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Portfolio essay outline

Jamie Humphrey

I Intro/key assignments -first few weeks of class/ reading PB&J -class with Seidel/ understanding his way of life -address WILTY essay & challenges (talking about ones self) - blogging pros/cons -beginnings of research/ first time really using the library -from sources to annotated bib -focusing my argument and finding better sources (more online) -Writing the argumentative research paper (challenges/realizations) -eportfolio stuff (blogs, old drafts and the like)

II Personal growth (may be mixed in with above not sure yet) -understanding life through another persons eyes (seidel) -struggle to fully complete reading assignments (skimming) -apathy in completing blogs/ waiting to complete major assignments -benefit of blogs (first time blogger) -drafting (when there are more than 2) -use of peer- feedback in editing drafts -learning from my own feedback -talking in class (or lack thereof) -being free to explore whatever subject I wanted for my research within human health -realizations from the research phase (scholarly writings arent all theyre cracked up to be) -Trying to write an argumentative essay vs. regurgitation (like in high school)

-writing to a specific audience -making my argument personal -structuring/formatting my eportfolio -eportfolio essay woes

III Failings (once again not entirely sure about structure) -overall apathy of this semester -not being clear enough in WILTBY -not staying up with reading -writing the minimum amount when more could be said -blogging only half-heartedly a little resentfully maybe? -perhaps failing to understand the course in a broad sense -seeing only assignments and not opportunities for growth -getting started on assignments late -occasionally sleeping through class -zoning out/ lack of participation in class

IV Conclusion -recap on major realizations -ideas for change/growth in the future -understanding necessity of course in a well-rounded education -importance of writing to people of every profession/background -final thoughts

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