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04/17/2011: Paige from Fort Worth, Tx replies: "Silver Nissan: Vitamin B3 (niaci n) is not poisoning your body!

The redness and irritation and hot feeling is a n atural reaction of niacin as niacin is a natural detox. You should have given your body more time to work up to such a high level as tol erance can help with that. I will be buying some milk of magnesia tomorrow to try that. My regimen I will begin: Dry powder (toothpaste) of cayenne pepper, cinnamon, salt, and baking soda. I will create the paste with hydrogen peroxide and brush with my normal brush. My oil gum massage: Neem oil, olive oil, cinnamon, cayenne pepper. Brush twice daily and massage at night. Supplements: CoQ10 (2 caps of 400mg each), magnesium citrate (500 mg) both d aily. My dentists/orthodontists have said I have thinning and receding gum line. I wil l need skin graft surgery to regenerate gums. As of March of this year, my denti st said surgery is imminent in the next couple of years. I'll update with how this treatment goes! I have a dentist appointment in July, and maybe I'll hear some good news. Anyone else care to update with how their gum lines are coming along? Please inc lude your regimens!"

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