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Coconut-Braised Beef

Yield 4 servings; Time 1 1/2 hours, largely unattended Mark Bittman


All braised chuck recipes require time !here are "ays to devote this time and still keep li#e simple$ braise the #ood in a slo" oven %&'' degrees, more or less(, "hich eliminates some o# the need #or occasional stirring )r use a *rock+,ot %slo"+cooker(, "hich can produce terri#ic results, but in even more time, usually si- hours plus .o matter "hat technique you use, i# you rush the cooking, the meat "ill be disappointingly che"y /enerally speaking, chuck is too tough to eat "ithout braising %!here is an e-ception$ the blade, or #latiron steak, is delicious ( Braise it, ho"ever, and it becomes one o# the most tender o# meats, as in this version o# Malaysian rendang, in "hich bro"ned bee# chunks are simmered in coconut milk until tender At that point the traditional approach is to cook the meat dry, stirring all the "hile, so it develops a thick, bro"n crust 0 pre#er to leave it a little moist, the meat sitting in its gorgeous caramel+colored sauce

2 hot dried red chilies & garlic cloves, peeled 1 1+inch piece ginger, peeled and roughly chopped 1 tablespoon chili po"der 1uice and 2est o# 2 limes, or 2 tablespoons rice or other mild vinegar 2 tablespoons corn, grapeseed or other neutral oil


1 1/2 pounds bee#, pre#erably chuck, cut into 1+inch cubes 2 cups coconut milk %or 1 can, about 1 1/2 cups, plus 1/2 cup "ater( 3alt to taste

1 ,ut chilies, garlic, ginger, chili po"der, lime 4uice and 2est in bo"l o# a #ood processor, and process until everything is minced, or mince by hand and combine 2 5eat oil over medium+high heat in a skillet that can later be covered Add spice paste and cook, stirring occasionally, until #ragrant, about 2 minutes Add bee#, and cook, stirring occasionally, until bro"ned and covered "ith sauce & ,our in coconut milk, and bring mi-ture to a boil 6o"er heat, cover, and simmer, stirring only occasionally %but making sure mi-ture is simmering very slo"ly, "ith 4ust a #e" bubbles at a time breaking the sur#ace( until meat is e-tremely tender, at least an hour and possibly closer to 2 4 7ncover and cook until sauce is very thick and caramel+colored, stirring #requently so it does not bro"n 3eason to taste "ith salt, and serve "ith "hite rice 8ield$ 4 servings

3ource$ !he .e" 8ork !imes

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