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The quality of teaching and learning provision are by far the most salient influences on students cognitive, affective, and behavioral outcomes of schooling regardless of their gender or backgrounds (Rowe, 2003). You now need to decide how the students will demonstrate the Deep knowledge you have elected to focus on through Deep understanding. This is demonstrated through integrated formative assessment task/s for learning. Assessment for learning acknowledges that assessment should occur as a regular part of teaching and learning and that the information gained from assessment activities can be used to shape the teaching and learning process. Focus tasks on relating central concepts and ideas with other concepts, or to particular contexts. Linking the task to previously addressed ideas (from either prior class work or other tasks) or to new, as yet unexplored, concepts or contexts are two ways to strengthen the deep knowledge of a task. Ensure that the task connects and supports the key concepts being addressed. -QT Framework Considerations: Identify the relevant outcomes to be assessed. Only choose those outcomes that are to be the main drivers of the learning. Even if you will hitting on other outcomes, do not use them as you want deep knowledge not wide, shallow knowledge. Assessment for learning: the tasks should be embedded in the unit of work. Build the field beginning with background knowledge and moving towards challenging and extending the students. Use a range of tasks to build the knowledge and understanding, and enable ALL students to access and demonstrate learning. Unless new knowledge becomes integrated with the learner's prior knowledge and understanding, this new knowledge remains isolated, cannot be used effectively in new tasks, and does not transfer readily to new situations. Value the conceptual thinking behind work; the process, as much as the finished product. Include pre-assessment tools and if possible use the relevant data to determine what the students know and need to learn. Ensure that the task requires Substantive communication, such as research tasks, investigative tasks, reflections that focus on the key ideas or concepts. Differentiate through Student direction. Encourage students to choose their own tasks based on the rubric and marking guidelines. GATS students will need to be provided with alternative activities, not more activities. Provide clear and explicit instructions Explicit quality criteria - regarding the nature of the task, expectations and what the students will be assessed on. When you state You will be assessed on how well you the expectations must reflect the intention and language of the outcomes. Try to include Problematic knowledge in some tasks so that students are using Higherorder thinking skills to consider others perspectives or how knowledge is constructed. Provide a suggested scaffold/s for the task/s and annotated models of similar tasks if available. Students reveal their understanding most effectively when they are provided with opportunities to explain, interpret, apply, shift perspective, empathise, and self-assess. Feedback should be precise, directed, timely and constructive. The most powerful single modification that enhances achievement is feedback (Hattie, 2003).

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