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Task 1: Previous activities. Criteria - /nswers *uestions in a responsi !

e way% - 1ives an answer according to the *uestion% - 2istens to others answers% - Shows respect for others answers% - Shows wi!!ingness to participate% Task 2: Identifies daily routines. Criteria - Pays attention to the video - Does not distract other students from paying attention - Shows good ehavior whi!e watching the video - "ecogni#es the dai!y routines of the video - $entions the routines seen in the video% - &rites the three categories 'morning( afternoon( night) in the note ook% - Comp!etes the c!assification with a!! the routines in the note ook - &rites the routines correct!y - &rites the answer taking into account the *uestion Task +: Practices pronunciation, oral and written grammar structure. Criteria - Shows good attitude during the game - ,dentifies the dai!y routines - -ses good pronunciation of the words - -ses correct grammar structure - .ncourages his c!assmates to keep p!aying and !earning - -ses the dictionary correct!y - /ssociates the meaning to the word - &rites 0 sentences using dai!y routines - -ses the correct word order for each sentence - Comp!etes the practice in the .ng!ish note ook - Shows good ehavior whi!e he is working Yes No Yes No Yes No

Task 3: Researches and uses the information to correctly write phrases. Criteria - Shows honesty when he makes the interview - &rites the answers in order - &rites the answers to the interview in the note ook - -ses the correct grammar structure to write the script - &orks co!!a orative!y with his c!assmates - -ses the dictionary correct!y Task 0: Makes creative puppets. Criteria - -ses the appropriate materia!s to make the puppet and the scenery - -ses his creativity to make the puppet and the scenery - 4as his puppet and scenery made on time - Shows respect for others property - &orks co!!a orative!y with his c!assmates - Shows neatness in his work - Shows good ehavior when he is working Yes No Yes No

Task 5: Dramatizes daily routines orally.

C/T.16"Y .7ce!!ent '3) Without any mistake 1ood '+) Very few mistakes throughout the talk Puppeteers' voices showed some expression and emotion Voices of puppeteers were usually audible to people sitting in the back row !cenery was creative and did not get in the way of the puppets Puppeteers usually manipulated puppets so audience could see them Play was creative and usually held the audience's interest "egu!ar '2) Numerous errors &eak '1) Barely understandable



Puppeteers' voices showed a lot of expression and emotion Voices of puppeteers were always audible to people sitting in the back row !cenery was creative" added interest to the play" and did not get in the way of the puppets Puppeteers always manipulated puppets so audience could see them Play was creative and really held the audience's interest

Puppeteers' voices showed a little expression and emotion Voices of puppeteers were sometimes audible to people sitting in the back row !cenery did not get in the way of the puppets Puppeteers sometimes manipulated puppets so audience could see them Play had several creative elements" but often did not hold the audience's interest %ses a few of the sentence patterns

Puppeteers' voices were monotone and not expressive Voices of puppeteers were rarely audible to people sitting in the back row !cenery got in the way of the puppets #$ distracted the audience Puppeteers rarely manipulated puppets so audience could see them

8oice Pro9ection


Puppet $anipu!ation


Play needed more creative elements


%ses all sentence patterns

%ses most of the sentence patterns

%ses limited sentence patterns

Task :: Uses technology to share with others his classwork, linguistic and dramatizing skills. Criteria - -ses $ovie $aker Program to edit his;her video - -ses the program correct!y - 2istens to teachers instructions - Takes care of the techno!ogy devices - <o!!ows teachers instructions - <u!fi!!s a!! the re*uirements - Shows good ehavior when he is working - -p!oads the video in Youtu e or a socia! we Yes No

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