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Relevant Thematic Unit Design Map (A)

Unit Theme / Topic / Problem: Criminalization Unit Relevance: To inform and reinforce the importance of education in a student future. Making students aware of criminalization and the effects it has on their daily lives in the Chicago area, will aid in their decision making skills. !rovided the newly ac"uired knowledge students may apply this in all aspects of their lives. #fter this unit, students should have a newly ac"uired knowledge of the importance of education in deterring crime and creating opportunities. Essential Questions 1. &hat does it mean to 'e la'eled a criminal( ). *ow does crime affect your community( +. *ow have recent changes in law either supported or negated your personal perspective on ,ustice( -. &hat is zero tolerance and what are the possi'le alternatives( Essential Threa#s .!lace an 789 for those that apply/ class.ism/ 8 Culture 8 4conomics 8 gender la'or land 5 geography migration ;ppression 8 politics 5 gov. 8 race.ism/ 8 :esources 8 resistance 0earning !roduct 1+ .#rt5media/3 #rt pro,ect .mural, musical performance, dance, skit, drawing, collage, etc./ of the student6s choice, to portray their feelings a'out criminalization and their community. Culminating !ro,ect3 #rt 2howcase Applicable Disciplines an# %peci(ic %tan#ar#s !lace an 789 for applica'le disciplines .write in details/ 0anguage #rts =atural 2ciences Mathematics 8 !sychology 2pecific su',ect3 Math Media 5 >isual #rt 2ocial 2ciences #rt5Media 8 *istory *istory 8 Theater 5 $rama ?ey Competencies .Common Core, #CT, or @02/ .use 2kills Cluster Maps for additional planning/ #ctive3 2tudents are applying learning and using learning in meaningful ways. 2tudents are generating knowledge through participation in learning. =on traditional, student centered teaching. :eal5!urposeful3 2tudents interact with each other and connections are made 'etween the various learning areas. :elevant3 The topics and information 'eing distri'uted to the students is something they can relate to in their current lives and their future lives. 4mpowering3 #ttention is placed on developing students learning dispositions including their desires 0earning !roduct 11 .2ocial 2tudies/3 4ssay on students idea of criminalization and how it has affected their personal life 0earning !roduct 1) .Math/3 !re and post test on criminalization and material learned throughout lesson, utilizing graphs and diagrams related to criminal statistics. Grade 10th $uration % weeks

!ulminating "earning Action / Pro#uct / Assessment .&hat will students do to present their learning and take action(/

$ther Un#erstan#ings %tu#ents &ill 'ain 0ocal3 Current and5or *istorical <nderstandings Crime rates in Chicago area past5present !rison capacity past5present 4conomic impact past5present Glo'al Connections .Current 5 *istorical/ Terrorism !opulation3 demographic, race, class, socioeconomic :acism52tereotypes Main Te)ts .readings, video, photos, art, music, etc./ ;nline =ews *our #rticle3 <.2. !rison !opulation *its #ll Time *igh *istorical reading on criminalization in Chicago .topic not specified yet/ >ideo5media on effects of school shootings on community

!ritical *ocabular+ Terms $raw, $esign, &rite, Aournal, Music, !oetry, !aint, 2culpt, Graphic $esign, $ance, !erformance, Movement, Murder, !reliminary, :ape, :eduction, :ampant, $ecline, :ealistic, Bluctuation, ;'sessed, Trend, !otential, 0arceny, #rson, Criminologist, $iverted, decimals, percent, fraction, pie graph, 'udget, salary, utility cost, eCpenses, inmate program, transportation, renovation Modifications 5 $ifferentiation( Culturally diverse material

Primar+ ,nstructional Approaches

Community connection( .field trips, speakers, events/ !ossi'le guest speaker from !ro,ect =@# to discuss new more effective approaches to crime.

%cope an# %e-uence .a list of key activities 5 steps towards the learning pro,ect 5 action/ 2ee folders )c for skill support, )d for instructional support and )e for assessment ideas in the Curriculum Toolkit, +rd ed. $escription3 The culminating pro,ect will 'e an art showcase for students to display their individual or group art pro,ects relating to the given theme of criminalization and what it means to them. The students will 'e given information on past5present crime rates and other historically relevant material in their history5social studies class. The students will receive statistical information relating to crime in their area and around the world through their math class. @n the art5media class students will 'e taught various ways to eCpress their views and opinions a'out crime through art5performing arts. Throughout the unit students will gather a wide range of information a'out crime and its effects on individuals and communities. The culminating pro,ect will 'e for the students to create some type of artwork or presentation to descri'e their individual views and feelings a'out crime. 2tudents will learn to effectively communicate their ideas and create positive alternatives to crime. #t the end of the unit, students will showcase their artwork, skits, songs, or pro,ects at an event approved and supported 'y the school. This event will 'e called their 7showcase night9 The event will 'e held at the school and parents, students, and community mem'ers are welcome to attend. #t the showcase night, students will perform or present their pro,ects and descri'e their feelings and the meaning 'ehind their work. This is a positive way to 'ring attention and solutions to a low income area, su',ect to possi'le higher crime rates. Pe#agocical core stan#ar#s3 40#50iteracy Dalancing @nformational E 0iterary TeCt ?nowledge in the $isciplines 2taircase of CompleCity TeCt Dased #nswers &riting from 2ources #cademic >oca'ulary Mathematics Bocus Coherence Bluency $eep <nderstanding #pplication $ual @ntensity ,llinois "earning %tan#ar#s .*istory52ocial 2tudies/ 1-.#.- #nalyze how local, state and national governments serve the purposes for which they were created. 1-.D.- Compare the political systems of the <nited 2tates to other nations. 1-.$.- #nalyze roles and influences of individuals, groups and media in shaping current de'ates on state and national policies. 1F.#.- #nalyze the influence of cultural factors including customs, traditions, language, media, art and architecture in developing pluralistic societies. 1F.D.- #nalyze various forms of institutions .e.g., educational, military, charita'le, governmental/. 1F.C.-' #nalyze ma,or contemporary cultural eCchanges as influenced 'y worldwide communications.

1G.#.-a #nalyze and report historical events to determine cause and effect relationships.

,"% Math CC.H 1).#.#!:.I .J/ :ewrite rational eCpressions. <nderstand that rational eCpressions form a system analogous to the rational num'ers, closed under addition, su'traction, multiplication, and division 'y a nonzero rational eCpressionK add, su'tract, multiply, and divide rational eCpressions. CC.H 1).B.@B.Ia Graph linear and "uadratic functions and show intercepts, maCima, and minima, CC.H 1).2.@$.Ga Bit a function to the dataK use functions fitted to data to solve pro'lems in the conteCt of the data. <ses given functions or choose a function suggested 'y the conteCt. 4mphasize linear, "uadratic, and eCponential models. ,"% #rt5Media

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