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Overall Expectations
Knowledge and Understanding TF1 demonstrate an understanding of the key ideas and issues related to leadership; TF3 demonstrate an understanding of the different perspectives and approaches used in leadership; Thinking and Inquiry IEIC2 evaluate the quality of interdisciplinary endeavours (leadership and mentorship), using a variety of strategies Communication IEIC1 implement and communicate information about leadership, using a variety of methods and strategies; Application IEIC3 analyse and describe the impact on society of interdisciplinary approaches (leadership and mentorship) and solutions to reallife situations; IEIC4 analyse and describe how interdisciplinary skills (leadership and mentorship) relate to personal development and careers.

Look Fors
Integration of Ideas

Level 4
Student draws from multiple and varied sources of his/her prior experiences to make connections between class content AND real life situations AND the topic of the journal entry. Student asks probing and insightful questions about the topic of the journal entry AND proposes next steps for action. Students responses display logical and insightful organization of ideas; no additional clarification is required; few or no spelling and/or grammar errors are present Student demonstrates significant and authentic personal growth, and identifies ways in which he/she will use this learning.

Level 3
Student draws from multiple and varied sources of his/her prior experiences to make connections between class content OR real life situations AND the topic of the journal entry. Student asks probing and insightful questions about the topic of the journal entry OR proposes next steps for action. Students responses are organized but not necessarily insightful; minimal clarification is required; few or no spelling and/or grammar errors are present

Level 2
Student draws from one prior experience to make connections between class content OR real life situations AND the topic of the journal entry.

Level 1
Student simply recounts an experience or discusses the idea presented in a superficial way.

Journal entry does not meet expectations at a passing level

Proactive Thinking (Next Steps)

Student asks questions about the topic and is uncertain about next steps.

Students questions and next steps are unclear.

Journal entry does not meet expectations at a passing level Journal entry not meet expectations at a passing level

Clarity of responses

Students responses are not consistently and/or clearly organized; clarification is required frequently; some spelling and/or grammar errors are present Student describes his/her feelings and can make some connections to personal growth.

Students responses are superficial and disorganized; much clarification is needed; grammar and/or spelling errors detract from communication of information Student describes his/her feelings related to the topic.

Depth of Reflection and Personal Growth

Student makes connections between the topic and his/her personal growth and recognizes the value of this growth.

Journal entry does not meet expectations at a passing level

* Journal can be presented in a variety of formats including video, photostory, verbal, written (blog, website, scrapbook, paper and pencil), etc.

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