loose, unsteady braquer (v) - to point, aim, turn the steering


wheel bras (nm) - arm brasser (v) - to stir, mix, knead, shuffle; to brew bref (adv) - in short, to make a long story short; (adj) - brief, short Brsilien(ne) Brazilian brevet (nm) - diploma, certificate, patent bricolage (nm) - home improvement, tinkering, DIY; rush/makeshift job Brigitte - Bridget French name brillant (adj) - bright brin (nm) - blade, sprig, yarn, a bit brindille (nf) - twig brioche (nf) - bun, muffin, brioche briser (v) - to break, smash; ruin, wreck; tire out broche (nf) - brooch brocoli (nm) - broccoli bronz (adj) - tan brosse (nf) - brush brosse cheveu (nf) - hairbrush brosse dents (nf) - toothbrush brosser: se brosser (v) - to brush; se brosser les cheveux - to brush one's hair; se brosser les dents - to brush one's teeth brouette (nf) - wheelbarrow brouter (v) - to graze, to nibble; (slang) to be annoying bruiner (v) - to drizzle brun (adj) brown (hair, eyes) Bruno - French name brut (adj) - uncut, rough, crude, raw bruyant (adj) - loud, noisy bche (nf) - log bcher (v) - to slog away at, to swot up; (Canada) to fell, cut down buisson (nm) - bush bulldozer (nm) - bulldozer bulle (nf) - bubble bureau (nm) desk, office, study bureau de change (nm) - money exchange burin (nm) -chisel buriner (v) - to engrave, chisel but (nm) - goal, aim, purpose, destination buter (v) - to stumble, antagonize, score a goal, prop up; (fam) - to bump off, kill

a bouge? - How's it going?

a roule? - How's it going? a va? - How are you? a va bien - I'm doing well a va - Fine a va mal - Not well cabine tlphonique (nf) - phone booth cabinet (nm) - toilet caca poo poo (nm) - feces (baby talk) cacahoute (nf) - peanut, monkey nut cache-nez (nm) - muffler cache-oreilles (nm) - ear-muffs cactus (nm) - cactus cadeau (nm) - gift, present cadenas (nm) - padlock cadet (nm) - youngest child, youngest son caf (nm) - coffee cage (nf) - cage cahier (nm) - notebook caille (nf) - quail caillou (nm) - pebble caissier (nm), caissire (nf) - cashier calculatrice (nf) - calculator caleon (nm) - underwear calendrier (nm) - calendar caler (v) - to wedge, lock; to prop up;(inf) - to fill up (with food); to give in/up; se caler (v) to plant/settle oneself calfeutrer (v) - to fill, to stop up, to stop drafts; se calfeutrer (v) - to shut oneself away, to make oneself snug calmar (nm) - squid calque (nm) - tracing, carbon copy, spitting image, loan translation Camille - French name camion (nm) - truck camion-benne (nm) - dump truck camion-citerne (nm) - tanker camion-grue (nm) - tow-truck camionnette (nf) - van camping (nm) - camping, motor park Canadien(ne) (n adj) - Canadian canap (nm) couch, sofa canard (nm) - duck canari (nm) - canary cancaner (v) - to gossip, to quack canicule (nf) - scorching heat, heatwave canne (nf) - cane cano (nm) - canoe cantonner (v) - to station, quarter, confine cap (nm) -(geography) - cape, point, headland Capucine (lit. nasturtium) - French name caravane (nf) - camper(van) carburer (v) - (fam) to go, to be carie (n) - cavity carnet (nm) - notebook


carnet de chques (nm) - checkbook, cheque book Caroline - Caroline French name carotte (nf) - carrot carr (nm) - square carrefour (nm) - crossroads, junction, intersection, forum (lit and fig) carte (nf) - card, map, menu carte de crdit (nf) - credit card carton (nm) - carton cartonner (v) - (inf) to smash into, to do really well/poorly casque (nm) - helmet casquette (nf) - cap casser (v) break; se casser - to break; (inf) - to work at; (fam) - to split, take off Catherine - Catherine, Katherine French name cauchemar (nm) - nightmare causer (v) - to cause, (inf) to chat caverne (nf) - cave ce soir - this evening Ccile - Cecilia French name ceinture (nf) - belt, cummerbund cleri (nm) - celery Clina - French name Cline - French name cellule (nf) - cell cens (adj) - supposed to cent (nm, adj) hundred, cent cercle (nm) - circle cercueil (nm) - coffin cerf (nm) - deer cerf-volant (nm) - kite cerise (nf) - cherry certes (formal adv) - certainly, admittedly, of course cerveau (nm) - brain C'est ... l'appareil. - ... is calling. C'est combien? - How much does it cost? C'est de la part de ... - ... is calling. C'est de la part de qui? - Who is calling? C'est formidable! - It's great! C'est incroyable! - It's incredible! C'est - It is c'est--dire - that is C'tait magnifique! - It was wonderful! chane stro (nf) - stereo chaise (nf) - chair chle (nm) - shawl chaleureux (adj) - warm, hearty chambre (nf) - bedroom chameau (nm) - camel champ (nm) - field, area (literally and figuratively) champignon (nm) - mushroom

champignon vnneux (nm) - toadstool Chantal - French name chantier (nm) - building site, job site, depot; (inf) - shambles, mess Chapeau! (interj) - Well done! Congrats! chapeau (nm) hat, introductory paragraph chaque - each charabia (nm) (inf) - gibberish, gobbledygook charcuterie (nf) - butcher charger (v) - to load, overload; to put in charge of chariot (nm) - wagon Charles - Charles French name Charlot - Charlie French name Charlotte - Charlotte French name charnire (adj) - turning (point), transitional, linking charpentier (nm) - carpenter charrier (v) - to cart along, carry; (inf) - to kid; (fam) - to go too far chasse (nf) - hunting chat (nm) - cat chtain (adj) - brown (hair) chteau (nm) - castle chtier (v) - to refine, perfect; (religion) - to chasten, mortify; (literary) - to punish chaton (nm) - kitten chatouiller (v) - to tickle chaud (adj) - hot chausser (v) - to put shoes on, to fit chaussette (nf) -sock chaussure (nf) -shoe chaussures hauts talons (nf pl) - highheeled shoes chauve-souris (nf) - bat chef (nm nf) cook, chef chemine (nf) chimney, fireplce chemise (nf) shirt, file folder chemise de nuit (nf) - night gown, night shirt chemisier (nm) - blouse chenille (nf) - caterpillar chque (nm) - check, cheque chri(e) (adj) - dear, sweetheart cheval (nm) - horse cheval bascule (nm) - rocking horse chevalet (nm) - easel chevet (nm) - head of the bed, bedside cheveux (n pl) - hair cheville (nf) ankle, dowel, peg, hook chvre (nf) - goat chevronn (adj) - seasoned, experienced chez (prep) - at the home/office of; in the work/mind of; among chez elle - at her house chez moi - at my house chien (nm) - dog


chiffe (nf) - spineless or weak person; (archaic) - rag, old cloth chimpanz (nm) - chimpanzee Chine (n) - China Chinois(e), le chinois (n, adj) - Chinese chiot (nm) - puppy chocolat (nm) - chocolate chocolat chaud (nm) - hot chocolate chmage (nm) - unemployment choper (v) - (fam) to pinch, nick, steal; to catch choquer (v) - to shock, appall, offend; to shake up chou (nm) - cabbage chouette (inf adj) - cute, smashing, nice chouette (nf) - owl chou-fleur (nm) - cauliflower chuchoter (v) - to whisper, murmur chute d'eau (nf) - waterfall cible (nf) dartboard, target, goal, purpose ciel (nm) - sky ci-joint (adv in correspondence) - enclosed, attached cil (nm) - eyelash cinma (nm) - movie theater cinoche (nm) - (inf) the pictures, movies cinq (n) - five cinq cent (n) - five hundred cinquante (n) - fifty cintre (n) - clothes hanger circuler (v) - to go, move ciseaux (n pl) - scissors citer (v) - to quote, cite; to use as an example; summon (law) cithare (nf) - zither citron (nm) - lemon citron press (nm) - lemonade citron vert (nm) - lime citronnade (nf) - lemonade clarinette (nf) - clarinet classeur (nm) - binder, filing cabinet clavier (nm) - keyboard cl (nf) -key clbard (nm) - (inf, pejorative) - mutt, hound, dog clef (or cl) (nf) - key; spanner, wrench; (music) - peg, clef clignotant (nm) - turn signal cloche (nf) - bell clocher (v) - to be defective, to have something wrong clocher (nm) - steeple clture (nf) - fence clou (nm) - nail clown (nm) - clown clubs de golf (n pl) - golf clubs

coccinelle (nf) - ladybug, ladybird cochon (nm) - pig cochon de terre (nm) - aardvark cocon (nm) - cocoon coeur (nm) - heart coffre (nm) - trunk coiffer (v) - to do someone's hair; se coiffer (v) - to do one's own hair, to put something on one's head coinc (adj) - stuck; (inf) - unable to act; hung up, inhibited coloptre (nm) - beetle colis (nm) - parcel, package collant (nm) - pantyhose, tights collge (nm) - high school coller (v) - to stick, glue; (inf) - to shove; (pej) - to give; to fail, catch out collier (nm) - necklace colline (nf) - hill colombe (nf) - dove colonne vertbrale (nm) - spinal coloumn coltiner (v) - to carry, lug around combien - how many, how much Combien cote ...? - How much does ... cost? combinaison (nf) overalls, slip combinaison spatiale (nf) - spacesuit comble (adj) - full, packed comble (nm) - height (figurative); last straw; roof trussing/timbers comte (nf) - comet commander (v) - to order commandes (n) - joystick comme ci, comme a - so-so Comment? - What? Comment allez-vous? - How are you? Comment a va? - How are you? Comment dites-vous...? - How do you say...? Comment dit-on ... en franais? - How do you say... in French? Comment est-il? - What's he like? comment - how Comment t'appelles-tu? - What's your name? (informal) Comment vas-tu? - How are you? Comment vous appelez-vous? - What is your name? (formal) commisariat (nm) - police station commode (nf) - dresser compas (nm) - compass complet (adj) - no vacancy composer un numro - to dial a number comprendre (v) - understand Comprenez-vous anglais? - Do you understand English?


Comprenez-vous? - Do you understand? compte-chques (nm) - checking account / cheque account compte-gouttes (nm) - eye-dropper, dropper compter (v) - to count concombre (nm) - cucumber conducteur (nm) - driver conduire (v) - to drive cne (nm) - cone confiserie (nf) - candy store confiture (nf) - jam confondre (v) - to confuse, mix up; astound confus (adj) - embarrassed, ashamed conge (nm) - holiday, vacation, leave; (job) notice conglateur (nm) - freezer conjoint (adj) - joint, linked, related conjoint/e (nm nf) - spouse consacrer (v) - to devote, dedicate; establish, sanction conserves au vinaigre (n) - pickles constater (v) - to note, notice, record, certify constellation (nf) - constallation conte (nm) - tale content (adj) - happy contrebasse (nm) - double bass contrebasson (nm) - bassoon contrepartie (nf) - compensation, exchange convoiter (v) - to covet, lust after copain (nm) - (inf) mate, buddy, boyfriend copine (nf) - girlfriend coq (nm) - rooster coque (nf) - hull coquillage (nm) - shell coquille (nf) - shell (literally and figuratively) coquin (adj) - mischievous, malicious; risqu, racy coquin (nm) - mischievous or malicious child cor (nm) - french horn cor anglais (nm) - english horn corail (n) - coral corbeille papier (nf) - wastebasket corde (nf) - cord, rope, string corde--sauter (nf) - jump rope cordes (n pl) - string instruments corne (nf) - horn corneille (nf) - crow cornet de glace (n) - ice cream cone corps (nm) - body correspondant (n) - pen pal, correspondent corve (nf) drudgery; military duty; (in Canada) - volunteer work cosmonaute (nm) - astronaut cosse de pois (nf) - pea pod costard (nm) - (inf) man's suit costaud (inf adj) - sturdy, strong

costaud (nm) - strong man, something strong (e.g., alcohol, house) costume (nm) - suit, costume cot: cot de - next to ctoyer (v) - to be next to, rub shoulders with; to move alongside; (fig) - to be close to cou (nm) - neck coucher du soleil (nm) - sunset coucou (nm) - cuckoo clock coude (nm) - elbow coudre (v) - sew couler (v) - to flow, run couleur (nf) - colour couloir (nm) - hall couper (v) - cut courageux (adj) - brave courbe (n) - curve courgette (nf) - zucchini, courgette courir (v) - run couronne (nf) - crown courrier (nm) mail, email courrier arriv (nm) - inbox courrier dpart (nm) - outbox cours (nm) - course court (adj) - short cousin (nm) - male cousin cousine (nf) - female cousin couteau (nm) - knife couvercule (nf) - lid crabe (nm) - crab craie (nf) - chalk crne (nm) - skull crapaud (nm) - toad; flaw (in a gem); (inf) brat, child crapoter (v) - (inf) to smoke without inhaling, ~ to puff cravate (nf) tie, necktie crayon (nm) - pencil crayon de couleur (nm) - crayon crme (nf) cream, caramel flan crme raser (nf) - shaving cream crme brle (nf) - custard crme frache (nf) - cream crme frache (nf) - very thick cream crme glace (nf) - ice cream crme hydratante (nf) - moisturizer crneau (nm) - parallel parking space; gap, niche, slot creux (nm) - hollow, hole; slack period criant (adj) - blatant, striking, shocking crier (v) - yell, shout crisper (v) - to tense, to get on someone's nerves cristal (nm) - crystal crocodile (nm) - crocodile croissant (nm) - crescent, croissant


cruche (nf) - jug cube (nm) - cube cubes (nm pl) - blocks cuillre (nf) - spoon cuillre soupe (nf) - tablespoon cuillre th (nf) - teaspoon cuisine (nf) - kitchen, cooking cuisinire (nf) - stove cuivres (n pl) - brass instruments cupidit (nf) - greed cuve (nf) - vat, tank cyclisme (nm) - biking cyclone (nm) - cyclone cygne (nm) - swan cylindre (nm) - cylinder cymbales (n pl) cymbals

d'abord (adv) - first, in the first place d'accord - okay, OK d'ailleurs (adv) - besides, moreover, for that matter dalle (nf) - paving stone, slab dame (nf) - lady dames (n pl) - checkers (game) danger (nm) - danger dans (prep) - in danse (nf) - dancing danser (v) - to dance date (nf) - date dauphin (nm) - dolphin de l'aprs-midi - in the afternoon de rien - you're welcome (response to merci thank you) dballer (v) - to unpack, display, let out dbarasser (v) - to clear, to rid (someone) of; se dbarasser (v) - to get rid of, to remove (e.g., clothing) dbile (adj) - weak, frail, sickly, poor; (inf) stupid dblayer (v) - to clear away, remove, tidy up; to prepare (ground) dborder (v) - to overflow, to stick out; (fig) to be bursting with debout: tre debout (v) - to stand dbrouiller (v) - to untangle, sort out, teach someone the basics dbutant (nm adj) - beginner, novice dcalage horaire (nm) - time difference, jet lag

dcembre (nm) - December dclencher (v) - to release, set off, trigger, launch, work dcoiffer (v) - to muss (one's hair), to take one's hat off dcoudre: en dcoudre - to fight, do battle dcrter - to order, declare, decree, ordain, decide dcrocher (v) - to pick up (the phone) ddaigner (v) - to despise, look down on, scorn, disdain, spurn dfense de fumer - no smoking dfense d'entrer - do not enter dfi (nm) - challenge, defiance dgt (nm) (often plural) - damage dglinguer (v) - (inf) to bust, break dgoiser (v) - (inf) to spout, rattle on dgommer (v) - (fam) to demote,ire; to lay into, get told off dgoter (v) - (inf) to dig up, find dguerpir (v) - (inf) to clear off/out, scarper dgueulasse (adj) - lousy, rotten, filthy, disgusting dguster (v) - to taste, sample, savor; (inf) to suffer, have a rough time Deinonychus (n) - Deinonychus djeuner (nm) - lunch dlaisser (v) - to abandon, quit, give up, neglect dlecter (v): se dlecter - to (take) delight in, to revel in demain (adv) - tomorrow demain. - See you tomorrow. demander (v): se demander - to wonder, to ask oneself dmanger (v) - to itch (literally and fig) dmaquillant (nm) - make-up remover dmarrer (v) - to start up, to move off, to get moving dml (nm) - dispute, quarrel dmler (v) - to untangle (lit and fig), to sort out, unravel, get to the bottom of dmnager (v) - to move (from one house/place to another), (fam) - to leave, get lost, clear out; to be crazy dmener (v): se dmener - to thrash about, struggle, exert oneself dmettre (v) - to dislocate, dismiss demeure (nf) - residence, home (oldfashioned, literary) demeurer (v) - to stay/live somewhere, to remain demicercle (nm) - semicircle dmission (nf) - resignation, abdication dmod (adj) - old-fashioned, out-of-date dent (nf) - tooth


dentelle (nf) - lace dentifrice (nm) - toothpaste dodorant (nm) - deodorant dpartement (nm) - department dposer (v) - to lay/put/set down, dump, leave; to deposit; to file, register; to testify dpoussirer (v) - to remove dust from (literally and fig) depuis un an - for a year dranger (v) - to disturb, bother, trouble; to mix/mess up draper (v) - to skid, slip, soar derechef (adv) - (literary, archaic)once again, once more driver (v) - to divert, derive, stem from dernier (adj) - last derrire (prep, n) - behind ds (n pl) - dice dsert (nm) - desert dsorient (adj) - bewildered, confused dessaisir (v) - (legal) to remove; se dessaisir - to part with, to give away dessert (nm) - dessert dessin (nm) - drawing dsuet (adj) - outdated, old-fashioned, quaint dtaler (v) - (inf) to bolt, take off, clear out, skedaddle dtourner (v) - to divert, hijack; turn away, avert; embezzle dtraquer (v): se dtraquer (v) - to break down, to be upset dtroit (nm) - strait deux (n, adj) two deuxime (adj) - second devancer (v) - to get/be/arrive/do ahead of devant (prep) - in front of dvoiler (v) - to unveil, disclose, reveal devoirs (nm pl) - homework diablotin (nm) - imp diamant (nm) - diamond dico (nm) - (inf)dictionary (short for dictionnaire) dictionnaire (nm) - dictionary dicton (nm) - saying, dicton, expression diffrer (v) - to differ, be different; to postpone digestif (nm) - after-dinner drink dimanche (n) - Sunday Dimtrodon - Dimetrodon dinde (nf) - turkey dner (nm) - dinner dingue (adj) - (inf) crazy, nuts dingue (nm) - (slang) nutcase, loony dinosaure (nm) - dinosaur direct (adj) - direct, straight

directions (nf pl) directions dirigeant (adj) - ruling, senior dirigeant (nm) - leader, ruler, director, manager dispositif (nm) - device, mechanism; plan (of action, attack...) dissolvant (nm) - nail polish remover divan (nm) - sofa, couch diviser (v) - divide division (nf) - division dix (n, adj) - ten dix-huit (n, adj) - eighteen dix-neuf (n, adj) - nineteen dix-sept (n, adj) - seventeen dizaine (nf) - about ten docteur (nm) - doctor dodo (nm) - beddy-bye, sleepy-time (baby talk) doigt (nm) - finger dollar (n) - dollar dominos (n pl) - dominoes dompter (v) - to tame, subdue, master, overcome donner (v) to give dornavant (adv) - from now on, henceforth dormir (v) - sleep dos (nm) - back dot (adj) - equipped, endowed with douane (nf) - customs double (adj) - double doubl (adj) - lined, dubbed doubler (v) - to pass douche (nf) - shower doudou (nm) - blankie, blanket (baby talk) dou (adj) - talented, gifted, endowed with doux (adj) - sweet, soft, gentle, mild douze (adj) - twelve douze (n, adj) - twelve dragon (nm) - dragon dragon de Komodo (nm) - Komodo dragon drap (nm) - sheet, large towel drapeau (nm) - flag draperie (nf) - drapes dresser (v) - to stand up, raise, erect; to draw or write up droguerie (nf) - drugstore droit (adj) -right, droit - to the right drle (adj) - funny, peculiar du brouillard - foggy du matin - in the morning du soir - in the evening, at night du soleil - sunny du vent - windy


eau (nf) - water eau dentifrice (nf) - mouthwash branler (v) - to shake, weaken, compromise carter (v) - to move apart, to spread (open), to dismiss charpe (n) - scarf chance (nf) - expiration,maturity, redemption,payment, due date chec (nm) - failure, defeat, setback, breakdown checs (nm pl) - chess chelle (n) - ladder chidn (n) - echidna clair (nm) - lightning, flash, (fig) - spark clater (v) - to burst, blow up, explode; to break out; to make noise; to shine clipse (n) - eclipse clipser (v) - to eclipse, overshadow cole (nf) - school conomie (nf) - economics; economy, thrift, saving couler (v) - to sell s'couler (v) - to leak; to pass by, disappear courter (v) - to shorten, cut short, curtail couter (v) to listen craser (v) - to crush, grind, squeeze; run over crire (v) to write crivain (nm) - writer crou (n) - nut crouler: s'crouler (v) - to fall down, collapse, crumble cul (adj) - worn down, worn out cureuil (n) - squirrel dredon (nm) - quilt dulcorer (v) - to water/tone down; to sweeten effectuer (v) - to carry out, to make (happen), to accomplish effondr (adj) - shattered, crushed, collapsed efforcer: s'efforcer (v) - to try hard, endeavor, do one's best to effray (adj) - afraid, scared gal (adj) - equal gard: l'gard de - toward, concerning gards (nm) - consideration gar (adj) - lost, stray, distraught glise (nf) - church gyptien(ne) (nm, nf) - Egyptian lan (n) - elk

lan du Canada (n) - moose lectricien (nm) - electrician lectricit (n) - electricity lphant (n) - elephant elle (pron) - she, her elle est - she is Elle prend un livre - She is taking a book Elle s'appelle - .... Her name is... elles (pron) - they (f) ellipse (n) - ellipse loigner (v) - to move away (transitive), remove, estrange, banish, dismiss lucubrations (f) wild imaginings emballer (v) - to pack; (inf) - to thrill; (fam) to arrest; to seduce embouteillage (nm) - traffic jam, holdup, (fig) bottleneck embrouill (adj) - confused, mixed-up meraude (n) - emerald meu (n) - emu emparer: s'emparer (v) - to seize, snatch, grab, take over empiler (v) - to pile, stack up; (fam) - to have, swindle employ(e) (nm, nf) - employee en arrire de (prep) - in back of en avant de (prep) - in front of en bas (adv) - down en fait - in fact, as a matter of fact en haut (adv) - up en panne - out of order, broken down en route - on the way en souffrance - pending, awaiting delivery encastrer (v) - to embed, fit encenser (v) - to burn incense; to flatter, praise excessively enchant(e) (adj) - delighted (to meet you) Enchant. - Pleased to meet you. enchre (nf) - bid encore une fois - one more time encre (n) - ink endormi (adj) - asleep nergie (n) - energy nergumne (nm, nf) - firebrand enfant (n) - child, kid enfin (adv) - at last, finally; (interj) - well, in a word engourdir (v) - to make numb nigme (n) - puzzle, riddle, enigma ennuy (adj) - bored, annoyed ennuyeux (adj) - boring enqute (nf) - inquiry, investigation, survey enseigner (v) - teach ensemble - together entacher (v) - to soil, taint, tarnish (fig); riddled, marred (with errors)


entourer (v) - to surround, rally around entre (prep) - between entre eux - between them entre (n) - entrance entrouvrir (v) - to half-open enveloppe (n) - envelope envers: l'envers - upside down parpiller (v) - to scatter, disperse pater (v) - to amaze, impress paulard (n) - killer whale paule (nf) - shoulder pe (n) - sword picerie (nf) - grocery store pinards (nm pl) spinach pingle (nf) - pin pingle de sret (n) - safety pin ponge (n) - sponge pouse (nf) - wife poux (nm) - husband preuve (nf) - test, ordeal, hardship prouver (v) - to feel, experience, suffer, sustain, test puis (adj) - worn-out, exhausted quateur (n) - equator rable (n) - marble s - Contraction of en + les, used for university degrees. escale (nf) - stopover, port of call escalier (nm) - stairway escamoter (v) - evade, get around; to conjure away; (inf) - to steal escargot (nm) - snail escrime (nf) - fencing esgourde (nf) - archaic and slang for ear (used in jest) Espagnol(e), l'espagnol (n, adj) - Spanish espce (nf) - species, kind, type; (inf pej) some, stupid espces (nf) - cash espigle (adj) - mischievous, impish esquisse (nf) - sketch, outline; beginnings, hint essai (n) - test essence (nf) - petrol/gas, spirit, essence, gist, species of a tree essence ordinaire (nf) - regular gas essentiel - the basics essuie-glaces (nm pl) - windshield wipers est (n, adv) - east estomac (nm) - stomach estomper (v) - to blur, dim, soften, become indistinct et (conj) - and et demie - and a half tagre (nf) - (book)shelf tagre de bibliothque (n) - book case

taler (v) - to spread, strew tang (n) - pond Etats Unis (n pl) - United States t (n) - summer ternuer (v) - to sneeze tiquette (n) - label, tag toile (n) - star tourderie (nf) - absent-mindedness; (fam) careless mistake tre (v) - to be tre coup - to be cut off troit (adj) - narrow tudant (n) - student tudiant (nm), tudiante (nf) - student Europe (n) - Europe Europen(ne) (adj) - European veill (adj) - alert, bright, awake ventuellement (adv) - possibly, if need be vier (nm) - sink exagrer (v) - to exaggerate, overdo examen (nm) test, exam exaucer (v) - to fulfill, grant, answer excite (adj) - hyper(active) excursion (nf) - trip excursionner (v) - to go on trips, walks Excusez-moi. - Excuse me. Excusez-moi de vous dranger - I'm sorry to disturb you exemplaire (adj) - model, exemplary; un exemplaire exercise (n) - exercise exprience (nf) - experience, experiment exprs (adv) - on purpose, deliberately express (nm) - espresso exprimer (v) - to express

fabuler (v) - to fantasize fac (nf) - (inf, short for facult) university fch (adj) - angry fcher (v) - to be angry, mad faible (adj) - weak faim (nf) hunger; avoir faim - to be hungry faire (v) -to do, se faire les ongles - to do one's nails faire le plein - to fill it up faire sisite - to sit (baby talk) fait (n) - fact, au fait - by the way; en fait - in fact, as a matter of fact faix (nm) - burden


falaise (nf) - cliff falot (adj) - colorless, wan, pale falot (nm) - lantern famille (nf) - family fan (adj) - faded, wilted fantme (nm) - ghost fard (nm) - make-up, greasepaint fard joues (nm) - blusher fard paupires (nm) - eyeshadow farfelu (inf adj) - cranky, scatty, hare-brained, eccentric farfelu (nm) - eccentric person fatigu (adj) - tired faufiler (v) - to baste, tack; se faufiler to inch, thread, worm (into) fauteuil (nm) - armchair fauteuil roulant (nm) - wheelchair femme (nf) - woman, wife femme de chambre (nf) - maid fmur (nm) - femur fentre (nf) - window fer cheval (nm) - horseshoe fer repasser (nm) - iron ferm (adj) - closed, shut ferme (nf) -farm fermer (v) - to shut fermet (nf) - firmness, solidness, confidence fermeture clair (nf) - zipper fru (adj) - interested in / keen on fte (nf) - holiday, party feu (nm) - fire, stoplight, stove burner feu de camp (nm) - campfire feu de circulation (nm) - traffic light feu follet (nm) - jack-o'-lantern feu rouge (nm) - stop light feuillage (nm) - foliage feuille (nf) - leaf feuille de papier (nf) - piece of paper feuilleter (v) - to leaf through, skim; to roll out (pastry, dough) feux d'artifice (n pl) - fireworks feux de route (nm pl) - high beams feux de stop (nm pl) - brake lights fvrier (nm) - February fianailles (nf pl) - engagement fianc(e) (nm nf) - fiance fiancer: se fiancer (or avec) - to get engaged ficelle (nf) - string ficelle (nf) - string, type of bread ficher (v) - (slang) to do, give, put, leave figurer (v) - to represent, to appear; se figurer (v) - to imagine fil (nm) - thread fil dentaire (nm) - dental floss filet (nm) - net

fille (nf) daughter, girl film (nm) - a movie fils (nm) - son fixe-cravate (nm) - tie-clip flairer (v) - to smell, sense flamand (nm) - Flemish flamant (nm) - flamingo flamme (nf) - flame flau (nm) - curse, plague, bane; flail flche (nf) - arrow flchettes (n pl) - darts flemme (nf) - (inf) laziness fleur (nf) - flower flic (nm) - (inf) - cop, copper, bobby flingue (nm) - gun, rifle flocon (nm) - flake, fleck flocon de neige (nm) - snowflake Florence - Florence French name flotter (v) - to float, drift, hang (in the air), flutter, hover flte (nf) - flute fofolle (inf adj) - scatty, crazy fonc (invariable adj) - dark (color) foncer (v) - to charge at or into; to make darker; (inf) - to rush, tear, charge along foncirement (adv) - fundamentally, basically fonctionnaire (nm nf) - civil servant foot (nm) - soccer football (nm) - football football amricain (nm) - football forain (nm) - fairground entertainer, carnie forcment (adv) - necessarily, inevitably fort (nf) - forest foreuse (nf) - drill forme (nf) shape, form Formidable! - Great! fort (adj) - loud, noisy, strong foss (nm) - (lit, fig) - ditch, gulf, gap fossettes (n pl) - dimples fossile (nm) - fossil foudre (nf) - lightning fouet (nm) whisk, whip fougre (nf) - fern fougue (nf) - ardor, spirit fouillis (nm) - jumble, muddle foulard (nm) - scarf four (nm) - oven four micro-ondes (nm) - microwave oven fourchette (nf) - fork fourmi (nf) - ant fourmilier (nm) - anteater fourrer (v) - to stuff, fill; (info) - to put, stick, shove fourrire (nf) - dog pound, impound yard fourvoyer (v) - to mislead, get someone lost,


lead astray frais (adj) - cool, crisp, fresh fraise (nf) - strawberry framboise (nf) - raspberry Franais(e), le franais (n adj) - French franchir (v) - to cross, get over, overcome Francis - Francis French name Franck - Frank French name Franois - Francis French name Franoise - Frances French name francophone (adj) - French-speaking Francophone (nm nf) - (proper noun) French speaker franquette: la bonne franquette - simple, without any fuss frapper (v) - to hit, stab, strike, knock; frappe les mains - clap your hands frasques (nf pl) - escapades fredaine (nf) - mischief, prank, escapade (esp. sexual) Frdric - Frederick French name Frdrique - Fredericka French name fredonner (v) - to hum freins (n pl) - brakes frle (adj) - flimsy, fragile, frail frelon (nm) - hornet frmir (v) - to quake, tremble, shudder, shiver frre (nm) - brother friand de - partial to, fond of fric (nm) - (fam) - cash, bread, lolly frigo (nm) (inf) - fridge (short for rfrigrateur) frileux (adj) - sensitive to cold; (econ) overcautious, nervous friperie (nf) - used/second-hand clothing store frisson (nm) - shiver, shudder, thrill frites (nf pl) fries froid (adj) cold, unfriendly froisser (v) - to crumple, offend frler (v) - to brush against, skim, verge on fromage (nm) - cheese fromage blanc (nm) - cream cheese front (nm) - forehead frotter: se frotter to rub (one another), to fight; (slang) - to have sex fruit (nm) - fruit fugace (adj) - fleeting, transient fuguer (v) - (inf) to run away, run off fuite (nf) - leak furet (nm) - ferret fuse (nf) - rocket fuselage (nm) - fuselage fut (adj) - wily, crafty, cunning, sly

Gabriel - Gabriel French name Gabrielle - Gabrielle French name gcher (v) - to waste, spoil, botch; to temper, mix gaffe (nf) - blunder, clanger/foot in the mouth gagne-pain (nm) - (inf) job galaxie (nf) - galaxy galre (nf) - galley (of a ship) galerie d'art (nf) - art gallery gamin (adj) - mischievous, playful, childish gamin (nm) - (inf) kid, urchin gant (nm) - glove gant isolant (nm) - oven glove garon (nm) - boy gardon (nm) - (cock)roach gare (nf) - train station gare d'autobus (nf) - bus station gare de mtro (nf) - subway station gaspi (nm) - (inf) waste gaspiller (v) - to waste, squander Gaston - French name gteau (nm) - cake gter (v) - to spoil, damage, ruin gauche (adv) - left gaz (nm) - (natural) gas, fizz, wind gazelle (nf) - gazelle gazer (v) - (inf) to go, feel, work gazouiller (v) - to chirp, to babble geai (nm) - jay gele (nf) - jelly gmir (v) - to moan, bemoan, groan; to creak gner (v) - to bother, to hamper (literally and fig) Genevive - French name gnial (adj) - of genius, inspired; (inf) - great, cool genou (nm) - knee gens (n pl) - people gentil (adj) - kind, nice, good gographie (nf) - geography gologie (nf) - geology Georges - George French name grant (nm) - manager Grard - Gerald French name gerboise (n) - jerboa grer (v) - to manage, administer gifle (nf) - slap, smack Gilbert - Gilbert French name gilet (nm) - vest


Gilles - Giles French name girafe (nf) - giraffe giratoire (adj) - gyrating, circular movement gte (nm) - shelter, tourist cottage givr (adj) - frosted, covered in frost; (inf) drunk; crazy glace (nf) ice, ice cream, mirror glaon (nm) - icicle gland (nm) - acorn globe (nm) - globe, orb golf (nm) - golf golfe (nm) - gulf gomme (nf) - eraser gonfler (v) - to inflate, swell; (fam) - to get on one's nerves gong (nm) - gong gorille (nm) - gorilla gosse (nm nf) - (inf) kid goter (nm) - snack grain (nm) - bean, seed, grain, cereal graine (nf) - seed grand (adj) - tall grand (adj) - tall, big, large grand magasin (nm) - department store grand pic (nm) - woodpecker grande aiguille (nf) - minute hand (in a clock) grande tasse (nf) - mug grand-mre (nf) - grandmother grand-pre (nm) - grandfather grange (nf) - barn gratte-ciel (nm) - skyscraper gratter (v) - to scratch, to make itch, to earn a bit of money gr (nm) - liking, desire greffe (nf) - transplant, graft Grgoire - Gregory French name grenier (nm) - attic grenouille (nf) - frog griffe (nf) - claw; manufacturer's label, signature stamp grignoter (v) - to nibble, gnaw at; to eat away at grille-pain (nm) - toaster grillon (nm) - cricket grimper (v) - to climb, clamber gris (adj) - grey grognon (adj) - grumpy, gruff gros (adj) - fat grotte (nf) - cave, grotto grotte orne (n) - cave art groupuscule (nf) - (pej) small political group grue (nf) - crane gupe (nf) - wasp guichet automatique de banque (nm) ATM / cash dispenser

guidon (nm) - handlebars Guillaume - William French name guillemet (nm) - quotation mark, inverted comma guitare (nf) - guitar guitare lectrique (nf) - electric guitar Gustave - French name Guy - Bill French name

habitude (nf) - habit hache (nf) - ax hamac (n) - hammock hamburger (nm) - hamburger hamster (nm) - hamster hanche (nf) - hip haricot (nm) - bean harpe (nf) - harp hasard (nm) - coincidence, chance, fate, luck hausser (v) - to raise haut (adj) - tall; en haut (adv) - up hautbois (nm) - oboe Hlne - Helen, Ellen French name hlicoptre (n) - helicopter hmisphre (n) - hemisphere hmisphre nord (n) - northern hemisphere hmisphre sud (n) - southern hemisphere Henri - Henry French name Henriette - Henrietta French name herbe (n) - grass hrisson (nm) - hedgehog heure (nf) - hour, o'clock, time heureux (adj) - happy hexagone (n) - hexagone hibou (nm) - owl hindi (adj) - Hindi hippocampe (n) - seahorse hippopotame (n) - hippopotamus hisser (v) - to hoist, heave, haul up histoire (n) - story hiver (n) - winter hochet (nm) - rattle hockey (nm) - hockey hol (interj) - hello! whoa there! homard (nm) - lobster homme (nm) - man Honor (lit. honored) - French name hpital (nm) - hospital


hoqueter (v) - to hiccup, hiccough horaire (nm) - timetable, schedule, hourly employee horloge (n) - clock horripilant (adj) - exasperating, trying hors d'oeuvre (nm pl) - appetizers hors service - out of order Hortense - French name hot-dog (nm) - hot dog htel (nm) - hotel houe (nf) - hoe houx (nm) - holly Hugues - Hugo French name huile (n) - oil huit - eight humide (adj) - humid hutte (nf) - hut hutte de neige (nf) - igloo hyne (n) hyena

iceberg (n) - iceberg ici (adv) - here ide (n) - idea igloo (n) - igloo igname (n) - yam iguane (n) - iguana Iguanodon (n) - Iguanodon il (pron) - he, him, it Il est - It is Il est deux heures. - It's two o'clock. Il est heureux - He is happy. Il est ici - He is here. Il est idiot - He's an idiot. Il est une heure. - It's one o'clock. Il fait ... - It is... Il gle - It's freezing Il me faut un docteur. - I need a doctor. Il neige - It's snowing Il pleut - It's raining Il pleut verse - It's pouring Il s'appelle ... - His name is... le (n) - island illusion (n) - illusion illustre (adj) - illustrious, renowned lotier (nm) - community policeman ils (pron) - they Ils arriveront ... - They will arrive at... Ils ont eu - They had

imbiber (v) - to soak, saturate imbu (adj) - pompous, full of oneself impair/impaire (adj) - odd impala mufle noir (n) - impala impatient (adj) - impatient impec (inf adj) - great! terrific! imper (nm) (inf) - raincoat, mac impermable (n) - raincoat implanter (v) - to introduce, settle, establish Impossible! - Impossible! imprgner (v) - to soak, permeate, fill, pervade imprimante (nf) - printer imputer (v) - to attribute/ascribe to; to charge to incontournable (adj) - inescapable, inevitable, indispensable index (nm) - index finger, forefinger; index Indien(ne) - Indian indit (adj) - unpublished; novel, new, original Ins - Inez French name infirmier (nm), infirmire (nf) - nurse information (nf) - a piece of information information touristique (nf) - tourist information informatique (nf) - computer science ingnieur (nm) - engineer inopin (adj) - unexpected inou (adj) - unprecendented, unheard of; extraordinary, incredible inquiet (adj) - worried insecte (n) - insect insister (v) - to stress, be insistent, emphasize installer (v) - to set up, put in, fit out, get settled instar: l'instar de - following the example of intelligent (adj) intelligent, smart interdit (adj) - banned, forbidden, prohibited; dumbfounded, disconcerted intressant (adj) - interesting, attractive, worthwhile intrieur (adj, n) - interior; l'intrieur de inside Internet (n) - internet interpeller (v) - to call out to; to question; be of concern to, appeal to intersection (n) - intersection intitul (nm) - account holder's name; headings, chapter titles iris (n) - iris irlandais (adj) - Gaelic (language) Irlandais(e) (nm nf) - Irish (person) Isaac - Isaac French name


Isabelle - Isabel French name issue (nf) - exit, solution isthme (n) - isthmus Italien(ne), l'italien (adj n) - Italian

Jacqueline - Jacqueline French name Jacques - James French name Jacquot - Jimmy French name jaguar (nm) jaguar J'ai... - I have... J'ai faim. - I am hungry. J'ai soif. - I am thirsty. J'ai un problme - I have a problem J'ai une question - I have a question jaillir (v) - spurt out, gush forth, spring out J'aime... - I like... I love... jalonner (v) - to mark (fig); to line, stretch along jambe (nf) - leg jambon (nm) - ham janvier (nm) - January Japon (n) Japan Japonais(e), le japonais (n adj) - Japanese jardin (nm) garden, yard jardin zoologique (nm) zoo, zoological garden jardinage (nm) - gardening jardinier (nm) - gardener jaune (adj) - yellow jaune d'oeuf (nm) - egg yolk je (pron) - I Je comprends. - I understand. Je m'appelle... - My name is... Je me sens mal. - I feel sick. Je me suis perdu. - I am lost. Je n'aime pas... - I don't like... Je ne comprends pas. - I don't understand. Je ne parle pas franais. - I don't speak French. Je ne peux pas manger ... - I can't eat... Je ne peux pas trouver ... - I can't find.... Je ne sais pas. - I don't know. Je parle (un peu de) franais - I speak (a little) French. Je prends ... - I'm having... Je regrette. - I am sorry. Je suis ... - I am... Je suis all - I went

Je suis de... - I am from... Je suis dsol / dsole. - I am sorry. Je suis fatigu(e). - I am tired. Je suis heureux /heureuse. - I am happy Je suis malade. - I am sick. Je suis perdu. - I'm lost. Je suis triste. - I am sad. Je t'adore - I adore you Je t'aime. - I love you. Je te prsente ... - I'd like to introduce... Je t'en prie - youre welcome, it was my pleasure (informal) Je vais bien. - I am fine. Je vais prendre ... - I'm going to have... Je voudrais ... - I would like... Je voudrais parler ... - I'd like to speak to.... Je vous en prie. - You're welcome. It was my pleasure (formal) Je vous le passe. - I'm transferring your call. Je vous prsente ... - I'd like to introduce... jean (nm) - jeans Jean - John French name Jeanne - Joan, Jean, Jane French name Jeannine - Janine French name Jeannot - Johnny French name Jrme - Jerome French name jeter (v) - throw jeton (nm) - token; (in a game) - counter, chip; (fam) - bang, dent jeu (nm) game, play jeu de cartes (nm) - deck of cards jeu de patience (nm) - puzzle, jigsaw puzzle jeudi (nm) - Thursday jeune (adj) - young jeune fille (nf) - girl jogging (nm) - jogging joint (nm) - washer joli (adj) pretty, good-looking jonch (adj) - littered, strewn with jongleur (nm) - juggler jonquille (nf) - daffodil Joseph - Joseph French name Josphine - Josephine French name Josette - French name joue (nf) - cheek jouet (nm) - toy joug (nm) - yolk jouir (v) - to enjoy; (slang) to have orgasm joujoux (n pl) toys (baby talk) jour (nm) - day; les jours de la semaine days of the week journal (nm) - newspaper joyeux anniversaire - happy birthday jucher (v) - to perch juillet (nm) - July


juin (nm) - June Jules - Julius French name Julie - Julie French name Julien - Julian French name Juliette - Juliet French name jumeaux (n pl) - twins jungle (nf) - jungle jupe (nf) - skirt Jupiter (nm) - Jupiter jupon (nm) - half slip jus (nm) - juice jus d'orange (nm) - orange juice justement (adv) - exactly, rightly, just, in fact

kalidoscope (nm) - kaleidoscope kangourou (nm) - kangaroo kascher (adj) also spelled casher, cascher kosher kayak (nm) - kayak kermesse (nf) - fair, bazaar kif-kif / kifkif (fam adj) - (all the) same kilo (nm) - kilo kilogramme (nm) - kilogram kimono (nm) - kimono kiosque (nm) - newsstand kiwi (nm) - kiwi klaxonner (v) - to honk/beep/toot one's horn koala (nm) - koala kookaburra (nm) - kookaburra krill (nm) krill

labyrinthe (nm) - maze, labirynth lac (nm) - lake lche (adj) - cowardly lcher (v) - to loosen, to let go of, release; (inf) - to leave lacune (nf) - gap, blank, deficiency, lack Laetitia - Latitia French name laid (adj) - ugly

laine (nf) - yarn laisser un message - to leave a message lait (nm) - milk laiterie (nf) - dairy laitue (nf) - lettuce lama (nm) - llama Lambosaure (nm) - Lambeosaurus lampe (nf) - lamp lampe de poche, lampe torche (nf) flashlight lancer (v) - to throw, launch lanceur (nm) - pitcher langue (nf) - tongue lapin (nm) - rabbit large (adj) - wide larv (adj) - latent, below the surface lasser (v) - to tire, weary Laure - Laura French name Laurence - French name Laurent - Laurence French name lavabo (nm) - sink lave (nf) lava laver (v) - wash; se laver - to wash lecture (nf) reading lgendes (n pl) - legends, folk tales lgume (nm) - vegetable lendemain (nm) the next day, day after; future lendemains (nm pl) consequences lent (adj) - slow Lon - Leon, Leo French name lopard (nm) - leopard lessive (nm) - laundry lettre (nf) - letter leurrer (v) - to deceive, delude, lure lever de soleil (nm) - sunrise levier (nm) - lever lvre (nf) - lip lzard (nm) - lizard libellule (nf) - dragonfly licencier (v) - to make redundant, lay off licorne (nf) - unicorn lierre (nm) - ivy ligne (nf) - line ligne (nf) - line; La ligne est occupe The line is busy. ligoter (v) - to bind, tie lime (nf) - lime, file lime ongles (nf) - nail file limite - limit; la limite if pushed, at most, ultimately, in a pinch... limonade (nf) - lemonade lion (nm) - lion lire (v) - read lis (nm) - lily liste (nf) - list


lit (nm) - bed litre (nm) - liter livre (nf) -pound livre (nm) - book livre d'invit (nm) - guest book locomotive (n) - engine logement (nm) - lodging, accommodations logiciel (nm) - software (program) loin (de) - far (from) lolo (nm) - milk (baby talk) long (adj) - long long (nm) - length, long way, lengthwise Lorraine - Lorraine French name losange (nm) - diamond louche (nf) - ladle loufoque (inf adj) - wild, crazy Louis - Louis, Lewis French name Louise - Louise French name loup (nm) - wolf loupe (nf) - magnifying glass louper (v) - (fam) to miss, mess up, flunk lourd (adj) - heavy loutre (nf) - otter Luc - Luke French name Lucas - Lucas French name Luce - Lucy French name Lucie - Lucy French name luciole (nf) - firefly lugubre (adj) - gloomy, dismal lui (pron) - him lumire (nf) - light lundi (nm) - Monday lune (nf) - moon lune de miel (nf) - honeymoon lunettes (nf pl) glasses lunettes de soleil (nf pl) sunglasses lutte (nf) - fight, conflict, wrestling lyce (nm) - high school

M. (abbrev) - Mr, Mister macaroni (nm) macaroni machine (nf) - machine machine calculer (nf) - adding machine machine crire (nf) - typewriter machine photocopier (nf) - copy machine Madame (nf) - Mrs, Madam, Maam Madeleine - Madeline French name

Mademoiselle (nf) - Miss magasin (nm) - store, shop magasin de confection (nm) - clothing store maghreb (adj) - North African Maghreb (nm) - North Africa Maghreb (nm) - North African person magie (n) - magic magntoscope (nm) - VCR / video cassette recorder mai (nm) - May maigre (adj) - thin maillot de bain (nm) - bathing suit, swimsuit maillot de corps (nm) - undershirt main (nf) - hand maint (adj) - many, a lot, much maintenant (adv) - now mas (nm) - corn mais - but; mais enfin - but finally maison (nf) - house, home maison blanche (nf) - White House maison de poupe (nf) - dollhouse matresse (nf) - teacher malade (adj) - sick malentendu (nm) - misunderstanding malfrat (nm) (inf) - thug, crook, truant malheureux (adj) - unhappy malin (inf adj) - shrewd, cunning malin (nm) - crafty or clever person malle (nf) - trunk maman (nf) - mum, mummy mammy (nf) - granny (baby talk) mandat (nm) - mandate; postal/money order manger (v) - eat Manon - French name manteau (nm) - coat maquillage (nm) - make-up maquiller (v) - to fake; se maquiller (v) - to put on make-up maracas (n pl) - maracas marbre (nm) - marble Marc - Mark, Marcus French name Marcel - Marcel French name Marcelle - French name march (nm) - market mardi (nm) - Tuesday Margaux - Margot French name Margot - Maggie French name marguerite (nf) - daisy Marguerite - Margaret French name mari (nm) - husband mariage (nm) - marriage, wedding Marie - Marie, Mary French name marier: se marier avec (v) - to get married Marine (, seascape) - French name marionnette (nf) - puppet Marocain(e) - Moroccan


maroquin (nm) - leather marrant (inf adj) - funny, odd marron (adj) - brown mars (nm) - March Mars (nm) - Mars marteau (nm) - hammer Marthe - Martha French name Martin - Martin French name Martine - French name Maryse - French name mascara (nm) - mascara masque (nm) - mask masser (v) - to assemble, gather together; massage mathmatiques (n pl) - Mathematics, Maths Mathilde (v) - Mathilda French name matin (nm) - morning Matthieu - Matthew French name maudit (inf adj) - darned, blasted, hateful; (literary) - accursed Maurice - Morris French name maussade (adj) - sullen, gloomy, morose mauvais (adj) - bad weather mayonnaise (nf) - mayonnaise mec (nm) - (fam) dude, bloke mcanicien (nm) - mechanic mcne (nm) - patron (of artists or writers) mchant (adj) - mean mdaille (nf) - medal mdecin (nm) - doctor mduse (nf) - jellyfish mduser (v) - to dumbfound, paralyze, stupefy mfier: se mfier (v) - to distrust, be careful about mler (v) - to mix, mingle, blend, combine, muddle mm (nf) - granny (baby talk) mmre (nf) - (inf) - granny, grandma menotte (nf) - hand (baby talk) menton (nm) - chin menu (nm) - fixed-price meal mer (nf) - sea merci - thank you merci beaucoup - thank you very much merci bien - thank you very much mercredi (nm) - Wednesday Mercure (n) - Mercury mre (nf) - mother merle (nm) - blackbird message (nm) - note mto (nf) - weather forecast mtorite (nf) - meteor mtier (nm) - job, trade, occupation, craft, skill, experience mtrage (nm) - length, measurement,

yardage mtre (nm) - tape measure mtro (nm) - subway meuble (nm) - piece of furniture meule de foin (nf) - haystack Mexicain(e) - Mexican miam-miam (interj) - yum yum, yummy (baby talk) Michle - Michelle French name micro-ondes (nm) - microwave oven microscope (nm) - microscope midi (n) - noon mie (nf) - the soft part of bread miel (nm) - honey mignon (adj) cute, dainty mignon (nm) - darling, cutie mijoter (v) - to simmer; (inf) - to plot, hatch, cook up mille (adj) -thousand mille (nm) mile mille fois merci - bless you! (thank you so much) milliard (nm) - a billion million (nm) - million mince (adj) - thin, meager; (inf interj) - Darn it!, Wow! minral (n) - mineral minet (nm) (inf, baby talk) - kitty; (term of affection) - pet, sweetie-pie minibus (nm) - van minijupe (nf) - miniskirt minuit (n) - midnight minute (nf) - minute mirettes (nf pl) - (inf) eyes, peepers miroir (nm) - mirror Mlle. (abbrev) - Miss Mme. (abbrev) - Mrs. mobilier (nm) - furniture mobiliser (v) - to call up, mobilize, raise moche (inf adj) - ugly, mean moi (pron) - me moindre (adj) - lesser, lower moindre (nm) - least, the slightest moins - less, minus moins le quart - quarter of/to mois (nm) month; mois de l'anne (nm pl) - months of the year moiti (nf) - half mollo (fam adv) - easy (in attitude) mme (nf) (inf) - kid, brat, chick mme (nm) - young homosexual mon (pron) - my Mon nom est... - My name is... monde (nm) - world Monique - Monica French name Monsieur (nm) Mister, Mr, Sir


monstre (nm) - monster montagne (nf) - mountain montre (nf) - watch moquette (nf) - carpet mordiller (v) - to nibble, chew on mordre (v) - to bite (literal and fig) morse (nm) - walrus mot (nm) - word moto (nf) - motorbike motocyclette (nf) - motorcycle mots croiss (n pl) - crossword puzzle mou (adj) - soft, limp mouche (nf) - fly mouchoir (nm) - handkerchief moufle (nf) - mitten mouiller (v) - to wet, drench, water; (fam) - to drag into, to mix up in mouise (nf) - (fam) - poverty, hard times moule (nf) - mussel; (inf) - idiot moule (nm) - mold (for shaping something) moulin (nm) - mill moulin vent (nm) - windmill mousse au chocolat (nm) - chocolate mousse moustique (nm) - mosquito moutarde (nf) - mustard mouton (nm) - sheep, sheepskin, mutton; white caps; stool pigeon mouture (nf) - milling, grinding, grounds; draft, rehashing multiplication (nf) - multiplication multiplier (v) - multiply mur (nm) - wall mre (nf) - blackberry muse (nm) - museum musicien (nm) - musician musique (nf) - music myosotis (n) - forget-me-nots myrtille (nf) blueberry

nageoire (nf) - fin nager (v) - swim naf (adj) - naive narguer (v) - to flout, scoff at, deride, turn up one's nose at natation (nf) - swimming Nath - (short for Nathalie) French name

Nathalie - Nathalie French name nature (adj) - plain nautile (n) - nautilus navette (nf) - shuttle service, commute navette spatiale (nf) - space shuttle navire (nm) - ship navr (adj) - extremely sorry, sympathetic Ne quittez pas. - Please hold. nanmoins (adv) - nevertheless, yet ncessairement (adv) - necessarily, automatically, inevitably Nerlandais(e), le nerlandais - Dutch neige (nf) - snow non (nm) - neon Neptune (nm) - Neptune nerf (nm) nerve (anatomy) nerveux (adj) - nervous net (adj) - clean, neat, clear nettoyer (v) - to clean neuf (n) - nine neveu (nm) - nephew newt (nm) - newt nez (nm) - nose niche (nf) - doghouse, kennel Nicolas - Nicholas French name Nicole - Nicole French name nid (nm) - nest nice (nf) - niece niveau (nm) - level niveau (nm) - level, standard noces (n pl) - wedding Nol Christmas, French name Nomi - Naomi French name noeud (nm) - bow, knot noeud papillon (nm) - bow tie noir (adj) - black noisette (adj) - hazel noix (nf) - nut, walnut nom (nm) - name nombre (nm) - number nombriliste (inf adj) - self-centered non - no nord (nm) - north nord-est (nm) - northeast nord-ouest (nm) - northwest normal (adj) - normal, usual, standard, natural note (nf) - note nouille (nf) - noodle nounours (nm) - teddy bear (baby talk) nourriture (nf) - food nous (pron) - us, we Nous en avons - We have some Nous sommes... - Today is..., We are... novembre (nm) - November nu (adj) - naked


nuage (nm) - cloud nuageux (adj) - cloudy nuit (nf) - night nul (adj) - no, useless, hopeless (pronoun) no one numro (nm) - number, issue (of a periodical) numro de tlphone (nm) - phone number nunuche (inf adj) - namby-pamby, insipid, silly nunuche (nm nf) (inf) - ninny nuque (nf) - nape of the neck nymphe (nf) pupa

oblisque (n) - obelisque obvier (v) - to take precautions against, overcome occasion (nf) - chance, opportunity; secondhand occasionner (v) - to cause, bring about occuper (v) - to occupy, take up, fill ocan (n) - ocean ocan Arctique (n) - Arctic Ocean ocan Atlantique (n) - Atlantic Ocean ocan Austral (n) - Southern Ocean ocan Indien (n) - Indian Ocean ocan Pacifique (n) - Pacific Ocean Ocane - French name octobre (nm) - October octroyer (v) - to grant, bestow Odette - French name oeil (nm) - eye oeillet (n) - carnation oeuf (nm) egg, des oeufs (nm pl) - eggs ogre (nm) - ogre oie (n) - goose oignon (nm) - onion, bulb, bunion oiseau (n) - bird oiseau-mouche (n) - hummingbird olive (n) - olive Olivie - Olivia French name Olivier - Oliver French name Olympiques (n pl) - Olympics omelette (n) - omelet on - one, we oncle (nm) - uncle ondoyer (v) - to undulate, ripple, wave

ondul (adj) - wavy ongle (nm) - nail, fingernail ont-ils - do they have onze (n) - eleven orage (n) - storm orageux (adj) - stormy orange (nf adj) - orange orang-utan (n) - orangutan orbe (n) - orb orbite (n) - orbit orca, orque paulard (n) - killer whale ordi (nm) (inf) - computer ordinateur (nm) - computer oreille (nf) - ear oreiller (nm) - pillow orgueil (nm) - pride, arrogance orteil (nm) - toe oryctrope (n) - aardvark os (n) - bone oser (v) - to dare, venture ou (conj) - or o - where; D'o venez vous? - Where are you from? O est ... ? - Where is...? O est la salle de bains? - Where is the bathroom? O se trouve ... ? - Where is...? ouest (nm) - west oui - yes ouragan (n) - hurricane ours (n) - bear ours en peluche (n) - teddy bear outil (nm) - tool outrer (v) - to outrage ouvert (adj) open, outgoing ouvre-bote (n) - can opener ovale (n) - oval Oviraptor (n) Oviraptor

pagaie (nf) - paddle paillard (inf adj) - bawdy, coarse, lewd paillasson (n) - mat, welcome mat pain (nm) - bread pain d'pices (nm) - gingerbread pain grill (nm) - toast pair/paire (adj) - even palais (nf) - palace paletot (nm) - cardigan


palette (nf) - palette pallier (v) - to overcome, get round, compensate for palmier (n) - palm tree pamplemousse (nm) - grapefruit panda (nm) - panda panier (nf) - basket panier linge (nf) - laundry basket panne (nf) - breakdown; fat, grease panpan (nm) - spanking (baby talk) pansement (nm) - bandage pantalon (nm) pants; pantalons (nm pl) pants pantouflard (inf adj) - uneventful, quiet pantouflard (nm) - (inf) stay-at-home person paon (nm) - peacock papa (nm) - dad, daddy papatte (nf) - leg, hand (baby talk) papier (nm) - paper papillon (nm) - butterfly papillon de nuit (nm) - moth pappy (nm) - grandpa, grampa (baby talk) paquerette (nf) - daisy parages (nm) - area, vicinity parallle (adj) - parallel parapluie (nm) - umbrella parc (nm) - park pardessus (nm) - overcoat par-dessus (prep adv) - over Pardon. - Excuse me. Pardon me. I beg your pardon. pare-brise (nm) - windshield pareil (adj) - alike parent (nm) - kin parer (v) - to fend off, prepare for; to dress, deck out, embellish paresseux (adj) - lazy, idle, sluggish parfaire (v) - to perfect, complete parfois (adv) - sometimes parfum (nm) - perfume parier (v) - to bet, wager parler (v) - talk, speak Parlez-vous anglais? - Do you speak English? parole (nf) - word, speech, lyrics parrain (nm) - godfather; sponsor parvenir (v) - to reach, achieve, manage to pas de quoi - don't mention it Pas grande chose - Not much Pas mal - Not bad Pascal - French name passage (nm) - alley, passage passage pour pitons (nm) - pedestrian crossing, crosswalk, passeport (nm) - passport pastenague (nf) - stingray

pastque (nf) - watermelon pataqus (nm) - malapropism; (slang) muddle patati: et patati et patata (inf interj) - and so on and so forth ptes (n pl) - pasta patient (adj) - patient patin (nm) - skate patin glace (nm) - ice skate patin roulettes (nm) - roller skate patio (nm) - patio ptisserie (nf) - pastry shop Patrice - Patrick French name Patricia - Patricia French name Patrick - Patrick French name patrimoine (nm) - inheritance, heritage patriotique (adj) - patriotic Paul - Paul French name Paulette - French name Pauline - Pauline French name paupire (nf) - eyelid page (nm) - toll pche (nf) - fishing pche (nf) - peach pcheur (nm) - fishernman pdaler (v) - to pedal, (inf) - to hurry peigne (nm) - comb peinard (fam adj) - cushy, easy peine (nf) - sorrow, sadness, trouble, effort, penalty peintre (nm) - painter peler (v) - to peel pelle (nf) - shovel pelouse (nf) - lawn, field, track pencher (v) - to tilt, slope, bend, lean, incline (fig and literally) pendentif (nm) - pendant pendule (nf) - pendulum, pendulum clock Pnlope - Penelope French name pninsule (nf) - peninsula penser (v) - to think pentagone (nm) - pentagon pp (nm) - grampa, grandpa (baby talk) ppre (inf adj) - quiet, easy, uneventful, cushy ppre (nm) - (inf, baby talk) grandad; (inf) cute child percussion (nf) - percussion instruments percuter (v) - to strike, crash into; (fam) - to get it (e.g., a joke) pre (nm) - father prim (adj) - e xpired, out of date, invalid, outdated perroquet (nm) - parrot perruque (nf) - wig peser (v) - to weigh (lit + fig); to consider, be


worth something ptillant (adj) - bubbly, sparkling petit (adj) - short petit aiguille (nf) - hour hand petit ami (nm) - boyfriend petit chien (nm) - puppy petit djeuner (nm) - breakfast petit four (n) - cupcake, muffin petit pain (nm) - roll, bun petit somme (nm) - nap petite, petit (adj) - small, little, short petit-fille (nf) - granddaughter petit-fils (nm) - grandson petits pois (nm pl) peas peur (n) - fear, avoir peur - be afraid peut-tre - maybe phare (nm) - lighthouse phares (nm pl) - headlights pharmacie (nf) - pharmacy Philippe - Philip French name Philippine - French name phoque (nm) - seal photographie (nf) - photograph phrase (nf) - sentence piano (nm) - piano piauler (v) - to cheep, sing, whimper piccolo (nm) - piccolo pice (nf) coin, room pice de 25 cents (nf) - quarter (American coin) pice de 5 cents (nf) - nickel (American coin) pied (nm) foot; C'est le pied! - It's great! pige (nm) - trap, pit, pitfall pierre (nf) - stone Pierre - Peter French name pieuvre (nf) - octopus pigeon (nm) - pigeon piger (v) - (fam) to twig, get it, understand pile (inf adv) - just, exactly, dead pile (nf) - pile, stack, battery, tails (on a coin toss) pinailleur (inf adj) - persnickety, fussy pinard (nm) - (fam) cheap wine, plonk pince ongles (nf) - nail clippers pince fine (nf) - tweezers pinceau (nm) - paintbrush pinces (n pl) - pliers pingoun (nm) - penguin pipi (nm) - pee pee, urine (baby talk) piquer (v) - to sting, bite; give a shot; stick, jab; prickle pirate (nm) - pirate pivert (nm) - woodpecker pizza (nf) - pizza placard (nm) - cupboard, cabinet, closet; poster, notice; galley proof

plafond (nm) - ceiling plage (nf) - beach plaisanterie (nf) - joke plait: s'il vous plait - please plantarium (nm) - planetarium plante (nf) - planet plantain (nm) - plantain plante (nf) - plant plat (nm) - dish; main course plein (adj) - full; en plein air - outdoors pleurer (v) - cry, weep plier (v) - to fold, bend plomb (nm) - lead (literal and fig); lead shot, sinker (fishing) plombier (nm) - plumber plouc (adj) - dowdy plouc (nm) - (inf, pej) country bumpkin, hick pluie (nf) - rain plume (nf) - feather plus - more, plus; le plus grand, la plus grande - tallest, biggest Plus lentement - More slowly plus ou moins - more or less Pluton (nm) - Pluto plutt (adv) - rather, sooner pneu (nm) - tyre poche (nf) - pocket pole (nf) - frying pan pole (nf) - pan, frying pan poignarder (v) - to stab, knife (literally and fig) poignet (nm) - wrist point (nm) - point, dot point d'exclamation (nm) - exclamation mark pointer (v) - to check off, clock in, aim; se pointer (inf) - to turn up poire (nf) - pear pois (nm) - pea poisson (nm) - fish poisson rouge (nm) - goldfish poissonerie (nf) - fish store poitrine (nf) - chest poivre (nm) - pepper ple nord (nm) - North Pole ple sud (nm) - South Pole police (nf) - police policier (nm) - police officer politesse (nf) - politeness Polonais(e), le polonais - Polish polygone (n) - polygon pommade (nf) - ointment, cream pomme (nf) - apple pomme de terre (nf) - potato pompe incendie (n) - fire truck pompier (nm) - fire fighter


pont (nm) - bridge porc (nm) - pork porcelaine (nf) - china porche (nm) - porch portail (nm) - gate, portal porte (nf) - door porte-documents (nm) - briefcase portefeuille (nm) - wallet porte-monnaie (nm) - purse Portugais(e), le portugais - Portuguese poser (v) - to put down, to ask (a question) poste (nf) - post office pot (nm) - jar, pot, tin, can; (inf) - drink, luck pot gradu (nm) - measuring cup potage (nm) - soup potager (adj) - edible, vegetable potasser (v) - (inf) to cram, bone up, swot pote (nm) - (inf) mate, buddy, chum potiron (nm) - pumpkin poubelle (nf) - garbage can pouce (nm) - inch pouce (nm) thumb, inch poulet (nm) - chicken poupe (nf) - stern (of a ship) poupe (nf) - doll pourboire (nm) - tip pourpre (adj) - purple pourquoi - why Pourrais-je parler ... ? - May I speak to ...? pouss (adj) - advanced, intensive, exhaustive pousser (v) - push Pouvez-vous m'aider, s'il vous plait? - Can you help me, please? pralable (adj) - preliminary, prior, previous, preceding prdicateur (nm) - preacher premier (nm, adj) - first premier tage (nm) - 2nd floor (US), 1st floor (BR) prs (de) - near (to) prsentation (nf) - introduction prsident (nm) - president press (adj) - in a hurry, urgent; freshlysqueezed prestations (nf) - benefits prvisible (adj) - foreseeable prince (nm) - prince princesse (nf) - princess printemps (nm) - spring prix (nm) - prize prof (nm nf) - (inf) teacher (short for professor) professeur (nm) - teacher profiter (v) - to benefit, be profitable to profiter de (v) - to make the most of, take

advantage of projet (nm) - plan, draft propre (adj) - clean proprio (nm nf) - (fam) landlord, landlady (short for propritaire) propritaire (nm nf) landlord, landlady, owner, propriator prosaque (adj) - mundane, prosaic Protocratops (n) - Protoceratops prout (nm) - gas, fart (baby talk) province (nf) - province prune (nf) - plum psychose (nf) - psychosis; obsession Ptranodon (n) - Pteranodon puce (nf) - flea pudeur (nf) - sense of modesty, decency, propriety puis on est arriv - then we arrived pull (nm) - sweater pupile (nf) - pupil pupitre (nm) - student desk puzzle (nm) - puzzle pyjama (nm) - pyjamas pyramide (nf) pyramid

quadrupde (nm) - quadruped quadrupl (nm) - quadruplet quai (nm) - platform quand - when Quand est-ce que - When + question quand on dcidera - when we decide quant (prep) - as for, regarding quarante (n adj) - forty quarante et un (n, adj) - forty-one quartz (nm) - quartz quasiment (adv) - almost, nearly quatorze (n adj) - fourteen quatre (n adj) - four quatre-vingt-deux (n, adj) - eighty-two quatre-vingt-dix (n, adj) - ninety quatre-vingt-onze (n, adj) - ninety-one quatre-vingts (n adj) - eighty quatre-vingts-dix (n adj) - ninety quatre-vingt-un (n, adj) - eighty-one Que prenez-vous? - What are you having? Que veut-dire ... ? - What does ... mean? Que voudriez-vous? - What would you like?


Quel ge avez-vous? - How old are you? Quel idiot ! - What an idiot! Quel jour est-il? - What day is it? Quel jour sommes-nous? - What day is it? quel, quelle - which Quelle est la date? - What's the date? Quelle heure est-il? - What time is it? Quelle ide extraordinaire! - What an incredible idea! quelque part (indefinite adv) - somewhere quelqu'un - someone quenotte (nf) - tooth (baby talk) Qu'est-ce que c-est? - What is that? Qu'est-ce que vous avez dit? - What did you say? question (nf) - question quetzal (nm) - quetzal queue (nf) - tail qui - who; ce qui - what Qui est l'appareil ? - Who is calling? quille (nf) - keel quintupl (nm) - quintuplet quinze (n, adj) - fifteen quitter (v) - to leave quoi - what Quoi de neuf ? - What's new?

rabais (pej adj) - third-rate, cheap rabais (nm) - reduction, discount rabioter (v) - (informal) to beg, mooch, scrounge, wangle, swindle raccrocher (v) - to hang up racine (nf) - root raconter (v) - to tell, recount radar (nm) - radar rade (nf) - harbour radier (v) - to cross off, strike off radio (nf) - radio radiographie (nf) - x-ray radis (nm) - radish raffin (adj) - refined, sophisticated, polished raffoler de (v) - to be keen on, wild about ragotant (adj) - appetizing, savory (ironic) raide (adj) - straight raidir (v) - to stiffen, harden, tighten, tense raisin (nm) - grape rlant (adj) - infuriating

ramure (nf) - antler rancune (nf) - grudge, rancour randonne (nf) - drive, ride, hike rpe (nf) - grater rapide (adj) - fast rappeler (v) - to call back se rappeler (v) - to remember, recollect raquette (nf) - racket rasage (nm)- shaving raser: se raser (v) - to shave rasoir (nm) - razor rasoir lectrique (nm) - shaver rassasier (v) - to satisfy rat (nm) - rat rteau (nm) - rake rater (v) - to misfire, miss, fail, bungle, miscarry, mess up ratisser (v) - to rake raton laveur (nf) - raccoon ravi (adj) - delighted ray (adj) - striped, scratched rayon de miel (nm) - honey comb rayons X (n pl) - X-ray racteur (nm) - engine rebarbatif (adj) - forbidding, daunting rceptionniste (nm, nf) - receptionist recette (nf) -receipe rcidive (nf) - second offense, recurrence, repetition rcipient (nm) - container rectangle (nm) - rectangle recul (nm) - retreat, recoil, decline, (temporal) distance rdaction (nf) - drafting, editing, writing, drawing up rdiger (v) - to write, compose, draft redite (nf) - needless repetition redoubler (v) - to increase, intensify, double redouter (v) - to dread, fear rfrigrateur (nm) - refrigerator rgaler (v) - to treat, regale regarder (v) - to look rgime (n) - diet rgion (nf) - region rgl (adj) - regular, stable, settled; menstruating; lined rgle (nf) - ruler rglisse (nf) - licorice reine (nf) - queen rejeton (nm) - descendant reliquat (nm) - remainder, outstanding amount, balance reluquer (v) - (informal) to eye, ogle remuer (v) - to move, twitch, stir, shift, shake renard (nm) - fox rendre: se rendre compte (v) - to realize, be


aware renfort (nm) - help, helpers renforts (nm pl) - reinforcements, supplies renfrogn (adj) - sullen, scowling, sulky renne (nm) - reindeer rentable (adj) - profitable, worthwhile repas (nm) - meal repre (nm) - line, marker, indicator, landmark, reference point reprer (v) - to spot, pick out, find; to be found out, get caught Rptez, s'il vous plait. - Please repeat. rpondeur tlphonique (nm) - answering machine reposer (v) - to put back down, put back; rest; ask again; se reposer (v) - rest reprsailles (nf pl) - reprisal, retaliation reproduction exacte (n) - clone requin (nm) - shark restaurant (nm) - restaurant rsumer (v) - to summarize, sum up, epitomize retors (adj) - sly, underhanded, wily retraite (nf) - retreat, retirement, pension russir (v) - to succeed, to manage to, to pass (a test) rvasser (v) - to daydream, let one's mind wander rveil (nm) - alarm clock, waking up rveill (adj) - awake revendiquer (nm) - to claim, demand, take responsibility for revoir: au revoir - goodbye revue (nf) - magazine rez-de-chausse (nm) - 1st floor (US), ground floor (BR) rhinocros (nm) - rhinoceros riche (adj) - rich rideau (nm) - curtain rien - nothing; De rien. - You're welcome. Rien de nouveau - Nothing's new rigoler (v) - (inf) to laugh, have fun, joke rigueur: la rigueur (adv) - or even, if need be ringard (inf adj) - corny, rinky-dink, oldfashioned riposte (nf) - retort, counter-attack, (fencing) riposte rire (v) - to laugh rivire (nf) - river riz (nm) - rice robe (nf) - dress robinet (nm) - faucet robot (nm) - robot rocher (nm) - rock rder (v) - to loiter, lurk, prowl

roi (nm) - king roman policier (nm) - detective story, whodunit romanesque (adj) - fabulous, fantastical, storybook, romantic romanesque (nm) - romantic side, romance rompre (v) - to break (off, up) ronchon (adj) - grumpy, grouchy ronchon (nm) - grumbler, grouch rond (adj) - round rondement (adv) - briskly, frankly ronfler (v) - to snore, hum, roar ronronner (v) - to purr, hum (literally and fig) rosbif (nm) - roast beef rose (adj) - pink rose (nf) - rose rosier (nm) - rosebush roue (nf) - wheel rouge (adj) - red rouge lvres (nm) - lipstick rouge-gorge (n) - robin rougir (v) - to turn red, to blush rouleau (nm) - scroll rouleau ptisserie (nm) - rolling pin rouler (v) - to drive, be moving (traffic) rouspter (v) - (inf) to moan, groan route (nf) - road roux (adj) - red (hair) ruban (nm) - ribbon rubis (nm) - ruby ruche (nf) - hive rudement (adv) - roughly, hard, harshly; (inf) - very, terribly rue (nf) - street Russe, le russe (n) - Russian

sa (pron) - his, her Sabine - French name sable (nm) - sand sable mouvant (nm) - quicksand sabot (nm) - clog, hoof, (inf) - wreck, idiot sac (nm) bag, sack sac dos (nm) - backpack sac main (nm) purse sac de couchage (nm) - sleeping bag saccad (adj) - jerky, spasmodic, fitful,


halting saillant (adj) - prominent, protruding, jutting, salient sain (adj) - healthy Saint Valentin (nf) - St. Valentine's Day saisons (n pl) - seasons salade (nf) - salad salami (nm) - salami sale (adj) - dirty salet (nf) - dirt salle (nf) - room salle manger (nf) - dining room salle de bains (nm) - bathroom salle de classe (nf) - classroom salle de sjour (nf) - lounge, living room salon (nm) - living room saluer (v) - to greet, salute, take one's leave Salut - Hi, bye salutation (nf) - greeting samedi (nm) - Saturday sandales (nf pl) - sandals sang (nm) - blood sanglot (nm) - sob, tears sans prjugs (adj) - open-minded sape (nf) - undermining, sapping; (fam) clothes, gear, duds saper (v) - to undermine satellite (nm) - satellite Saturne (nm) - Saturn saucisse (nf) - sausage saucisson (nm) - sausage sauter (v) - jump sauterelle (nf)- grasshopper savoir-faire (nm) - know-how savon (nm) - soap saxophone (nm) - saxophone scarabe (nm) - beetle sceller (v) - to seal scie (nf) - saw sciemment (adv) - knowingly, on purpose science (nf) - science scruter (v) - to scan, scrutinize seau (nm) - bucket Sbastien - Sebastian French name sec (adj) - dry; (inf) - broke seconde (nf) - second secouer (v) - to shake (up, off) secours (nm) - aid, help, assistance secrtaire (nm nf) - secretary sein (nf) - breast sisme (nm) - earthquake, upheaval seize (n adj) - sixteen sel (nm) - salt semaine (nf) - week semer (v) - to sow, scatter, strew sempiternel (adj) - eternal, never-ending

Sngalais(e) - Senegalese sens (nm) - sense, meaning, direction sentir (v) - smell sept (n adj) - seven septembre (nm)- September Serge - French name srieux (adj) - serious serpent (nm) - snake serveur (nm) - waiter serveuse (nf) - waitress service compris - tip included service non compris - tip not included serviette (nf) - towel, napkin ses (pron) - his shampooing (nm) - shampoo short (nm) - shorts si - yes (in reponse to a negative) sidrer (v) - (inf) to stupefy, shock; (medical) - to go into shock sifflet (nm) - whistle s'il te plat - please (informal) s'il vous plait - please sillage (nm) - wake (of a boat), slipstream, trail sillonner (v) - to cross, cut across, furrow, scar Simone - French name singe (nm) - monkey, ape sinon (conj) - except, other than; if not; otherwise, or else sirne (nf) - mermaid six (n adj) - six ski (nm) - skiing slip (nm) - panties smicard (nm) - (inf) minimum-wage earner smoking (nm) - tuxedo snob (adj) - snobby, posh snob (nm) - snob soeur (nf) - sister soif (nf) - thirst soigner (v) - to treat, look after, nurse, take care of soir (nm) - evening; ce soir - tonight soire (nf) - evening, party, evening performance soixante (n adj) - sixty soixante-dix (n adj) - seventy soixante-douze (n adj) -seventy-two soixante-onze (n adj) -seventy-one soixante-quatorze (n adj) -seventy-four soixante-treize (n adj) - seventy-three sol (nm) soil, floor soldat (nm) - soldier soleil (nm) - sun solitaire (adj) - lonely sombre (adj) - dark


son (pron) - his, her sonner (v) - to ring Sophie - Sophia French name sorcire (nf) - witch sortie (nf) - exit sortir avec (v) - to date sosie (nm) - double, twin sou (n) - penny, cent souci (nm) - worry, concern, sake; marigold soucoupe (nf) - saucer souder (v) - to solder, weld, seal, fuse, knit together souffrance: en souffrance - pending, awaiting delivery soulager (v) - to relieve, soothe, ease soulier (nm) - shoe soupon (nm) - suspicion; hint, drop (fig) soupe (nf) - soup sourcil (nm) - eyebrow sourire (nf) - smile souris (nf) - mouse souris des steppes (nf) - jerboa sous (prep) - under sous vtements (n pl) - underwear sous-sol (nm) - basement soustraction (nf) - subtraction soustraire (v) - subtract soutenu (adj) - elevated (fig), sustained soutien (nm) - support, backing soutien-gorge (nm) - bra spatule (nf) - spatula sphre (nf) - sphere spirale (nf) - spiral sportif (adj) - athletic sports (n pl) - sports squelette (nm) - skeleton station de mtro (nf) - subway station stationner (v) - to park station-service (nf) - gas station Stgosaure (nm) - Stegosaurus Stphane - Stephen French name Stphanie - Stephanie French name studieux (adj) - studious stupide (adj) - stupid stylo (nm) - pen stylo bille (nm) - pen subalterne (adj) - subordinate, inferior subalterne (nm, nf) - subordinate, inferior subir (v) - to be subjected to, undergo; to be under influence of subitement (adv) - suddenly, all of a sudden sucette (nf) - lollipop sucre (nm) - sugar sud (nm) - south sud-est (nm) - southeast sud-ouest (nm) - southwest

Sude (n) - Sweden Suisse (n adj) - Swiss super (inf adj) - great, fantastic; (prefix) very, ultra supplier (v) - to beseech, implore, beg sur (prep) - over, on surenchre (nf) - overbid, higher bid, overstatement, oneupmanship surligneur (nm) - highlighter surmener (v) - to overwork, overtax surmonter (v) - to surmount, top, overcome sursis (nm) - reprieve, deferment surtout (adv) - above all, especially surveiller (v) - to watch, keep an eye on, supervise Susanne - Susan, Suzanne French name susciter (v) - to incite, arouse, provoke Sylvie - Sylvia French name sympa (inf adj) - nice, likable, friendly sympathique (adj) - nice systme solaire (nm) - Solar System

tabac (nm) - tobacco shop table (nf) - table tableau (nm) - picture, painting, scene, list, chart, blackboard, bulletin board tablier (nm) - apron tabouret (nm) - stool, footstool taches de rousseur (n pl) - freckles taille (nf) - waist tailler (v) - to cut, carve, prune, trim se tailler (inf) - to beat it, split, run off tailleur (nm) - suit talon (nm) - heel tamborin, tambour de basque (nm) tamboutine tambour (nm) - drum tamponner (v) - to mop up, plug; crash into; stamp tante (nf) - aunt tapis (nm) - rug, carpet taquin (adj) - playful taquiner (v) - to tease, bother; to dabble at (used humorously) tarabiscot (adj) - ornate, fussy tarabuster (v) - to badger, pester, bother,


worry tard (adj) - late tarder (v) - to delay, to take a long time tar (adj) - defective; (inf) perverted, crazy tar (nm) - degenerate targuer: se targuer (v) - to boast, brag tarte (nf) - pie tartempion (nm) - (inf) what's-his-name tas (nm) - pile, heap un/des tas de (inf) tons of, lots of, piles of tasse (nf) - cup tata (nf) - auntie (baby talk) tatie (nf) - auntie (baby talk) tatillon (adj) - finicky, nit-picky tatillon (nm) - a finicky person tatou (nm) - armadillo taule (nf) - (fam) jail, clink, nick taxi (nm) - taxi, cab tee (nm) - tee tee-shirt (nm) - T-shirt teinturerie (nf) - dry cleaner tl (nf) - TV tlcharger (v) - to download tlcommande (nf) - remote control tlcopieur (nm) - fax machine tlphone (nm) - telephone tlphone cellulaire (nm) - cell phone tlphoner (v) - to call tlescope (nm) - telescope tlvision (nf) - television tellement avare - so stingy tmraire (adj) - rash, reckless, foolhardy tmoigner (v) - to testify; to show, display, evince tmoin (nm) - witness, evidence, proof temps (nm) time, weather; temps partiel (adj, adv) - part-time tennis (nm pl) sneakers tennis (nm) - tennis tente (nf) - tent tenter (v) - to tempt, attempt, try terne (nm) - tern terre (nf) - earth, land, soil ttard (n) - tadpole tte (nf) - head ttu (adj) - stubborn, pigheaded th (nm) - tea thtre (nm) - theater thire (nf) - teapot Thodore - Theodore French name Thophile - Theophilus French name Thrse - Theresa French names thermomtre (n) - thermometer Thibaut - Theobald French name Thierry - Terry French name Thomas - Thomas French name

tide (adj, adv) - lukewarm, tepid, mild tige (nf) - stem tiger (nm) - tiger timbale (nf) - kettledrum timbre-poste (nm) - stamp timide (adj) - shy Timothe - Timothy French name tiquer (v) - to make/pull a face, to raise an eyebrow, to bat an eye tirer (v) - pull tisane (nf) - herbal tea toboggan (nm) - slide toile d'araigne (nf) - cobweb, web toilette (nf) toilet, bathroom toit (nm) - roof toll (nm) - general outcry, protest tomate (nf) - tomato tonalit (nf) - dial tone tondeuse (nf) - lawn mower tondre (v) - to shear, mow, clip, crop tonton (nm) - uncle (baby talk) tordre (v) - to wring, twist, contort tornade (nf) - tornado torpiller (v) - to torpedo, sabotage tortue (nf) - turtle tt (adj) - early toto (nf) - car (baby talk) totos (nm pl) head lice (baby talk) toucan (nm) - toucan tourbillon (nm) - vortex, whirlwind tourner (v) - to turn tournesol (nm) - sunflower tournevis (nm) - screwdriver tournure (nf) - turn (of phrase, events); appearance tout(e) (adj) - every, very, all, everything; tout l'heure. - See you later. tout droit - straight (ahead) tout entier (adj) - entire toutou (nm) - doggy (baby talk) trac (nm) - stage fright, nerves, (to be) nervous trace (nf) - track tracteur (nm) - tractor train (nm) - train train d'atterrissage (nm) - landing gear traner (v) - to train; se traner (v) - to crawl tranche (nf) - slice, edge tranquille (adj) - quiet, gentle, peaceful, calm, tranquil transport (nm) - transportation travail (nm) - job, work travailler (v) - to work travailleur (adj) - hard-working traverser (v) - to cross trbucher (v) - to stumble (lit and fig)


treize (n adj) - thirteen tremp (adj) - soaked, drenched; to participate (in something dishonest) trempe (nf) - caliber, moral fiber, temper, quality; damping, wetting, soaking; (inf) hiding, thrashing trente (n adj) - thirty trente et un (n adj) - thirty-one trente-deux (n adj) - thirty-two trs utile - very useful trve (nf) - truce, respite triangle (nm) - triangle Tricratops (nm) - Triceratops tricoter (v) - to knit trictac (nm) - backgammon trimbaler (inf) - to lug, cart around; to trail along trinquer (v) - to toast, drink to; (inf) - take the rap tripe (nf) - tripe; (inf, gif) - core, fiber tripes (nf pl) - guts triple (adj) - triple tripls (n pl) - triplets Tristan - Tristan, Tristram French name triste (adj) - sad troc (nm) - trade, exchange, barter trois (n adj) - three troisime (adj) - third trombone (nf) - paper clip trombone (nm) - trombone trompe (nf) - trunk trompette (nf) - trumpet tronc (nm) - trunk tronche (nf) - (fam) mug (face), noggin (head) trotteuse (nf) - second hand (in a clock) trottoir (nm) - pavement, sidewalk trou (nm) - hole trouer (v) - to make/wear/punch a hole in, to pierce (literally and fig) trouille (nf) - (fam) extreme fear truc (nm) - (inf) thingie, whatsit, trick tu (pron) - you Tu vas aller - You're going to go tuba (nm) - tuba tube (nm) - tube tulipe (nf) - tulip turbin (nm) - (fam) job, daily grind tutoyer (v) - to use "tu", be on familiar terms tutu (nm) - tutu tuyau (nm) - pipe, hose (inf) - tip, piece of advice type (nm) - type, kind; classic example, epitome; (inf) - guy, bloke, chap Tyrannosaure rex (nm) - Tyrannosaurus Rex

ukulele (n) - ukulele ulcrer (v) - (fig) to sicken, appall; (medical) ulcerate un (n adj) - one uni (adj) - plain, solid-colored; close-knit uni (nf) - short for universit unicorn (n) - unicorn uniforme (n) - uniform unit de mesure (n) - yardstick universit (nf) - university, college Untel / Unetelle - so-and-so, John/Jane Doe Uranus (nm) - Uranus urger (v) - (inf) to be urgent urne (n) - urn user (v) - to wear out, wear away; to use up usine (n) - factory usit (adj) - commonly-used, in common use usuel (adj) - everyday, ordinary utensiles (n pl) - utensils

vache (nf) - cow vachement (inf adv) - very, really, damn, bloody vacherie (nf) - (fam) meanness, rottenness; nasty remark/action; garbage vaciller (v) - to sway, wobble; flicker; (fig) - to shake, waver, falter vadrouiller (inf) - to rove around vague (nf) - wave vaisselle (nf) - dish Valentine - Valentina French name Valrie - Valerie French name valise (nf) - suitcase valle (nf) - valley


vanille (nf) - vanilla vanter (v) - to praise, speak highly of, laud vaquer (v) - to attend to, see to, take care of; to be on vacation varech (nm) - kelp vase (nm) - vase vaseux (inf adj) - woozy, dazed, hazy, muddled; lame, stupid vautour (nm) - vulture veau (nm) - veal vedette (nf) - star, leading figure vgtarien (adj) - vegetarian (m) vgtarienne (adj) - vegetarian (f) vgtation (nf) - vegetation vhicule (nm) - vehicle veille (nf) - wakefulness; night before, eve, brink veiller (v) - to stay/sit up, be on watch, be awake, spend the evening veiller (v) - to look after, see to, monitor veinard (inf adj) - lucky, jammy veinard (nm) - lucky dog, lucky duck vlo (nm) - biking Vlociraptor (nm) - Velaciraptor vendredi (nm) - Friday venir de (v) - to have just [done something] ventilateur (nm) - fan Vnus (n) - Venus ver (nm) - worm ver de terre (nm) - earthworm vranda (nf) porch, verandah vernis ongles (nm) - nail polish Vronique - Veronica French name verre (nm) - glass verre vin (nm) - wine glass verre grossissant (nm) - magnifying glass vert (adj) - green vertbre (nf) - vertebra veste (nf) - jacket veston de sport (nm) - sport jacket vtements (nm pl) clothes, clothing vtements de femme (nm pl) - women's clothing vtements d'homme (nm pl) - men's clothing vtrinaire (nm) veterinarian Veuillez - Please (be so kind as to) Veuillez m'aider. - Please help me. Veux-tu m'pouser? - Will you marry me? vexer (v) - to upset, offend, anger viande (nf) - meat Victoire - Victoria French name Victor - Victor French name vide (adj) - empty vierge (adj) - blank vieux, vieille (adj) - old village (nm) - village

ville (nf) - city, town vin (nm) - wine vinaigre (nm) - vinegar Vincent - Vincent French name vingt (n adj) - twenty vingt et un (n adj) twenty-one vingt-deux (n adj) twenty-two vingt-trois (n adj) twenty-three violet (adj) violet, purple violon (nm) - violin violoncelle (nm) - cello vipre (nf) - viper virer (v) - to turn (a car); to change (color); to kick out; to transfer Virginie - Virginia French name vis (nf) - screw visage (nm) - face viser (v) - to aim at/for, be directed at; (fam) to take a peek vivoter (v) - to struggle along, scrape by voia (nf) - road, way Voici... - This is... voie ferre (nf) - railroad track Voie Lacte (nf) Milky Way voile (nf) sailing, sail voir (v) to see voire (adv) - indeed, even voisinage quartier (nm) neighbourhood voiture (nf) - car voiture de pompiers (nf) - fire truck volant (nm) - steering wheel volcan (nm) volcano voler (v) - to fly volontiers (adv) - gladly, with pleasure vortex (nm) - vortex voter (v) - to vote vouloir (v) - to have something against someone vous (pron) - you vous avez - you have Vous avez quel ge? - How old are you? Vous tes gniaux ! -You are just great! vouvoyer (v) - to use "vous" with someone voyage (nm) -travel voyelle (nf) - vowel vrac: en vrac (adv/adj) - loose, (in) bulk, jumbled, disorderly


W.C. (n pl) - bathroom wagon (nm) - train car; truckload; (inf) stacks, piles, tons wallon (adj) - Walloon (French-speaking Belgian) Wallon (nm) - Walloon person w eek-end (nm) - weekend

zizanie (nf) - ill-feeling, feud, rivalry zizi (nm) - weenie, peter, penis (baby talk) Zo - Zoe French name zone (nm) - zone, area; ghetto, slum; (inf) bad situation zoo (nm) - zoo zoologiste (nm) zoologist

Xavier - Xavier French name xnophobe (adj) - xenophobic (fearful or contemptuous of foreigners) xrs (nm) - sherry xylophone (nm) - xylophone

English French Dictionary

aardvark (n) - l'oryctrope above (adv prep) - au-dessus de acorn (n) - le gland add (v) - additionner addition (n) - l'addition address (n) - l'adresse adults (n) - les adultes aeroplane (n) - l'avion afraid (adj) - peur Africa (n) - Afrique aileron (n) - l'aileron alarm clock (n) - le rveil Albertosaurus (n) - Albertosaure alike (adj) - pareil all (adj) - tout alley (n) - le passage alligator (n) - l'alligator alphabet (n) - l'alphabet amber (n) - l'ambre ambulance (n) - l'ambulance anatomy (n) - l'anatomie anchor (n) - l'ancre and (conj) - et angel (n) - l'ange angelfish (n) - l'ange de mer angry (adj) - fch animals (n) - les animaux (pl) ankle (n) - la cheville Ankylosaurus (n) - Ankylosaure ant (n) - la fourmi Antarctica (n) - Antarctique

Y (adverbial pronoun) - there yacht (nm) - yacht yak (nm) - yak yaourt (nm) - yoghurt yeux (n pl) - eyes yo-yo (nm) - yo-yo Yves - Ives French name

Zacharie - Zachary French name zbre (nm) - zebra zro (n) - zero zigzag (nm) - zigzag zinnia (nf) - zinnia


anteater (n) - le fourmilier antelope (n) - l'antilope antler (n) - la ramure Apatosaurus (n) - Apatosaure ape (n) - le singe apple (n) - la pomme April (n) - avril apron (n) - le tablier aquarium (n) - l'aquarium arch (n) - l'arc archer (n) - l'archer archipelago (n) - l'archipel Arctic Ocean (n) - l'ocan Arctique arithmetic (n) - l'arithmtique arm (n) - le bras armadillo (n) - l'armadille, le tatou armchair (n) - le fauteuil around (prep) - autour de arrow (n) - la flche art (n) - l'art art gallery (n) - la galerie d'art artichoke (n) - l'artichaut artist (n) - l'artiste Asia (n) - Asie asleep (adj) - endormi asteroid (n) - l'astrode astronaut (n) - le cosmonaute astronomy (n) - l'astronomie athlete (n) - l'athlte Atlantic Ocean (n) - l'ocan Atlantique atom (n) - l'atome August (n) - aot aunt (n) - la tante aurora (n) - l'aurore Australia (n) - Australie automobile (n) - l'automobile autumn (n) - l'automne avenue (n) - l'avenue avocado (n) - l'avocat awake (adj) - rveill awl (n) - l'alne ax (n) - la hache

baby (n) - le bb backgamon (n) - le trictac backpack (n) - le sac dos bag (n) - le sac

baker (n) - le boulanger ball (n) - la balle ballerina (n) - la ballerine balloon (n) - le ballon banana (n) - la banane bandage (n) - le pansement banjo (n) - le banjo bank (n) - la banque barn (n) - la grange baseball (n) - le base-ball baseball bat (n) - le bton de baseball, la batte basket (n) - le panier bassoon (n) - le contrebasson bat (n) - la chauve-souris bathroom (n) - la salle de bains, W.-C. bathing suit (n) - le maillot de bain bathtub (n) - la baignoire bay (n) - la baie be well - aller bien beach (n) - la plage bear (n) - l'ours beautiful (adj) - belle (f), beau (m) bed (n) - le lit bee (n) - l'abeille beetle (n) - le scarabe, le coloptre behind (prep, adv) - derrire bell (n) - la cloche bench (n) - le banc between (prep) - entre bicycle (n) - la bicyclette big (adj) - grand biggest (adj) - le plus grand (or la plus grande) bill (n) - le billet bird (n) - l'oiseau birthday (n) - l'anniversaire black (adj) - noir blackberry (n) - la mre blackbird (n) - le merle blank (adj) - vierge blocks (n pl) - les cubes blouse (n) - le chemisier blue (n) - bleu boat (n) - le bateau body (n) - le corps bones (n pl) - les os book (n) - le livre bookcase (n) - l'tagre de bibliothque boots (n pl) - les bottes bottle (n) - la bouteille bow (n) - le noeud, l'archet bowl (n) - le bol box (n) - la bote boy (n) - le garon bracelet (n) - le bracelet


brain (n) - le cerveau brass instruments (n pl) - les cuivres bread (n) - le pain break (v) - casser breakfast (n) - le petit djeuner bridge (n) - le pont bright (adj) - brillant broccoli (n) - le brocoli broom (n) - le balai brother (n) - le frre brown (adj) - brun brush (n) - la brosse bubble (n) - la bulle bucket (n) - le seau bud (n) - le bouton bug (n) - l'insecte building (n) - le btiment bulb (n) - l'ampoule bulldozer (n) - le bulldozer, le bouteur bun (n) - la brioche bunny (n) - le lapin bus (n) - l'autobus bush (n) - le buisson butter (n) - le beurre butterfly (n) - le papillon button (n) - le bouton

cab (n) - le taxi cabbage (n) - le chou cactus (n) - le cactus cage (n) - la cage cake (n) - le gteau calculator (n) - la calculatrice calendar (n) - le calendrier camel (n) - le chameau camera (n) - l'appareil photographique camper (n) - la caravane campfire (n) - le feu de camp camping (n) - le camping can (n) - la bote de conserve can opener (n) - l'ouvre-bote Can you help me, please? - Pouvez-vous m'aider, s'il vous plait? canary (n) - le canari candle (n) - la bougie

candy (n) - le bonbon cane (n) - la canne canoe (n) - le cano cap (n) - la casquette car (n) - la voiture card (n) - la carte carnation (n) - l'oeillet carpet (n) - le tapis carrot (n) - la carotte carton (n) - le carton castle (n) - le chteau cat (n) - le chat caterpillar (n) - la chenille cauliflower (n) - le chou-fleur cave (n) - la caverne, la grotte cave art (n) - grotte orne cavity (n) - carie celery (n) - le cleri cell (n) - la cellule cello (n) - le violoncelle cent (n) - le cent chair (n) - la chaise change purse (n) - le porte-monnaie check (n) - le chque checkbook (n) - le carnet de chques checkers (n pl) - les dames cheek (n) - la joue cheese (n) - le fromage cherry (n) - la cerise chicken (n) - le poulet child (n) - l'enfant children (n) - les enfants chimney (n) - la chemine chimpanzee (n) - le chimpanz chin (n) - le menton China (n) - Chine China (n) - la porcelaine chisel (n) - le burin chocolate (n) - le chocolat church (n) - l'glise circle (n) - le cercle city (n) - la ville clap (v) - frapper clap your hands - staper des mains, frappe les mains clarinet (n) - la clarinette claw (n) - la griffe clay (n) - l'argile clean (adj) - propre clean (v) - nettoyer clock (n) - l'horloge, la pendule clone (n) - reproduction exacte closed (adj) - ferm clothes (n) - vtements clothes hanger (n) - cintre cloud (n) - le nuage clown (n) - le clown


coat (n) - le manteau cobweb (n) - la toile d'araigne cocoon (n) - le cocon coffin (n) - le cercueil coin (n) - la pice cold (adj) - froid colour (n) - couleur comb (n) - le peigne comet (n) - la comte compass (n) - le compas, boussole computer (n) - l'ordinateur cone (n) - le cne constellation (n) - la constellation container (n) - le rcipient cookie (n) - le biscuit coral (n) - corail corn (n) - le mais costume (n) - le costume cotton candy (n) - barbe papa couch (n) - le divan count (v) - compter cow (n) - la vache crab (n) - le crabe crane (n) - la grue crawl (v) - se traner crayon (n) - le crayon de couleur cream (n) - la crme frache credit card (n) - la carte de crdit crescent (n) - le croissant cricket (n) - le grillon crocodile (n) - le crocodile crosswalk (n) - le passage pour pitons crossword puzzle (n) - mots croiss crow (n) - la corneille crown (n) - la couronne cry (v) - pleurer crystal (n) - le cristal cube - le cube cuckoo (n) le coucou cuckoo clock (n) - le coucou cucumber (n) - le concombre cup (n) la tasse cupboard (n) - l'armoire cupcake (n) - petit four curtain (n) - le rideau curve (n) - courbe cut (v) - couper cute (adj) - mignon cyclone (n) - le cyclone cylinder (n) - le cylindre cymbals (n) - les cymbales

dad (n) - le papa daffodil (n) - la jonquille daisy (n) - la marguerite, la paquerette dance (v) - danser danger (n) - le danger dartboard (n) - la cible darts (n pl) - les flchettes daughter (n) - la fille day (n) - le jour December (n) - dcembre deck of cards (n) - le jeu de cartes deer (n) - le cerf Deinonychus (n) - Deinonychus departement (n) - le dpartement desert (n) - le dsert desk (n) - le bureau dessert (n) - le dessert diamond (n) - le diamant, le losange dice (n pl) - les ds diet (n) - rgime dinner (n) - le dner dinosaur (n) - le dinosaure dirt (n) - la salet dirty (adj) - sale dish (n) - le plat, la vaisselle divide (v) - diviser division (n) - la division Do you speak English? - Parlez-vous anglais? Do you understand English? - Comprenezvous l'anglais? Do you understand? - Comprenez-vous? doctor (n) - le mdecin, le docteur dog (n) - le chien doghouse (n) - la niche doll (n) - la poupe dollar (n) - dollar dollhouse (n) - la maison de poupe dolphin (n) - le dauphin dominoes (n) - les dominos donkey (n) - l'ne door (n) - la porte dot (n) - le point double (adj) - double double bass (n) - le contrebasse doughnut (n) - le beignet dove (n) - la colombe down (adv) - en bas dragon (n) - le dragon dragonfly (n) - la libellule drapes (n) - la draperie


drawing (n) - le dessin dress (n) - la robe dresser (n) - la commode drill (n) - la perceuse drink (v) - boire dropper (n) - le compte-gouttes drum (n) - le tambour duck (n) - le canard

each (adj) - chaque eagle (n) - l'aigle ear (n) - l'oreille early (adj) - tt earmuffs (n pl) - le cache-oreilles earth (n) - la terre earthworm (n) - le ver de terre easel (n) - le chevalet east (n, adv) - l'est eat (v) - manger echidna (n) - l'chidn eclipse (n) - l'clipse eel (n) - l'anguille egg (n) - l'oeuf eggplant (n) - l'aubergine eight (n, adj) - huit eighteen (n, adj) - dix-huit eighty (n, adj) - quatre-vingts elbow (n) - le coude electric guitar (n) - la guitare lectrique electricity (n) - l'lectricit elephant (n) - l'lphant elevator (n) - l'ascenseur eleven (n, adj) - onze elk (n) - l'lan ellipse (n) - l'ellipse emerald (n) - l'meraude empty (adj) - vide emu (n) - l'meu energy (n) - l'nergie engine (n) - la locomotive, le racteur English horn (n) - le cor anglais entrance (n) - l'entre envelope (n) - l'enveloppe equal (adj) - gal equator (n) - l'quateur eraser (n) - la gomme Europe (n) - Europe

evening (n) - le soir even (adj) - pair/paire every (adj) - chaque, toutes exam (n) - l'examen exclamation sign (n) - point d'exclamation Excuse me. - Excusez-moi.Pardon. exercise (v) - l'exercise exit (n) - la sortie eye (n) - l'oeil, pl les yeux eyebrow (n) - le sourcil eyedropper (n) - le compte-gouttes eyeglasses (n pl) - les lunettes eyelash (n) - le cil eyelid (n) - la paupire

face (n) - le visage factory (n) - l'usine fall (autumn) (n) - l'automne family (n) - la famille fan (n) - le ventilateur farm (n) - la ferme fast (adj) - rapide fat (adj) - gros father (n) - le pre faucet (n) - le robinet feather (n) - la plume February (n) - fvrier feet (n) - les pieds femur (n) - le fmur fence (n) - la clture fern (n) - la fougre ferret (n) - le furet fiddle (n) - le violon fifteen (n, adj) - quinze fifty (n, adj) - cinquante file (n) - la lime fin (n) - la nageoire finger (n) - le doigt fingernail (n) - l'ongle fire (n) - le feu fire fighter (n) - le pompier firefly (n) - la luciole fire hydrant (n) - la bouche incendie fireplace (n) - la chemine fire truck (n) - pompe incendie,voiture de pompiers


fireworks (n) - les feux d'artifice first (adj) - le premier fish (n) - le poisson fish bowl (n) - l'aquarium fisherman (n) - le pcheur five (n, adj) - cinq five hundrd (n adj) - cinq cent flag (n) - le drapeau flame (n) - la flamme flamingo (n) - le flamant flashlight (n) - la lampe de poche,la lampe torche flea (n) - la puce flower (n) - la fleur flute (n) - la flte fly (n) - la mouche fly (v) - voler foliage (n) - le feuillage folk tales (n) - lgendes food (n) - nourriture foot (n) - le pied football (n) - le football forehead (n) - le front forest (n) - la fort forget-me-nots (n) - myosotis fork (n) - la fourchette forty (n, adj) - quarante fossil (n) - le fossile four (n, adj) - quatre fourteen (n, adj) - quatorze fox (n) - le renard freezer (n) - le conglateur French horn (n) - le cor Friday (n) - vendredi friend (n) lami frightened (adj) - effray frog (n) - la grenouille fruit (n) - le fruit frying pan (n) - la pole full (adj) - plein furniture (n) - le mobilier fuselage (n) - le fuselage

garbage can (n) - la poubelle garden (n) - le jardin gardener (n) - le jardinier gate (n) - le portail gazelle (n) - la gazelle geography (n) - gographie geology (n) - la gologie ghost (n) - le fantme gift (n) - le cadeau gingerbread (n) - le pain d'pices giraffe (n) - la girafe girl (n) - la jeune fille give (v) - donner glad (adj) - content glass (n) - le verre glasses (n pl) - les lunettes globe (n) - le globe gloves (n) - les gants go (v) - aller goat (n) - la chvre goldfish (n) - le poisson rouge golf (n) - le golf golf ball (n) - la balle de golf golf clubs (n) - les clubs de golfles btons de golf gong (n) - le gong good (adj) - bien, bon, bonne good afternoon - bonjour good evening - bonsoir good morning - bonjour good night - bonne nuit good-bye - au revoir goose (n) - l'oie gorilla (n) - le gorille grandfather (n) - le grand-pre grandmother (n) - la grand-mre grapefruit (n) - le pamplemousse grape (n) - le raisin grass (n) - l'herbe grasshopper (n) - la sauterelle grater (n) - la rpe gray (adj) - gris green (adj) - vert grotto (n) - la grotte guest book (n) - le livre d'invit guitar (n) - la guitare gulf (n) - le golfe

galaxy (n) - la galaxie game (n) - le jeu


hair (n) - les cheveux (pl) hairbrush (n) - la brosse cheveu half (n) - la moiti Halloween - la veille de la Tous-saint ham (n) - le jambon hamburger (n) - le hamburger hammer (n) - le marteau hammock (n) - l'hamac hamster (n) - le hamster hands (n) - les mains hanger (n) - cintre happy (adj) - content, heureux happy birthday - joyeux anniversaire Happy New Year! - Bonne anne! harp (n) - la harpe hat (n) - le chapeau haystack (n) - la meule de foin he (pron) - il head (n) - la tte healthy (adj) - sain heart (n) - le coeur hedgehog (n) - le hrisson heel (n) - le talon helicopter (n) - l'hlicoptre Hello - bonjour helmet (n) - le casque Help! - Au secours! Help me please. - .Aidez-moi. hemisphere (n) - l'hmisphre her (pron) - sa, son, ses, elle here (adv) - ici hexagon (n) - l'hexagone hill (n) - la colline him (pron) - lui, il hip (n) - la hanche hippopotamus (n) - l'hippopotame his (pron) - son, sa, ses hive (n) - la ruche hoe (n) - la binette, la houe hole (n) - le trou holly (n) - le houx home (n) - la maison honey (n) - le miel honeycomb (n) - le rayon de miel hoof (n) - le sabot hop (v) - sauter horn (n) - la corne, le cor hornet (n) - le frelon horse (n) - le cheval horseshoe (n) - le fer cheval hose (n) - le tuyau hot (adj) chaud hot-air balloon (n) - l'arostat

hot dog (n) - le hot-dog hour (n) - l'heure hour hand (n) - la petit aiguille house (n) - la maison How are you? - Comment allez-vous? How do you say...? - Comment ditesvous...? How many, how much - combien How much does it cost? - C'est combien? How old are you? - Quel ge avez-vous? Vous avez quel ge? How? - Comment? hull (n) - la coque hummingbird (n) - l'oiseau-mouche hundred (n, adj) - cent hungry (adj) be hungry - avoir faim hurricane (n) - l'ouragan husband (n) - le mari hut (n) - la hutte hydrant (n) - la bouche incendie hyena (n) - l'hyne

I (pron) Je I am... - Je suis... I am called... - (My name is...) - Je m'appelle... I am fine. - Je vais bien.a va bien. I am from... - Je suis de... I am happy. - Je suis heureux /heureuse. I am hungry. - J'ai faim. I am lost. - Je me suis perdu. I am sad. - Je suis triste. I am sick. (n) - Je suis malade. I am sorry. - Je regrette.Je suis dsol / dsole. I am thirsty. - J'ai soif. I am tired. - Je suis fatigu(e). I don't know. - Je ne sais pas. I don't like ... - Je n'aime pas... I don't speak French. - Je ne parle pas franais. I don't understand. - Je ne comprends pas. I feel sick. - Je me sens mal.


I have... - J'ai... I like... - J'aime... I love you. - Je t'aime. I need a doctor. - Il me faut un docteur. I understand. - Je comprends. I would like... - Je voudrais... ice (n) - la glace ice cream (n) - la crme glace ice cream cone (n) - cornet de glace ice skate (n) - le patin glace iceberg (n) - l'iceberg icicle (n) - le glaon idea (n) - l'ide igloo (n) - hutte de neige, l'igloo iguana (n) - l'iguane illusion (n) - l'illusion imp (n) - le diablotin impala (n) - l'antilope impala, l'impala mufle noir in (prep) - dans in front of (prep) - devant inch (n) - le pouce Indian Ocean (n) - l'ocan Indien ink (n) - l'encre insect (n) - l'insecte inside (adv, prep) - l'intrieur de Internet (n) - Internet intersection (n) - l'intersection iris (n) - l'iris iron (n) - le fer repasser island (n) - l'le isthmus (n) - l'isthme It doesn't matter. - a ne fait rien. ivy (n) - le lierre

jellyfish (n) - la mduse jerboa (n) - gerboise, souris des steppes jet (n) - l'avion reaction jewel (n) - le bijou jewelry (n) - la bijouterie jigsaw puzzle (n) - le casse-tte job (n) - le travail joke (n) - la plaisanterie joystick (n) - commandes jug (n) - la cruche juggler (n) - le jongleur juice (n) - le jus July (n) - juillet jump (v) - sautar jump rope (n) - la corde--sauter June (n) - juin jungle (n) - la jungle Jupiter (n) - Jupiter

jacket (n) - la veste jack-in-the-box (n) la bote surprise jack-o'-lantern (n) le feu follet jaguar (n) - le jaguar jam (n) - la confiture January (n) - janvier Japan (n) - Japon jar (n) - le pot jay (n) - le geai jelly (n) - gele

kaleidoscope (n) - le kalidoscope kangaroo (n) - le kangourou kayak (n) - le kayak keel (n) - la quille kelp (n) - le varech, l'algue marine kettle (n) - la bouilloire kettledrum (n) - la timbale key (n) - la cl keyboard (n) - le clavier kids (n) - les enfants killer whale (n) - l'paulard, l'orca, l'orque paulard kilogram (n) - le kilogramme kimono (n) - le kimono king (n) - le roi kitchen (n) - la cuisine kite (n) - le cerf-volant kitten (n) - le chaton kiwi (n) - le kiwi knee (n) - le genou kneel (v) - s'agenouiller knife (n) -le couteau knit (v) - tricoter knot (n) - le noeud koala (n) - le koala komodo dragon (n) - le dragon de Komodo


kookaburra (n) - le kookaburra krill (n) - le krill

label (n) - l'tiquette lace (n) - la dentelle ladder (n) - l'chelle ladle (n) - la louche lady (n) - la dame ladybug (n) - la coccinelle lake (n) - le lac lamb (n) - l'agneau lamp (n) - la lampe land (n) - la terre landing gear (n) - le train d'atterrissage large (adj) - grand last (adj) - dernier late (adj, adv) - tard laugh (v) - rire laundry (n) - la lessive laundry basket (n) - la panier linge lava (n) - la lave lawn (n) - la pelouse lawn mower (n) - la tondeuse leaf (n) - la feuille leak (n) - la fuite learn (v) - apprendre left (adj) - gauche leg (n) - la jambe lemon (n) - le citron lemonade (n) - la citronnade (la limonade) leopard (n) - le lopard less (adv, prep) - moins letter (n) - la lettre lettuce (n) - la laitue level (n) le niveau lever (n) - le levier library (n) - la bibliothque licorice (n) - la rglisse lid (n) - la couvercle light (n) - la lumire lightbulb (n) - l'ampoule lighthouse (n) - le phare lightning (n) - l'clair lily (n) - le lis

lime (n) - la lime line (n) - la ligne lion (n) - le lion lip (n) - la lvre list (n) - la liste listen (v) - couter little (aj) - petit live (v) - vivre living room (n) - le salon lizard (n) - le lzard llama (n) - le lama lobster (n) - le homard locomotive (n) - la locomotive log (n) - la bche lollipop (n) - la sucette look (v) - regarder loud (adj) - bruyant, fort love (n) - l'amour lunch (n) - le djeuner lunch box (n) - la bote goter

macaroni (n) - le macaroni mad (adj) - fcher magazine (n) - la revue magic (n) - magie magnet (n) - l'aimant magnifying glass (n) - la loupe, le verre grossissant mail (n) - le courrier mailbox (n) - la bote aux lettres man (n) - l'homme many - beaucoup de map (n) - la carte maple (n) - l'rable maracas (n) - les maracas marble (n) - le marbre March (n) - mars market (n) - le march Mars (n) - Mars mask (n) - le masque mat (n) - paillasson mathematics (n) - les mathmatiques May (n) - mai maybe - peut-tre maze (n) - le labyrinthe me (pron) - moi


meal (n) - le repas measuring cup (n) - le pot gradu meat (n) - la viande medal (n) - la mdaille Mercury (n) - Mercure mermaid (n) - la sirne meteor (n) - la mtorite microscope (n) - le microscope microwave oven (n) - le micro-ondes, le four micro-onde midnight (n) - minuit milk (n) - le lait Milky Way (n) - Voie Lacte million (n, adj) - million mineral (n) - minral minus (n) - moins minute (n) - la minute minute hand (n) - la grande aiguille mirror (n) - le miroir Miss (n) - Mademoiselle (Mlle.) mitten (n) - la moufle mom (n) - la maman Monday (n) - lundi money (n) - l'argent monkey (n) - le singe monster (n) - le monstre month (n) - le mois moon (n) - la lune moose (n) - l'lan du Canada mop (n) - le balai laveur more - plus morning (n) - le matin mosquito (n) - le moustique moth (n) - le papillon de nuit mother (n) - la mre motorcycle (n) - la motocyclette mountain (n) - la montagne mouse (n) - la souris mouth (n) - la bouche Mr. (Mister) - M. (Monsieur) Mrs. (Mistress) - Mme. (Madame) muffin (n) - la brioche mug (n) - la grande tasse multiplication (n) - la multiplication multiply (v) - multiplier museum (n) - le muse mushroom (n) - le champignon music (n) - la musique musician (n) - le musicien my (pron) - mon My name is... - Je m'appelle...

nail (finger, toe)(n) - l'ongle nail (n) - le clou naked (adj) - nu name (n) - le nom nap (n) - le petit somme napkin (n) - la serviette narrow (adj) - troit nautilus (n) - nautile neck (n) - le cou necklace (n) - le collier necktie (n) - la cravate needle (n) - l'aiguille neighbourhood (n) - le voisinage quartier neon (n) - le non Neptune (n) - Neptune nest (n) - le nid net (n) - le filet newspaper (n) - le journal newt (n) - le newt next to (prep) - cot de Nice to meet you. - Enchant(e). nickel (n) - la pice de 5 cents night (n) - la nuit nightgown (n) - la chemise de nuit nine (n) - neuf nineteen (n) - dix-neuf ninety (n) - quatre-vingts-dix no (adv) - non noisy (adj) - bruyant, fort noodle (n) - la nouille noon (n) - midi north (n) - le nord North Pole (n) - le ple nord northeast (n) - le nord-est northern hemisphere (n) - l'hmisphre nord northwest (n) - le nord-ouest nose (n) - le nez note (n) - la note, le message notebook (n) - le carnet nothing - rien November (n) - novembre now (adv) - maintenant numbers (n) - les nombres nurse (n) - l'infirmire nut (n) - la noix nut (technical) (n) - l'crou


oar (n) - l'aviron obelisk (n) - l'oblisque oboe (n) - le hautbois ocean (n) - l'ocan oclock - heure October (n) - octobre octopus (n) - la pieuvre odd (adj) - impair/impaire Of course.- Bien sr. ogre (n) - l'ogre oil (n) - l'huile oil painting (n) - la peinture l'huile ok (int) - D'accord. old (adj) - vieux, vieille olive (n) - l'olive Olympics (n) - Olympiques omelet (n) - l'omelette on (prep ) - sur one (n, adj) - un onion (n) - l'oignon open (adj) - ouvert orange (adj) - orange orange (n) - l'orange orange juice (n) - le jus d'orange orangutan (n) - l'orang-outang orb (n) - l'orbe, le globe orbit (n) - l'orbite ostrich (n) - l'autruche otter (n) - la loutre outdoors (adv) - en plein air oval (n) - ovale oven (n) - le four oven mitt (n) - la mitaine isolante over (prep, adv) - au-dessus overalls (n) - la combinaison overcoat (n) - le pardessus owl (n) - le hibou

Pacific Ocean (n) - l'ocan Pacifique package (n) - le paquet paddle (n) - la pagaie padlock (n) - le cadenas

pail (n) - le seau paintbrush (n) - le pinceau painter (n) - le peintre pajamas (n) - le pyjama palace (n) - la palais palette (n) - la palette palm tree (n) - palmier pan (n) - la pole panda (n) - le panda pants (n) - le pantalon paper (n) - le papier parallel (n) - parallle park (n) - le parc parrot (n) - le perroquet party (n) - la fte pea (n) - le pois peach (n) - la pche peacock (n) - le paon pea pod (n) - la cosse de pois pear (n) - la poire pebble (n) - le caillou pen (n) - le stylo bille pen pal (n) - correspondant pencil (n) - le crayon penguin (n) - le pingouin peninsula (n) - la pninsule penny (n) - sou pentagon (n) - le pentagone people (n) - les gens pepper (n) - le poivre percussion instruments (n) - la percussion pet (n) - l'animal familier photograph (n) - la photographie piano (n) - le piano piccolo (n) - le piccolo pickle (n) - conserves au vinaigre, marinades picture (n) - le tableau pie (n) - la tarte pig (n) - le cochon pigeon (n) - le pigeon pillow (n) - l'oreiller pink (adj) - rose pirate (n) - le pirate pitch (v) - lancer pitcher (n) - le lanceur pizza (n) - la pizza plane (n) - l'avion planet (n) - la plante planetarium (n) - le plantarium plant (n) - la plante plantain (n) - le plantain plate (n) - l'assiette playng cards (n) - le jeu de cartes please - s'il vous plait Please help me. - Veuillez m'aider. Please repeat that. - Rptez, s'il vous plait?


Pleased to meet you. - Enchant pliers (n) - les pinces plum (n) - la prune plus (n) - plus Pluto (n) - Pluton pocket (n) - la poche . point (n) - le point police officer (n) - l'agent de police, la police polygons (n) - polygones pond (n) - l'tang pot (n) - casserole potato (n) - la pomme de terre present (n) - le cadeau president (n) le prsident pretty (adj) - joli prince (n) - le prince princess (n) - la princesse prize (n) - le prix province (n) - la province pull (v) - tirer pumpkin (n) - la citrouille, le potiron pupa (n) - la nymphe pupil (n) - la pupille puppet (n) - la marionnette puppy (n) - le chiot, le petit chien purple (adj) - pourpre purse (n) - le sac main push (v) - pousser puzzle (n) - le puzzle, le jeu de patience pyramid (n) - la pyramide

rabbit (n) - le lapin raccoon (n) - la raton laveur racket (n) - la raquette radar (n) - le radar radio (n) - la radio railroad track (n) - la voie ferre rain (n) - la pluie rainbow (n) - l'arc-en-ciel raincoat (n) - l'impermable rake (n) - le rteau rake (v) - ratisser raspberry (n) - la framboise rat (n) - le rat rattle (n) - le hochet read (v) - lire recipe (n) - la recette rectangle (n) - le rectangle red (adj) - rouge refrigerator (n) - le rfrigrateur region (n) - la rgion reindeer (n) - le renne remote control (n) - la tlcommande rest (v) - se reposer rhinoceros (n) - le rhinocros ribbon (n) - le ruban rice (n) - le riz rich (adj) - riche riddle (n) - crible, l'nigme right: to the right - droite ring (n) - la bague river (n) - la rivire roach (n) - le gardon road (n) - la route, chausse robin (n) - rouge-gorge robot (n) - le robot, l'automate rock (n) - le rocher rocket (n) - la fuse rocking horse (n) - le cheval bascule roll (n) - le petit pain roller skate (n) - le patin roulettes rolling pin (n) - le rouleau ptisserie roof (n) - le toit room (n) - la salle rooster (n) - le coq root (n) - la racine rope (n) - la corde rose (n) - la rose round (adj) - rond ruby (n) - le rubis

quadruped (n) - le quadrupde quadruplet (n) - le quadrupl quail (n) - la caille quarter (n) - pice de 25 cents quartz (n) - le quartz quasar (n) - le quasar queen (n) - la reine question mark (n) - la question quetzal (n) - le quetzal quicksand (n) - le sable mouvant quiet (adj) - tranquille quilt (n) - l'dredon quintuplet (n) - le quintupl quiz (n) - l'examen


rug (n) - le tapis ruler (n) - la rgle run (v) - courir

sack (n) - le sac sad (adj) - triste safety pin (n) - l'pingle de sret sail (n) - la voile sailboat (n) - le bateau voile saint (n) - le saint salad (n) - la salade salami (n) - le salami salt (n) - le sel sand (n) - le sable satellite (n) - satellite Saturday (n) - samedi Saturn (n) - Saturne sausage (n) - la saucisse saw (n) - la scie saxophone (n) - le saxophone scale (n) - la balance scared (adj) - effray scarf (n) - l'charpe school (n) - l'cole science (n) - la science scissors (n) - les ciseaux screw (n) - la vis screwdriver (n) - le tournevis scroll (n) - le rouleau sea (n) - la mer seahorse (n) - l'hippocampe seal (n) - le phoque seasons (n) - les saisons second (adj) - deuxime second (n) - la seconde second hand (n) - la trotteuse see (v) - voir See you later. - tout l'heure. A bientt. See you tomorrow. - demain. seed (n) - la graine seesaw (n) - la bascule semicircle (n) - le demi-cercle sentence (n) - la phrase September (n) - septembre seven - sept seventeen - dix-sept seventy - soixante-dix

sew (v) - coudre shampoo (n) - le shampooing shapes (n) - les formes shark (n) - le requin she (pron) - elle sheep (n) - le mouton shelf (n) - l'tagre shell (n) - le coquillage ship (n) - le navire shirt (n) - la chemise shoe (n) - la chaussure short (adj) - court, petite, petit shoulder (n) - l'paule shovel (n) - la pelle shut (adj) - ferm shut (n) - fermer sick (adj) - malade sidewalk (n) - le trottoir sink (n) - le lavabo sister (n) - la soeur sit (n) - s'asseoir, reposer six (n, adj) - six sixteen (n, adj) - seize sixty (n, adj) - soixante skate (n) - le patin skeleton (n) - le squelette skinny (adj) - maigre skirt (n) - la jupe skull (n) - le crne sky (n) - le ciel sky blue (adj) - bleu ciel skyscraper (n) - le gratte-ciel sleep (v) - dormir sleeping bag (n) - le sac de couchage slide (n) - le toboggan slow (adj) - lent small (adj) - petit smell (v) - sentir smile (n) - le sourire snail (n) - l'escargot snake (n) - le serpent snow (n) - la neige snowflake (n) - le flocon de neige snowman (n)- le bonhomme de neige soap (n) - le savon soccer ball (n) - le ballon de football sock (n) - la chaussette sofa (n) - le canap soil (n) - le sol, la terre solar system (n) - le systme solaire soldier (n) - le soldat someone - quelqu'un son (n) - le fils soup (n) - la soupe south (n) - le sud South Pole (n) - le ple sud


southeast (n) - le sud-est Southern Hemisphere (n) - l'hmisphre sud Southern Ocean (n) - l'ocan Austral southwest (n) - le sud-ouest space shuttle (n) - la navette spatiale spacesuit (n) - la combinaison spatiale spatula (n) - la spatule speak (v) - parler sphere (n) - la sphre spider (n) - l'araigne spine (n) - le colonne vertbrale spiral (n) - la spirale sponge (n) - l'ponge spool (n) - la bobine spoon (n) - la cuillre sports (n) - les sports spray can (n) - la bombe spring (n) - le printemps square (n) - le carr squid (n) - le calmar squirrel (n) - l'cureuil stamp (n) - le timbre-poste stand (v) - tre debout stapler (n) - l'agrafeuse star (n) - l'toile steak (n) - le bifteck stem (n) - la tige stick (n) - le bton stingray (n) - la pastenague stone (n) - la pierre stool (n) - le tabouret stop (v) - arrter store (n) - le magasin storm (n) - l'orage story (n) - l'histoire stove (n) - la cuisinire strait (n) - le dtroit strawberry (n) - la fraise street (n) - la rue string (n) - la ficelle string instruments (n) - les cordes student (n) - l'tudiant subtract (v) - soustraire subtraction (n) - la soustraction suit (n) - le costume suitcase (n) - la valise summer (n) - l't sun (n) - le soleil Sunday (n) - dimanche sunflower (n) - le tournesol sunrise (n) - le lever de soleil sunset (n) - le coucher du soleil swan (n) - le cygne swim (v) - nager swimsuit (n) - le maillot de bain

sword (n) - l'pe

table (n) - la table tadpole (n) - ttard tag (n) - l'tiquette tail (n) - la queue tale (n) - le conte talk (v) - parler tall (adj) grand, tallest (adj) - plus grand tambourine (n) - le tamborin,tambour de basque tanker (n) - le camion-citerne tape measure (n) - le mtre taxi (n) - le taxi tea (n) - le th teacher (n) - la matresse teapot (n) - la thire teddy bear (n) - l'ours en peluche tee (n) - le tee telephone (n) - le tlphone telescope (n) - le tlescope television (n) - la tlvision ten (n, adj) - dix tennis (n) - le tennis tennis racket (n) - la raquette tent (n) - la tente tern (n) - le terne, la sterne test (n) - l'essai thank you - merci thermometer (n) - thermomtre they (pron) - elles, ils thin (adj) - maigre think (v) - penser third (adj) - troisime thirteen (n, adj) - treize thirty (n, adj) - trente thousand (n, adj) - mille thread (n) - le fil three (n, adj) - trois throw (v) - jeter thumb (n) - le pouce Thursday (n) - jeudi tickle (v) - chatouiller tie (n) - la cravate tie (v) - attacher tiger (n) - le tigre time (n) - le temps tire (n) - le pneu


toadstool (n) - le champignon vnneux toaster (n) - le grille-pain today (adv) - aujourd'hui toe (n) - l'orteil together - ensemble toilet (n) - la toilette, le cabinet tomato (n) - la tomate tomorrow (adv) - demain tongue (n) - la langue tonight - ce soir too - aussi tool (n) - l'outil toolbox (n) - la bote outils tooth (n) - la dent toothbrush (n) - la brosse dents toothpaste (n) - le dentifrice tornado (n) - la tornade toucan (n) - le toucan touch (v) - toucher tow truck (n) - le camion-grue towel (n) - la serviette town (n) - la ville toy (n) - le jouet track (n) - la trace tractor (n) - le tracteur traffic light (n) - le feu de circulation train (n) - le train tree (n) - l'arbre triangle (n) - le triangle triple (adj) - triple triplets (n) - les tripls trombone (n) - le trombone truck (n) - le camion trumpet (n) - la trompette trunk (n) - la malle, la trompe, le coffer, le tronc tuba (n) - le tuba tube (n) - le tube Tuesday (n) - le mardi tulip (n) - la tulipe turtle (n) - la tortue tutu (n) - le tutu TV (n) - la tl twelve (n, adj) - douze twenty (n, adj) - vingt twig (n) - la brindille twins (n) - les jumeaux two (n, adj) - deux

ukulele (n) - l'ukulele umbrella (n) - le parapluie uncle (n) - l'oncle under (prep) - sous understand (v) - comprendre underwear (n) - les sous vtements unhappy (adj) - malheureux unicorn (n) - la licorne, l'unicorn uniform (n) - l'uniforme United States (n) - les Etats Unis up (adv) - en haut upside down - l'envers Uranus (n) - Uranus urn (n) - l'urne us (pron) nous use (v) - user utensils (n) - les ustensiles

vacuum cleaner (n) - l'aspirateur valentine (n) - la Saint Valentin valley (n) - la valle van (n) - le minibus, la camionnette vase (n) - le vase vat (n) - la cuve vegetable (n) - le lgume vegetation (n) - la vgtation vehicle (n) - le vhicule Venus (n) - Vnus vertebra (n) - la vertbre vest (n) - le gilet veterinarian (n) - le vtrinaire village (n) - le village vinegar (n) - le vinaigre viola (n) - l'alto violet (adj) - violet violin (n) - le violon viper (n) - la vipre volcano (n) - le volcan vortex (n) - le vortex, le tourbillon vowel (n) - la voyelle vulture (n) - le vautour


wagon (n) - le chariot, le wagon waist (n) - la taille wall (n) - le mur wallet (n) - le portefeuille walnut (n) - la noix walrus (n) - le morse washer (n) - le joint wasp (n) - la gupe wastebasket (n) - la corbeille papier watch (n) - la montre water (n) - l'eau water bottle (n) - la bouteille d'eau waterfall (n) - la chute d'eau watering can (n) - l'arrosoir watermelon (n) - la pastque wave (n) - la vague we (pron) - nous weasel (n) - la belette weather (n) - le temps web (n) - la toile d'araigne Wednesday (n) - mercredi week (n) - la semaine weep (v) - pleurer welcome mat (n) - la paillasson west (n, adv) - l'ouest whale (n) - la baleine what - quoi, ce qui What did you say? - Qu'est-ce que vous avez dit? What is that? - Qu'est-ce que c-est? What is your name? - Comment vous appelez-vous? Comment t'appelles-tu? (informal) What time is it? - Quelle heure est-il? wheel (n) - la roue wheelbarrow (n) - la brouette wheelchair (n) - le fauteuil roulant when - quand where - o Where are you from? - D'o venez vous? Where is the bathroom? - O est la salle de bains? ?? Where is...? - O est...? which - quel whirlwind (n) - le tourbillon whisk (n) - le fouet whistle (n) - le sifflet white (adj) - blanc White House (n) - la maison blanche who - qui

why - pourquoi w ide (adj) - large w ife (n) - la femme w ig (n) - la perruque w indmill (n) - le moulin vent, olienne window (n) - la fentre wing (n) - l'aile w inter (n) - l'hiver w itch (n) - la sorcire w olf (n) - le loup woman (n) - la femme wood (n) - le bois w oodpecker (n) - le pivert,le grand pic w oodwinds (n pl) - les bois w ord (n) - le mot w ork (v) - travailler world (n) - le monde worm (n) - le ver wrench (n) - la clef write (v) - crire

x-ray (n) - rayons X, la radiographie xylophone (n) - le xylophone

yacht (n) - le yacht yak (n) - le yak yam (n) - l'igname yard (n) - arrire-cour yardstick (n) - unit de mesure yarn (n) - la laine year (n) - l'anne yell (v) - crier yellow (adj) - jaune yes - oui yogurt (n) - le yaourt yoke (n) - le joug yolk (n) - le jaune d'oeuf you (pron) - tu young (adj) - jeune You're welcome. - de rien yoyo (n) - le yo-yo


zebra (n) - le zbre zero (adj, n) - zro zigzag (adj) - le zigzag zinnia (n) - la zinnia zipper (n) - la fermeture clair zither (n) - la cithare zone (n) - la zone zoo (n) - le jardin zoologique zoologist (n) le zoologiste zucchini (n) - la courgette


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