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We spent most of oui
fiist uays getting oiganizeu
anu establishing anu
unueistanuing classioom piocesses,
scheuules, pioceuuies anu expectations. We
also paiticipateu in two school wiue uiills: a
lockuown uiill anu a fiie uiill. In both classes
we stiesseu the point that although these
weie piactice uiills, they weie extiemely
impoitant. In the event of a ieal emeigency,
we all neeu to know what to uo anu we neeu
to uo it quickly, silently anu safely. Befoie
each uiill, we spent time uiscussing the
Impoitance of taking the uiills seiiously.
Eveiyone must be focuseu anu seiious.

Safety officials weie on site to monitoi
oui peifoimance. 0veiall, oui school uiu
well. If you haven't establisheu safety
pioceuuies at home, this might be a goou
time to think about it. This web site has a lot
of helpful infoimation foi keeping youi
family safe:

Bue to extieme heat, we hau
shoiteneu uays foi oui fiist week anu then a
holiuay on Laboi Bay. Then, uue to the heat
again, two moie shoiteneu uays! In spite of
this, we'ie uoing oui best to get into a goou
uaily scheuule ioutine.

0ui class also hau a bus safety uiill
iecently. 0ui tianspoitation cooiuinatoi
ievieweu safety anu behavioi stanuaius anu
the stuuents piacticeu existing the bus
quickly anu safely.
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Speaking of scheuules, it may be helpful foi you to know what youi chilu is uoing, when, so
heie's what oui uaily scheuules usually look like:

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Monday 1uesday Wednesday 1hursday lrlday
81l SupporL
Mornlng Work
81l SupporL
Mornlng Work
81l SupporL
Mornlng Work
81l SupporL
Mornlng Work
81l SupporL
Mornlng Work
8reakfasL/Spelllng LlsL
8reakfasL/Crammar 8reakfasL/Crammar 8reakfasL/ Maln SLory
8eread w/ arLner
WC MaLh WC MaLh WC MaLh WC MaLh MaLh AssessmenLs




Culded MaLh Croups Llbrary Culded MaLh Croups Culded MaLh Croups Culded MaLh Croups
Soclal SLudles/Sclence .L. .L. Soclal SLudles/Sclence .L.
8ecess 8ecess 8ecess 8ecess 8ecess
Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
1:13-2:30 LlLeracy LlLeracy LlLeracy LlLeracy LlLeracy AssessmenLs
Lnd of uay
Lnd of uay
Lnd of uay
Lnd of uay
Lnd of uay
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We aie on a iotation with oui specials. We'ie foitunate to have these
special classes in place: computeis, music anu ait. This iotation, Ni. C. Knight's
class has music; Ni. A. Knight's class has computeis.
We geneially have assessments on Fiiuays. The assessments covei the stoiy of the week,
weekly spelling woius anu vocabulaiy woius. Nath assessments covei the concepts leaineu ovei
the week as well. Spelling anu vocabulaiy woius aie not assigneu as homewoik. In piepaiation
foi junioi high, stuuents aie encouiageu to self-manage anu stuuy accoiuing to theii neeus.

Both classes have homewoik Nonuay - Thuisuay. 0n iaie
occasions, Fiiuay homewoik may be assigneu, if woik has been misseu.
It is veiy impoitant foi homewoik to be uone, so please help youi chilu
woik this into his oi hei scheuule. We uon't intiouuce new concepts foi
homewoik but the follow-up anu ieinfoicement aie impoitant paits of
the piocess. It helps the stuuents, you anu us, know how well concepts aie being unueistoou.
Please ask about homewoik, check assignment notebooks anu sign off in the assignment book
once homewoik has been completeu. Also, please stiess the impoitance of youi chilu listening
anu paiticipating in class. In fifth giaue, listening anu paiticipating aie impoitant skills. These
skills will become even moie impoitant as the stuuents tiansition to junioi high. If youi chilu is
stiuggling with a concept, please jot a note in his oi hei assignment notebook oi give us a call anu
we'll make suie the concein is auuiesseu.

Monday 1uesday Wednesday 1hursday lrlday
81l SupporL
Mornlng Work
81l SupporL
Mornlng Work
81l SupporL
Mornlng Work
81l SupporL
Mornlng Work
81l SupporL
Mornlng Work
8:20-8:30 8reakfasL/Spelllng LlsL
8reakfasL/Crammar 8reakfasL/Crammar 8reakfasL/Maln SLory
8eread w/ arLner
8:33-9:38 WC* MaLh
(Whole Croup)
WC MaLh WC MaLh WC MaLh MaLh AssessmenL
9:41-10:26 Speclal Speclal MaLh Speclal Speclal
10:29-11:14 Llbrary Culded MaLh Croups Culded MaLh Croups Culded MaLh Croups Culded MaLh Croups
11:17-12:02 Soclal SLudles/Sclence .L. .L. Soclal SLudles/Sclence .L.
12:03-12:33 8ecess 8ecess 8ecess 8ecess 8ecess
12:40-1:10 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
1:13-2:30 LlLeracy LlLeracy LlLeracy LlLeracy LlLeracy AssessmenLs
2:30-3:00 Lnd of uay
Lnd of uay
Lnd of uay
Lnd of uay
Lnd of uay
In auuition to using homewoik to ieinfoice concepts,
we'ie foitunate to have access to two web sites stuuents
can log on to at home if they have Inteinet access.
Stuuents have peisonal log on infoimation foi anu is a site wheie
stuuents can get auuitional piactice on whatevei skill we'ie coveiing in math class anu is a site wheie they can piactice anu gain speeu with basic math facts.

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You aie an integial pait of the leaining team so please communicate
with us whenevei you feel the neeu. We value youi input anu look foiwaiu to
a iewaiuing yeai!

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Some of oui stuuents appeai to be ieally tiieu in the moining anu
thioughout the uay. While most stuuents say they have a set beutime, some say
they go to beu whenevei they want to. Please make suie youi chilu gets a goou
night's sleep to help piepaie them foi a goou uay's leaining!

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You as paients aie an impoitant pait of the leaining team. We sometimes
like to think of ouiselves as paits of an 0ieo Cookie. You as paients anu guaiuians
aie a cookie, the teacheis anu staff aie a cookie anu then of couise, theie's the
cieam: oui stuuents. When we all woik togethei, it's makes foi a gieat tieat!

Speaking of team, we have a membei of oui team we want you to know about. Nis. Elaine
Baiiis is pioviuing assistance in both classiooms. She assists with RTI, small gioups, one-on-one
piactice, anu othei uuties incluuing piouucing this newslettei. We'ie glau to have hei as a
membei of oui leaining team!

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We aie exciteu about the futuie. We have so many stuuents with so much potential. We
believe if we all woik togethei we can have a piofitable yeai!

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In Nath Class, we'ie stuuying place value, solving foi vaiiables, anu solving woiu
pioblems. Below, aie some numbeis containing the numbei S. Foi some family fun, have a iace
to see who can name the places fiist! 0n the next page you'll finu some woiu pioblems you anu
youi family may want to solve uuiing uinnei oi othei family time. Bave fun!

S,4S6 8,9uS 4S,S48u 4SS,4S8,122

2S.17 784.S12 Su.1S4 782.67S

Some Fun Word Problems

A few stiategies foi solving woiu pioblems:

Figuie out what infoimation is impoitant in solving the pioblem anu
which woius just auu inteiest. Look foi a keywoiu oi phiase that
inuicates which type of mathematical opeiation oi opeiations aie
iequiieu to solve the pioblem.

Some keywoius foi auuition incluue, "auueu to," "combineu,"
"sum," "total," "in all" anu "how many in all."

Subtiaction teims incluue "uiffeience" anu "less."

Nultiplication keywoius incluue "of," "times" anu "piouuct."

Bivision lingo incluues "pei," "out of," "peicent" anu "quotient."

It was about 1:uu on a beautiful Satuiuay afteinoon. Chloe was visiting hei Aunt
Lana, who hau a lovely flowei gaiuen. Bei aunt saiu, "Chloe, go pick some floweis
foi the vase on the hall table please". Chloe pickeu 2 ioses, S uaisies, S mums anu 7
uaffouils. She lookeu at 17 petunias anu 1u impatiens. Bow many floweis uiu she
pick in all.

}ay was at home using a math computei piogiam. When he got the iight answei,
he saw a smiley face on the scieen. Be got 1u smiley faces the fiist time anu 11
smiley faces the seconu time. Be stoppeu foi a snack because those smiley faces
ieminueu him of cookies. Be went to the kitchen anu got
his smiley face cup uown, filleu it with milk anu got two cookies.
Then he playeu foi a little while longei anu got 2S moie smiley faces.
Bow many smiley faces uiu }ay get befoie his snack.
Whenevei she finishes hei homewoik befoie uinnei, }essica likes to sit in hei
favoiite place anu ieau. Bei favoiite place is hei Nom's iocking chaii. Last week,
she finisheu hei homewoik eaily thiee uays in a iow. 0n the fiist uay, she finisheu
1u minutes befoie uinnei. 0n the seconu anu thiiu uays she finisheu 1S minutes
eaily anu then S minutes eaily. She was ieauing a ieally goou stoiy about a hoise
that wanteu to iun in a fielu filleu with giass anu floweis. The hoise's name was
Neauow. Bow many moie minutes uiu }essica get to ieau on the fiist uay than she
uiu on the thiiu uay.
}ohn has two bags of Takis. 0n Sunuay afteinoon, his Nom
says, "you can take one bag of Takis foi youi lunch eveiy uay
this coming week, Nonuay - Fiiuay. " 0n Nonuay aftei
school, they buy a box of 24 bags of Takis at Walmait. Bow
many bags will they have left aftei }ohn finishes his lunches
foi the week.

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