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Information Required
1.1 Job Specification

Job specification contains design criteria, agreed between Company and Client, affecting pipe rack design: Battery limit, valving and spade requirements. Catwalk, platform and ladder access to valves and relief valves in pipe rack. inimum !eadroom and clearances under over!ead piping or supporting steel wit!in areas. "ipe ways and secondary access ways. ain access roads. #ail roads. Standard to be used for minimum spacing of lines in pipe racks. $andling and !eadroom requirements for equipment positioned under pipe racks. %perating and safety requirements affecting pipe rack and structure design. &ocation of cooling water lines underground or above ground. 'renc!ed piping, if any. 1.( "rocess )low *iagrams

"rocess flow diagrams s!ow main process lines and lines interconnecting process equipment. 1.+ ,ngineering )low *iagrams

,ngineering flow diagrams are developed from process flow diagrams and s!ow: "ipe si-es. "ipe classes, and line number .alving. ani folding. /ll instrumentation. ,quipment and lines requiring services, i.e. water steam, air, nitrogen etc. 1.0 1tility )low *iagrams

1tility flow diagrams s!ow t!e required services: Steam Condensate 2ater /ir 3as /ny additional services peculiar to t!e plant being worked on.

2. General
'!e pipe way conveys all main process lines connecting distant pieces of equipment, relief and blow down !eaders, all lines leaving and entering t!e plant, utility lines supplying steam, air, cooling water and inert gas to t!e plant. ,lectrical and instrument cable trays are usually routed in t!e pipe way. "ipe ways are classified by t!eir relative elevation to grade. 2.1 ABOVE GROUND:a4 "ipe rack:5 %ver!ead piping supported on steel or concrete bents. b4 "ipe track6"ipe sleepers:5 5 /bove ground piping supported on concrete sleepers at grade level. 5 '!is type of pipe way is generally associated wit! offsite areas w!ere equipment is well spaced out, and land space is not a premium. 5 2!erever piping is laid on pipe sleepers, !ard surfacing6gravel is provided below it, !ard surfacing6gravel s!ould be completed before start of pipe laying. 2idt! of !ard surfacing6gravel s!all be about 1 meter more t!an t!e piping corridor on eit!er side. '!is e7tra !ard surfacing6gravel s!all be for movement of operating personnel along t!e piping corridor. '!is movement area s!all be approac!able from t!e road at a distance of every 899 mtrs. "ipe track 2idt! "ipe track widt! may be estimated using t!e met!od detailed for pipe rack. Spacing of "ipe track Sleepers "ipe track sleepers are relatively c!eap t!us piping economy is dictated by t!e recommended span of t!e smallest line in t!e track. 2!ere small bore lines are few, sleeper spacing may be determined by t!e pipe span of large bore lines provided small bore lines are supported off t!e larger lines at adequate intervals. /n angle wit! :1; bolts is sufficient <c!eck wit! "ipe Support Section4. )or recommended pipe support spans, use Company standard. %n an average minimum span = + meters a7imum span = > meters *epending on line si-e and substance carried in pipes, <i.e. gas or liquid4. "ipe track ,levation "ipe track elevation is set by maintenance access to piping items located underneat! t!e pipe track, i.e. drains and steam traps. / minimum of 1(;6+99 mm clearance between underneat! of lines and grade is recommended? w!ere necessary, t!is may be increased to 1@;6089 mm. /s pipe tracks are generally single tier, no c!ange in elevation is necessary at c!anges of direction. '!is is affected by use of a flat turn.

&ine &ocation &ine location wit! reference to bore and weig!t is unnecessary, as all pipes are supported on sleepers w!ic! rest directly on t!e ground. &ine routing is all important. /ll lines interconnecting process equipment and6or storage tanks located on left5!and side of pipe track are placed to t!e left5!and side. Similarly, all lines interconnecting equipment located on rig!t5!and side of pipe track are placed to t!e rig!t of pipe track. &ines interconnecting equipment located on eit!er side of pipe track are placed near t!e centre of pipe track. &ine Spacing 1se Company Aob specification :recommended pipe track spacing;. #oad Crossings '!e standard met!od is to provide culverts under access roads. ,levating piping on a cross5over rack is e7pensive and introduces unnecessary pockets in t!e lines t!us routed. 2!en determining widt! and !eig!t of culvert, care must be taken to allow sufficient room round t!e pipe work for maintenance, insulation and painting. 2!ere only one or two lines cross a road, crossing may be by means of sleeves set under roadway. /ccess 2ays Bn areas needing frequent access, platforms may be provided across pipe track. .alves 2!ere possible, t!ese s!ould be grouped at t!e edge of an access platform for ease of operation. *rain valves w!ere possible s!ould be broug!t to outside of pipe track for ease of operation. '!e same applies to steam trap assemblies.

,7pansion &oops $ori-ontally elevated e7pansion loops above pipetrack s!ould be provided w!ere necessary. 3roup all !ot lines requiring e7pansion loops, !ottest and largest line on t!e outside, on one side of pipetrack. <3enerally, t!e side c!osen is t!at side w!ic! !as t!e !ig!est number of take5offs serving equipment on t!at side4.

2.2 UNDERGROUND:'!e piping system is taken underground generally for t!e utility services like cooling water supply to various units and cooling water return to cooling tower for line si-es normally 1@ inc! CB and above, ot!er water services wit! big pipeline si-es, big oil supply lines and various sewer systems in t!e process units of t!e c!emical, petroc!emical and refinery type of plants. '!e underground system consist of gravity flow drainage system carrying process waste, spillage, reclaimable !ydrocarbons, sanitary and storm water, firewater and drinking water. a4 Sewer &ines <14 %ily <(4 Con %ily <+4 C!emical <04 Sanitary Sewer b4 2ater &ines <14 Cooling 2ater <(4 "otable 2ater <+4 Sea 2ater <04 Bndustrial 2ater c4 )ire ,7tinguis!ing &ines <14 )oam ,7tinguis!ing <at t!e time of &aying "iping4 <(4 )ire )ig!ting 2ater d4 'renc! <14 ,lectrical Cable <(4 "iping for "rocess a4 'renc! "iping:5 5 Below ground piping laid in connection trenc!es. 5 Costly and usually undesirable? unless trenc!es are wide, s!allow and well vented. 5 $eavy gases may settle and create a fire !a-ard t!roug! t!e lengt! of t!e trenc!. )or t!ese reasons, only pump out lines, c!emical sewers or c!emical drain collection systems are sometimes placed in trenc!es and routed to a pit or underground collection tank.

Bn most plants, trenc!es are avoided due to problems associated wit! t!is type of pipe way: $ig! initial cost. )ire !a-ard 'renc!ers are used to route lines suc! as: "ump out lines C!emical sewers C!emical drains 'renc!ers must be wide enoug! to allow sufficient clearance between trenc! wall and piping. 189 mm between outside of pipe and inside of wall is t!e minimum acceptable clearance. '!is will allow for installation of piping, painting and future maintenance. 'otal widt! of trenc! required may be determined by using met!od detailed above. "iping *epartment will advise Civil *epartment of requirements.

&ine Spacing &ine location in a trenc! carrying a number of lines s!ould be carefully c!osen for ma7imum piping economy consistent wit! stress requirements, if any. %pen trenc!es require drains to stop accumulation of surface water. 'renc! bottom s!ould be sloped towards drain points. Bn t!is case, pipe supporting is by means of angle steel or B beams set into t!e walls, allowing bottom for free drainage to nearest drain point. '!is met!od allows drainage of a trenc! by a minimum of drain points between eac! pipe support as would be t!e case of solid concrete pipe supports built up from t!e trenc!. Before proceeding on trenc! drainage c!eck wit! coordination procedure and Civil *epartment for water table level. Safety "recautions ost trenc!es !ave eit!er a cover of concrete slabs or a grating. 2!ere flammable liquids are carried in trenc!ed lines, a fire break is provided at suitable intervals along a trenc! and at eac! intersection. '!is generally consists of two concrete walls 1 5 1.(8 apart, wit! t!e space in between filled wit! sand. 2!ere !ig!ly flammable gasses are carried, t!e w!ole trenc!, after installation of piping, is back filled wit! sand. "iping will advise Civil *epartment of requirements. Pro lem! "it# $ren%#in& #epairs generally require t!at a trenc! be opened for access. any of t!ese lines are far below grade and special precautions are required to ensure t!e safety of workers w!o enter t!ese e7cavations. Sloping of trenc!es is usually only available on 3reenfield sites. '!e trenc! slope is

laid back at an angle s!allower t!an t!e angle of repose of t!e soil. '!is often requires a wide rig!t5of5way. %S$/ Standard for 'renc! pipe maintenance:5 1D(>.(1<b4 ,mployee safety and !ealt! training 1D(>.>81<a4 "rotect employees wit! s!oring or sloping 1D(>.>81<b4 &ocate t!e utilities? contact t!e utilities <one5call system4 1D(>.>81<c4 "rovide egress from t!e trenc! or e7cavation 1D(>.>81<!4 "rotect employees from water accumulation in trenc! 1D(>.>81<A4 Spoil pile or e7cavated material must be placed at least two feet from edge of e7cavation 1D(>.>81<k4 Bnspect trenc! or e7cavation on a daily or as5needed basis.

b4 Buried "iping:5 5 "iping direct buried below ground level. 5 *ue to costly maintenance and t!e usually corrosive nature of soil, t!is met!od of routing is generally reserved for sewer and drain lines. 5 Bn some plants, especially in cold climates, cooling water lines are buried below t!e frostline. '!is s!ould be determined at t!e beginning of a Aob, is generally a Client request. Eeep buried piping to a minimum. 3enerally only sewer drain lines and fire mains are located below ground. Bn some cases due to Client or climate requirements, cooling water lines are also buried below t!e frost line. 2it! future maintenance in mind, buried lines s!ould be located well clear of foundations, and if running side by side, well spaced out. / minimum of +99 mm clearance is necessary between foundations and lines and between t!e lines t!emselves. /bove ground safe drain5tails will enter below ground drain line via a tundis! <concentric reducer normally4 or if a sealed system and cooling water lines by a flanged stub raised above ground. )langed connections s!ould be a minimum of +99 mm above prevalent grade level. Bt is advantageous to set a common level for all t!ese take offs at t!e outset of t!e Aob. 2!en locating tie5in connections to underground systems, especially from elevated drain points, and adAacent to equipment plint!s, ensure adequate clearance. /ll buried steel pipes s!ould !ave applied a corrosion resistant coating and wrapping. *eep valve bo7es for buried lines s!ould be designed wit! ample room inside t!e bo7 for a maintenance man to bend over and use wrenc!es for tig!tening flanges of re5packing valves. Consideration s!ould be given to t!e use of concrete pipe in lieu of square bo7es. '!e criteria for a good underground piping design s!ould be ease of maintenance. "iping s!ould be so spaced as to allow easy digging out and replacement of faulty sections? for t!is reason, never run underground piping under or t!roug! foundations. "ipe sleeves for underground piping "rocess facilities generally !ave pipe racks on w!ic! piping runs. '!ese pipe racks allow t!e piping to be laid out over roads as well, leaving sufficient space for ve!icles to pass below. But t!ere are instances w!en pipe rack is not available at a particular location or it is not feasible to use pipe rack for piping. Bn suc! cases underground piping !as to be done. Bn process plants cranes weig!ing up to more t!an 19 tons travel on roads. '!is load is born by t!e soil under roads. Bf we Aust dig a trenc! and lay t!e piping t!en every time w!en any !eavy ve!icle passes over t!at road, t!e pipe will also !ave to bear t!e load. Bn order to avoid any pipe leakage due to crus!ing load of t!e ve!icle a pipe sleeve is used. "ipe sleeve is simply a pipe of !eavy sc!edule

pipe and its si-e is appro7imately ( to +F larger. '!is sleeve is inserted suc! t!at load is now born by t!e sleeve and not t!e pipe itself. Under Ground Pi'in& Basically t!e underground piping falls into one of two categories, process lines G drain lines. "rocess piping is probably t!e easiest routed Henters t!e ground at point F/F and follows a routing t!at s!ould be !alf way agreed on by t!e powers t!at be on t!e proAect by t!is time, and e7its t!e ground at point FBF Honly issues are line spacing, burial dept!, G corrosion protection on t!e pipe <if any4. *rain piping is more complicated, t!is normally falls in two categories H pressure drains, and gravity drains. "ressure drains are a Fclosed systemsF t!at utili-e pressure to pus! t!e commodity t!roug! t!e piping system. '!is piping is normally routed in t!e same trenc! wit! gravity drains. '!is is a Fclosed systemF cleans out are not required in t!ese lines, and t!is piping does not need to be sloped. 3ravity drains are an Fopen systemF t!at utili-es a sloped piping system so t!e commodity can get from point F/F to point FBF on its own utili-ing t!e gravitational force acting on it. '!is Fopen systemF means at points along t!is piping system t!ere are branc!es to t!is piping t!at is open to t!e atmosp!ere to allow two t!ings to !appen, first and most important, t!is is w!ere t!e waste commodity is introduced into t!e drain !eader. Secondly t!is is w!ere t!e system is FventedF Ht!is allows t!e commodity to run down t!e system <kind of like putting a straw down into a container of liquid and putting your t!umb over t!e end of t!e straw, wit! drawing t!e straw, t!e liquid will remain in t!e straw until you remove your t!umb and t!e liquid is allowed to flow out of t!e straw, because t!e system <straw4 was allowed to FventF, same t!ing on a gravity drain4. Sloping drain !eaders 5 / gravity drain system is w!ere t!e piping is sloped to utili-e gravitational forces action upon it to get t!e waste commodity to w!ere it can be properly taken care of or stored. *rain !eaders are normally run in t!ere own trenc! wit! ot!er drain !eaders. '!is is for a few reasons, first it is easier to slope t!e system if t!at !as to occur wit! ot!er sloped lines. Cow pressure drains are routinely run wit! sloped gravity drains, normally because t!ey end up in t!e same place <or close to it4. "ressures drains donIt require sloped piping, B1' it doesnIt !urt t!at it isJ 'rying to slope some lines and not ot!ers in t!e same trenc! becomes a maAor construction !eadac!e Hso sloping t!e drains becomes t!e determining factor in t!e same trenc!, not only for engineering reasons, but only for a construction factor. '!is also dictates t!at any ot!er buried lines t!at are routed wit! gravity drain will be configured using t!e 08 deg. ells. G a s!ort spool piece between t!em, for any D9 *eg. c!ange in direction <see t!is discussion in Clean5%uts4 Hagain because it is routed wit! gravity drains t!at do require t!is FuniqueF configuration. /s B mention earlier sloped drain systems can get pretty deep over a long run, so it is advantageous to centrally locate t!e buried drain tank<s4, ponds, or waste disposal area w!ere t!e waste commodity eventually ends up, w!ere5by s!ortening t!e drain system piping t!at enter t!is area. '!is does not mean dead in t!e middle of t!e facilityJ HBut off5set to t!e side, waste disposal is not normally t!e most important FsystemF in a facility, so it wouldnIt occupy a prime spot in t!at facility.

Clean5outs K t!ese are t!e ot!er branc! connections on t!e main drain !eader. '!ey are usually a 08 deg. lateral off t!e main !eader, G a 08 deg ell. in t!e vertical, and a t!readed cap or a flange wit! a blind at t!e end. '!ese clean5outs <C6%4 are spaced appro7. every 199 foot to provide a FportF so if t!e drain !eader becoming plugged maintenance people can go to t!is point, open up t!e port and introduces a Froto5routerF <rotating blade at t!e end of a fle7ible cable4 to be able to clear out t!e plug. '!is tool can normally reac! about 199 ft., so positioning clean5outs ever 199 ft on t!e !eader is critical in case plugging does occurs deep in t!e drain !eader. '!is tool is very fle7ible and FcouldF make it t!roug! a couple D9 *eg ell., but t!e drain !eader needs to be designed to utili-e t!is roto5router toolIs fle7ible and not impede it, so all c!anges in direction on t!e drain !eader are done using 08 deg ell.s and not D9 *eg. ell.s <t!is !elps t!e flow also4. '!is configuration is also used in positioning6routing Fdrain funnels or drain !ubsF, t!is is because t!ese points Fcould beF used to introduce t!is rooter5router tool as well, especially if t!e plug !as occurred in t!at branc! before t!e main !eader. / few design notes, as stated before, spacing for C6%Is are appro7. 199 ft., but t!ere is anot!er controlling issue, you donIt want to try to pus! a roto5rooter t!roug! more t!en 8 fittings <t!is is a rule of t!umb only4 so a C6% would be required closer t!en t!e 199 ft. in t!is situation. %ne last clean5out location t!at needs to be discussed is t!e one on t!e very beginning of t!e main drain !eader. '!is is a configuration of ( eac! 08 deg. ell.s in t!e vertical and a flange G blind <flgId because of t!e larger si-e of t!e main !eader4 Hcould be a t!readed cap on smaller drain !eaders. '!is is probably t!e most important one because itIs t!e first entrance into t!e main drain !eader. Bt s!ould be located w!ere it can be easily accessed for maintenance equipment <all C6%Is s!ould be readily accessibleJ4. /n issue t!at can !appen wit! all C6%Is is FifF t!ey could occur w!ere t!ere is ve!icular traffic. $aving a directly connected piping system e7posed to traffic would cause stress6damage issues to t!at piping system. 'o eliminate t!is issue FcoversF are fabricated to cover t!ese C6%Is. '!ese covers !ave lids on t!em to be able to readily access t!ese clean outs. '!ese covers are basically a larger si-e section of pipe so you !ave 1F to +F inc!es of clearance of any C6% flanges, t!is larger pipe would !ave + to 0 FlugsF welded to t!e inside and spaced roug!ly an 1F from t!e top edge so as a circular plate steel lid could be fas!ioned to Aust fit t!e inside bore of t!is FcoverF. / 1F diameter !ole would be positioned into t!e center of t!is lid so t!e maintenance people could use a tool to remove t!is lid. &id t!ickness to be able to wit! stand t!e traffic Hsay around +6@F to LF t!ick. *esign note 5 2it! t!e clean5out flange Aust fitting inside t!is cover, !e7. !eaded bolts will !ave to be tack5 welded to t!e underneat! side of t!e flange so nuts are accessible from t!e top.

Under&round (er!e! O(er#ead Pi'in&:'!e main criteria to be taken into account w!en deciding on t!e best design basis for pipe ways are e%onomi%!) %on!tru%ta ilit*) maintenan%e requirement! and t#e 'ro%e!!. %t!er aspects include t!e least interference to local or state amenities suc! as roads and railways, t!e minimum amount of interface and permit activities wit! local and state aut!orities and t!e protection of t!e local environment. '!e proAect will use over!ead piping routes wit!in t!e confines of t!e refinery to give ease of access for maintenance and fire fig!ting, to allow freedom of movement around t!e site wit!out !aving to negotiate barriers created by low level pipeways and to give a more compact layout leading to economical piping design. &ow level pipe ways will be used in offsite locations w!ic! in turn will reduce installation costs.

Bt is not considered good engineering practice to place !ydrocarbon lines underground due to: M '!e detrimental effect to t!e environment in t!e event of a leak. M '!e widely differing effects on t!e piping stresses due to e7ternal forces. M &ack of maintenance access. 1nderground process piping is subAected to enormous e7ternal loads and material stresses due to t!ermal e7pansion, for e7ample, a 1(; sc! 109 CS pipe operating at 199 deg.C would generate an anc!or force of 899 tonnes over a distance of 1 km resulting in an anc!or block, subAect to soil conditions, of appro7imately 899 cu.m of concrete. 2all t!ickness usually !as to be increased to compensate for t!e additional loads applied t!erefore increasing material costs. /dditionally, piping would require e7ternal coating for protection against corrosion. Bt is not advisable to bury stainless steel lines close to s!orelines due to t!e !ig! risk of c!loride attack from t!e saline conditions e7pected. ,7ternal coating would be required but, t!is would be subAect to damage during installation and friction due to t!ermal e7pansion. Cooling water and firewater piping are t!e only systems t!at are considered suitable to be buried due to t!e operating temperatures and very little or no t!ermal e7pansion.Bn t!e case of t!e cooling water system, t!e large si-es, due to t!eir bulk, would take up a large amount of useful space. &arge bore cooling water lines wit!in t!e confines of t!e refinery comple7 will be buried but lines up to +9; may be located in t!e piperacks.3enerally, lines in t!e offsites and tankage areas will be above ground.$owever, it is essential t!at t!e e7tent of rock blasting is minimised and t!e p!ilosop!y regarding buried lines will be influenced by t!e results of terracing studies w!ic! will determine t!e cut G fill requirements. )irewater lines wit!in t!e confines of t!e refinery will be buried but wit!in t!e offsites and tankage areas t!ese will above ground on sleepers. ,ffluent piping to t!e water treatment areas will be reviewed individually. &ines requiring a slope may be buried but lines being pumped will be placed over!ead. "ipes s!ould not be buried unless a clear5cut advantage can be gained. '!e main advantages of buried pipes are protection from free-ing, fire, or accidental damage and t!ese are valid reasons for burying fire mains or in e7ceptional cases, cooling water supplies if guaranteed flow under emergency conditions is essential. 2!en pipes are buried, some general precautions s!ould be taken "ipes s!ould be below frost line or be buried to a minimum dept! of ( ft > in <9.N84. "ipes passing under roads or access ways s!ould be cased in concrete. Bf pipes run near roads or across cables, t!ey must always be below cable level. 3as pipes s!ould not be laid wit!in 1 ft <95+m4 of plastic or asbestos potable water pipes. "rovision must be made for valve c!ambers constructed in brick or concrete. 'renc! routes must be defined at an early stage in t!e Aob so t!at pipes clear foundations and t!e trenc!es can be dug during t!e main site civil works activity. 'renc! routes s!ould not interfere wit! construction access. )ull and accurate record drawings s!ould be made of buried pipes for future use by t!e works.

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