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194346029.doc 1.

1 Basic governing equations

The basic physical laws (1) to (3) listed above will now be expressed in for s s!itable for t!rbo achinery analysis. "et !s first define a control vol! e to s!it the ixed#flow fan shown here in $i%. 1.3. &e will define the inlet plane 1#1 and the exit plane 2#2 which have areas '1 and '2 respectively. $or si plicity we will ass! e !nifor entry and exit velocities ( 1 and (2 and also constant densities)91 and *a across the planes 1#1 and 2#2.

I.I.I Continuity equation 'ss! in% the ass flow rate rh + dm/dt thro!%h the ann!l!s to be conserved, we ay express the principle of ass flow conservation thro!%h tn = plA1C 1 ~- p2A2C 2 (1.1) This is the ost si ple one#di ensional for of contin!ity e-!ation, applicable to a syste as a whole. .f we wish to foc!s instead !pon so e local infinitesi al re%ion of a syste , an e-!ivalent different for of this ay be derived in any selected coordinate syste . 's shown by /. 0. 1assey (1929), and with reference to $i%. 1.4(a), the contin!ity e-!ation in plane cartesian (x,y) coordinates beco es acx acy t# +o Ox ay 03(x 03(y =0 0x 0y for inco pressible steady flow for co pressible steady flow (1.2) $or the ann!lar control vol! e shown in $i%. 1.3 we ay adopt a ore appropriate (x,r) cylindrical coordinate syste instead, where!pon the e-!ivalent co pressible flow contin!ity e-!ation applicable to t!rbo achinery eridional flows beco es
03pCx ~pc r [3~r

4#t# .... 5 . . . . . 0 (1.3)

Ox Or r and we si ply delete density p for the inco pressible case.

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