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2D-08: Basic Drawing Commands (Arc, Ellipse, Donut)

Basic Drawing Commands

Basic Drawing

Modify Commands
Professional level



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Arc Command

Arc . . .

Arc AutoCAD
Options Arc
3 Points
Start, Center, End
Start, Center, Angle
Start, Center, Length
Start, End, Angle
Start, End, Direction
Start, End, Radius
Center, Start, End
Center, Start, Angle
Center, Start, Length
3 Points Angle Included Angle
( ) Length Chord Length ( )
Direction Start Point Tangent Direction
Arc Command Arc(s) Continue Arc(s)

Options -
Menu, Toolbar,
Ribbon Command Line
. . .

2D-08: Fig-01 - Arc Options

2D-08: Fig-02 - Terminology of Arc

2D-08: Fig-03 - Arc Options

Arc Direction Counter clockwise

Arc Options
. . .
Command Line: ARC (or) A <Enter>

2D-08: Fig-04 - Menu Bar: Draw> Arc > Choose Option

2D-08: Fig-05 - Toolbar: Draw Toolbar > Arc button

2D-08: Fig-06 - Ribbon: Home Tab> Draw Panel > Arc

Ellipse Command
Command: ELLIPSE <Enter>
Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: Click
Specify other endpoint of axis: Click
Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]: 2 Points
Axis Ellipse Centre Axis

2D-08: Fig-07
. . .
Command: ELLIPSE <Enter>
Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: c <Enter>
Specify center of ellipse: Ellipse Centre Click
Specify endpoint of axis: Axis End point Click
Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]: Axis

2D-08: Fig-08
Options Command
Option [Rotation] Option
Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]: r <Enter>
Specify rotation around major axis: Angle
Viewing Plain Monitor Circle
Ellipse Axis
AutoCAD Axis Major Axis

90 Degree 90 Degree
30 Degree View Point
Ellipse Ellipse 3D

2D-08: Fig-09 Ellipse Command, Rotation Option

Arc Elliptical Arc
Command: Ellipse <Enter>
Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: a <Enter>
Specify axis endpoint of elliptical arc or [Center]:
Specify other endpoint of axis:
Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]:
Elliptical Arc

Specify start angle or [Parameter]:
Specify end angle or [Parameter/Included angle]:
Centre Start Angle End Angle Elliptical

Elliptical Arc (Parameter) Included

Angle Counter Clockwise Direction
. . .
Command Line: ELLIPSE (or) EL <Enter>

2D-08: Fig-10 - Menu Bar: Draw> Ellipse > Choose Option

2D-08: Fig-11 - Toolbar: Draw Toolbar > Ellipse button

Elliptical Arc . . .

2D-08: Fig-12 - Ribbon: Home Tab> Draw Panel > Ellipse

Donut Command
. . .
Command: DONUT <Enter>
Specify inside diameter of donut <0.5000>: Default Enter

Specify outside diameter of donut <1.0000>: Enter
Specify center of donut or <exit>: Centre Click

Specify center of donut or <exit>:

Enter or ESC
Inside & Outside Diameters Inside Diameter =
Zero Solid Circle Solid Circle
Donut Circle Solid Hatch Fill Circle Hatch
Command: DONUT (or) DOUGHNUT (or) DO <Enter>

2D-08: Fig-13 - Menu Bar: Draw> Donut

2D-08: Fig-14 - Ribbon: Home Tab> Draw Panel> Donut

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