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Requirements Phase Defects Checklist - (Sample Checklist) Sr.

01 02

Check Point / Defect Statement

Business information is inadequate or partially missing. Performance criteria or information are inadequate or partially missing. Environment information is inadequate or partially missing. System mission information is inadequate or partially missing. equirements are incompati!le. equirements are incomplete. equirements are missing. equirements are incorrect. &'e accuracy specified does not conform to t'e actual need. &'e data environment is inadequately descri!ed. &'e e(ternal interface definitions are erroneous. )ser training 'as not !een considered adequately. *nitiali+ation of t'e system state 'as not !een considered. &'e functions 'ave not !een defined adequately. &'e user needs are inadequately stated. ,uality metrics not specified adequately. E.g. -aintaina!ility. &ransporta!ility etc.

Check Mark ( ) the Appropriate Column Yes /A

03 04 05 0" 0# 0$ 0% 10 11 12 13 14 15 1"

!o" to use the A#o$e Checklist% 1/ 0e record t'e conditions or o!served results !y mar1ing a c'ec1mar1 in eit'er of t'e 2 2 data columns against various c'ec1 points or defect statements on t'e c'ec1list. 2/ 3 c'ec1mar1 in t'e &Yes' column against an item indicates t'at t'e c'ec1point or t'e defect statement is &rue. 3/ 3 c'ec1mar1 in t'e & /A' column against an item indicates t'at t'e c'ec1point or t'e defect statement is not applica!le. 4/ &'e c'ec1list can !e customi+ed 4 additional columns li1e 56omments7 etc. may !e added 8'ic' could provide useful assistance during analysis. http%//""".soft"aretestin((

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