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Information medicine, or how to turn the idea into a miracle cure.

Modern physics sees the universe as an infinite indivisible network of dynamic activity, where all the components influence each other. Today, scientists confirm what thousands of years mystics and occultists say: we are not separate elements, as part of one giant whole. The universe - a gigantic hologram, and our brain - a hologram that reflects the holographic universe. The author of this idea became a disciple of Einstein's, University of London physicist David Bohm in the early 70's of the last century. After thousands of experiments, scientists have shown that the brain can directly affect the material reality. The interaction of consciousness and the material world is discussed today by scientists around the world. Consciousness, thoughts - is energy in its finest form, the programming our lives. This helps explain why our fantasies, dreams and fears of an impact on the real events and explains how to materialize the image created by the brain. This discovery - the driving force for our improvement in the material and spiritual world, aware that the human brain plays a crucial role in the creation of reality, do not have to stand on the sidelines of life, and the need to find methods to help heal your body and destiny. To use the power of the brain, it is not necessary to know the laws of physics. We do not need to know the carburetor to drive a car. The discoveries made in science over the past 20 years, helping to explain why the visualization or mental representation - is a creative process that helps a person to control and direct the flow of energy, asking for his dreams you will find that inspiration, prayer, mantra can really heal the body and the destiny of man . Perceiving his thoughts as reality, which exists along with what we call material reality, we are approaching an understanding of the unique relationship between the two phenomena. We live simultaneously in two worlds, two realities: the inner reality of our thoughts, our feelings and outer reality, where there are people, places, things and events. Unable to separate the inner and outer worlds, we allow the outside world seems to dominate our lives, removing the inner world only as a mirror, reflecting everything that happens to us. Our inner world is very sensitive, and we do not realize how much power we possess. Everything is essentially the energy and thinking, we are using a huge amount of energy in a quick, easy and mobile form - in the form of thought. The idea is constantly striving to develop into. The desire and ability to materialize in the form of the physical equivalent of lies in its nature. Ordinary human thoughts are like sparks of fire: having substance and potential fire, they usually disappear quickly. A single idea does not have much power, but, many times repeated, it is possible to concentrate and direct, increasing its strength. The greater the number of repeats, the greater the power to give effect to the idea becomes reality. Tibetan practitioners argue that the mantra, delivered 300,000 times, has the power to implement the material world. You just need to know these mantras. Weak and disjointed thoughts - the weak and scattered forces. Strong and concentrated thought - strong and concentrated forces. To understand this, imagine a magnifying glass through which pass the sun's rays. If you move it from side to side, then the energy of sunlight is scattered and is not shown. However, securing the glass at a

certain height, you focus the sun's rays are the same, and this scattered light suddenly find the power to bring out the fire - is a physical action. Can thinking play a role in healing? Even Hippocrates said: "The mind - the best healer." Dr. Carl Simonton - an internationally recognized physician and director of the Center for Cancer in California said: "You can talk about fundamental changes in the point of view of all the diseases and how people can heal themselves even cancer." People are just now beginning to realize that consciousness and physical bodies - is essentially the same energy-structure. Our body - it is a wonderful self-healing mechanism. Once you cut yourself, the white blood cells rush to the cuts, to fight infection, and platelets are blood clotting and close the cut. Everything happens without your involvement, your body knows how to heal itself. A series of experiments described by Jerome Frank on the effectiveness of a placebo effect, perfectly illustrates how up for what you believe affects what happens. For example, obtaining a useless placebo assured that this morphine, and two-thirds reported that the terrible pain 'is gone. In 1981, U.S. President Ronald Reagan was shot in the lung by an assassin. It was pretty nasty wound in his seventy years old, but he said: "Do not worry about me, I'm a person who always gets well soon." Such a belief in the healing works wonders, and he returned to work just two days. Now ask yourself, what do you believe? Are you living in the expectation that you will hook the flu or another infection that old age inevitably brings sickness, or believe that never get sick? Do not forget that our expectations and assumptions have an amazing ability to come true. Dr. Patricia Norris tells the story of nine-year, cure yourself from a malignant brain tumor using imaging from "Star Wars." Garett Potter was in the final stages of cancer disease of the brain. Doctors have been powerless. Then he came up with a visualization of the "Star Wars": he saw his brain, like the solar system, and the tumor as an evil villain-invader. He introduced himself as Captain squad of space warriors who fought with the tumor and win. He lost the story every night 20 minutes. After 5 months, was made tomogram of the brain - the tumor had disappeared. Thus, remind yourself often that your body naturally heals and repairs itself. Every day, saying, "My body - it is self-healing mechanism," basking in the thoughts of their own health and youth. For the image of youth and health - the access code to the backup resources of our body. Every morning, breathe in the brain, the heart of the morning sun, fill them with light, strength, love and send love and warmth of the people around you. This exercise - morning health tonic, giving the program of youth and health. Everything you think, say, do - it becomes part of you. Constantly associate themselves with healthy, prosperous people and you will be the same. It turns out that all the vibration flows planets, numbers, letters, words, symbols display. In the subconscious of every person to biocomputers written matrix of chronic diseases of all his future life.

You're creating the image of the symbol of youth and health, will destroy the information in your brain diseases, bio-computers, creating the premise of stable health. For thousands of years the phenomenon of healing was the area of secret knowledge, which are left in the formulas of magic techniques that have been preserved in the monasteries of Tibet, India, Japan, the practice of prayer of the monks, etc. Common to all is the healing practices of information-energy impact on the fine-material body (aura ) surrounding the physical body. And this information and energy healing method is radically different from the methods of orthodox medicine (surgery, drug therapy is directed only to the result, the physical body). In ancient esoteric schools of the East and the West were considered the causes of disease as a result of damage to delicate human body (causal body - the fate of the body, the mental body - the body of thoughts, psycho-emotional body - the body of emotions). The scheme you know: the psycho-emotional stress deforms the body (aura), lowers the immune system and opens the door to all infections, viruses, diseases. Ayurveda and medieval European model of human inter-connected the idea of "cosmism" person. So in medieval European model of a person is viewed as a microcosm that reflects the structure of the macrocosm (the universe). The man - God's creation, made in the image and likeness of God. In the Hindu-Buddhist culture of human model reflects the level of comprehension of the essence of human space. Buddhist healing practices, for example, offer the transformation of the individual in the image of deities (Buddhas), as a method of getting rid of the spiritual and physical negativity and acquiring Higher committed as a deity (Buddha). Presenting the Medicine Buddha himself, in whose hands lies Bowl with the nectar of immortality, the man healed of all diseases, as it pours rain heavenly divine nectar of immortality. During a 108-fold repetition of the mantra a special sacrament of healing being accomplished. If the thought - the energy, the idea of youth and health - an energy that heals.

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