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1. Politicians are not interested in the future of our country.


Wisdom does not come with age.


Is the consumer really the King in India?


To survive in the civili ed world one needs to !e a hy"ocrite.


Whether reservation to women is !eneficial?


Position of Women in India com"ared to other nations.


India or west & which is the land of o""ortunities


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*!out 7oc8ey !eing the "rimary game in India.

19. The im"act of economic reforms has !een that rich "eo"le have !ecome richer rich and "oor "eo"le "oorer.

11. 3anagement education is only for the rich.

12. /eservation in "arliament for women.

13. The im"act of Internet on India.

14. What shall we do a!out our ever:increasing Po"ulation?

1#. -orru"tion is the "rice we "ay for 4emocracy.

1$. 1oreign Television -hannels are destroying our culture.

1%. What India needs is a 4ictatorshi".

1'. With media "u!lishing and telecasting trivia& censorshi" is the need of the hour.

16. . Is de"endence on com"uters a good thing?

29. 2hould the "u!lic sector !e "rivati ed?

21. Is India a 2oft ,ation?

22. . ;alue !ased "olitics is the need of the hour

23. The education system needs serious reforms

24. The im"act of 3T; on our "syche

2#. 2howing ;iolence and -rimes should not !e allowed in films and on television.

2$. +et us legali e gam!ling

2%. The o!<ective of 3anagement is to ma=imi e "rofits

2'. 4o "rofessional managers have a chance in our family run !usinesses?

26. The Internet is an e=ercise in hy"e

39. 2maller !usinesses and start:u"s have more sco"e for "rofessional growth.

31. There is no right way to do a wrong thing

32. 4o )eauty and )rains >o Together?

33. 3arriage is a social tra"

34. 2ecularism has !ecome a tool to <ustify the wrongs done !y the minorities.

3#. 3edia is a mi=ed !lessing?7ow ethical is media?

3$. Women cannot successfully com!ine !oth career and home.

3%. 4evelo"ing countries should s"end more on develo"ment than on defense. 3'. 3oney does not guarantee ha""iness. 36. 1ame comes with "rice 49. 2tudies show the stress in our life& which !egins in childhood 41. .ducation and success. Is there correlation 42. The age of information

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