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3-Column Chart Learning Goals Foundational Understand key concepts in rhet/comp Identify and explain theoretical and practical

cal developments in rhetoric, research, and pedagogical application. Assessment Activities tudents design a classroom test examining voca!ulary, concepts, and historical developments in rhetoric and composition theory. "ay!e a #"ake $our %&n 'est() groups make exams out of class, then other groups take those exams *after I make changes+. ,-. of the grade is the designed test, and ,-. is the taken test. tudents create lesson plans and identify, on the lesson plan, &hich sections are inspired !y &hich theoretical developments. 'hey &rite explanations of the practical applications. tudents visit a &riting class and &rite three things the teacher did &ell, and three things the teacher could have done to improve the lesson. tudents &rite synthesis papers in &hich the first half finds middle ground !et&een classical and applied classroom Learning Activities /eadings from a central classical text!ook *pro!a!ly 0i11ell+ and relevant primary documents 2aily discussion of significant or unfamiliar terms and issues /un select class periods in the style a particular theorist, rhetorician, or scholar Groups are each given a teaching o!4ective, !ased on the previous night5s reading. 6ach group mem!er &ill !rainstorm one potential pedagogical activity, then groups &ill try to com!ine those activities into a class period. 3riti7ue and discuss hypothetical classroom environments/techni7ues 2iscuss students5 experiences in the classroom, and ho& those measure up to the theories !eing discussed. 8

Application Integration

3om!ine creative and practical pedagogical strategies 2emonstrate an a!ility to apply those strategies in a classroom Analy1e classrooms, imagine strategies, create solutions "anage a pedagogical pro4ect Identify interaction !et&een classical and applied rhetoric Identify interaction !et&een that research and

3-Column Chart rhetorical theory, and the second half finds irreconcila!le differences. tudents &rite commentaries on existing classroom documents from the perspectives of !oth classical and recent rhetoricians. tudents read teachers5 teaching philosophy statements !efore a meeting, then, in a meeting &ith the teacher, discuss the reasons &hy the teacher does &hat s/he does. tudents intervie& first; year &riting students a!out their lives and concerns a!out learning. tudents &rite a description of their perfect classroom. tudents keep a rhetoric 4ournal tudents &rite a consideration of the cascading importance of &riting/rhetoric instruction

the classroom 3ompare Greek//oman and contemporary pedagogical theory &ith instruction students have received

9eer revie& of synthesis papers

:uman 2imension 0ecome interested in rhet/comp. Understand others in terms of co;learners. Learn ho& their lives are guided and controlled !y language

'ake a !reak from the theory for a&hile, and consider the impact of teachers. :ave students give short talks a!out teachers &ho5ve influenced them. tudents share entries from their rhetoric 4ournals, talking a!out ho& those rhetorical moments impacted them. 2iscuss moments in the &eek &hen the students have noticed moments of interesting or po&erful rhetoric. 9oint out !ad &riting in popular culture &hen &e find it, and deconstruct it.

3aring Goals Get excited a!out rhetoric and the possi!ility of teaching &riting <alue rhetorical analysis. 0ecome interested in historical practices of &riting instruction

3-Column Chart :ave an #uncertainty day( early on, &here students come to class &ith a !ig list of things they don5t kno& a!out teaching/&riting/rhetoric. In class, &rite short plans for future teaching *assuming you5re going to teach, ho& &ill you teach> ?hat &ill you emphasi1e> :o& &ill you help students !ecome !etter &riters>+ at the !eginning, middle, and end of the semester. At the very end, evaluate the differences !et&een them and your progress in the course.

Learning to Learn Learn 7uality research practices 3reate a plan for future teaching Formulate useful 7uestions a!out teaching and &riting

tudents visit the li!rary and discuss ho& to teach research skills to undergraduates &ith the li!rarians tudents create course goals from the perspective of a student, then the perspective of a teacher.

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