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Community English Program Level A5B Teachers College, Columbia University Spring !"# $nstructor% Katie Griswold kmg2167@tc.columbia.

.edu Class Time% Mondays, Wednesdays, and T ursdays !rom 1"#"" am to 12#"" $m About the CEP% T e %ommunity &nglis 'rogram (%)'* is a uni+ue and integral $art o! t e T&,-) and .$$lied )inguistics 'rograms at Teac ers %ollege, %olumbia /ni0ersity. 1t $ro0ides &nglis as a second language and !oreign language instruction to adult learners o! di0erse nationalities and backgrounds. 1n addition, t e %' ser0es as an on2site language education lab in w ic T&,-) and .$$lied )inguistics !aculty and students enrolled in t e $rograms teac t e course and use t e %)' as a setting !or em$irical in+uiry. 3ere at Teac ers %ollege we belie0e t at obser0ation and classroom researc are t e best way to learn about ow we teac and gain insig ts into ow e!!ecti0e teac ing mig t take $lace. .dditionally, assessment and $rogram e0aluation $lay a ma4or $art in our $rogram as well. T us, we encourage obser0ation and classroom researc and want $eo$le to use it as a tool !or learning. About this Class% T is is an integrated skills course. ,tudents will $ractice and combine t e skills o! s$eaking, listening, reading, writing, and grammar t roug a range o! acti0ities. T e class will !ocus on use o! language in real, meaning!ul situations and tasks in order to bene!it students5 li0es and work in t e real world. Atten&ance an& Automatic 'ails% .t t e beginning o! e0ery class, attendance will be taken. 1! you arri0e a!ter attendance as been taken, you will be marked as tardy. 5 absences# 1! you miss !i0e or more classes, you will not $ass t e course. "! tar&ies# 'lease be on time to class. 'lease arri0e to begin class at 1"#"" am. 1! you arri0e late 1" or more times, you will not $ass t e class. Electronic (evices% %ell $ ones, i'ads, la$to$s, and ot er electronic de0ices are 6-T allowed in class unless ot erwise s$eci!ied. 'lease turn o!! your cell $ ones be!ore class. )e*uire& Te+t an& ,or-boo-% 1n % arge 2 (2nd &dition* by 7ebra 7aise 1n % arge 2 Workbook (2nd &dition* by 7ebora Gordon T e books are red and come in one $acket. 8ou can buy t is at t e %olumbia 9ookstore on 9roadway and 11:t . T e $acket costs around ;<".

Course .b/ectives% ,tudents will $ractice# ,$eaking, reading, writing, and listening about 0arious interdisci$linary sub4ects !rom t e te=tbook and ot er sources /sing grammatical structures listed in detail below 7e!ining and conte=tuali>ing new 0ocabulary Course )e*uirements% 'artici$ation (1"?* 3omework assignments (1:?* /nit Tests (<:?* o /nit : (1:?* o /nit 6 (1:?* o /nit 7 (1:?* @inal (/nits :2A* (B"?* 0ra&ing Scale% .C D EE21"" . D E<2EA .2 D E"2EB 9C D A72AE 9 D A<2A6 92 D A"2AB %C D 7:27E % D 7"27< %2 D 6"26E @ail D :E and below Course .utline Subject to Change Based on Students Needs 7ates T eme FW en 1 !inis t is unit 1 will be able toGH @ebruary 1"21B 1ntroduction JMake %om$arisons (,yllabus, 6eeds JIecommend and .nalysis*, Ie0iew e0aluate $roducts o! /nits 12< JIes$onding and gi0ing inter$retations JMaking com$arisons and contrasts J1nter$reting in!ormation J'ercei0ing and

Grammar J/sing com$arati0es and intensi!iers J/sing transitional e=$ressions JTag +uestions J'artici$ial $ rases J&=$ressing contrasts and concessions J'assi0e modals

$roducing consonant contrasts @ebruary 17227 /nit : K>ing J7escribing Ielati0e clauses 1n0entionsH ac ie0ements wit whose, which, J1denti!ying $eo$le and thatL relati0e and ob4ects clauses reduced to J&stablis ing $ rases se+uences JGi0ing background in!ormation Marc B21B /nit 6 K F3ooked JMakingMre4ecting J%ausati0es on 3orrorH suggestions J&=$ressions o! JMaking alternati0e cause and e!!ect suggestions J&=$ressions o! JTalking about $ur$ose causes and e!!ects JTalking about $ur$oses JIetelling narrati0es Marc 2<2.$ril < /nit 7 K F. 3ard JTalking about T e sub4uncti0e .ct to @ollowH in!luences J.ssessing abilities JMaking recommendations J&=$ressing necessity .$ril 72.$ril 17 /nit A K FT e Time JTalking about Gerunds and o! 8our )i!eH $re!erences in!initi0es J7iscussing sc edules JTalking about $ersonal c aracteristics .$ril 21 Ie0iew !or @inal &=am .$ril 2B @inal &=am .$ril 2< @inal &=am Ie0iew and 'arty There will be new vocabulary to learn in every unit as well as pronunciation exercises Participation E+pectations% &0eryone will bene!it i! t ey $artici$ate in class sessions We will sometimes a0e acti0ities w ere students can s$eak !reely and s are ideas 1n order to im$ro0e s$eaking skills, students s ould 0olunteer to s$eak )isten to w at your classmates say and, i! you would like, res$ond res$ect!ully

1t5s okay to make mistakesN &0eryone does, e0en teac ersN

$mportant (ates% T ursday, @ebruary 1B K )ast day to wit draw wit !ull re!und T ursday, @ebruary 27 K /nit 1 Test T ursday, Marc 1B K /nit 2 Test Monday, Marc 17 K T ursday, Marc 2" K ,$ring 9reakN 6o %lassesN T ursday, .$ril < K /nit 7 Test Monday, .$ril 21 K Ie0iew !or t e @inal &=am Wednesday, .$ril 2B K @inal &=am T ursday, .$ril 2< K )ast day o! classesN 1ocabulary Lists% Unit 5# 'age :6 Unit 6# 'age 6A Unit 7# 'age A< Unit # 'age E6

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