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Inquiry Project - Acid Deposition Make copy of this file and share with me Use this as a template Erase

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Name: Litsa Partner: Sursock

This is an individual assignment. Therefore what you write must be your own words, even though your plan will come from discussions with your lab partner. INDEPENDENT VARIABLE (IV): The Independent variable is what I manipulate. In this lab, the independent variable is the concentration, and thus the pH of various samples of HCl (aq). You will be given 1M HCl (aq) and you will dilute it to create 3-5 HCl solutions of various pH. You will be manipulating the pH of the HCl (aq) solutions. Every good inquiry has only one independent variable. What you have chosen should be the only thing changing in this experiment. Our independent variable will be the solution that we apply to the lima beans. One of the lima beans will be receive H2O while the other will receive H2CO3. They will both have the same amount volume of solution. DEPENDENT VARIABLE (DV): The Dependent variable is the Data you collect. It is sometimes called the responding variable as the data responds to what you are manipulating. First brainstorm with your partner the ways acid deposition impacts living and non-living things. This information comes from your concept map. Choose one that you think you can measure over a two-week period. If you have questions about available materials, WRITE IT DOWN and show your teacher. He/she will let you know if we can provide it or if you would be expected to provide it. This MUST be quantifiable (numerical data!) This is the actual factor you are measuring (so "gas pressure in kPa, not how much gas is made.) FIXED VARIABLES: Bullet points. What will have to be kept the same between every treatment? What you chose as your independent variable should be the only thing changing in the experiment. All the others have to be fixed/held constant. Note that your rubric awards 8/10 for a complete list of fixed variables. The 9/10 or 10/10 band includes a description of why it is important for each fixed variable to be fixed. If each were not fixed, how would each impact the data? RESEARCH QUESTION: Now phrase a coherent research question. Try to phrase it as What is the effect of YOUR I.V. on YOUR D.V.? Make sure your question has some little context so the experimental design is evident. HYPOTHESIS: What do you think will happen to your DV as you change your IV? Why do you think this? Explain this using the material you have learned from your Acid Deposition reading packet. This is your primary resource. After you have used these ideas, you may research further.

MATERIALS: Bullet points. Be as specific here as possible. So instead of simply saying water, write what volume of water you will be using. Not beaker, but si ze of beaker. Feel free to walk around the room to browse. PROCEDURE: Use clearly numbered steps to outline what you have to do. Things to keep in mind a) Safety b) Do you have enough repeats of each treatment. (at least 3 times)? c) Have you made it clear HOW you will change your independent variable? d) Have you made it clear HOW you will measure your dependent variable e) Have you made it clear HOW you will make sure your fixed variables are the same for each treatment, or at least how you will monitor them? f) Have you included steps outlining how you will dilute the original HCl to obtain your other solutions? A good procedure is replicable. We could get someone from out in the hallways, give them your procedure and they'd be able to do what you did.

BONUS: Will your experiment have a control? This is something you do to show that the effect you are seeing is indeed caused by your IV and NOT some other factor.
DATA TABLE: Draw a blank data table. Think back to what is needed for a data table. Things to consider: a) How long will we collect data for? Assume changes are gradual b) How often will we collect data? This will eventually be graded against your DCP rubric.

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