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(Ban hnh km theo Thng t s 25/2004/TT-BGTVT ngy 13 thng 10 n m 2004 !"a B# t$%ng B# G&ao thng '(n t)&* (+!!o$,&ng to G-&,an!e .o 25/2004/TT-BGTVT ,ate, 13/10/2004 o/ the 0&n&ste$ o/ T$ans1o$t* 1. Tn tu: Name of Shi


!. "u#$ t%$h: PANAMA F&a' 2. S# &34n' T5: No.of C6e7 !1.

(. H) hi*u: 3FTH2 Ca&&+Si'n

,. -RT: 12186 .. /o0i tu: IBS T1 e of Shi 8. Th9i 'ian :; <i=n >=n $?n': 1..@@ &t ETA:

A. S# IBO: 8655227 IBO No.

C. BD$ >E$h >=n $?n': F#$ G D G Ti= nhin &i*u G SHa $hIa G BD$ >E$h <hJ$ K'0$h LM tN thE$h h4 O Pu6 oPe of Ca&&: /oa:in' G Discharging G Fun<e6in' G Shi 1a6: G Othe6P KQe&ete aP a 6o 6iateO N=u & mD$ >E$h <hJ$R nu 6S: If othe6PR &eaPe P e$if1 u6 oPe: 1@. Tn <hu T;$ neo >Uu hoV$ $Wu $?n' m tu PX >=n: Y.1! Z T[n ThuUn @1 Name of An$ho6a'e o6 Po6t Fa$ti&it1 1ou6 Phi in Loun: fo6: 11. Tn \0i &] tu Li^n: \0i &] hn' h?i H?i \_n' Name of Shi A'ent in 5ietnam: Te& No.: Fa` No.: 1!. Tu $aa )n' $b -CN cu#$ t= Td an ninh tu Li^n KISSCO <h)n'e QoPe 1ou6 Phi oPPePP a Ta&i: Inte6nationa& Shi Se$u6it1 Ce6tifi$ate KISSCOe C G Yh)n' K'0$h LM tN thE$h h4 O Yes G No KQe&et aP a 6o 6iateO N=u $[u t6? &9i & fCbf thg nu $hi ti=t t0i $J$ $[u hMi 1(R 1,R 1. If anP7e6 in 'YeP'R 'iTe :etai&P in "1(R "1, an: "1.. 1(. Tn $h cuan $i ISSC: Name of iPPuin' autho6it1 fo6 the ISSC 1,. N'1 $i ISSC: Qate of iPPue of the ISSC 12. Ci >j an ninh hi*n t0i $aa tu: Cu66ent Pe$u6it1 &eTe& of the Phi 1 1.. N'1 ISSC h=t h0n: Qata of e` i61 of the ISSC

18. 1@ C?n' m tu >k 'hl To 'Wn nhit K<^ tN n'1 1.G1@G!@1(OR >=n n'1 R n'1 >i T $i >j an ninh tu >k

J :Dn' <hi th;$ hi*n 'iao ti= 'iIa tu Li^n T $?n' Li^n: /aPt 1@ o6tP of $a&&R in$&u:in' a66iTa& G :e a6tu6e :ateP an: the Pe$u6it1 &eTe& at 7hi$h the Phi o e6ate: at thePe o6tP 7he6e it haP $on:u$te: a Phi G o6t inte6fa$e C?n' Po6t

N'1 >=n A66iTa& 01/08/2014


N'1 >i Qe a6tu6e 01/08/2014 01/02/2014

Ci >j an ninh Se$u6it1 /eTe& Ba6Pe$ /eTe& 1 Marsec Marsec Marsec Marsec Marsec Marsec Marsec Marsec Marsec Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1A. T6on' th9i 'ian th;$ hi*n Lit <p 'iao ti= 'iIa tu Li^n T $?n' Li^n >34$ >d $U t0i $[u hMi 18 t6n >[1R tu Li^n $b J :Dn' Li*n hJ an ninh >V$ Li*t hoV$ Li*n hJ an ninh Lq Pun' no <h)n'e oe6e the6e an1 P e$ia& o6 a::itiona& Pe$u6it1 meaPu6eP ta<en :u6in' an1 Phi G o6t inte6fa$e at the o6tP mentione: in "18e Cb G Khng K'0$h LM tN thE$h h4 O YeP G No KQe&et aP a 6o 6iateO N=u $[u t6? &9i & fCbf thg nu $hi ti=t: If anP7e6 in fYePfR 'iTe :etai& 1C. T6on' th9i 'ian th;$ hi*n Lit <p 'iao ti= 'iIa tu Li^n T $?n' Li^nR tu Li^n $b :u1 t6g Li*n hJ an ninh thE$h h4 <h)n'e oe6e the6e a 6o 6iate Phi Pe$u6it1 meaPu6eP maintaine: :u6in' an1 Phi +to+Phi a$tiTit1 inte6fa$e at the o6tP mentioneP in "18e Cb G Khng K'0$h LM tN thE$h h4 O YeP G No KQe&et aP a 6o 6iateO N=u $[u t6? &9i & fCbf thg nu $hi ti=t: If anP7e6 in fYePfR 'iTe :etai& ChI <] $aa Thu1dn t63rn'GCha tuG\0i &] tu:................................................. Si'natu6e of BaPte6GE7ne6GA'ent Hs tn $aa Thuy n !r"#ngGCha tuG\0i &] tu: nHEN- "IN-mIN (CAPT)

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