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ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

(SA Upgrade, ke[uvenate & Lxpans|on)

LnLerprlse CuallLy ManagemenL (LCM)

Document No: 1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (TRF/EQM/2.0) - 002 kev. 00

End User Training Manual


SAP EQM Incoming Inspection

Process Name: Incoming Inspection

Process No: TRF/EQM/2.0

Control Copy No: TRF/EQM/2.0

Document Change Contro|
Doc Vers|on Descr|pt|on repared by Date kev|ewed by Approved by
00 Crlglnal Shlvkumar 8 k 01.01.2010
!yoLhl 8anl

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

TRF-SURE-EU TRG Manual (TRF/EQM/INC INSP/2.0) 002 Rev. 00

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LnLerprlse CuallLy ManagemenL process ln 18l has Lhe followlng buslness processes.

S|. No. 1kI Lnterpr|se rocess No. rocess Name
1 18l/LCM/1.0 lnspecLlon lan reparaLlon

2 1kI]LM]2.0 Incom|ng Inspect|on

3 18l/LCM/3.0 ln-rocess lnspecLlon
4 18l/LCM/4.0 llnlshed Coods lnspecLlon

3 18l/LCM/3.0 lnspecLlon of Cff Loaded lLems

6 18l/LCM/6.0 CusLomer ComplalnL

7 18l/LCM/7.0 vendor 8aLlng

lor each of Lhe above processes, Lhere are separaLe Lnd user 1ralnlng Manuals are avallable

1hls documenL covers sl. no. 2. Cf Lhe above llsL, LhaL ls Incom|ng Inspect|on.

1hls Lnd user 1ralnlng manual on lncomlng lnspecLlon rocess conslsLs of Lhe followlng sequence of sub-

1. lncomlng lnspecLlon - 1ransacLlon Code:

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Table of Contents

1. rocess Cb[ecLlve ............................................................................................................... 4
a. Ceneral 8equlremenLs ................................................................................................ 4
2. rocess flow ........................................................................................................................ 3
b. CreaLlon of LoL ............................................................................................................. 3
c. rocesslng of lnspecLlon LoL ....................................................................................... 3
d. 8esulL and uefecL 8ecordlng ....................................................................................... 3
e. valuaLlon of CharacLerlsLlcs ........................................................................................ 3
f. Closlng valuaLed CharacLerlsLlc ................................................................................... 3
g. usage ueclslon and SLock osLlng ............................................................................... 3
3. lnspecLlon - CA32 .............................................................................................................. 6
h. AccepLance of LoL ........................................................................................................ 7
l. 8e[ecLlon of LoL ......................................................................................................... 18
[. uefecL 8ecordlng - Cl01 .......................................................................................... 28
k. noLlflcaLlon - Cl01 ................................................................................................... 38
l. CancellaLlon of LoL - CA12 ........................................................................................ 43
4. Ceneral lcons across SA .................................................................................................. 32

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1. Piocess 0bjective

1hls pro[ecL deals wlLh Lhe creaLlon and processlng of lnspecLlon LoLs ln 18l for lncomlng MaLerlal. lnspecLlon
loL can be used for Lhe followlng process:

uescrlbe Lhe CuallLy lnspecLlon arameLers of MaLerlal
CalculaLlon of Sample slze for lnspecLlon
uescrlbe quallLy speclflcaLlon for maLerlal
1o record and calculaLe Lhe resulLs durlng lnspecLlon
1o record usage declslon on maLerlal
1o place Lhe maLerlal Lo approprlaLe sLock and locaLlon

ln an lnspecLlon loL, 18l CA can capLure Lhe resulLs and defecLs of maLerlal recelved wlLh Lhe help of
lnspecLlon loL sysLem sLaLus progress of lnspecLlon acLlvlLy can be monlLored.

o. 6enero/ kequirements

lnspecL vendor goods upon recelpL (Coods 8ecelpL noLe)
lnspecL goods LhaL have been exLernally processed when Lhey are reLurned ln goods recelpL

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2. Piocess flow

b. creotion of Lot

lnspecLlon loL ls generaLed ln Lhe background as soon as Lhe 18l MM deparLmenL has creaLed Lhe goods
recelpL of maLerlal agalnsL urchase Crder. lnspecLlon loL generaLed ls of Crlgln 01 and conLrolled Lhrough
CuallLy ManagemenL vlew of Lhe MaLerlal MasLer

c. Processinq of lnspection Lot

lnspecLlon loL can be processed ln followlng sLeps:
d. kesu/t ond uefect kecordinq
8esulLs can be recorded for lnspecLlon loL by uslng LransacLlon code: CA32 or CL31n by 18l CA for all MlC's
asslgned Lo loL. ln case defecLs are noLlced Lhen uefecL noLlflcaLlon can be ralsed for lndlvldual characLerlsLlcs
or LoL.
e. vo/uotion of chorocteristics
Lach CharacLerlsLlc can be valuaLed on Lhe basls of speclflcaLlon value or characLerlsLlcs aLLrlbuLe of 18l
f. c/osinq vo/uoted chorocteristic
CharacLerlsLlc need Lo be closed afLer valuaLlon Lo mark sLaLus of loL as closed afLer recordlng and no furLher
resulL recordlng ls posslble afLerward.
q. usoqe uecision ond 5tock Postinq

AfLer goods recelpL documenL, maLerlal remalns ln CuallLy 8esLrlcLed SLock. usage declslon Lo be Laken by 18l
CA user and enLered for loL based on resulLs recorded durlng lnspecLlon and accordlngly maLerlal sLock wlll be
moved from CuallLy (8esLrlcLed) sLock Lo:

unresLrlcLed sLock for accepLed maLerlals
8locked sLock for re[ecLed maLerlals

ln case of re[ecLlon 18l CA can creaLe a defecL noLlflcaLlon.

noLe: Cnce usage ueclslon ls made and sLock posLlng ls done for lnspecLlon, same cannoL be reversed

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S. Inspection - QAS2

AL Lhe Llme of C8 an lnspecLlon loL of lnspecLlon Lype 01 would be creaLed. lnspecLlon CharacLerlsLlcs are
asslgned Lo Lhe loL, Sampllng rocedure Asslgned and lnspecLlon lan asslgned Lo Lhe loL accordlng Lo
lnspecLlon 1ype

1. Access Lhe LransacLlon chooslng one of Lhe followlng navlgaLlon opLlons:

SA 8/3 menu SLA Log|st|cs ua||ty Management ua||ty Inspect|on Work
||st Inspect|on A32 - Change Data
1ransacLlon code A32

LnLer Lhe LransacLlon code CA32 ln
command LexL fleld
lollow Lhe paLh Lo Change
lnspecLlon daLa

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h. 4cceptonce of Lot

2. LnLer loL creaLed daLe, planL, selecL layouL as per requlremenL of keep lL 1S1AnuA8u"

lleld name uescrlpLlon values
LoL creaLed on uaLe on whlch Lhe currenL lnspecLlon loL was creaLed Lxample: 08.12.2009 Lo
lanL ldenLlfles Lhe planL Lxample: 1000
lnsp. LoL orlgln uescrlbes whaL causes an lnspecLlon loL Lo be creaLed. An
lnspecLlon can orlglnaLe from: Coods recelpL, Coods lssue
Lxample: 01
under LlsL seLLlngs
LlsL SeLLlngs 1he radlo buLLons are self explanaLory, selecL elLher one Lxample: SelecL only
lnspecLlon loLs wlLhouL a
usage declslon
LayouL ueLermlnes Lhe llsL formaL, lL can conLaln LlsL column
sLrucLure, sorL crlLerla, lllLer condlLlons
Lxample: 1SLandard
8ef. fleld monlLor ueLermlnes Lhe monlLor reference, Lhe monlLor colour
lndlcaLes Lhe correspondlng sLaLus for Lhe reference ob[ecL
Lxample: uegree of proc. lor
lnsp. loL

3. LxecuLe by cllcklng Lxecute buLLon, followlng screen wlll dlsplay

1he user has Lo selecL SelecL only
lnspecLlon loLs wlLhouL a usage
declslon". 8y selecLlng Lhls buLLon,
Lhe sysLem wlll dlsplay only Lhe
maLerlal loL for whlch usage declslon
has noL yeL been done

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4. Cllck on kesu|ts buLLon, Lhe followlng screen wlll be dlsplayed

3. updaLe Lhe resulLs column as per Lhe lnspecLlon resulL collecLed
1he user has Lo selecL Lhe approprlaLe lnspecLlon
loL whlch needs Lo be lnspecLed by cllcklng here Lo
selecL Lhe llne lLem
key ln Lhe vlslL number, ex: 1
Cllck on Lhe drop down llsL Lo
selecL from Lhe llsL

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6. ress enLer afLer updaLlng Lhe resulL column, Lhe sysLem wlll prompL wlLh a manual valuaLlon box
asklng Lhe user wheLher Lhe lnspecLlon crlLerlon ls Lo be accepLed or re[ecLed. 1he user has Lo selecL
Lhe approprlaLe radlo buLLon press LnLer or Cancel Lo accepL or re[ecL Lhe enLry. lf
accepLed, Lhe sysLem wlll place a mark agalnsL each resulL ln Lhe valuaLlon column

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7. 1he sysLem wlll auLomaLlcally Lake Lhe user Lo Lhe nexL llne lLem, for whlch Lhe resulL has Lo be

8. updaLe Lhe resulL for Lhe nexL llne lLem, (for CuallLaLlve characLerlsLlcs, lnpuL help ls provlded, Lhe
user can see Lhe same by cllcklng on Lhe lcon or press l4, Lhe followlng pop up wlndow wlll

9. 1he below lnpuL help ls avallable for CuallLaLlve characLerlsLlcs only, selecLs Lhe approprlaLe opLlon
(Lxample: resenL or absenL) and press enLer

10. Cnce Lhe user hlLs enLer, Lhe followlng pop up wlndow appears, hlL enLer Lo accepL Lhe resulL updaLed

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11. lollow Lhe above process for each lnspecLlon lLem and updaLe Lhe resulL/s

12. ress LnLer and cllck on Lhe Save buLLon or press Ctr| + S

noLe: 1he CA can change/edlL Lhe lnspecLlon resulLs before Lhe loL goes for uu, below ls Lhe procedure LhaL Lhe CA
wlll have Lo follow

1. Co Lhe record resulLs screen as shown below

1hls lnspecLlon llne lLem has
been lncorrecLly updaLed as
4.0 lnsLead of 4.3. Pence Lo
recLlfy Lhls, Lhe user needs Lo
correcL Lhe lnspecLlon resulL.
1o do Lhls, Lhe user has Lo
selecL Lhe llne lLem and cllck
on unlock buLLon

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2. Cllck on Lhe unlock lcon Lo change Lhe lnspecLlon resulLs fleld and make Lhe necessary changes
and press enLer

3. 1he sysLem wlll agaln prompL wlLh Lhe followlng manual valuaLlon box,

4. SelecL AccepL radlo buLLon Lo accepL Lhe valuaLlon resulL and press LnLer or Cancel Lo
accepL or re[ecL Lhe enLry. lf accepLed, Lhe sysLem wlll place a mark agalnsL each resulL ln Lhe
valuaLlon column
1hls lnspecLlon llne lLem has
been lncorrecLly updaLed as
4.0 lnsLead of 4.3. Pence Lo
recLlfy Lhls, Lhe user needs Lo
correcL Lhe lnspecLlon resulL.
1o do Lhls, Lhe user has Lo
selecL Lhe llne lLem and cllck
on unlock buLLon

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8efer Lhe screen below

lf Lhe maLerlals are relaLed Lo WC8k C8uL8, Lhen Lhere wlll be reporLs from lnspecLlon and 1esLlng
lf Lhe maLerlal ls noL relaLed Lo WC8k C8uL8, Lhen Lhere wlll be reporL/s only from Lhe concerned users. ln Lhls case, Lhe
18l CA wlll have Lo [usL vlew Lhe resulL and Lake declslon wheLher Lo accepL or re[ecL Lhe loL.

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3. SelecL Lhe llne lLem and Cllck on usage ueclslon (uu) buLLon

noLe: Cnce Lhe resulL recordlng ls compleLed, Lhe loL sysLem sLaLus changes from 8LL CALC Lo lnS 88LC. 1he
user has Lo selecL Lhe row and Lhen cllck on usage ueclslon buLLon Lo compleLe uu

1he user has Lo key ln Lhe uu code,
lf noL known, Lhen cllck on Lhe drop
down lcon or press l4

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6. LnLer uu code as per 18l requlremenL, here A ls selecLed as an example. 1he uu code Lo be selecLed ls enLlrely
relevanL Lo 18l requlremenLs

8elow screen ls dlsplayed when Lhe user cllck on lcon or presses l4

LnLer uu code as per 18l requlremenL,
here A ls selecLed as an example. 1he
uu code Lo be selecLed ls enLlrely
relevanL Lo 18l requlremenLs

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7. ress enLer Lo conflrm your enLry, Lhe oLher flelds wlll be populaLed

8. ress enLer and cllck on Save buLLon or press C18L+S, 1he sysLem wlll auLomaLlcally Lake Lhe user Lo
CA11 screen, here Lhe user has Lo do sLock posLlng

1he user has Lo updaLe Lhe loL quanLlLy
whlch can be senL for unresLrlcLed use.
Pere Lhe user ls deflnlng LhaL Lhe loL has
been accepLed and can be used for

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9. LnLer Lhe approprlaLe loL quanLlLy and press enLer and save

10. Cllck on Lhe save buLLon or press CLrl + S Lo save Lhe uu
11. 1he message bar dlsplays: usage declslon for loL 1000 140000000032 ls Saved" - record Lhls number

noLe: Cnce Lhe uu has been compleLed, no changes can be made Lo Lhe maLerlal loL

12. Cllck on Lhe Lx|t buLLon or press Sh|ft+I3 Lo reLurn Lo Lhe SA Lasy Access screen.

1he sysLem Lask ls compleLe

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i. kejection of Lot

1. lollow Lhe above procedure from sLep 1 Lo 4

2. Cllck on kesu|ts buLLon, Lhe followlng screen wlll be dlsplayed

3. ress enLer, Lhe sysLem wlll Lake Lhe user Lo Lhe nexL screen
key ln Lhe vlslL number, ex: 1
Cllck on Lhe drop down llsL Lo
selecL from Lhe llsL
1he user has Lo selecL Lhe loL wlLh sysLem sLaLus
8LL CALC S8C whlch needs Lo be lnspecLed, by
cllcklng here Lo selecL Lhe llne lLem

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4. updaLe Lhe resulLs column as per Lhe lnspecLlon resulL collecLed

3. 8e[ecL Lhe loL by selecLlng noL uone" and press enLer, Lhe sysLem wlll populaLe Lhe oLher column

lace Lhe cursor ln Lhe 8esulL column and press l4,
ln Lhe followlng CaLalog SelecLlon pop up wlndow,
SelecL noL done" Lo re[ecL Lhe loL

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6. ress LnLer Agaln, Lhe followlng Manual valuaLlon pop up wlndow wlll appear

7. 1he sysLem wlll populaLe Lhe uefecL class fleld as below

Cllck on Lhe 8e[ecL radlo
buLLon and press enLer

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8. ress enLer, Lhe followlng valuaLlon wlndow wlll pop up

9. Cllck on valuaLlon buLLon, Lhe followlng usage declslon for arLlal LoL" pop up wlndow ls

10. ress LnLer and Save

Cllck on valuaLlon buLLon
ress Lhe Choose buLLon and Lhe nexL
valuaLlon screen wlll appear. ress enLer
or press enLer buLLon on Lhe pop up

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As Lhe loL has been re[ecLed, Lhe defecL reason has Lo be updaLed ln Lhe sysLem

11. Cllck on Create Defects buLLon, Lhe followlng Cl01 screen wlll appear

12. LnLer Lhe lnspecLlon loL number, Lhe lnspecLor fleld wlll be pre-populaLed by Lhe sysLem

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13. 1he followlng AsslgnmenL level pop-up wlndow wlll appear, selecL Lhe approprlaLe radlo buLLon. ln
Lhls scenarlo, lnspecLlon LoL radlo buLLon has been selecLed

14. ress enLer, Lhe sysLem wlll Lake Lhe user Lo Lhe nexL screen

13. lace Lhe cursor ln Lhe Code group column and press l4, Lhe followlng MulLlple SelecLlon of Codes
wlndow ls dlsplayed
ress l4

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16. 1he screen wlll be populaLed as below

17. ress LnLer and cllck on Lhe Save buLLon or press Ctr| + S
SelecL Lhe Check box beslde
colour and cllck on Copy buLLon.
1o selecL anoLher code, place Lhe cursor agaln
ln Lhe nexL llne ln Lhe code group column and
selecL Lhe check box and cllck copy buLLon

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18. 1he sysLem wlll prompL wlLh anoLher usage ueclslon for lnspecLlon loL wlndow

19. Cllck on Lhe Choose buLLon, Lhe followlng screen wlll be dlsplayed

20. 1he user can updaLe Lhe uu here by keylng ln Lhe uu Code, refer Lo Lhe above screen shoL

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21. ress LnLer and Cllck on Save buLLon or press C18L + S, Lhe sysLem wlll Lake Lhe user Lo Lhe 8ecord
usage ueclslon screen

22. LnLer 0" ln Lhe Lo unresLrlcLed use and 2" ln Lhe 1o blocked sLock fleld

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23. ress LnLer and cllck on Lhe Save buLLon or press Ctr| + S

24. 1he message bar dlsplays: usage declslon for loL 1000 010000000434 ls Saved" - record Lhls number

noLe: Cnce Lhe uu has been compleLed, no changes can be made Lo Lhe maLerlal loL

23. Cllck on Lhe Lx|t buLLon or press Sh|ft+I3 Lo reLurn Lo Lhe SA Lasy Access screen.

1he sysLem Lask ls compleLe

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j. uefect kecordinq - l01

26. lollow Lhe above procedure from sLep 1 Lo 4

27. Cllck on kesu|ts buLLon, Lhe followlng screen wlll be dlsplayed

key ln Lhe vlslL number, ex: 1
Cllck on Lhe drop down llsL Lo
selecL from Lhe llsL
1he user has Lo selecL Lhe approprlaLe lnspecLlon
loL whlch needs Lo be lnspecLed by cllcklng here Lo
selecL Lhe llne lLem

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28. updaLe Lhe resulLs column as per Lhe lnspecLlon resulL collecLed

29. LnLer and Lhe followlng manual valuaLlon screen wlll be dlsplayed, now re[ecL Lhe loL and press enLer,
Lhe sysLem wlll populaLe Lhe oLher column auLomaLlcally

lace Lhe cursor ln Lhe 8esulL column and press l4,
ln Lhe followlng CaLalog SelecLlon pop up wlndow,
SelecL noL done" Lo re[ecL Lhe loL

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30. ress LnLer Agaln, Lhe followlng Manual valuaLlon pop up wlndow wlll appear

31. 1he sysLem wlll populaLe Lhe uefecL class fleld as below

Cllck on Lhe 8e[ecL radlo
buLLon and press enLer

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32. ress enLer, Lhe followlng valuaLlon wlndow wlll pop up

33. Cllck on valuaLlon buLLon, Lhe followlng usage declslon for arLlal LoL ls dlsplayed

34. ress LnLer and Save

Cllck on valuaLlon buLLon
ress Lhe Choose buLLon and Lhe nexL
valuaLlon screen wlll appear. ress enLer
or press enLer buLLon on Lhe pop up

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As Lhe loL has been re[ecLed, Lhe defecL reason has Lo be updaLed ln Lhe sysLem

33. Cllck on Create Defects buLLon, Lhe followlng Cl01 screen wlll appear

36. LnLer Lhe lnspecLlon loL number, Lhe lnspecLor fleld wlll be pre-populaLed by Lhe sysLem

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37. 1he followlng AsslgnmenL level pop-up wlndow wlll appear, selecL Lhe approprlaLe radlo buLLon. ln
Lhls scenarlo, CharacLerlsLlc radlo buLLon has been selecLed

38. ress enLer, Lhe sysLem wlll Lake Lhe user Lo Lhe nexL screen

39. lace Lhe cursor ln Lhe Code group column and press l4, Lhe followlng MulLlple SelecLlon of Codes
wlndow ls dlsplayed
ress l4

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40. 1he screen wlll be populaLed as below

41. ress LnLer and cllck on Lhe Save buLLon or press Ctr| + S
SelecL Lhe Check box beslde
colour and cllck on Copy buLLon.
1o selecL anoLher code, place Lhe cursor agaln
ln Lhe nexL llne ln Lhe code group column and
selecL Lhe check box and cllck copy buLLon

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42. 1he sysLem wlll prompL wlLh anoLher usage ueclslon for lnspecLlon loL wlndow

43. Cllck on Lhe Choose buLLon, Lhe followlng screen wlll be dlsplayed

44. 1he user can updaLe Lhe uu here by keylng ln Lhe uu Code, refer Lo Lhe above screen shoL

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43. ress LnLer Lwlce, Lhe sysLem wlll Lake Lhe user Lo Lhe 8ecord usage ueclslon screen

46. LnLer 0" ln Lhe 1o unresLrlcLed use" and 2" ln Lhe 1o blocked" sLock fleld

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47. ress LnLer and cllck on Lhe Save buLLon or press Ctr| + S

48. 1he message bar dlsplays: usage declslon for loL 1000 010000000434 ls Saved" - record Lhls number

noLe: Cnce Lhe uu has been compleLed, no changes can be made Lo Lhe maLerlal loL

49. Cllck on Lhe Lx|t buLLon or press Sh|ft+I3 Lo reLurn Lo Lhe SA Lasy Access screen.

1he sysLem Lask ls compleLe

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k. Notificotion - l01

Cnce Lhe defecL/s are recorded, Lhe user can send a noLlflcaLlon Lo concerned parLy (lnLernal/exLernal users)

1o send noLlflcaLlons, Lhe user can elLher cllck on noLlflcaLlon buLLon ln CA32 screen or 1ype Cl01.
1. ln Lhls example, we go Lo Cl01 screen and enLer Lhe lnspecLlon LoL number and Lhe 8eporL Lype

8y cllcklng on Lhe drop down lcon,
Lhe followlng 8eporL Lype for
defecLs recordlng wlndow wlll open.
SelecL Lhe approprlaLe 8eporL Lype
and press enLer

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2. ln Lhe followlng AsslgnmenL Level wlndow, selecL Lhe approprlaLe opLlon agaln and press enLer. ln Lhls
example, a noLlflcaLlon ls senL perLalnlng Lo Lhe enLlre loL, hence lnspecLlon loL radlo buLLon has been

SelecL Lhe code group, defecL code and Lhe defecL class and
Lhe user has Lhe opLlon Lo key ln Lhe descrlpLlon for Lhe
defecL. 1he user can enLer more Lhan one defecL ln
subsequenL llnes

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3. ress enLer, Lhe sysLem wlll populaLe Lhe deLalls enLered and Lhe relevanL llne ls greyed ouL

4. Cllck on noLlflcaLlons buLLon, Lhe followlng screen ls dlsplayed

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3. Cllck on lLems Lab

6. LnLer deLalls as per 18l requlremenLs

7. Cllck on Send Lmall

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8. 1he followlng pop up wlndow ls dlsplayed, selecL Lhe approprlaLe llne by cllcklng on Lhe slde

9. LnLer Lhe deLalls ln Lhe below screen

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10. Cllck on Save buLLon and Lhen on 8ack buLLon, Lhe followlng screen wlll be dlsplyed

11. ress LnLer and Cllck on Send noLlflcaLlon buLLon

noLe: Lhe user can send aLLachmenLs Loo by cllcklng on aLLachmenLs buLLon

1he user can wrlLe ln brlef abouL Lhe defecL/resulLs
here ln Lhls LexL box
1he reclplenL SA ld has Lo be keyed ln Lhls column, Lhe user can
send noLlflcaLlon Lo mulLlple users by keylng Lhe SA logln ld's ln
subsequenL llnes
ln 8eclplenL Lype, selecL SA LCCCn nAML from Lhe drop down
8y cllcklng on Lhls check box, Lhe
user can send express noLlflcaLlon,
Lhe reclplenL wlll recelve a pop up
message regardlng Lhe same

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12. 1he sysLem wlll dlsplay Lhe below message ln Lhe sLaLus bar

noLe: 1he noLlflcaLlon wlll be senL Lo Lhe reclplenL and Lhe same can be vlewed Lhrough S8W

13. Cllck on Lhe Lx|t buLLon or press Sh|ft+I3 Lo reLurn Lo Lhe SA Lasy Access screen.

1he sysLem Lask ls compleLe

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/. conce//otion of Lot - 412

Pere Lhe above process of LesL resulL recordlng, defecL recordlng and usage declslon have already been

1. SelecL Lhe loL for whlch uu has already been compleLed by selecLlng Lhe radlo buLLon as shown below,
enLer loL creaLed daLe, planL, selecL layouL as per requlremenL of keep lL 1S1AnuA8u"

lleld name uescrlpLlon values
LoL creaLed on uaLe on whlch Lhe currenL lnspecLlon loL was creaLed Lxample: 08.12.2009 Lo
lanL ldenLlfles Lhe planL Lxample: 1000
lnsp. LoL orlgln uescrlbes whaL causes an lnspecLlon loL Lo be creaLed. An
lnspecLlon can orlglnaLe from: Coods recelpL, Coods lssue
Lxample: 01
under LlsL seLLlngs
LlsL SeLLlngs 1he radlo buLLons are self explanaLory, selecL elLher one Lxample: SelecL only
lnspecLlon loLs wlLh a
usage declslon
LayouL ueLermlnes Lhe llsL formaL, lL can conLaln LlsL column
sLrucLure, sorL crlLerla, lllLer condlLlons
Lxample: 1SLandard
8ef. fleld monlLor ueLermlnes Lhe monlLor reference, Lhe monlLor colour
lndlcaLes Lhe correspondlng sLaLus for Lhe reference ob[ecL
Lxample: uegree of proc.
lor lnsp. loL

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2. SelecL Lhe loL whlch needs Lo be cancelled

3. Cllck on usage ueclslon buLLon

lor Lhe loL selecL, uu has already
been compleLed and now Lhe
user has Lo selecL Lhls Lo cancel.

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4. Co Lo menu bar, Cllck on usage declslon->luncLlons->Cancel LoL

3. ress enLer and Lhe followlng SLaLus check warnlng pop up wlndow ls dlsplayed

6. Cllck on ConLlnue

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7. ress enLer and Lhen cllck on Save buLLon or press CLrl + S

8. 8efresh and check Lhe sysLem sLaLus

8efresh Lhe screen and
noLe Lhe changes ln Lhe
sysLem sLaLus column

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9. 1he loL has been cancelled

10. Cllck on Lhe Lx|t buLLon or press Sh|ft + I3 Lo reLurn Lo Lhe SA Lasy Access screen.

1he sysLem Lask ls compleLe
8efresh Lhe screen and
noLe Lhe changes ln Lhe
sysLem sLaLus column

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1he sysLem sLaLus wlll be a comblnaLlon of Lwo or more of
below codes. 1he full form of each code has been shown


Inspect|on Act|ve

|an]Spec|f|cat|on ass|gned

Inspect|on Character|st|cs created

Samp|e Ca|cu|ated

kesu|ts conf|rmed

Defects were recorded

uant|ty ost|ng kequ|red

Lot Cance||ed

Character|st|cs requ|red

Cert|f|cate Ck

Usage Dec|s|on has been made

A|| Inspect|on Comp|eted

Stock ost|ng Comp|eted

Status Updated

Short 1erm Inspect|on comp|eted

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4. ueneial Icons acioss SAP
Icons Descr|pt|on


8ack (l3)

ConLlnue (LnLer)

Cancel (l12)

osL (CLrl + S)

Log off or LxlL


CreaLes a new sesslon

CeneraLes a shorLcuL

Pelp (l1)

CusLomlzlng of Local LayouL (AlL + l12)

ulsplay revlous lLem (ShlfL + l6)

ulsplay nexL lLem (ShlfL + l7)

rlnL (CLrl + )

llnd (CLrl + l)

llnd nexL (CLrl + C)

llrsL age (CLrl + age up)

revlous age

nexL age

LasL age (CLrl + age down)

urop down llsL (l4)

LxecuLe (l8)

Message Long 1exL (CLrl + ShlfL + l6)


SeL ln Ascendlng Crder

SeL ln uescendlng Crder


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