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Early Childhood Special Education Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Salisha Shears Grade Level: Kindergarten Lesson: ALL ABOUT ME Unit of Study: Social Studies Self & Others Goal of Lesson (Common Core State Standards/Division of Early Childhood where appropriate) Teach K.1.a A sense of self is developed through physical and cultural characteristics and through the development of personal likes, dislike s, talents, and Skills K.2.a Each person is unique but also shares common characteristics with other family, school, and community members Objectives: Students will be able to identify and discuss/articulate things they like (teacher will write) , and draw a picture to represent that item Students will be able to draw self portraits Pre-Assessment: Beginning of lesson What makes you special? How are you different/same from other people? Whats important about you? Post-Assessment: Students will be able to identify and draw pictures of things they like Students will be able to compose a realistic self-portrait (skin color, eye color, hair color etc.) Materials: I like me book by Nancy Carlson, pencils, crayons, paper Use of Technology: N/A Differentiation: Harder: Students will be asked to independently write their name and the item they like on work sheet Easier: Students will be able to dictate to teacher ESL: Visuals and modeling will be used throughout lesson Seating Configuration/Use of Physical Space: Large group on rug for book and discussion about book Students will sit at assigned desks for self-portrait and writing activity Teaching roles and collaboration:

Cooperating teachers will help re-direct students as needed. Cooperating teachers will go around the room to help students with the writing portion of assignment and prompt students to add details to their work. Classroom Management: Students will be reminded of the class rules. Students will be prompted to raise a quiet hand & wait their turn to answer questions. Students will be praised for following rules. Engagement of students/anticipatory set/Motivation: Students will be encouraged to ask and answer questions. Connection to Previous lesson/Prior Knowledge: Students will be asked, what makes you special? How are you different/same from peers? Whats important about you? Lesson Presentation: Estimated Time: Approx. 15 min Before book is read, students will be told the title of book and author Students will be asked to predict what they think the book may be about Students will be asked to predict who the character(s) in the book may be based on cover photo Read Book: I Like Me by Nancy Carlson After reading pg. 14 What are some of the things you do when you wake up in the morning? Before reading pg 18 How does the pig look in the picture? How can you tell? What are some things that may make us sad, happy etc.? After reading pg 21 What does it look like her friends are doing? Is that good manners? What would be a better thing to do? After reading pg 22 What do you do when you fall down? After reading pg 25 What can you do when you make mistakes? After reading pg 25 - Have everyone repeat the phrase try and try again!! After book is read, Ask student to think of 1 thing they like about themselves (a few students will be chosen to share) Explain that we are going to write about something we like and draw self portraits Explain what a self portrait is Guided Practice/Active Involvement/Small group work/Independent Practice: Estimated Time: Approx. 20 min Teacher will model how to do the following Write about who they are and what they like to do ex. My name is Ms. Shears and I like to cook.

Draw a self portrait Students will be asked to return to their desks to write their I like piece and self portraits Final Summary/Closure: Estimated Time: Approx. 5 min Ask a few students to read what they wrote about themselves Extension: Students will be asked to bring in an item they love from home to share with class the following day

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