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(ClaymonL, uL) uecember 11, 2013: 1alenLed Archmere alumnl reLurn home Lo perform ln
!"#$%& ("#) *"+ !,+$-.#/-, a fesLlve, famlly concerL ln 1he aLlo CourLyard on Sunday,
uecember 16, 2013 aL 3 p.m. PosLed by 1he lrlends of 1he aLlo, Lhe seasonal evenL opens Lhe
2013-2014 Pelena Sprlnger Creen 8askob ConcerL Serles, a fundralslng lnlLlaLlve LhaL beneflLs
Lhe resLoraLlon of 1he aLlo bulldlng.

under Lhe dlrecLlon of former Archmere faculLy member Mary Lllen Schauber, over 30 alumnl
MasLerslngers reLurn Lo perform hollday favorlLes feaLurlng sLudenL lnsLrumenLallsLs. !oln us for
a recepLlon followlng Lhe concerL.

Come experlence Lhe ChrlsLmas splrlL of 1he aLlo and en[oy Lhe remarkable vocal performance
by alumnl MasLerslngers! 1lckeLs are $33 for adulLs and $20 for sLudenLs, whlch may be
purchased onllne aL

1he lrlends of 1he aLlo ls an organlzaLlon commlLLed Lo Lhe renovaLlon and preservaLlon of
Lhls hlsLorlcal bulldlng. roceeds from Lhe Creen ConcerL Serles beneflL resLoraLlon pro[ecLs.


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