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An Archaeological Watching Brief at St Leonards Church, Rodney Stoke John Davey, May 2012 An archaeological watching brief undertaken

during ground works prior to the installation of a new septic tank for St Leonards Church Hall recorded Roman features. A linear feature, aligned N-S and with a truncated V profile, contained RomanoBritish pottery, a painted wall plaster fragment, Lias roof tiles and other building materials within its fill. A concentration of animal skulls and skulls fragments were also recovered from the fill, associated with small lumps of charcoal. This linear was cut by a large pit containing further building waste and Romano-British pottery, including a large sherd of Samian bearing a pot mend. Post-medieval landscaping possibly associated with 16th 17th century renovations of the church had partially truncated the Roman features.

Trench A showing v profiled linear [102 ] and cut [104] (foreground). Looking N
North Facing and east facing sections Tr A Cut [104]
23.44m aOD 23.44

KEY: PS = Pennant Sandstone DC = Dolomitic Conglomerate L = Lias = mortar or tufa grits L


(101) (108) PS (109) DC L Root [104] L (105) L

Buff gritty deposit


[110] (105) PS

(108) (109)


Samian with pot mend

Figure 9

North and east facing sections of trench a, showing pit cut [104].

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