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Are you a Martha, or a Mary?

Martha has always been contrasted with her sister Mary, one is active, the other is contemplative. Both have opposing qualities & dispositions but I am sure that their hearts agree on one thing, that they love the Lord & will do anything & everything for Him. Isnt it the same in community life? We are different yet we are held together by the same bond, our love for the Lord and our willingness to make His Mission our own mission. Each one of us has these contemplative, and active, dimensions within us. I am more like Martha in the sense that I need to work, to prepare things, to care for things, to have responsibilities in the community, to feel that I am doing something as a response to the Love I have received from Christ. But I also have a Mary in me. I need to feel connected to the Lord through prayer, in adoration of the Eucharist (HS dev). I would only feel content when after a busy day of work and I lie at my bed at night, I would come to the Lord and talk to him about my day

and be able to say that I have done the best I can for His glory. This is the Martha and the Mary working in me. But not all people are like me, and everyday I have to consciously remind myself of that. Because if I impose my way of loving God and doing my mission to that of others who have their own way of loving the Lord & doing their mission, I would be drawn from loving Him & instead hate others & complain, like Martha did with Mary. We are all different, like pieces of an art piece, an abstract painting, or a stained glass window. Each piece, united by the painter, glued together by the stained glass maker, makes the artwork beautiful. That is what is important: to know that all of us are doing the One mission, only in different ways. We are pieces of one big glass window, complementing each other and making the beauty of the Mission, of following the Lord more radiant and resplendent before others. Thats why before we make any judgments, first of all, know

that we are equally loved by God, and all of us equally love God. Let this be our prayer, Lord, thank you for showing Martha the way to love you by loving others. Thank you for giving us an example, and help us face the challenge to accept ourselves and accept others. That before we judge and complain, we must love you above all things, and love others as ourselves. Amen.

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