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Fig.1. 3. a) What is shading? How is the shading of CSG model achieved?

Explain any one shading algorithm for solids. b) What do you understand by the term geometric modifier? Explain. Give some examples where layering concepts are useful. 4. a) What is animation? Compare and contrast the conventional animation and computer animation. Write a brief note on animation techniques. b) Explain the procedure involved in animating a four bar linkage. 5. a) Generate the assembly tree and the precedence diagram for the assembly shown in the figure 2. Count the number of all possible assembly sequences to create the assembly.

Fig. 2. b) What are the various techniques to generate all assembly sequences for a mechanical component? Explain Liaison sequence analysis. 6. a) What is geometric tolerancing? What are the types of geometric tolerances? How is it different from conventional tolerancing? Give a list of ANSI symbols for geometric tolerances? b) Fig.3 shows a part design with assigned tolerances. Use the arithmetic method to calculate the tolerance information for the axial dimension F of the outside surface shown.

Fig. 3

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