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Tennis Lesson #1- Foster

Teacher: Bob Foster Class Size: 30 Date: 9/14/13 Lesson #: 1 Unit: Tennis Strategy/Skills Grade: 8 Teaching Style: Command Resources: Physical d!cation "!ide #or Teaching Tennis Safety: $atch behind yo!% stay on yo!r o&n co!rt/area in Schools Lesson Focus: 'earning the ser(e and )ing o# the hill !ui"#ent: 30 Tennis rackets% 30 Tennis Balls to!rnament Learning Goal: St!dents &ill be able to e*hibit a high State Standard: PE.8.3.4 2008 le(el o# com+etency in many motor skills and mo(ement Choose activities based upon skill level and individual +atterns in tennis,

physical needs.

Ti#e -.00

Lesson $rogression and Refine#ent Cues 'ar# U":

%rganization&Set U" St!dents are in assigned ro&s,

1, 3 la+s aro!nd #ield ho!se /, Static Stretch 3, 0ynamic Stretch

3.00 (ntroduction

1 1 1

0isc!ss the lesson #oc!s. Ser(ing 'earning "oal. St!dents &ill be able to e*hibit a high le(el o# com+etency in many motor skills and mo(ement +atterns in tennis, Sa#ety. $atch behind yo!% stay on yo!r o&n co!rt/area

St!dents are in assigned ro&s,

)ody&*cti+ity: 13sk Ss to s+read o!t on one tennis co!rt and +ay attention to the instr!ctor 2.00 $arming1!+/ *+loring the #!ll co!rt 14a(e the st!dents get &ith a +artner and go to a #!ll si5ed tennis co!rt to &arm !+ 14a(e the +layers &arm !+ by hitting the ball back and #orth to each other #or abo!t 2.00 ? $hile the st!dents are &arming !+ &alk abo!t and gi(e #eedback based on the content o# last class 16se cones to mark the singles bo!ndaries on the #!ll si5ed co!rts 7i# needed8 'earning the ser(e 10isc!ss the tennis ser(e and break it do&n into three +hases. 9 Toss the ball !+ abo(e yo!r head and catch it o!t in #ront o# yo!r body 9 Toss the ball abo(e yo!r head and bring yo!r racket back in an o(erhand thro&ing motion &hile bending yo!r knees 7'et the ball dro+ to the gro!nd8 9 Toss the ball abo(e yo!r head% bring yo!r arm back in an o(erhand thro&ing motion% bend yo!r knees% hit the ball as high as +ossible% and #ollo& thro!gh 10isc!ss each +hase o# the ser(e and ha(e st!dents +ractice it +iece by +iece 1$hile Ss are +racticing the T &alks aro!nd and gi(es #eedback &here a++ro+riate Ser(ing to a +artner 1S get in gro!+s o# t&o and each gro!+ goes to a di##erent co!rt, :ne +erson in each gro!+ &ill act as the ser(er% one &ill retrie(er, There is no rally in bet&een ser(es and this sho!ld go ;!ickly &ith a #e& breaks in action as +ossible 7:b<ecti(e is to get the st!dents as many ser(es as +ossible8, 1=emind Ss that their ser(es sho!ld go to the o++osite ser(ice bo* and enco!rage them to s&itch sides o# the co!rt e(ery time they ser(e 1>ntrod!ce st!dents to the ser(ing c!es. 9 Thro& the ball high and in #ront o# yo! 9 4ead !+% &atch the ball% high contact 9 =eco(er ;!ickly to the ready +osition Ser(ing in a game sit!ation 1Ss &ill each get a +artner and go to se+arate co!rts to +lay games o# no1ad scoring 7Fo!r +oint games8, St!dents &ill start the game &ith +ro+er ser(es and e*+lain that they ha(e t&o attem+ts each ser(e to get the ball o(er the net and into the o++osite ser(ice bo* be#ore they lose the +oint, *+lain that the ser(e &ill alternate a#ter e(ery attem+t 7in order to get more ser(ing o++ort!nities8 1=emind st!dents o# the skills and strategies they ha(e learned so #ar in class 1 *+lain that a#ter each #i(e min!te game the st!dents &ill s&itch +artners and +lay a second game, ># a game ends be#ore the time is !+ tell the st!dents to start a second game, The st!dents &ill +lay a total o# three di##erent games Tennis ?ini1To!rnament 1Teacher n!mbers the co!rts 118 and e*+lains that the #irst co!rt is the )ing@s co!rt, St!dents &ant to get to that co!rt and stay there as long as +ossible, 4a(e the st!dents s+read o!t on the co!rt 7/ +eo+le to a co!rt8 and ha(e any e*tra st!dents act as re#erees on the #irst and second co!rt, 1 *+lain that the st!dents &ill be +laying games &ith no1ad scoring 7First +erson to score #o!r +oints in the game &ins8, St!dents &ill start the game &ith +ro+er ser(es and e*+lain that they ha(e t&o attem+ts each ser(e to get the ball o(er the net and into the o++osite ser(ice bo* be#ore they lose the +oint, *+lain that the ser(e &ill alternate a#ter e(ery attem+t 7in order to get more ser(ing o++ort!nities8 1=emind st!dents o# the skills and strategies they ha(e learned so #ar in class 1 *+lain that a#ter each 10 min!te game the &inner &ill mo(e !+ a co!rt and the loser &ill mo(e back one 7 *ce+t #or the &inner one the #irst co!rt &ho stays and the loser on the last co!rt &ho rotates o##8 and the +erson &ho is &aiting rotates on the last co!rt, 3 total o# 2 10 min!te games &ill be +layed

St!dents are on co!rts, ?a* 4 +eo+le +er co!rt,


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St!dents are s+read o!t on end lines on / or 3 co!rts,


St!dents +ractice ser(ing back and #orth to a +artner on their o&n co!rts,


Ss a++ly the skill o# ser(ing in a game like sit!ation

Ss +lay a to!rnament to a++ly the skills they ha(e learned th!s #ar in tennis class


Closure 13sk the st!dents to clean !+ their areas and come back to the meeting +lace 1=e(ie& the conce+ts co(ered in class ? $hat &ere the main things &e &orked on today9 $hat did &e learn today abo!t tennis strategy9 4o& is +laying on a #!ll co!rt di##erent #rom +laying on the long and narro& co!rts9 $hat can yo! tell me abo!t ser(ing9 $hat are the ste+s to learning ho& to ser(e9 1=e(ie& the skill c!es #or mo(ing on the co!rt and the ser(e as they &ere +racticed in class 1Comment on ho& class &ent 13llo& the st!dents at least 10 min!tes to get changed be#ore the end o# class

St!dents are s+read o!t on the co!rts or inside,

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