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G-CO.1: Terms: Undefined terms, definitions, postulates, theorems, corollaries, properties G-CO.12: Tools: Constructions G-C0.

9: Proofs: Vertical Angle Theorem, Linear Pair Postulate and Algebraic Properties including Transitive and Substitution

Unit 1 Concept Question Performance Task:

The figure above consists of many different triangles. There are: five different sizes of right triangle three different sizes of equilateral triangle and three different sizes of isosceles triangle (that are not equilateral). Add letters to name all the points in the diagram and DO the following: 1. Correctly name and sketch each different type of triangle and find how many of that type are in the figure. (For each sketch show the lines in the original triangle and highlight the one you found so we can see where it came from). 2. Use the diagram to identify and name at least 3 of each of the following vocabulary words point , line segment, perpendicular bisector, angle bisector, acute angle, obtuse angle, right angle, linear pairs, complementary angles, vertical angles (for the angles use your protractor to measure and give the angle amount) 3. Construct an equilateral triangle and name it ABC. Then provide written instructions on how to create the figure above using your equilateral triangle. Be sure to use geometric names for the points, segments and angles you will need to use to achieve the constructions needed to recreate the figure above. Grading Expectations

You will be graded on the completeness and quality of your work. You will need to describe in detail how you arrived at your solution and accompany your solution with both written response and detailed geometric figures. Do the work for number 1, 2 and 3 each on a separate paper for your write-up. Late projects will lose one full letter grade for each day it is submitted after the due date.

The Language of Geometry Vocabulary Book Project:

Create a reference booklet from the vocabulary words given each day in class. For each vocabulary word you will need to: 1. Define: the word using your own words. 2. Geometric Diagram: Draw a diagram of the word and label it with proper geometric notation. 3. Real World Example & Explanation: Observe the world around you and find an example of your word in real life and draw the real life picture. As an option you can cut a picture from a magazine, get images from the internet, or take your own photographs of the of your real life examples. You must explain how your real life picture represents the vocabulary word. Upon completion make a cover page, a Table of Contents and compile your work. You will be graded on neatness and the quality of your work! Be very specific and creative in each aspect of your project. Use colored pencils, markers, shading etc. to enhance your drawings and to emphasize the vocabulary words and geometric diagrams you create. No more than 2 words per side of each sheet of paper. Late projects will lose 1 full letter grade for each day it is submitted after the due date.

List of vocabulary words that need to be included: 1. acute angle 11. intersect 2. adjacent angles 12. isosceles 3. angle 13. line 4. angle bisector 14. linear pair 5. collinear 15. midpoint 6. complementary angles 16. obtuse angles 7. congruent 17. parallel 8. construction 18. perpendicular 9. coplanar 19. perpendicular bisector 10. endpoint 20. plane

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

point postulate ray right angle theorem segment skew lines supplementary angles vertical angles vertex

Construction Book Project

You will use your straightedge and compass to create a construction reference booklet. The constructions you will include for unit 1 are: 1. Construct a congruent segment 2. Construct a congruent angle 3. Construct a perpendicular bisector 4. Construct an angle bisector. 5. Construct a perpendicular to a line from an external point For each construction you will: Step by step instructions: provide a construction diagram with written instruction for each step needed to complete the final construction. 3 examples showing you can do the construction Make a decorative front cover to your book using your compass and straightedge similar to the Compass Designs activity on page 43 of your textbook For Constructions step by step instructions website visit: For front cover design ideas visit :

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