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Unit Conversions

Identifying The Units

Seconds Minutes Hours Days Weeks

Volume: (English)
Fluid Ounce Cup Pint Quart Gallon

(Metric) Temperature:
(English) Fahrenheit (Metric) Centigrade Liter


Pound Ton

Length: (English)
Inch Foot Yard Mile



Unit Conversions
60 Seconds = 1 Minute

60 Minutes = 1 Hour
24 Hours = 1 Day 7 Days = 1 Week

Other Time Units

Month Decade Millennium Year Century Fortnight

Unit Conversions
Creating a Conversion Fraction Any conversion relationship can be converted to a conversion fraction. Example: Create a conversion fraction from seconds to minutes. 60 Seconds = 1 Minute If you divide both sides of this relation you get.

60sec 1min 60sec 60sec


1min 1 60sec

Unit Conversions
You can create a conversion from minutes to seconds from the same conversion relationship. Example: Create a conversion fraction from minutes to seconds. 60 Seconds = 1 Minute If you divide both sides of this relation you get.

60sec 1min 1min 1min


60sec 1 1min

Unit Conversions
In both cases, the units you want to convert to are on the top of the conversion fraction and the units you are converting from are on the bottom of the conversion fraction.

NOTE: In both cases, the fraction was equal to one because you can multiply anything by one without changing the value of what you are multiplying.

Unit Conversions
Convert 7 minutes to seconds.

7 minutes x 60 seconds 420 seconds 1 minute

Notice: We made a fraction out of the conversion for minutes and seconds.

Remember, you can divide either side of a conversion equation by the other side to get a conversion fraction.

Unit Conversions
Convert the following
150 minutes to hours
7200 seconds to minutes 4.5 days to hours 21 minutes to seconds

How do you convert from weeks to hours without a conversion equation?

Unit Conversions
Converting from weeks to hours is a multistep conversion requiring the combination of two conversion equations.

Convert 2 weeks to hours. Note: First convert weeks to days then convert days to hours.

2 weeks 7 days 14 days 1 week

14 days 24 hours 336 hours 1 day

Unit Conversions
Practice Convert the following
1.5 hours to seconds 12000 seconds to hours 2.5 days to minutes

9 days to minutes
37,500 minutes to days

Unit Conversions
Length - English
12 Inches = 1 Foot

3 Feet = 1 Yard
1760 Yards = 1 Mile 5280 Feet = 1 Mile

Other Length Units

Furlong Rod Nautical-Mile Light-Year Fathom Hand

Unit Conversions
Convert 4 yards to feet.

4 yards x 3 feet 12 feet 1 yard

Convert 6 miles to yards.

1760 yards 6 miles x 10560 yards 1 mile

Again, we made a conversion fraction out of the conversion relationship.

Unit Conversions
Convert the following
150 feet to yards
7200 yards to miles 3.5 feet to inches 21567 feet to miles

How do you convert from inches to miles without a conversion equation?

Unit Conversions
Converting from inches to miles is also a multi-step conversion requiring the combination of two conversion equations.

Convert 456,887 inches to miles. Note: First convert inches to feet then convert feet to miles.

456,887 inches 1 foot 38,073.92 feet 12 inches 38,073.92 feet 1 mile 7.21 miles 5280 feet

Unit Conversions
Convert the following
4.5 yards to inches
12,000 inches to yards 2.5 miles to inches 7 miles to yards

37,500 inches to miles

Distance Conversions
Convert the following 1) 97 ins to ft 3) 2.4 mi to ft 5) 0.6 mi to ft 7) 0.3 mi to ins 9) 18,965 ins to mi 2) 42 ft to yds 4) 3000 yds to mi 6) 12.3 yds to ins 8) 723 ins to yds 10) 543 in to yds

Internet Research 11) Every Memorial Day weekend many fans enjoy the Indianapolis 500 car race. How long is the track and how many laps does it take to complete 500 miles?

12) How long is a light-year in miles.

Unit Conversions
Mass - English
16 Ounces = 1 Pound 2000 Pounds = 1 Ton

Other Mass Units

Dram Penny-weight

Slug AMU

Unit Conversions
Convert 3 pounds to ounces.

3 pounds x 16 ounces 48 ounces 1 pound

Convert 4 tons to pounds.
4 tons x 2000 pounds 8000 pounds 1 ton

Again, we made a fraction out of the conversion equations.

Unit Conversions
Convert the following
160 ounces to pounds
4 pounds to ounces 2.5 tons to pounds 22000 pounds to tons

How do you convert from tons to ounces without a conversion equation?

Unit Conversions
Converting from tons to ounces is also a multi-step conversion requiring the combination of two conversion equations.

Convert 1.3 tons to ounces. Note: First convert tons to pounds then convert pounds to ounces.

1.3 tons 2000 pounds 2600 pounds 1 ton

2600 pounds 16 ounces 41600 ounces 1 pounds

Unit Conversions

Convert the following

4.5 tons to pounds 18,000 ounces to tons 2.5 pounds to ounces 0.15 tons to ounces 75,400 ounces to tons

Unit Conversions
Volume - English
8 Fluid Ounces = 1 Cup 2 Cups = 1 Pint 2 Pints = 1 Quart

4 Quarts = 1 Gallon

Other Volume Units

Tablespoon Cubic Yard

Cubic Foot Cord

Unit Conversions
Convert 4 pints to cups.

4 pints x 2 cups 8 cups 1 pint

Convert 24 quarts to gallons.

24 quarts x 1 gallon 6 gallons 4 quarts

Again, we made a fraction out of the conversion equations.

Unit Conversions
Convert the following
160 fl. ounces to cups
4 gallons to quarts 12.5 quarts to pints 22 cups to pints

How do you convert from gallons to pints without a conversion equation?

Unit Conversions
Converting from gallons to pints is also a multi-step conversion requiring the combination of two conversion equations.

Convert 1.5 gallons to pints. Note: First convert gallons to quarts then convert quarts to pints.

1.5 gallons 4 quarts 6 quarts 1 gallon 6 quarts 2 pints 12 pints 1 quart

Mixed Conversions
Convert the following 1) 25 fl. oz to cups 3) 542 pts to gals 5) 1304 fl.oz to qts 7) 1263 hrs to wks 9) 6.1 tons to lbs 2) 7 gals to qts 4) 1.7 gals to fl. oz 6) 3 gals to cups 8) 3.7 miles to yds 10) 8531 ft to mi

Unit Conversions
Base Units

Length: Meter
Mass: Gram Volume: Liter

Prefixes Milli = 0.001 x Base Deca = 10 x Base Centi = 0.01 x Base Hecto = 100 x Base

Deci = 0.1 x Base

Kilo = 1000 x Base

Unit Conversions
Examples 1 Milliliter = 0.001 Liters 1 Centigram = 0.01 Grams 1 Decimeter = 0.1 Meters 1 Decaliter = 10 Liters

1 Hectogram = 100 Grams

1 Kilometer = 1000 Meters
NOTE: The metric conversions are the same regardless of the base unit. The metric system uses a base unit and the appropriate prefix to indicate the size. In other words, the base unit tells you if you are working with length, mass, or volume and the prefix tells you how big or small the measurement is.

Unit Conversions
Convert 437 meters to kilometers.
437 meters x 1 kilometer 0.437 kilometers 1000 meters

Convert 6.5 grams to milligrams.

6.5 grams x 1 milligram 6500 milligrams 0.001 grams

Again, we made a fraction out of the conversion equations.

Unit Conversions
Convert the following
452 grams to kilograms
4 decaliters to liters 14,125 millimeters to meters 220 liters to hectoliters

How do you convert from one non-base unit to to another non-base unit without a conversion equation?

Unit Conversions
Converting from one non-base unit to another non-base unit in the metric system is also a multi-step conversion requiring the combination of two conversion equations.

Convert 3.5 centimeters to millimeters. Note: First convert centimeters to meters then convert meters to millimeters.
3.5 centimeters 0.01 meters 0.035 meters 1 centimeters

0.035 meters 1000 millimeters 35 millimeters 1 meter

Unit Conversions
Homework Convert the following
45 milligrams to centigrams 40 kiloliters to hectoliters 250 centimeters to decameters 2 decigrams to milligrams 76500 milliliters to kiloliters

Unit Conversions
Metric - English
Length 1 meter = 1.093 yards 1 meter = 39.37 inches 1 centimeter = 0.394 inches 1 kilometer = 0.621 miles

NOTE: The conversion between meters and yards is the important conversion. The other listed conversions are convenient but can be determined from the main conversion for meters and feet.

Unit Conversions
Metric - English
Convert 1.6 feet to centimeters.
Note: First convert feet to yards, then yards to meters, and finally meters to centimeters.

1.6 feet 1 yard 0.533 yards 3 feet

0.533 yards 1 meter 0.488 meters 1.093 yards

0.488 meters 100 centimeters 48.8 centimeters 1 meter

Unit Conversions
Metric - English
Mass 1 kilogram = 35.274 ounces 1 kilogram = 2.205 pounds 1 gram = 0.035 ounces 1 pound = 453.59 grams

NOTE: The conversion between kilograms and ounces and kilograms and pounds are the important conversions. The other listed conversions are convenient but can be determined from the main conversions for grams and pounds.

Unit Conversions
Metric - English
Convert 400 milligrams to ounces.
Note: First convert milligrams to grams, then grams to kilograms, and finally kilograms to ounces.

400 milligrams 0.001grams 0.4 grams 1 milligram 0.4 grams 1 kilogram 0.0004 kilograms 1000 grams
0.0004 kilograms 35.274 ounces 0.014 ounces 1 kilogram

Unit Conversions
Metric - English
Volume 1 liter = 1.057 quarts 1 gallon = 3.785 liters

NOTE: The conversion between liters and quarts is the important conversion. The other listed conversion is convenient but can be determined from the main conversion for liters and quarts.

SPECIAL: 1 cubic centimeter (cc) = 1 milliliter (ml)

Unit Conversions
Metric - English
Convert 3.25 cups to centiliters.
Note: First convert cups to pints, then pints to quarts, then quarts to liters, and finally liters to centiliters.

3.25 cups 1 pint 1.625 pints 2 cups 1.625 pints 1 quart 0.8125 quarts 2 pints
0.8125 quarts 1 liter 0.769 liters 1.057 quarts

0.769 liters 1 centiliter 76.9 centiliters 0.01 liters

Homework Convert the following

1) 15 mg to oz
2) 1570 Kg to lb 3) 24.3 cg to oz 4) 14 lb to Dg

6) 15 gal to Dl
7) 68 Hl to gal 8) 26.3 cl to cups 9) 1245 dl to qt

5) 2714 ml to qt

10) 2365 fl oz to Kl

Which of the following is the largest?

11) 75 lb, 150 Kg, 4500 oz or 250 Dg 12) 70 oz, 236 g, 2.5 lb or 1755 cg 13) 15 qt, 17 l, 4 gal, or 0.5 KL 14) 8 l, 24 pts, 1600 ml, or 3.5 gal 15) 2.7 Dl, 3.5 gal, 12.2 qt, 8750 dl

Metric Conversions
Convert the following 1) 3.5 grams to mg 2) 42 cm to mm 3) 6312 ml to hl 4) 6243 cl to hl 5) 6145 mm to m 6) 5 liters to cl 7) 542 mm to meters 8) 3312 mg to grams 9) 4263 cm to km 10) 61 hl to cl 11) 75 hl to kl 12) 1.7 kg to cg 13) 710 mg to g 14) 37 liters to ml 15) 0.25 kg to mg 16) 4 kg to grams 17) 1.7 hl to liters 18) 70 cg to mg 19) 3.7 kl to hl 20) 3 km to mm

Unit Conversion Review Problems

1) 2.5 Mi ? Yds 2) 13 Yds ? Ft 3) 5 Yds ? In 4) 10560 Yds ? Mi 5) 288 In ? Yds 6) 27 Ft ? Yds 7) 3.4 Mi ? Yds 8) 507,966 In ? Mi 9) 3.5 T ? Lbs 10) 3 Lbs ? Oz 11) 44, 000 Lbs ? T 12) 543 Oz ?Lbs 13) 43 Fl Oz ? Qts 14) 4.5 Gal ? Qts 15) 35 Cups ? Pts 16) 15 Qts ? Fl Oz 17) 24 Pts ? Gal 18) 17 Qts ? Cups 19) 136 Fl Oz ? Gal 20) 90 Cups ? Gal 21) 54 Fl Oz ? Pts 22) 2.7 Gal ? Fl Oz 23) 5.3 Gal ? Cups 24) 27.3 Pts ? Fl Oz

You must show all of your work to receive credit for the problem.

Unit Conversion Review Problems

1. 2.5 mile = ? yds 2. 13 yds = ? ft 3. 5 yds = ? in 4. 10560 yds = ? miles 5. 288 in = ? yds 6. 27 ft = ? yds 7. 3.5 tons = ? lbs 8. 3 lbs = ? oz 9. 44,000 lbs = ? tons 10. 11. 432 oz = ? lbs 6 gal = ? qts

12. 24 qts = ? pts

13. 65 m = ? mm 14. 450,123m = ? km 15. 56,475,000 mm = ? km 16. 21,650,000 cm = ? km 17. 135 cm = ? mm 18. 356.5 mg = ? g 19. 227 cg = ? mg 20. 6.25433 kg = ? cg

21. 8552 g = ? kg 22. 687 mg = ? cg 23. 0.623 kl = ? l 24. 563,450,00 ml = ? kl 25. .0052 ml = ? cl 26. 567,982 cl = ? kl 27. 6501 ml = ? l 28. 756 l = ? kl

Unit Conversion Review Problems

29. 35 miles = ? km 30. 22 m = ? yds 31. 4500 mm = ? ft 32. 416 in = ? cm 33. 3 km = ? yds 34. 27 l = ? qts 35. 121 fl oz = ? ml 36. 3421 gal = ? kl 37. 643 ml = ? cups 38. 0.34 kl = ? qts 39. 339 mg = ? oz 40. 45601 kg = ? tons 41. 453 lbs = ? kg 42. 5403 oz = ? cg

Which term is larger in the groups below?

43. 27 miles 18 km 44. 60 l 45. 45,228 oz 46. 45 feet 47. 2,142 ml 48. 18 lbs 49. 360 in 50. 2,750cg 15 gal 8 kg 8 yds 7m 47,500 yds 62 qts 2 tons 19,000 m 0.6 kl 6,500 g

700 mm 75 fl oz .005 kl 525,000 mg 11 yds

15 pts 312 oz 10 m

.5 kg

1,000 mm

0.005 kg

2 lbs30 oz

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