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For those preparing for your Professional Review (PR), follow the diagram to work backwards from your

PR application date to identify the Career Appraisal closure date you will need to meet

Preparing for your Career AppraisaL

Early on: n Locate Mentor n Meet Membership Development n Officer (MDO) n Read MGN11 Ongoing: n Liaise constantly with your n Mentor & MDO n Maintain your training record n n Environmental / n l Development Objectives n n Summary reports n n Supporting materials n Maintain your CPD n Development Action Plan n (DAP) & Personal n Development record (PDR) n Achieve relevant number of n CPD hours

Submitting your Career Appraisal

Consolidation period

Career Appraisal Results

n Application form n Copy of academic l qualifications n Detailed CV n Development Objectives / l Environmental Objectives n Experience Report n CPD - DAP & PDR n Supporting Appendices of l your own work to illustrate l how you have met the l Development Objectives

n requirements of n the Attributes n (ICE 3001A) n Develop your CPD n Act on advice n provided by career n appraisal assessor

(15th of each month) My CA application closure date is:

2 months from CA assessment

Recommend Recommend at at least least 3-6 3-6 months months consolidation consolidation before application before application

My PR application closure date is: closure date is:

Your Membership development officer is there to support you, contact them when you need additional help or advice
Initial Professional Development (IPD) MD2 - Career Appraisal Diagram Page 1 of 1 Version 1 Revision 1 - 08 December 2011 Registered Charity 210252 & Scotland SC03862

Professional Review Application closure date

n Maximum weight 1Kg.

n Do you meet the

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