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Sarah Billington, Professor Forrest Mac onal!" #OMM $%&% $&'$'&%$( Self-Anal)sis

Loo*ing +ac* at the s,eeches I !eli-ere! I can see ho. the /aterial ta0ght in this co0rse has greatl) i/,ro-e! /) ,0+lic s,ea*ing s*ills1 I .ill +e !isc0ssing !ifferent ite/s that .e co-ere! in class an! ho. the) hel,e! /e i/,ro-e /) s,eech !eli-er)1 Organization of ideas: Thro0gho0t this last se/ester .e ha-e co-ere! se-eral s0+2ects an! all the f0n!a/entals of ,0+lic s,ea*ing1 3hen it co/es to ,0+lic s,ea*ing organi4ation is a -er) i/,ortant as,ect, if a s,ea*er is not organi4e! in their i!eas an! .ith their s,eech o0tline, it can +eco/e !iffic0lt for the/ to *ee, 0, .ith their o.n tho0ghts1 3itho0t ,ro,er organi4ation it .ill +eco/e -er) !iffic0lt to tie i!eas together an! effecti-el) co//0nicate .ith )o0r a0!ience1 5S0ccessf0l s,eeches follo. a clear str0ct0re67a ,oc*et g0i!e to ,0+lic s,ea*ing1 Use of supporting material: 0ring this co0rse .e ha-e s,o*en /0ch of Aristotle8s rhetoric a,,eals 7Logos, Ethos, Pathos, an! 9airos1: sa-e the latter1 ;o.e-er .e !i! foc0s /0ch on the first three as the) !o a,,l) /ore to ,0+lic s,ea*ing1 It is /) +elief that 9airos is /ore often than not a0to/aticall) a ,art of an) s,eech as /ost s,eeches regar! iss0es ,ertinent to the ti/e1 Logos: 3hen s,ea*ing to a gro0, of ,eo,le 7es,eciall) to ,ers0a!e: it is a+sol0tel) ,ara/o0nt to esta+lish )o0rself as a relia+le logical so0rce an! so that is .hat this a,,eal is regar!ing1 One can esta+lish logos 7logic: +) citing cre!i+le so0rces, an! +eing e<tre/el) *no.le!gea+le on the s0+2ect on .hich the) are s,ea*ing1 Ethos: Ethos is )et another /eans of esta+lishing goo! ,ersonal cre!i+ilit), +) )o0r a0!ience ho. )o0 are a cre!i+le so0rce, an! .h)1 For e<a/,le so/eone .ho .as going to gi-e a s,eech on the f0n!a/entals of soccer .o0l! .ant to s,en! so/e ti/e ,la)ing the ga/e to !e-elo, ,ersonal e<,ertise1 This in t0rn can +e 0se! to f0rther esta+lish )o0r cre!i+ilit)1 Pathos: Pathos is the 0se of e/otion to get )o0r a0!ience /e/+ers to see things )o0r .a)1 In a s,eech I !eli-ere! regar!ing S*i-Lin* I /a!e goo! 0se of this rhetorical a,,eal +) telling /) a0!ience /e/+ers ho. the ,ro,ose! constr0ct .o0l! affect the/ ,ersonall), .hich +ro0ght the a0!ience to /) si!e1 Delivery 3hen it co/es to !eli-ering a s,eech +o!) lang0age is ho. )o0 can co//0nicate e/otions an! feelings .ith )o0r a0!ience .itho0t reall) s,elling it o0t fro/ the/1 E-en as )o0r a0!ience hears )o0 the) are si/0ltaneo0sl) rea!ing )o0, )o0r e)e an! han! /o-e/ent, )o0r inflection all ,la) into ho. the a0!ience .ill recei-e )o01 7,$=%

Audience Assessment and Adaptation Thro0gho0t the se/ester I learne! /0ch a+o0t a0!ience a!a,tation, it is i/,ortant to +e /in!f0l of )o0r a0!ience8s +eliefs an! -al0es so as to +etter cater to their !esires1 Also it is i/,ortant to s,ea* so that E>ERYONE in )o0r a0!ience /a) 0n!erstan! )o0 +etter1 In or!er to !o this I ha! to 0se /ore collo?0ial lang0age an! a /ore +roa! -oca+0lar), as o,,ose! to co/,le< a!-er+s an! a!2ecti-es1 Lessons Learned: 0ring this class I learne! ho. i/,ortant it is to consi!er !ifferent -ie.s of iss0es an! to +e .ell infor/e! on +oth ,ros an! cons of an) iss0e or s0+2ect )o0 s,ea* of1 F0rther/ore it can +e +eneficial to +ring 0, ,ossi+le negati-e -ie.s of )o0r o.n agen!a, in or!er to f0rther esta+lish cre!i+ilit) .ith the ,ossi+le na)sa)ers in )o0r a0!ience1 I .ill incor,orate the -al0a+le s,ea*ing s*ills I learne! in this class to +etter !eli-er s,eeches an! ,resentations in the other classes I .ill atten!1 Works Cited an O8;air, ;annah R0+enstein, @ Ro+" A Poc*et A0i!e To P0+lic S,ea*ing: Boston @ Ne. Yor*


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