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SAT CRITERIA FOR 4 ESSAYS Consistently solid, with at least several minor errors and a few more serious

weaknesses or mistakes. Addresses the topic presented adequately. Uses examples to support a position on the topic.


Heres a closer look at Shows acceptable organization and development throughout. YES this 4 essay Competent but not consistent command of language, with several errors in YES based on the grammar and usage and only slight sentence variation. SATs OUR UNIVERSAL SAT ESSAY TEMPLATE CRITERIA YES OR NO? evaluation Thesis statement in first sentence of paragraph 1. YES criteria for graders and Three examples listed in paragraph 1 in order from best to worst. NO based on our Topic sentence for example in paragraph 2. YES Universal SAT 3 4 development sentences to support paragraph 2s example. YES Essay Topic sentence for example in paragraph 3. NO Template. Pay 3 4 development sentences to support paragraph 3s example. NO special Topic sentence for example in paragraph 4. NO attention to 3 4 development sentences to support paragraph 4s example. NO the difference Conclusion paragraph contains rephrased thesis statement. YES in criteria for About 15 sentences total. YES 4 essays and 6 essays, and to the deficiencies in the 4 essay as compared to the 6 (the NOs in the YES/NO column). The 4 essays NOs pinpoint its weaknesses, which we just discussed.

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