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Better interaction between Technical institutions and industry is the need of the hour. This will have great bearing on the Curriculum, exposure of industrial atmosphere to students and subsequent placement of young graduating in industries across the country. With the advent of globalization and opening up of ndian economy to outside world, competition among industries have become stiff. To solve their problems they loo! up now to engg. nstitutions. "imilarly, there is an urgent need to prepare students for #obs in multinational companies, by exposing them to newer technologies and engineering methodologies. These ob#ectives can only be achieved well by bridging the gap between industry and the academic institute.

To promote Industry - Institute Interaction following schemes are being undertaken

$stablishment of ndustry% nstitute &artnership 'interaction Cell. (rganizing Wor!shops, conferences and symposia with #oint participation of the faculty and the industries. $ncouraging experts from industry to visit nstitute to deliver lectures. &articipation of experts from industry in curriculum development. )rranging visits of staff members to various industry &rofessional consultancy by the faculty to industries. ndustrial testing by faculty * technicians at site or in laboratory. +oint research programmes and field studies by faculty and people from industries. ,isits of faculty to industry for study and discussions or delivering lectures on sub#ects of mutual interest. ,isits of industry executives to the nstitute for seeing research wor! and laboratories, discussions and delivering lectures on industrial practices, trends and experiences. -emoranda of .nderstanding between the nstitute and industries to bring the two sides emotionally and strategically closer. /uman resource development programmes by the faculty . Collaborative degree programmes. -B),B.C(-,BB) pro#ects'dissertation wor! in industries under #oint guidance of the faculty and experts from industry. "hort%term assignment to faculty members in industries. ,isiting faculty'professors from industries.

&rofessorial Chairs sponsored by industries at the nstitute. 0*1 2aboratories sponsored by industries at the nstitute. "cholarships'fellowships instituted by industries at the nstitute for students. &ractical training of students in industries.

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