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Uranus -Gaea(mother earth) -Uranus(Father sky) -Helios(God of the sun) -Selene(Goddess of moon) -Kronos -Rhea -Prometheus -Gaea married

Uranus. -Uranus took the children away from Gaea at irth. -Kronos married Rhea. -Kronos hel!ed Gaea !unish Uranus for what he did to the children at irth. -Kronos "utilated Uranus. -#he e$innin$ of the world. -%on&t marry your si lin$s. -'our mother will !rotect you. -%on&t e afraid of your father. Pandora -Prometheus -(eus -He!haestus -)thena -Hermes -Pandora -*!imethius -(eus wanted He!haestus to create him a eautiful women. -+hen Pandora o!ened the o, when she told not to and sickness-illness&s were released. -.n worse situations/ humans ha0e ho!e. -1e0er o!en a $ift o, you&re not su!!osed to. "idas -"idas -)!ollo -)!ollo&s dau$hter -)!ollo&s $randchildren. -Gold Hair. -%on&t let )!ollo $rant you wishes. -%on&t e mischie0ous. -%on&t disa!!oint your dau$hter. -)!ollo $ranted "idas 2 wish/for all roses to turn $old which made his dau$hter mad and midas was not a le to swallow food or water. Prometheus -Prometheus -(eus -Poseidon -Hades -Humane -3reation of humans-animals. -Ga0e man fire. -Ga0e man or$ans and emotions.

-Punishment is fear. -"an was made to fit the ima$e of $ods. -.f humans are afraid they can e controlled. -"ountains and e0olution of humans. )!!le 4f %iscord. -)!hrodite-5enus ("ost eautiful/ $oddess of lo0e/shallow) -(e!hyrus ($entle south wind) -(eus -He!haesteus (God of for$in$/( lacksmith)/(eus&s son) -)thene (Goddess of wisdom) -)te ($oddess of discord) -#hetis (Sea nym!h) -Hera (6ueen of hea0en/7ealous) -Golden a!!le $oes to the fairest if them all. 8 $oddess&s !romise9 )thene9+isdom/$lory. Hera9+ealth/Power. )!hrodite9 !romised Paris a wife as eautiful as she. Paris should ha0e chosen athenes offer. 1atural Phenomenon9 South wind/#ro:an war. %emeter -3eres -(eus -Perse!hone -%emeter -Poseidon -7ustice -Hades -%on&t take %emeter&s children. -%on&t turn little oys into li;ards. -%on&t eat !ome$ranates. -%emeter made summer/fall/s!rin$ and winter how they are today. -(eus $ranted %emeter 8 children. %emeter turned a little oy into a li;ard. )rtemis < 4rion -)rtemis -4rion -%iana -)!ollo -Sirius -Poseidon -1ym!hs -)!ollo didn&t want )rtemis to li0e as a maiden with 4rion so )!ollo tricked )rtemis into killin$ the lo0e of her life. -lo0e at first si$ht -4rion&s ody !laced amon$ the stars. -friendshi!-in lo0e.

1arcissus < *cho -*cho -1arcissus -Hera -(eus -)!hrodite -*ros -=o0e at first si$ht -%on&t think you&ll ne0er find lo0e -.f you lo0e someone e there for them -Fake lo0e -insecure !eo!le -!eo!le who are cocky(think they are etter lookin$ then others) Phaeton < #he fiery steeds -)!ollo -Phaeton -(eus -3yncus -3lymene -Poseidon -Hera -(odiac -%eserts -Swans -listen to your father -dont ully -o ey or else -3yncus was turned into a swan to find his friends ashes. -Palace was su!!orted y $olden !illars. -8 dau$hters and a son.

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