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Analysis of Student Learning-Showcase Lesson Whole Class: Objective 1: Playing the note E Correctness of the note E Student 1 Student

2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Student 21 Student 22 Student 23 Student 24 Pre% 10% 20% 23% 11% 8% 19% 18% 22% 8% 29% 21% 15% 7% 11% 3% 30% 13% 12% 9% 16% 26% 20% 10% 15% Post% 43% 44% 50% 32% 33% 37% 36% 47% 30% 49% 50% 33% 29% 40% 19% 59% 30% 33% 38% 41% 39% 45% 44% 37%

Objective 2: Playing Its Raining

Correctness of the piece Its Raining Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9

Pre% 16% 24% 21% 13% 11% 17% 15% 21% 11%

Post% 51% 49% 53% 40% 39% 47% 42% 52% 42%

Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Student 21 Student 22 Student 23 Student 24

25% 19% 18% 17% 19% 4% 29% 23% 15% 18% 13% 20% 22% 13% 18%

54% 49% 38% 41% 50% 10% 74% 59% 43% 44% 39% 49% 55% 47% 54%

Class Average of the pre and post assessment of each objective:

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Objective 1 Objective 2 Pre% Post%

By looking at the graph and the data table with the students pre-assessment and post assessment scores, it is evident to see that the students overall achievement was higher on the Post-assessment. Largely the students did a better job with objective 2 than objective 1. It is possible that they performed better on objective 2 because a lot of the material in objective 1 was in objective 2. Since they were able to learn the new note, they could play the new piece of music much better, meaning they were able to complete the task at a higher rate. Overall I think the students learned the material quite well.

Individuals: If you refer back to the chart you will find that one student performed much better than the rest of the class. Student 16 on both objectives scored the highest on the post and pre assessments. I believe this student practiced his recorder at home and even may have starting learning things ahead of the class. When I asked questions to the class about the new note, this students knew the correct answer for every question. He was also very perceptive about other notes on the recorder. When I was teaching the new piece of music to the class, student 16 was able to outperform everyone in the class. On the first try he was able to sight read the piece with very few errors. Student 1 was one the few students that did very poorly on the pre-assessment, but improved greatly on the post-assessment. This student struggled with learning the new note, but they were very enthusiastic with learning. I think some of their excitement contributed to their learning. While teaching the new piece of music, student 1 did not perform very well. As the

lesson continued on, student 1 was able to click something in themselves. They were able to play the new piece of music with only a couple of errors. Student 15 overall performed the worst. This student did the worst in the class in the pre-assessment and also in the post-assessment. Student 15 had the most behavioral problems and also had issues with paying attention. When teaching the new note this student barely participated. While teaching the new piece of music, student 15 played random notes the entire time and almost did not try.

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