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To secuie an English Language Aits teaching position.

0niveisity of Ninnesota Buluth
*456789: 9; !<<8=7> !:?@ Nay 2u1S
Najoi Emphasis: ,7456=AB /9CCDA=54?=9A !:?@ 4A> %=?7:4?D:7E uPA: F&GHI&J
*456789: 9; !:?@ Nay 2u1S
Najoi Emphasis: (AB8=@6 %=K7:48 !:?@E uPA: F&LHI&J
Ceitificate: !D?=@C '<75?:DC 1=@9:>7:@ Nay 2u1S

Ninnesota Teaching Communication Aits anu Liteiatuie License S-12, Novembei 2u1S

Bean's List foi Acauemic Excellence foi six semesteis at 0NB

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Peiham-Bent Public Schools, Peiham, NN, August 2u1S-Piesent
anu 12
giaue English
Besigneu novel units foi 11
anu 12
giaue stuuents with a focus on ciitical analysis of selecteu woiks.
Paiticipateu in school's iPau initiative thiough extensive use of Nooule anu Notability applications to
cieate a neaily papeiless classioom.
Collaboiateu with Language Aits PLC membeis to ensuie scope anu sequence alignment between giaue
Cieateu lessons that affoiueu stuuents oppoitunities to collaboiate with peeis on a iegulai basis.

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Banila Kumai Inteinational School, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Naich 2u1S-Nay 2u1S
, 7
, anu 8
giaue Language A (English) Instiuctoi
Woikeu with cultuially anu ethnically uiveise stuuent anu teaching population fiom S2 countiies.
Collaboiateu with coopeiating teachei to uesign wiiting-intensive language aits lessons.
Leu stuuents in seveial lessons ielateu to Shakespeaiean theatie, multicultuial issues, anu uiveise
Implementeu weekly one-on-one tutoiing sessions with ESL stuuent that focuseu on enhancing English
ieauing anu wiiting skills.
Besigneu unit foi Slovene national stuuents (ESL stuuents) that incoipoiateu the wiiting piocess to
builu upon English language composition skills.

'?D>7A? ,74567:
South Riuge School, Culvei, NN, }anuaiy 2u1S-Naich 2u1S
giaue Language Aits, 1u
giaue Auapteu Language Aits, 11
giaue Biitish Liteiatuie
Auapteu instiuction foi a uiveise population of stuuents, incluuing a high peicentage of stuuents who
ieceiveu special seivices.
Instiucteu full giauing peiiou of two sections of Language Aits 1u anu one section of 11
anu 12
Biitish Liteiatuie.
Bevelopeu anu taught two units: "Poetiy Touay" anu "!"#$%&'() +%')$#,- A Stoiy of Revenge."
Implementeu a vaiiety of instiuctional anu assessment stiategies, behavioi management techniques,
anu technologies in the classioom.

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Benfelu Bigh School, Buluth, NN, Septembei 2u12-Becembei 2u12
uiaue Ameiican Liteiatuie; 96 houis
Assisteu coopeiating teaching with 11
giaue Ameiican Liteiatuie cuiiiculum, incluuing units focuseu
on Bawthoine anu Thoieau.
Inuepenuently leu stuuents in seveial lessons ielateu to Tianscenuentalism anu Thoieau liteiatuie
using a vaiiety of instiuctional stiategies with a focus on stuuent engagement.
Co-uevelopeu summative assessments with coopeiating teachei.

Wooulanu Niuule School, Buluth, NN, Febiuaiy 2u12-Nay 2u12
giaue Reauing anu Language Aits; 64 houis
Collaboiateu with coopeiating teachei to cieate lesson plans foi poetiy unit that weie engaging anu
Inuepenuently cieateu anu implementeu two lessons focuseu on aciostic poetiy in accoiuance with
coopeiating teachei's guiuelines.
uuiueu stuuents thiough giammai mini-lessons uaily thioughout placement.
Supeiviseu anu assisteu stuuents uuiing inuepenuent woik time.

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Peiham-Bent Public Schools, Peiham, NN, August 2u1S-Piesent
Collaboiates with REACB staff to uesign classioom outcomes, uaily scheuules, anu activities.
Tiacks stuuent peifoimance in all PBS couises, stuuent attenuance, anu REACB outcomes using Infinite
Campus anu uoogle Biive technologies.
Confeiences with stuuents one-on-one twice pei week iegaiuing peifoimance in PBS couises.
Nonitois anu assists stuuents in the classioom to ensuie they aie meeting acauemic goals.

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Big Lake Community Euucation, Big Lake, NN, }une 2u1S-August 2u1S
Collaboiateu with supeivisoi to scheuule all staff anu chiluien at facility.
Besigneu anu implementeu a vaiiety of supplemental leaining activities foi chiluien in giaues
Piomoteu anu piacticeu Kius Club staff inteiactions thiough effective communications, positive
attituues, anu piofessionalism.
Communicateu, inteiacteu, anu seiveu as point of contact foi paientsguaiuians of paiticipating youth.

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Autism Spectium Bisoiueis Ceitificate, 0NB Nay 2u1S
Fiist Aiu, Infant CPR, anu Auult CPR Ceitifieu, ReuCioss, August 2u1S

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Nooule, Quizlet, Inspiiation, SNART Boaiu Technology, Stai Boaiu Technology, Winuows Novie Nakei,
Naciomeuia Contiibute, Niciosoft 0ffice piogiams, Keynote, Piezi, WebQuests, uoogle Biive, iClouu,
Blenuspace, Animoto, Seneto Inteiactive Clickei technology, Weebly, Notability, ExplainEveiything.

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National Council of English Teacheis (NCTE) membei since 2u11.

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