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Sec © INSULATION .ekeom VAT LIEU CACH NHIET- CACH AM BONG THUY TINH | TOIUU CHO NHA CONG NGHIEP 4 4 B6éng thiy tinh TEKCOM Vat liéu cach nhiét - céch 4m téi uu, an toan stic khée, than thién mdi truéng TEKCOM GlassWool Insulation Unique insulation, safety for health, environmentally friendly J 5 Gidi thiéu san pham / Product introduction Béng thuy tinh la vat ligu cch nhiét 66 tinh dan hoi, nhe va mém; bao gém sgi thuy tinh lién két véi Keo chiu nhiét (resin), tao ra cdc tinh nang vugt tri v8 cdch nhiét va céch 4m. San phdm duge san xuat dang cuén va tim véi cdc 46 day, kich thude va nhiéu ty trong khac nhau, o6 hoa khéng cé tép phil 'b& mat bang nhém. ‘San phdm béng thiy tinh TEKCOM duge san xudt ‘OEM theo tiéu chuain cia Hoa Ky (ASTM) va Anh. ‘Quéc (BSi), dam bao cdc tiéu chi vé tinh c&ch rm, ‘cach nhigt, ngan chay va an toan véi stéc khde con igus, than thign vdi mai truéng. Ww () Ung dung / Applications: Ach nhiét béng thy tinh TEKCOM duge thiét ké ‘va ché tao riéng dé si dyng cho mai va vach cua céc céng trinh nha thép trong céc nganh céng nghigp, thucng mai, dan dung, néng nghiép, tal chan nuéi. Bong thiy tinh c6 thé duge lap dat ngay bén dui ‘tm Igp mai, phia trén hay dudl xa gd mai hoa phia ban trong cla tém lop vach Glasswool is a soft, light, elastic insulating material Itis composed of fiberglass and resin to create the special features for acoustic and insulation. The final product is made in type of roll and blanket with different sizes, thicknesses and densities. aluminium face or unface. ‘TEKCOM GlassWool is OEM produced base on American Standard (ASTM) and United Kingdom (BSi), guaranteed for norms as: sound insulation, thermal insulation, flame resistance and human health safety, environmental friendly. TEKCOM Glasswool is specially designed and manufactured for roof and wall pre-engineered steel buildings and in residential houses, commercial buildings, agricultural, livestock farm fields, TEKCOM Glasswool can be either installed under the roof or above/ below the purlin / girt or inside the walls, Uu diém cua béng thuy tinh TEKCOM TEKCOM GlassWood’s advantages Kha nang ech nhiét vugt tri: tinh dn nhiét thdp, phan xa nhigt 95-97% Kha nang cach Am t6t: Cau tric dang bong giiip glam thigu tiéng bn va gidm 49 khuéch am cia tuang va vach. Khong chay lan: nhigt d6 lam vige 121 °C v6i bong 6 phii mang nhém va 350 °C cho béng khéng phi mang nhém. Kha nang chiu nén cao: Béng thu tinh c6 tinh dan hi, Tinh dong va d& dang tré ve trang thai cu sau mat thai gian dai sif dung trong diy kién nén. idm sodt hién tugng ngung ty. Si! dung lau dai: kich thuée va 46 day én dinh, knéng bi réu méc va khéng cn phai bao tr. Excellent thermal insulation: low heat conduction, heat radiant 95-97%, Good sound insulation: the wool structure helps minimize noise and amplifier on the walls & partitions. Non spread flame: working temperature 121 °C with the wool is faced the alunimium film and 350 °C. without the alunimium film High compresibilty: Glasswoo! has elasticity, flexibility, and return the first state easily after service time in ‘compressed condition, Control of condensation Long-term use: stable size & thickness, disable moudly and mossy and no need maintenance. St dung an toan / Safe use: Thang 10 nam 2001, cac chuyén gia thugc Hiép hdi Nghién edu Ung thu Quée té (IARC) da tién hanh thdm dinh lai nghién edu nam 1988 va quyét dinh chuyén Béng Thiy Tinh tii Nnom 2B (vat ligu cd kha nang gy ung thu) sang Nhém 3 (vat ligu KHONG. ‘gay nguy cd ung thu). Hién nay tat ca cae san pham Bong thuy tinh dude Ung dung réng rai lam vat ligu cach 4m, cach nhigt dBu thuge vat liu Nhém 3 va khong chua Amiang. IARC 4a néu ré: cde nghién edu v8 bénh dich trong suét 15 nam qua ké tW'céng trinh nghién edu nam 1988 v8 sgi t8ng hgp (béng thiy tinh, len da, .) cho thdy KHONG ¢6 mai lién hé gida nguy eo mae bénh tung thu phdi hoe u trung biéu md véi vige tiép xic ‘vdi béng thy tinh trong qua trinh san xuat cing nhhuy sil dung vat ligu nay. Tuy nhién, Béng thiy tinh cé thé gay ngifa va man 6 ki tiép xGe true tp thudng xuyén. Do 46, cn phai sit dyng trang thiét bi bao hé lao dong trong qua trinh thi céng. Nhding bi ban trong qua trinh lap at khong dbe hai hay anh hung dén sie khde. In October 2001, ater a comprehensive review by an. international expert panel of international research findings in 1988, the IARC decided to remove glasswool from it's list - Category 2B - possible carcinogens, and reclassified Into ‘Category 3 - not classifiable as carcinogenic to humans’. In present, al Glasswool products using as isulation material, are classified as Category 3 and non-abestos The IARC specifically noted that: Epidemiological studies published during the 16 years since the previous IARC Monographs review of these fibres in 1988 provide no evidence of increased risks of lung cancer or mesothelioma (cancer of the lining of the body cavities) from occupational exposures during manufacture of these materials, and inadequate evidence overall of any cancer risk’. However, glasswool may result in temporary itching and sensible when touched directly frequency. So, it's necessary to use PPE during erection. Dusts released during installation are not classified as hazardous.

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