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2013-2014 TW5B


About Mr. Fu
I was born in ShenYang, China and immigrated to the United States in 1998 to Eastern Maryland. Initially not speaking a word o English a ter !oming to "meri!a, I worked hard in s!hool and with my ES#$ tea!hers to rea!h pro i!ien!y and e%ent&ally e'!el at a!ademi!s. I grad&ated rom the Uni%ersity o Maryland with d&al degrees in Cell (iology ) *eneti!s and Mathemati!s. Immediately a ter grad&ation I worked at the +ational Instit&tes o ,ealth in an epigeneti!s laboratory per orming !an!er resear!h. I re!ently mo%ed to ,o&ston in the s&mmer o -.1/ and de!ided to p&rs&e tea!hing. I am a diehard 0edksins, 1i2ards, +ationals, and Capitals an. I like to be a!ti%e thro&gh playing sports and I lo%e m&si! o all kinds. My goal or ne't year is to work at be!oming a better riend, son, pro essional, and tea!her.

Mr. Fus Contact Information:

Phone: (301)-219-9961 (please call be ore !:00 P") #$ail: $athwith$r u%g$$

Cours ! scri"tion:
&lgebra '' is a course that studies ad(anced algebraic concepts o unctions) pol*no$ials) rational e+pressions) s*ste$s o e,uations) and $atrices. & passing grade in &lgebra ' is a prere,uisite or this course. #$phasis is placed hea(il* on practical applications and $odeling the real world. &lgebra '' is an i$portant step in *our $athe$atics career) and success in the course can greatl* i$pro(e *ou -&. "ath score. &lgebra '' is the gatewa* course to Pre/alculus and &P /alculus) essential classes or the de(elop$ent o *our critical thin0ing abilities.

Cours Pro#r ssion:

$nit % 1 2inear 3unctions and 'ne,ualities: -ol(e and graph linear e,uations and ine,ualities) anal*4e linear unctions) and appl* these unctions as $odels o real-world situations (2 wee0) $nit & 1 3a$il* o 3unctions: &ppl* properties o unctions to their graphs and trans or$ations (2 wee0s) $nit ' 1 &bsolute 5alue 3unctions: -ol(e absolute (alue e,uations and ine,ualities and appl* attributes o trans or$ations to absolute (alue unctions (2 wee0s) $nit ( 1 -*ste$s o #,uations and 'ne,ualities: -ol(e and anal*4e a s*ste$ o linear e,uations using graphs) tables) $atrices) and algebraic $ethods. (3 wee0s) $nit ) 1 6uadratic 3unctions: 7e$onstrate trans or$ation o ,uadratic unctions and anal*4e ,uadratic ine,ualities or (arious solutions through $ultiple representations (6 wee0s) $nit * 1 -,uare 8oot 3unctions: #+plore s,uare root e,uations and unctions) and connect a unction9s attributes to graphs and tables $nit + 1 #+ponential and 2ogarith$ic 3unctions: &nal*4e trans or$ations o e+ponential and logarith$ic unctions) appl*ing laws o e+ponents and logarith$s to real-world situations $nit , 1 'n(erse 5ariations and 8ational 3unctions #,uations and 'ne,ualities: &nal*4e in(erse (ariation and trans or$ations and characteristics o rational unctions through graphs) tables) and algebraic $ethods $nit - 1 /onic -ections: 7e(elop attributes o a$ilies o conic sections) identi * and con(ert e,uations o conic sections or$ general or$ to standard or$) and sol(e s*ste$s o e,uations $nit %. 1 Pol*no$ial 3unctions: &nal*4e graphs) tables) and e,uations o pol*no$ial unctions o their d degree and greater within the conte+t o real-world situations

Collaborative Resourceful Self-advocating 1

&n*thing that distracts $e ro$ teaching or students ro$ learning will not be tolerated ' onl* condone beha(ior that is respect ul and producti(e ' will not allow an* student to waste ti$e in our classroo$ :e are a FAMIL1 in this classroo$ and we do not lea(e each other behind. :e stri(e to be COLLA5ORATI/0 learners so that we can be $ore R0SO$RC0F$L and one da* beco$e S0LF6A!/OCAT0S. C7assroom 08" ctations
.o acco$plish the se$ester9s goals) e(er* student $ust adhere to the -harpstown ;igh -chool standards and our clearl* de ined classroo$ e+pectations: 1) #(er*one is on ti$e to class and wor0ing at the bell 2) &ll students are respect ul to all people and things 3) &ll trash is discarded in trash/rec*cle <) &ll students ha(e a positi(e attitude =) >o inappropriate language 6) >o heads down or sleeping at an*ti$e ?) :ait or dis$issal ro$ "r. 3u

Cons 9u nc s
1) 2) 3) <) 5erbal warning or riendl* re$inder 2unch 7etention 8e erral Phone call ho$e

Gra:in# S;st m
.ests @@@@@@@@@@@@ =0A 6ui44es @@@@@@@@@@@ <2A ;o$ewor0 @@@@@@@@@@!A

' will tr* to appl* these conse,uences airl* and consistentl* Su""7i s N : :
A t<r rin# bin: r us : =ust for mat< 2oose-lea paper :riting utensils (pens or pencils) .'-!3 graphing calculator (optional)

Gra:in# Sca7 A: 100 1 !9.= 5: !9.< 1 ?9.= C: ?9.< 1 69.= !: 69.< 1 =9.= F: =9.< 1 0 C7ass Proc :ur s 4 Po7ici s
#ntering the 8oo$: & ter greeting "r. 3u) enter the roo$) pic0 up the handouts at the door) pic0 up *our binder) and wal0 to *our assigned seat. & ter *ou ha(e ta0en *our seat) cop* down the learning target and ho$ewor0) ta0e out *our ho$ewor0 ro$ the pre(ious da*) and begin wor0ing on the 7o >ow. '3 &>BC># '- .&2D'>E) we will re-enter the classroo$. & ter the tard* bell rings) *ou will not be per$itted inside the class without a Plasco Pass. :ar$-up: & :ar$-Fp will be on the board at the start o e(er* class. Gegin wor0ing on the :ar$-Fp i$$ediatel* a ter the tard* bell rings. 7uring this ti$e) "r. 3u will ta0e attendance and wal0 around to chec0 or ho$ewor0 co$pletion.

Collaborative Resourceful Self-advocating 2

;o$ewor0: "r. 3u (alues ho$ewor0 because it ser(es two purposes: 1) practicing the s0ills we learn in class is essential to $aster the obHecti(e and 2) li e is ull o deadlines) and turning in a co$pleted ho$ewor0 assign$ent on ti$e allows *ou to practice this i$portant li e s0ill. ;o$ewor0 will be graded on /C"P2#.'C> unless otherwise instructed. 2ate :or0: 2ate wor0 will onl* be accepted until the end o the wee0 a ter the original deadline. &ll wor0 $ar0ed IlateJ will recei(e a 10A deduction. :or0 recei(ed a ter the end o the wee0 will not be graded and $ar0ed as a K#8C. #+tra /redit: #+tra credit will not be gi(en on a regular basis) and when it is o ered) it will be a proHect-based enrich$ent acti(it* or assign$ent. .hose unhapp* with their grades should see "r. 3u about 6ui4 L .est reta0es. 3inishing wor0 earl*: ' *ou inish wor0 earl*) noti * "r. 3u b* raising *our hand. Bou will be as0ed to begin on *our ho$ewor0) tutor a class$ate) atte$pt challenging proble$s or e+tra credit) or help out with a classroo$ proHect. "o(e$ent around the /lassroo$: Bou are e+pected to re$ain seated at *our des0 at &22 .'"#- during class. ' *ou wish to get out o *our seat and $o(e around the classroo$ to sharpen a pencil) throw awa* trash) etc. *ou $ust irst 8&'-# BCF8 ;&>7 and as0 or per$ission. -eating: & seating chart will be arranged in the beginning o the *ear and will change periodicall* according to students9 needs and "r. 3u9 decisions. ' *ou would li0e to $a0e a special re,uest in(ol(ing seating) please do so a ter class or during tutorials. 3ailure to sit in *our assigned seat will earn *ou a K#8C on all assign$ents or that da*. &cade$ic ;onest*: &cade$ic dishonest* will >C. be tolerated. /heating or plagiaris$) on a test or ho$ewor0) earns a 4ero on the assign$ent and a discipline re erral. 3a$il* /ontact: "r. 3u will be in contact with *our a$il* throughout the se$ester b* phone calls) e$ails) and/or parent-teacher con erences. Bour a$il* is a resource to helping *ou succeed) and "r. 3u loo0s orward to getting as $an* $e$bers o *our a$il* positi(el* in(ol(ed in the learning that ta0es place in our class. Parents) please do not hesitate to reach out to $e about an* ,uestions *ou $a* ha(e about *our child9s progress in $* class.

3lease sign and ret&rn to Mr. 4& by 5h&rsday, September 6 rd, -.1/ ' ha(e care ull* read and discussed with $* parent/guardian the e+pectations and procedures or "r. 3u class. ' will wor0 relentlessl* to be pro$pt) prepared) polite) and producti(e and to ollow the procedures so ' will be success ul. ' will adhere to the highest le(el o acade$ic integrit* and see0 help when needed. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM -tudent >a$e MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM -ignature MMMMMMMMM 7ate

' ha(e care ull* read and discussed with $* child the e+pectations and procedures or "r. 3u9 class. ' support the structure he has put in place in order to help $* child succeed) and ' will rein orce those rules to ensure that $* child is success ul in &P /alculus. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Parent/Euardian >a$e MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Parent Phone >u$ber MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM -ignature MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Parent #$ail &ddress MMMMMMMMM 7ate

Collaborative Resourceful Self-advocating 3

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