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Here is a sample of my lesson plan for the week.

I have large group, small group, and individual activities planned through out the day. If a child ends up not coming then I will move the individual activity for that child to another day when the child comes back from being out.

Room Two

Week of:

ov !!" !# , $%!&
Wednesd ay
)mall .roup: Shaking Rattles /arge .roup: Who is here to"ay song Individual: (i#ture Car"s

'ur (ible )tory: The Three Men in the Fiery Furnace *onday
Health and ,hysical -evelopme nt )ocial and 0motional -evelopme nt

/arge .roup: Tunnel

Individual: Walking on own

Individual: Individual: Tummy Time Crawling

WMELS*:Demonstrates behaviors to meet self hel! an" !hysi#al nee"s$ Moves with strength% #ontrol% balan#e% #oor"ination% lo#omotion% an" en"uran#e&

/arge .roup: Who is here to"ay song

Individual: Where is it'

)mall .roup: (eek )a boo )mall .roup: ,nimal Soun"s

Individual: Where is it'

WMELS*: E*!resses wi"e range of emotions$ Engages in so#ial intera#tion an" !lays with others&

/anguage Individual: -evelopme Talk through nt and a Tube 1ommunica tion 2pproache s to /earning Individual: +esting Cu!s

)mall .roup: Where is your +ose'

/arge .roup: -unny Soun"s

WMELS*: uses vo#ali.ations an" s!oken language to #ommuni#ate$ Shows a!!re#iation of books an" un"erstan"s how !rint works

/arge .roup: /i"e the Te""y )mall .roup: -illing an" Em!tying Warm or Col" Rolling balls

Individual: +esting Cu!s

Individual: S#arf (eek a boo

/arge .roup: 0ubbles

WMELS*: E*!resses self #reatively through musi#% movement% an" art$ Dis!lays #uriosity% risk taking an" willingness to engage in new e*!erien#es& E*!loration% Dis#over% an" (roblem Solving

1ognition and .eneral 3nowledge

Individual: (laying with 0lo#ks

Individual: Sti#k it on (i#ture

/arge .roup: 0ubbles

)mall .roup: -illing an" Em!tying Colle#tion walk 0ubbles

WMELS*: 1n"erstan"s new meanings as memory in#reases$ a!!lies !roblem solving skills&

'utdoor Colle#tion 'pportuniti walk es to 04plore and 0ubbles -iscover +aith and )piritual -evelopme nt

0ubbles -in"ing bugs

Rolling balls Warm or Col"

WMELS*: Motor Develo!ment: 2b& Moves with strength% #ontrol% balan#e% #oor"ination% lo#omotion an" en"uran#e&

0aby 0ible Story

0ible Story (i#ture Talk

0aby 0ible Story

(astor 3isits

0ible Story (i#ture Talk

+amily Involvement: ,lease (ring Weather 2ppropriate 1lothing and +oot Wear5 We do go outside above $% 6. WMELS = Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards

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