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Preliminary Report

1.0 Project Description This report provides preliminary information on the proposed three (3) storied building with a total floor area of 216 m2 comprising 4 classrooms and a canteen.

A preliminary site investigation has been prepared to determine the likelihood of soil and the ground water table at the site. The preliminary site investigation involved a desktop review of the site and its environmental features.

2.0 Site Description The site is located inside the premises of ATI Mattakuliya. The site has an area of 182 m2 with the dimension of 26mx7m. The site is comprised of three properties, one containing a two storey institutional building, single story lecture room and a canteen.

3.0 Investigation Methods 3.1 Soil Sampling A Borehole investigation was done by using rotary percussion drilling machine with overburden cutting tools and adopting the wash boring process to remove the cutting from the bottom of the borehole. Standard Penetration Test (SPT) was carried out regularly in the overburden. Disturbed samples of soil were collected both from the SPT tube and the cuttings collected from washings. Ground water level (GWL) was determined as the depth at which the water level stabilized inside the boreholes.

3.2 Conclusion and Recommendations Based on the results of this investigation, it has been determined that the ground water level was at a depth of 2.2m from the surface. It is recommended to adopt shallow foundation type consist of Inverted T-type RC strip footings or individual pad footings connected by groung level by beams. The footings should be placed at a depth of 0.75m and designed for an allowable bearing capacity of 125 KN/m2 while the width of footing does not exceed 1.5m.

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