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Purcellville the First Stop on the WO&D Trail By Kwasi Fraser

Last stop on the WO&D trail? No way its truly the first stop in a town with much avail Its where green open spaces meet steel and concrete faces Yes a bit of yesterday meeting with today, but not in a consuming way A 200 year old farm you say, with a new grocery store just along the way Once the capital of orchard grass seed, for packing munitions and in unpacking many livestock to feed With that old orchard grass seed mill on a hill, now a restaurant called Magnolias at the Mill Grounds where Buffalo Soldiers once marched in celebration, all in honor of the Emancipation Proclamation A ball field for little leaguers with Babes name, all playing the games with heart and passion just the same A majestic park and stream with a theatre powered by a solar roof, all showing the promise of green energy in full proof Its where vineyards new and old fill the landscape, yet making allowance for new business wallscapes So at the first stop of the WO&D trail on a hill at a mill, it all comes together in the town of Purcellville

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