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Rainbow is one of the beautiful scenery that we rarely see. When seen, the shape of a rainbow as a bow in the sky appears blue because of refraction of the sun when it rains. Usually a rainbow can be seen in mountainous areas or when overcast or when the new rains stopped falling. Rainbow is the only electromagnetic waves that we can see. It consists of a spectrum of colors. Rainbow colors are the red, yellow, green, blue, orange, purple and there are actually other colors that we can not see directly in the eye. The color red has the greatest wavelength, while violet has the smallest wavelength. When we observe the sun on a right-angled mirror or prism glass edge, or the surface of soap bubbles, visible in the light of various colors. what happens is the white light is refracted into different wavelengths of light visible to our eyes as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. The wavelength of this light to form ribbons parallel stripes, each color shades with the color next to it. This band called the "spectrum". In the spectrum, the red line always is at one end and sheep as well as purple on the other side, and this is determined by the wavelength difference When we see a rainbow, just the same as when we see the spectrum. In fact, the rainbow is a large curved spketrum caused by the refraction of sunlight. When the sun's light pass through water droplets, such as when he was refracted through a prism of glass. So in the droplets of water, we've got a different color extends from one side to the other water droplets. Some of the colored light is then reflected from the far side on the droplets of water, again and again out of the water droplets.

The light from droplets of water out back towards the different, depending on the color. And when we see these colors in the rainbow, we will see it is composed with a red top and purple on the bottom of the rainbow. Rainbow can be seen only when it rains in conjunction with the sun shining, but from the opposite side to the viewer. Our position must be between the sun and water droplets with the sun dibekalang us. The sun, our eyes and the center of the arc of the rainbow should be in a straight line.

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