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SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 Questions 21-24 21. The meeting has been arranged because A. the tutor has some concerns about the students academic progress B. it is an opportunity for the student to discuss his academic performance C. the tutor is checking whether there is anything that can be done to support the student 22. The student A. is happy with his achievements in languages B. feels his classmates are performing better than him in some sub ects C. feels that that the tutor should be offering more support 2!. The student has a part time ob A. arranged by the tutor B. to get work e"perience C. three days a week 2#. The student feels A. he needs to focus a little more on his studies B. that a study plan would be helpful C. that his work is interfering with his studies 2$. A study A. B. C. group might help the students discuss issues they find difficult means that the students can approach the tutor together cannot be held near the library

Questions 26-30 Answer the following %uestions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER. 2&. 2*. 2+. 2,. !-. 'here are the (rench lectures held) 'hats wrong with the students bicycle) 'hen does the first bus leave) 'hat does the tutor recommend oining during the semester break) 'hat additional funds did the student try to get)

SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 Complete the summary below using NO MORE THAN ONE WORD

Brain drain occurs when technically skilled and/or 31.____________ workers leave a particular country, usually due to 32.______________ insta ility, sa!ety or health"

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