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Student Self-Evaluation of Reading Fluency

Name: _________________________ Partners Name: ________________ Date(s): ______________ Title of Text: _______________________________________________ Pages Read: _____________
Now that you have finished listening to yourself read, read each of these statements and place a check in the appropriate column.

I need to keep working on this.

I did pretty well at this. I am showing good improvement here.

WOW! I did very well at this.

1. I understood what I read. 2. I read most words with no mistakes. 3. I read with just the right speed. I also slowed down or read more quickly to help me better understand the text. 4. My reading sounded as if I was talking with a friend. It sounded smooth and natural, not like a robot 5. My voice was louder and softer at different points. 6. I paid attention to punctuation marks, pausing and letting my voice change at the ends of sentences.

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