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PARTEN - APUSH READING PACKET 2013 This packet contains the important terms and questions to guide your reading in Brinkleys United States History: A Survey. For each chapter, you will complete a blog assignment and a written assignment. See page 8 for instructions on your written assignment. Complete blog assignments as follows: Go to and click on the tab labeled BLOG Respond to one of the questions which will be listed in the blog topic for that chapter (you can also find them below). Respond to at least one answer from a classmate. In your response, you must agree or disagree with their answer and explain at least two reasons you hold that particular position. Both blog answers and responses should be 10-15 sentences in length, should cite evidence found in your reading and should follow the rubric for short responses found in this packet. HOMEWORK QUESTIONS: CHAPTER ONE: Discuss the impact of the Columbian exchange for residents of both the Old and New Worlds. What kinds of exchanges occurred between the explorers and the natives, and how was each side affected by these interactions? Was it possible for things to have turned out differently? If so, how? Explain what political, economic, and cultural factors pushed Europeans to explore beyond their borders during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. What were the various goals of these expeditions and settlements? Differentiate between the factors that pushed the English toward the New World and those that influenced other nations. CHAPTER TWO: Discuss what problems dogged the early settlements of the Chesapeake region. Could they have been mitigated? Did the differing circumstances of Maryland and Virginia's founding affect the course of their respective development? If so, how? Discuss how the motivations of the early colonists in New England differed from those in the Chesapeake, Caribbean, and the Restoration colonies. In what ways did those differences shape both the growth and the problems of that region? CHAPTER THREE: Describe the differences in work, family and daily life among the various early colonial settlements in North America. What were some of the factors that influenced their respective growths or stagnations? How did these factors influence the introduction of slavery in North America? Explain why the communities in the various colonies developed so differently. What, for example, accounts for the predominance of plantations and rural communities in the South as opposed to the prevalence of towns and cities in the North? Discuss what roles the Great Awakening and the Enlightenment, respectively, played in the development of the colonial mind and the coming of revolution.

CHAPTER FOUR: Explain how the French and Indian War altered the British government's relationship with its American colonists. Historians have examined the events leading up to the American Revolution and they disagree about whether economics or ideology were the primary factor in the development of the colonial revolt against the English. Based on the account in the textbook, which side would you support in this debate? CHAPTER FIVE: Explain how American war aims and aspirations changed over the first year of the Revolution. What events sparked these changes? Identify and assess the decisions made by the leaders of both the American and British military forces which proved crucial to the American victory in the Revolution. Assess how the war transformed the lives of loyalists, minorities, women, and Native Americans. CHAPTER SIX: Explain how the shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation shaped the creation of the Constitution. How were the debates between small states and larges states and between advocates and opponents of centralization reflected in the final document? Describe the main issues that were disputed between Federalists and Republicans. How did their conflicts shape federal policies and politics under Presidents Washington and Adams? CHAPTER SEVEN: Describe how the changes in business and technology shaped the burgeoning American sense of nationalism during the Jeffersonian era. How did American religion and culture develop in response to these changes? Identify and explain the causes and effects of the War of 1812? CHAPTER EIGHT: Identify what factors precipitated the "Era of Good Feelings," and the reasons for its demise. Identify the origins of the Monroe Doctrine and explain its implications toward national policy making. Assess the impact of westward expansion on the growth of the United States and its implications on the issue of slavery. CHAPTER NINE: Explain In what ways Andrew Jackson tried to minimize the power of the federal government. In what ways did he strengthen it? Do you see any ideological consistencies in his positions and, if so, what are they? Discuss what the "second party system?" was. How did the ideologies of the Democrats and the Whigs differ? To what elements of the electorate did each party appeal? How did the rise of this system change American politics?

CHAPTER TEN: Identify and describe what role innovations in transportation played in the development of the antebellum American economy. In particular, how did the canals and the railroads transform both the American economy and American culture? Explain how the industrial revolution changed the daily lives of American men and women. Discuss with regard to work habits, family life, class distinctions, and consumption patterns. CHAPTER ELEVEN: Assess how the dominance of "King Cotton" affected the development of Southern economy, including the industrial and trade sectors. Evaluate how the slave system affected the lives of white Southerners, including planters, nonslaveholders, and women. Why did the South remain a society committed to slavery even though most whites did not own slaves? Describe In what ways slaves expressed accommodation and resistance to the institution of slavery in their daily lives. CHAPTER TWELVE: Explain what role this "romantic impulse" played in shaping the reform movements of the antebellum era. What other changes in American society sparked the drive for reform and why? Compare and contrast the abolitionist movement to the other reform movements discussed in this chapter. Compare and contrast Garrisonian and non-Garrisonian abolitionism. Which group do you think ultimately had the more successful strategy for reform? CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Explain why the Mexican War happened. What were the domestic consequences of the American victory in this war? Identify and explain what factors deepened the divisions between the North and South during the 1850s. Were these divisions new or twists of previously existing problems? At what point do you feel that secession became an inevitable fact? CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Summarize the respective advantages that the North and South enjoyed at the beginning of the Civil War. What do you think were the crucial factors that led to the Northern victory? Could the South have won the Civil War? If so, how? Assess how the experience of the Civil War transformed the American nation. Discuss with regard to both Union and Confederate policies and the experience of women and minorities in both regions. CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Describe what issues the federal government faced in its efforts to "reconstruct" the South after the Civil War. What were the primary goals of Lincoln, Johnson, Radical Republicans, white Southerners, and blacks in this process?

Explain why the federal government abandoned Reconstruction in the 1870s? In your opinion, how successful was Reconstruction? Explain what was new about the "New South". In what ways did relationships between the races change after the Civil War? How did they remain the same? CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Explain how the American westward migration after the Civil War affected the Indian, Hispanic, and Chinese populations of these western regions. In turn, how did these populations influence American development of these regions? Describe what the allure of the West was for migrants from the Eastern United States and the population they left behind? CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: Describe how the industrial growth in the decades after the Civil War differed from the growth in the decades before it. Were there any similarities between the two expansions? Identify and describe the major issues of contention that existed between capitalists and its critics during this era. Describe what gains the labor unions achieved during the 1870s and 1880s. What were the major problems they faced in their struggles with the leaders of industry? Did unions emerge stronger or weaker from the experience of the Gilded Age? CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Describe what Americans found attractive and frightening about the nation's expanding urban landscape. Discuss how government responded to the strains of urban life. What organizations, if any, stepped in when government failed? Explain why leisure became so important in the urban environment. CHAPTER NINETEEN: Explain why the federal government became locked in such a political stalemate during the 1870s and 1880s. Identify and explain the main concerns of the Populist platform. How many came to fruition? Why did the party itself fail to gain any long-term political power? CHAPTER TWENTY: Identify and describe the reasons Americans looked to expand beyond the continental United States. Who were the targets of our imperial wants and needs? Discuss the affects that imperialism had on American policy making as it adjusted to becoming a world power.

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE: Identify and describe what common elements united the many varied facets of progressivism. Why do you think the Progressive Era happened when it did? Characterize the role of women in the progressive movement. What changes led male progressives to welcome women's contributions to their cause? Discuss the role that morality plays in the progressive movement's efforts to change the political process. CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: Explain how Theodore Roosevelt transformed the American presidency. What were his primary accomplishments and his greatest setbacks as president? Compare and contrast Woodrow Wilson's brand of progressivism to that of Theodore Roosevelt. Compare and contrast Roosevelt's "big stick" foreign affairs policy to that of Taft and Wilson. CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE: Explain what caused American "neutrality" to shift during the years 1916-1917. What impact did America's entrance into the war have on the fighting and the balance of power in Europe? Discuss how involvement in the war transformed American society. How permanent were these changes? Discuss with regard to economic and regulatory institutions, the experience of women and minorities. Explain why Woodrow Wilson failed to achieve his goals for the postwar peace. Could he have done anything differently to prevent this outcome? CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR: Discuss what caused the remarkable economic prosperity of the 1920s. What long-term economic problems did this prosperity conceal? Explain what was the "New Woman". What effect did the granting of female suffrage have on politics of the 1920s? What new struggles did women progressives focus on in this decade? Identify and describe the major points of conflict between the modern urban culture that emerged in the 1920s and the traditional culture that existed in rural America. CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE: Discuss the primary causes of the Great Depression. How had the prosperity of the 1920s contributed to the downturn of the following decade? Explain what effect the Depression had on American culture. Did the hard times create a common national mood? How did "traditional" American values fare during the crisis? Describe what Herbert Hoover did to try to reverse the economic downturn. Why did his efforts fail? CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX: Compare and contrast FDR's attempts to combat the Depression with those of Hoover. Identify who were the major sources of opposition to the New Deal and explain why these individuals and/or groups opposed the program. How did President Roosevelt respond to these opponents?

Describe the significant legacies of the New Deal. Discuss this legacy with regard to the role of government, changes in politics, and its impact on various American groups and regions. CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN: Evaluate how well post-WWI American policy makers performed during the early years of the war. How did Hoover and Roosevelt differ on the war issue? How did events overseas affect public opinion about the war at home? Discuss why America moved from a policy of isolationism and neutrality to one of intervention. CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT: Assess how well American military forces performed during World War II . What were American forces successes and failures? Describe how the war affected the daily lives of the people who remained at home in the United States. How did race and gender affect the ways Americans experienced the war at home? Identify and discuss what primary reasons allowed the Allies to be victorious over the Axis during the war. Assess President Truman's decision to drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Do you believe President Truman made the right decision in dropping a second atomic bomb on Nagasaki? Why or why not? CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE: Discuss what primary causes of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. Describe the domestic problems caused by the end of World War II and the rise of the Cold War. Explain the rise of McCarthyism in the United States. CHAPTER THIRTY: Describe the causes of the economic boom of the 1950s and 1960s. How did it affect the lives of Americans at work and at home? Identify and describe the reasons for the emerging discontent in American society during the 1950s. Was there any common link among the critics that arose during this decade? CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE: Explain how programs like the New Frontier and Great Society were inspired by the New Deal. How did they transform American life and the role of the American government? What were their most significant legacies? Describe the origins of the civil rights movement of the 1960s. What roles did the government and national news media play in the struggle? Why did a division grow between the advocates of Dr. King's nonviolent approach and Black Power advocates such as Malcolm X? Identify and discuss the primary reasons that Presidents Kennedy and Johnson were unable to secure military victory in Vietnam.

CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO: Discuss the reasons for the rise of the youth culture and minority activism in the 1960s. What goals and characteristics did these groups have in common? In what ways were their aims different? Assess President Nixon's foreign and domestic policies. What were successes and failures as president? Explain how the Watergate cover-up transformed Americans' views and expectations of government. CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE: Discuss the major problems that dogged the presidencies of Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. How did the Reagan administration manage to sidestep these problems? Discuss how the "new" American right was able to bring Reagan to power. How did the Reagan administration manage to maintain this coalition? Identify and describe the primary reasons for the end of the Cold War. How did these changes affect American foreign policy? CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR: Explain why the political landscape changed during the years of the Clinton administration. What economic and social factors may have caused these changes in American politics? Discuss the roots of America's conflict with Islamic fundamentalism. How does American policy in the current conflict compare and contrast with that of the Cold War? Evaluate the political, economic, and social climate of recent years.

MRS.PARTEN APUSH VOCABULARY 2013: In the pages below you will find a list of vocabulary for the year. These vocabulary terms are geared toward the AP EXAM and you will have another list of vocabulary for the US History EOCT. For your written assignment this week you should keep a vocabulary journal, labeled by chapters. For each chapter, you should hand-write each term and its definition as you see it in your book or on a reputable website (.org, .edu and NO WIKIPEDIA). You will turn in these terms twice during the year, once in the Fall by ___________________ and once in the Spring by ___________________.

Chapter 1 Mayans, Aztecs, Conquistadors, African slave trade, Dutch West India Company, Enclosure movement, Merchant capitalism, Mercantilism, John Calvin, Calvinist Puritans, Separatists, English Reformation, Church of England, Martin Luther, Elizabeth I, Plantation Model of Colonization, Spanish Armada, Roanoke Chapter 2 Jamestown, Virginia Company, John Smith, Plymouth Plantation, Headright system, Indentured servants, Royal Colony, Proprietary Colony, Charter Colony, Bacon's Rebellion, Mayflower Compact, Theocracy, John Winthrop, Roger Williams, Anne Hutchinson, William Penn, Massachusetts Bay Colony, William Bradford, Pequot War, King Phillip's War, Quakers, New York Colony, Carolina Colonies, Pennsylvania Colony Chapter 3 Indenture system, Middle Passage, Slave codes, Triangular trade, Consumerism, Plantation economy, Stono Rebellion, The Great Awakening, Enlightenment, Benjamin Franklin, Cotton Mather, Plantation slavery, Salem witch trials Chapter 4 Albany Plan, French and Indian War, Proclamation of 1763, Sugar Act of 1764, Mutiny (Quartering) Act of 1765, Stamp Act of 1765, Sons of Liberty, Townshend Acts of 1767, Boston Massacre, Tea Act of 1773, Intolerable Acts, First Continental Congress, Lexington and Concord, Iroquois Confederacy, George Grenville, Currency Act of 1764, Stamp Act crisis, Boston Tea Party Chapter 5 Common Sense, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Treaty of Paris, Republicanism, Land Ordinance of 1785, Shay's Rebellion, Tyranny, John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, Sovereignty, Loyalist, George Washington Chapter 6 Tariffs, Alexander Hamilton, Virginia Plan, The Great Compromise, Separation of powers, Checks and balances, Federalists, Anti-federalists, The Federalist Papers, Bank of the United States, Whiskey Rebellion, Neutrality Act, Washington's Farewell Speech, Alien and Sedition Acts, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, Judiciary Act of 1801, James Madison, Judiciary Act of 1789, Pinckney's Treaty, John Adams Chapter 7 Second Great Awakening, Eli Whitney/Cotton gin, Robert Fulton/Steamboat, Urbanization, Marbury v. Madison, John Marshall, Impeachment, Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark Expedition, Impressment, The Non-Intercourse Act of 1809, Battle of New Orleans, Hartford Convention of 1814, Treaty of Ghent

(1814), Rush-Bagot Agreement (1817), Noah Webster, Treaty of San Ildefonso (1800), Aaron Burr, The Embargo (1808) Chapter 8 Second Bank of the United States, Protective tariff, National Road, First Party System, Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819, Panic of 1819, Missouri Compromise, Monroe Doctrine, Tariff of Abominations, Stephen Long's Expedition, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, The Seminole War Andrew Jackson, The Marshall Court Chapter 9 Egalitarian, Suffrage reform, Dorr Rebellion, Spoils system, Nullification Crisis, Webster-Hayne Debate, Removal Act of 1830, Trail of Tears, Whig Party, Panic of 1837, Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842, Treaty of Wang Hya of 1844, Alexis de Tocqueville, Martin Van Buren, The Taney Court, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler Chapter 10 Immigration, Nativism, Know-Nothings, Railroad consolidation, Telegraph, Associated Press, Merchant capitalists, Corporations, Factory system, Interchangeable parts, Lowell mills, Trade unions, Middle class, Cult of Domesticity, Commercial agriculture, McCormick Reaper Chapter 11 "King Cotton", "Colonial Dependency"', Planter Aristocracy, Southern Honor, "Plain Folk", Patriarchal Society, "Peculiar Institution", Slave Codes, House Slave and Field Slave, Urban Slavery, Free African Americans, Domestic and Foreign Slave Trade, "Sambo", Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vesey, Nat Turner, Slave Resistance Chapter 12 Romanticism, , Transcendentalism, Utopian Societies, Shakers, Mormons, Protestant Revivalism, Temperance Crusade, Contagion theory, Horace Mann, Public Education, Asylum Movement, Indian Reservations, Feminism, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony, Seneca Falls Convention, Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, Quakers, Abolitionism, American Colonization Society, William Lloyd Garrison, American Antislavery Society, Frederick Douglass, Amistad Case, "Free Soil" Movement, Uncle Tom's Cabin Chapter 13 Manifest Destiny, Stephen Austin, General Santa Anna, The Alamo, Texas annexation, Oregon Trail, James Polk, The Mexican War, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Wilmot Proviso, popular sovereignty, California gold rush, Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, Daniel Webster, Stephen Douglas, Free-Soil Party, Fugitive Slave Act, Franklin Pierce, transcontinental railroad, Gadsden Purchase, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Republican Party, John Brown, Slave Power Conspiracy, James Buchanan, Know Nothing Party, Dred Scott Decision, Lincoln-Douglas debates Chapter 14 secession, Confederate States of America, Crittenden Compromise, Fort Sumter, Homestead Act, Morrill Land Grant Act, National Banks Act, Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroad Companies, greenbacks, National Draft Law, New York City draft riots, habeas corpus, Ex parte Milligan, copperheads, Confiscation Acts, Emancipation Proclamation, Confederate Conscription Act, General Ulysses S. Grant, General Robert E. Lee, ironclads, King Cotton diplomacy, repeating weapons, Antietam Chapter 15

"Lost Cause" myth, 13th Amendment, Freedmen's Bureau, Radical Republicans, Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan, Wade-Davis Bill, Andrew Johnson's Restoration Plan, black codes, Civil Rights Act of 1866, 14th Amendment, Three Reconstruction bill, 15th Amendment, Tenure of Office Act, Johnson's impeachment, proceedings, scalawags, carpetbaggers Chapter 16 Plains Indians, Californios, Chinese immigration Act of 1882, Homestead Act of 1862, Comstock Lode, The Cattle Kingdom, Chisholm Trail, Range wars, Rocky mountain School, Frederick Jackson Turner's Frontier Thesis, Concentration policy, Reservations, Indian Wars, Sand Creek Massacre, Ghost Dance, Battle of Wounded Knee, Vigilantes, Assimilation, Boarding schools Chapter 17 Bessemer process, Henry Ford, The Wright Brothers, Taylorism, Moving assembly line, Corporations, Limited liability, Horizontal integration, Vertical integration, John D. Rockefeller, Trusts, Holding company, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Social Darwinism, The Gospel of Wealth, Monopolies, Immigration, Child labor laws, National Labor Union, Railroad Strike of 1877, Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor, Samuel Gompers, Haymarket Square, Henry Clay Frick, Pullman Strike, Eugene Debs Chapter 18 Urbanization, Ghettoes, Nativism, Immigration Restriction League, City Beautiful movement, Suburbs, Tenements, Jacob Riis, Mass transit, Skyscraper, Public health service, Urban machines, Mass merchandising, Chain stores, Mail order catalogs, Department stores, Coney Island, Vaudeville, Charles Darwin, Land grant universities Chapter 19 Civil War Pension System, Rutherford B. Hayes, Patronage, James Garfield, Pendleton Act of 1883, Grover Cleveland, Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890, McKinley Tariff, Interstate Commerce Act of 1887, Grangers, Farmers Alliance, Populists, Free Silver movement, Colored Alliances, Depression of 1893, William Jennings Bryan, William McKinley, Gold Standard Act of 1900 Chapter 20 Imperialism, New Manifest Destiny, Hemisperic hegemony, Pan American-Congress, Hawaiian Island annexation, Samoan Island annexation, The Maine, Yellow Journalism, Wilson-Gorman Tariff of 1894, Hearst and Pulitzer circulation war, Spanish-American War, Theodore Roosevelt, Commodore George Dewey, Rough Riders, Puerto Rican annexation, Anti-Imperialist League, Treaty of Paris (1898), Platt Amendment, Emilio Aguinaldo, Philippine War, Open Door policy, Boxer Rebellion, Military reforms, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chapter 21 Progressivism, Antimonopoly, Social cohesion, Muckrakers, Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, Social Gospel, Salvation Army, Settlement House Movement, Jane Addams, Professionalism, Suffrage, 19th Amendment, Equal Rights Amendment, Secret ballot, Social Democracy, Initiative, Referendum, Direct primary, Recall, Robert La Follette, Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire, Booker T. Wahington, W.E.B. Du Bois, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Anti-lynching movement, Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), 18th Amendment, Temperance Crusade Chapter 22 Theodore Roosevelt, Square Deal, Pure Food and Drug Act, Meat Inspection Act, Conservation, Gifford Pinchot, National Reclamation Act, John Muir, National Forest System, National Park System, Panic of 1907, William Taft, Children's Bureau, Robert La Follette, New Nationalism, Progressive Party, Woodrow

Wilson, New Freedom, Federal Reserve Act, Keatings-Owen Act, "Big Stick" diplomacy, Open Door Policy, Roosevelt Corollary, Platt Amendment, Panama Canal, "Dollar Diplomacy", "Moral Diplomacy" Chapter 23 Total war, Triple Entente, Triple Alliance, Neutrality, Lusitania, Pacifists, Interventionists, Unrestricted submarine warfare, Zimmerman Telegram, Russian Revolution, American Expeditionary Force, Selective Service Act, General John Pershing, Trench warfare, Armistice, Chemical warfare, War Boards, War Industries Board (WIB), National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), Ludlow Massacre, Great Migration, Women's Bureau, Committee on Public Information (CPI), Espionage Act of 1917, Sabotage Act of 1918, Sedition Act of 1918, Socialist Party, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Eugene Debs, Billy Sunday Chapter 24 Welfare capitalism, "Pink Collar" jobs, A. Philip Randolph, Mass consumption, Mass circulation magazines, Motion Picture Association, National Broadcasting Company (NBC), Margaret Sanger, Emma Goldman, Birth control, Flappers, League of Women Voters, National Woman's Party, Sheppard-Towner Act of 1921, Charles Lindbergh, The Lost Generation, John Dewey, Charles and Mary Beard, Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes, Prohibition, Al Capone, Nativism, Ku Klux Klan, National Origins Act of 1924, The Birth of a Nation, Fundamentalism, Scopes Trial, Warren G. Harding, Teapot Dome Scandal, Calvin Coolidge Chapter 25 Black Tuesday, Reparations, Breadlines, Global Depression, Dust Bowl, Okies, Shantytowns, Scottsboro Case, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Japanese American Citizen League, Life Magazine, American Communist Party, Southern Tenant Farmers Union, John Steinbeck, Herbert Hoover, Agricultural Marketing Act of 1929, Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), Farmers' Holiday Association, The Bonus March, Franklin D. Roosevelt Chapter 26 Fireside chat, Emergency Banking Act, Twenty-first Amendment, Agricultural Adjustment Act, Subsidies, National Industrial Recovery Act, National Recovery Administration, Minimum wage, Public Works Administration, Tennessee Valley Authority, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Securities and Exchange Commission, Civil Works Administration, Farm Mangaement Administration, American Liberty League, Father Charles E. Coughlin, Huey Long, Second New Deal, Congress of Industrial Organizations, United Auto Workers, Memorial Day Massacre, Social Security Act, Unemployment insurance, Works Progress Administration, Court-packing plan, Broker state, Black cabinet, Indian Reorganization Act, Francis Perkins, Eleanor Roosevelt Chapter 27 Isolationism, Internationalism, Washington Conference 1921, Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928, Benito Mussolini, Fascism, Adolph Hitler, National Socialist Party, Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act 1934, Good Neighbor Policy, Neutrality Acts, Sino-Japanese War, Munich Conference 1938, Appeasement, War of the Worlds, Cash-and-Carry, America First Committee, Wendell Wilkie, Lend-Lease, Atlantic Charter, Tripartite Pact, Henry Stimson, Pearl Harbor Chapter 28 Siege of Stalingrad, Holocaust, Office of Price Administration, War Production Board, A. Phillip Randolph, Fair Employment Practices Commission, Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), Indian Reorganization Act 1934, "Rosie the Riveter", USO, Japanese Internment, Dresden firebombing, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, V-E Day, Battle of Okinawa, Manhattan Project, Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Chapter 29 Teheran Conference, Yalta Conference, United Nations, Potsdam Conference, Chaing Kai-shek, Mao Zedong, Containment, Marshall Plan, National Security Act, Berlin Blockade and Airlift, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Warsaw Pact, National Security Council Report 68, GI Bill of Rights, United Mine Workers, Fair Deal, Taft-Hartley Act, Dixiecrats, Thomas E. Dewey, National Housing Act, Korean War, House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), Alger Hiss trial, McCarran Internal Security Act, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, McCarthyism, Adlai Stevenson, Dwight D. Eisenhower Chapter 30 Baby boom, Suburbanization, AFL-CIO, Teamsters Union, Antibacterial drugs, Penicillin, Salk vaccine, UNIVAC, Hydrogen bomb, Sputnik, Consumer credit, Federal Highway Act, Feminism, Environmentalism, Beat generation, Rock n' Roll, Ghettos, Urban renewal, Brown v. Board of Education, Little Rock Nine, Montgomery Bus Boycott, Martin Luther King Jr., Civil Disobedience, Civil Rights Act 1957, ArmyMcCarthy Hearings, Dien Bien Phu, Israeli independence, Suez crisis, Fidel Castro, U-2 Crisis Chapter 31 John F. Kennedy, New Frontier, Lyndon Johnson, Great Society, Medicare and Medicaid, Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Immigration Act of 1965, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Freedom Riders, March on Washington 1963, Freedom Summer, Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, Civil Rights Act 1964, Civil Rights Act 1965, Watts Riot, Black Power Movement, Malcolm X, Alliance for Progress, Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietminh, Geneva Conference, Nikita Khrushchev, Ngo Dinh Diem, National Liberation Front, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Robert Kennedy, Tet Offensive, Democratic National Convention, Hubert Humphrey, George Wallace Chapter 32 Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Free Speech Movement, Counterculture, Woodstock, Anti-draft and anti-war movements, Assimilation, National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), American Indian Movement (AIM), Indian Civil Rights Act 1968, Wounded Knee Occupation 1973, Cesar Chavez, United Farm Workers (UFW), Stonewall Riot, Gay Liberation Movement, New Feminism, National Organization for Women (NOW), Equal Rights Amendment, Roe v. Wade, Rachel Carson, Ecology, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Vietnamization, Henry Kissinger, Kent State, My Lai Massacre, Fall of Saigon, Multipolar world, SALT I, Nixon Doctrine, Salvador Allende, Six-Day War, Arab Oil Embargo, Bakke v. Board of Regents of California, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Deindustrialization, Watergate, United States v. Richard Nixon Chapter 33 Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Camp David Accords, Iranian Revolution, Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, Sagebrush Rebellion, Evangelical Christianity, Moral Majority, Christian Coalition, New Right, Ronald Reagan, Tax Revolt, Reagan Revolution, Neo-conservatives, Reaganomics, Recession of 1982, "Star Wars" Strategic Defense Initiative, Reagan Doctrine, Grenada, El Salvador, Beirut Bombing 1983, Terrorism, Mikhail Gorbachev's Perestroika, Tiananmen Square, Iran-Contra Scandal, George H.W. Bush, Recession of 1990, Gulf War 1990-91, Ross Perot Chapter 34 Globalization, Partisanship, Bill Clinton, North American free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Contract with America, Newt Gingrich, Robert Dole, Clinton impeachment, Election of 2000, Al Gore, Bush v. Gore, George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Enron scandal, Federal Reserve Board, Personal computer, Internet, Digital divide

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