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Types of Computers

Classification According to Purpose a. A general purpose computer is programmed to perform many functions. It is used for purposes of payrolls accounts receivables, inventory controls, and sales analyses. b. A special purpose computer performs only a specific computer performs only a specific set of operation. Instructions that control it are built in the machine. Examples of device with special purpose computers are digital watches, calculator, telephone, and traffic lights. Special purpose computers are more economical and efficient to use. The user performs only one function. Classification According to Data Handled a. Analog computers process data in continuous forms at high speed. They are used for scientific and engineering applications for precise measurements to the smallest unit. An example of an analog computer is a computerized thermometer or pressure gauge of a nuclear plant which provides continuous reading of temperature or pressure. Analog computers can handle continuously changing data with temperature, catch prompt but approximate results. b. Digital computers provide reading numbers accurately than analog computers, because they measure and represent quantities in distinct variables. They are used in payroll calculations and laboratory search involving repetitive operations requiring accuracy. Classification According to Capacity Capacity refers to the volume of tasks a computer can handle. Before, capacity was determined by size, but due to technological advancement, capacity is now measured by the extent or quantity of work the computer can handle. Supercomputers Supercomputers are designed to solve extremely complex problems such as forecasting weather and global climate and designing new medicines. These are also used in military operations in encrypting and decoding confidential codes. Supercomputers are very expensive. Only large and multinational companies and the government can afford this.

Minicomputer This is a mid-level computer designed to perform complex computations while dealing efficiently with a high level of input and output from users connected via terminals. Microcomputer These are called personal computers (PCs) used normally at home, in small business, and in schools. Microcomputers use a microprocessor as its central processing unit, or CPU. Desktop computers and notebooks are examples of this. The smallest and most compact are called Laptops.

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