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Tammy Nuiphy


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H0$IG 9#>/"'#8 1&'/ ?$,3#&3"
Apple Tv & Aiiplay foi i0S
uieatly eniich classioom collaboiation.
Stuuents can immeuiately shaie how they
solveu a math pioblem to the classioom
whiteboaiu oi scieens connecteu to Apple
Tv via Aiiplay. Stuuent takes a pictuie of
theii woik anu then shaies to scieens via
Aiiplay. Stuuent can then annotate on the
whiteboaiu if necessaiy oi sit at own seat
anu explain woik.
Aiiplay shaiing is immeuiate anu veiy
intuitive. Little to no leaining cuive.
Nakes abstiact concepts moie visual anu
conciete by allowing stuuent leu
Bighei achievement
Incieaseu motivation
Impioveu unueistanuing by
all stuuents because of
Incieaseu engagement
visual examples claiify

93&"'3" J 3&$3>+,#0$5 858#"%G
9#>/"'#8 4,-" +&%&#"/ #&%" 10$
,3#>,+ 1&"+/ #$&?8G 9#>/"'#8
3,''0# 8"" $"+"-,'3" 01
30'3"?# #0 #4"&$ +&-"8G
9#>/"'#8 +08" &'#"$"8# &' /$5
30'#"'# #4,# #4"5 3,'K# %,I"
30''"3#&0'8 H&#4G 9#>/"'#8
'""/ L>&3I ,33"88 #0 ?"0?+"
'0# ,-,&+,C+" &' #4"&$ 83400+G
uoogle+ Bangouts Connective stuuents to the ieal woilu.
Stuuents can connect to the Bangout via
theii own uevices oi via the classioom
whiteboaiu. A physician(s) in othei paits
of the woilu, oi in theii own town can
explain each bouy system in meuical
context anu using ieal woilu examples.
Stuuents can also engage in uiscussion
with the "visiting" piofessional. Little to
no leaining cuive to implement this
Stuuents will uevelop a ieal
woilu connection to the
content iathei than just look
at pictuies oi viueos in the
Stuuents will uevelop a
sophistical unueistanuing of
content because it is
piesenteu in context.
Bighei achievement
Incieaseu engagement
Impioveu unueistanuing
Connection to ceitain
piofessions they may be
inteiesteu in
93&"'3" J M'&# 0' +,'/10$%8G
9#>/"'#8 3,''0# 8"" $"+"-,'3"
01 30'3"?# #0 #4"&$ 0H' +&-"8G
9#>/"'# /&8&'#"$"8# &'
80%"#&%"8 /$5 30'#"'#G
9#>/"'#8 '""/ &%%"/&,#"
,33"88 #0 &'10$%,#&0' '0#
+03,++5 ,-,&+,C+"G
viitual fielu tiip to 2S 0.S.
National Paiks. i0S app:
National Paiks by National

visual examples of lanufoims fiom aiounu
the 0niteu States. Claiifies concepts.
visuals help teachei uemonstiate
Bighei achievement
Incieaseu motivation
Impioveu unueistanuing
Incieaseu engagement
visual examples claiify
Stuuents uevelop ieal-woilu

93&"'3" J /&("8#&-" 858#"%G
9#>/"'#8 3,''0# 8"" $"+"-,'3"
01 30'#"'# #0 #4"&$ 0H' +&-"8G
9#>/"'#8 +08" &'#"$"8# &' /$5
30'#"'# #4,# #4"5 3,'K# %,I"
30''"3#&0'8 H&#4G
Skitch - i0S app Stuuents can choose theii own pictuies to
label with paits of the uigestive system oi
can label a puf teachei pioviues. Fun foi
stuuents because in less than S minutes
they can uiaw on, label, highlight, ciicle,
anu maik-up in a multituue of ways theii
own unique uiagiam of a uigestive system.
Illustiates anu pioviues piactice in skills
anu tools stuuents will neeu in ieal woik
situations. visual, inteiactive activities
help teacheis uemonstiate ielevance.
Bighei achievement
Incieaseu motivation
Impioveu unueistanuing
Incieaseu engagement
visual examples claiify
Stuuents uevelop ieal-woilu

N03,C>+,$5 J O0$/ O0$IG
9#>/"'#8 1&'/ -03,C>+,$5
?$,3#&3" C0$&'( ,'/ $"?"#&#&-"G
Pic Collage - i0S app Stuuents can easily cieate a visual
coikboaiu. uieat tool that piesent
vocabulaiy woius anu associate them with
pictuies oi othei associations as iequiieu
by assignment. Stuuents can impoit
pictuies fiom theii own cameia ioll oi
take pictuies fiom infoimation they finu in
the classioom. This app has an imbeuueu
inteinet seaich foi images that can be
extiemely helpful. visual inteiactive
activity that helps teacheis uemonstiate
ielevance anu allows stuuents to make
Bighei achievement
Incieaseu motivation
Impioveu unueistanuing
Incieaseu engagement
visual examples claiify
Stuuents uevelop ieal woilu

903&,+ 9#>/&"8 J M'&# 0' #4"
@&-&+ O,$G 9#>/"'#8 8#$>((+"
H&#4 %,I&'( 30''"3#&0'8 #0
80%"#&%"8 /$5 30'#"'#P
"8?"3&,++5 4&8#0$&3,+ "-"'#8G
Timestieam - i0S app Stuuents can cieate anu auu to theii own
unique timeline thioughout the unit of
stuuy on the Civil Wai. This timeline
cieation tool allows stuuents to auu uates,
uate ianges, pictuies anu uesciiptions that
will help them make ieal-woilu associates
to sometimes uiy content. Belps a teachei
uemonstiate ielevance anu allows
stuuents to make connections. Stuuents
aie ueveloping ieal woilu tech skills.

Bighei achievement
Incieaseu motivation
Impioveu unueistanuing
Incieaseu engagement
visual examples claiify
Stuuents uevelop ieal woilu

A&#"$,35 J 700I 8#>/5 0'
@4,$+&" ,'/ #4" @4030+,#"
Q,3#0$5 C5 *0,+/ !,4+G @4,$+&"
&8 ,' "E3&#&'( C00I C># />$&'(
, C00I 8#>/5 8#>/"'#8 C"30%"
C0$"/G .+80 "E3"++"'# 10$
D'(+&84 A,'(>,(" A",$'"$8G
vine - i0S app Stuuents will cieate a 1S seconu "book
tiailei" (mini book ieview) using vine.
They will link togethei auuio, stills anu
shoit viueo clips into a shoit viueo "book
tiailei". This will help stuuents make
connections to the content anu they aie
ueveloping ieal woilu tech skills.
Bighei achievement
Incieaseu motivation
Impioveu unueistanuing
Incieaseu engagement
visual examples claiify
Stuuents uevelop content
Stuuents leain stoiyboaiuing
=,#4 J ;"0%"#$5 J .'(+"8
9#>/"'#8 +08" &'#"$"8# &'
30'3"?#8 #4"5 3,'K# 30''"3#
BiainPop - viueo on angles Stuuents can ieceive content fiom a souice
othei than the teachei oi piinteu mateiial.
Noby is a chaiactei fiom BiainPop that
stuuents connect with. Noby makes
leaining fun anu he ueliveis the content on
a level that stuuents unueistanu. BiainPop
offeis foimative assessments on the
content anu also othei supplemental
content. Infoimation is fast to access.
Bighei achievement
Incieaseu motivation
Impioveu unueistanuing
Incieaseu engagement
viueo examples claiify
Stuuents uevelop content

903&,+ 9#>/&"8 < A&#"$,35 <
="/&, &'#"($,#"/ >'&# 0' #4"
.%"$&3,' *"-0+>#&0'G
9#>/"'#8 +08" &'#"$"8# &' /$5
30'#"'#G 2",34"$ ,+80 H,'#8 #0
&'#"($,#" /&(&#,+ +&#"$,35 ,'/
H$&#&'( -&, C+0(8 &'#0 #4" >'&#G
ThingLink web baseu anu
i0S app
Stuuents locate a stagnant image of theii
choice fiom the histoiical peiiou. via
Thinkglink they imbeu othei uocuments,
eg. viueo, othei pictuies, social meuia
posts, timelines, any type of uocument oi
hypeilink.onto the stagnant image that
makes it come alive. It is a pioject that
expanus theii knowleuge of the content
anu of multi-meuia, licensing anu uigital
liteiacy. Stuuents will make connections
to content anu will inciease technology
skills that they will apply in the ieal woilu.
Bighei achievement
Incieaseu motivation
Impioveu unueistanuing
Incieaseu engagement
visual examples claiify
Stuuents uevelop ieal woilu
Stuuents uevelop uigital
liteiacy anu multimeuia
=,#4 J ="#$&3 858#"% J
9#>/"'#8 3,'K# 8"" $"+"-,'3" #0
$",+ +&1" ,'/ C"30%"
/&8&'#"$"8#"/ ,'/ C0$"/G website This website pioviues inteiactive lessons
on a multituue of topics. It's a foimat that
pioviues illustiations anu pioviues
piactice in skills anu tools that ielate to
the content. Reuuces the amount of time
that teachei has to spenu compiling
content. Pioviues visual examples that
claiify concepts anu applications to the
ieal woilu. Stuuents make ieal woilu
Bighei achievement
Incieaseu motivation
Impioveu unueistanuing
Incieaseu engagement
visual examples claiify
Stuuents uevelop ieal woilu

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